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1Juuryudame(WIP) Empty Juuryudame(WIP) Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:33 am



Juuryudame(WIP) Ninja_symbol_by_Lady__darkness

Kekkei Genkai:Gravity Release {重力術, Jūryoton}


Specialization:Taijutsu, Ninjutsu


Clan History:

Kekkei Genkai Description: The user is able to manipulate the powers of the Gravity, allowing him to use them as his own weapons. He can lift things using his mind and he can also levitate on his own. The Rank of this jutsu is D-Rank at the Start. The Requiered number of words for the training is :
  • D->C: 1000 Words
  • C->B: 2000 Words
  • B->A: 3000 Words
  • A->S: 4000 Words
  • S->SS: 5000 Words

Drawbacks:The user can be easly defeated by Genjutsu. Also, the members of this family have a weakness when fighting against Raiton Techniques.

Members:None for now

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

2Juuryudame(WIP) Empty Re: Juuryudame(WIP) Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:56 am


Restricted and Banned list wrote:Time and Space manipulation techniques

Gravity manipulation is a form of spacial manipulation.

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