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1Sima clan Empty Sima clan Thu May 23, 2013 4:25 pm



Sima clan 48px-%E5%8F%B8%E9%A6%AC%E5%A7%93_-_%E6%A5%B7%E4%BD%93.svg
Clan: Sima (Ssu-ma)

Kekkei Genkai: Memorigan “Memory’s Eye”

Elements: --

Specialization: --

Location: Scattered within four of the five great nations; Sima have no presence in Konoha.

Clan History: In its earliest days, the Sima clan was a humble albeit reputable clan well known for their Dōjutsu, the Memorigan. The moment villages were being organized by more than one clan’s collaboration within a region, many of the founders of these villages came to the Sima with the intention of having them on their side since the likes of Konohagakure already had two clans with very powerful Dōjutsu. The House Head had a plan regarding each power’s desire to have the Sima clan in their ninja village; the clans decided on dividing its members into every village and eventually, when the time is right, supplant the current powers all at once with the exception of Konoha, which would require an invasion.

The goal itself was far-fetched, but in the meantime the Sima clan would act as the dutiful servants of each village, without ever exploiting the fact that they had family in sister villages. Fortunately for the Sima, this was easier to cover up than it normally would have been for a progressive, prominent family. As more generations came along, nothing but good fortune and a good word came the clan’s way. They positioned themselves carefully and with foresight, always remembering their clan’s ultimate rise to power and putting family before village.

The few Sima who were well aware of their grand scheme, but didn’t support it were either branded a traitor of his country and shamed/exiled for the rest of his/her days or inescapably assassinated by the clan itself or their unknowing lackeys, typically the village officials that they had their fingers wrapped around.

When Sima clansmen come of age (20) they are given a style name. Due to the clan’s private nature, they marry exclusively within their family so that no outsider can ever chance upon hearing of their plans or be aware of their undying ambitions. They also do this with fear of their clan losing its greatest advantage, the Memorigan. As a failsafe, the Sima clansmen are taught at an early age to "automate" the Memorigan to erase all memory of itself, should it ever be taken by someone from outside the clan.

The Sima clan meets once every year in a random location commonly located in one of the smaller, lesser known nations and in anonymity. It’s at this time that they reunite as a family and convene to discuss current events and affairs regarding their clan’s ongoing ambitions. At the forefront of these meetings are the Heads-of-House who lead one of each subdivision of the Sima clan. There are four in total.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Sima’s visual jutsu, when eye contact is made, has the power to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view the memories of someone. The effects vary and must be “awakened” through the practiced application of the technique.


Drawbacks: Memorigan can only be used once per thread. It can be used a maximum of three times against a given target. However, once the Sima reaches S-rank, he/she is able to use it three more times on the same target since the power of his/her Memorigan will have dramatically increased by that point in time. It costs twenty chakra to use Hyōji Memori, thirty chakra to use Shinrei Hensō, forty chakra to use Shinrei Hensō and fifty chakra to use Memori Ishoku. The Memorigan has no effect against another clansman’s Memorigan, since every Sima has adapted greatly to its effects overtime. It can be detected as chakra secreted from the Sima’s eyes to other visual jutsu users with the ability to see chakra. A Sima that matches the level of the jutsu in question can reverse the effects the Memorigan has on the target, in other words, should Sima A use Memori Ishoku to fabricate the target’s memory, Sima B can use his Memorigan to reverse the effect, nullifying it completely so long as he is the appropriate rank.

Members: Sima Lin (Heir of the Sima clan, based in Iwagakure no Sato)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu


Last edited by Yatagarasu on Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:28 pm; edited 10 times in total

2Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Fri May 24, 2013 12:22 pm



Yatagarasu wrote:Drawbacks: Memorigan can only be used once per thread. It can be used a maximum of three times against a given target. However, once the Sima reaches S-rank, he/she is able to use it three more times on the same target since the power of his/her Memorigan will have dramatically increased by that point in time.

You speak of being only to use it once per thread, but then you speak about being able to use it up to three times on the same target. Are you trying to say that it can only be ACTIVATED once per thread and can then be used on the SAME target for 3 posts +?

3Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Fri May 24, 2013 1:00 pm



I say once per thread on every jutsu because the Memorigan can only be used on a single target one time in a given thread. However, in another thread, I'd be able to use it a second time on the same person and a third time on that person in a succeeding thread, but then, if I were to ever encounter him/her in a fourth thread, I'd be unable to use it on them specifically because I've used it three times already (against said person). If/when my character reaches S-rank, then the Memorigan would more or less "evolve" and I'd be able to use it three more times against that person -- after that however, it would never work on that person again.

4Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Fri May 24, 2013 1:04 pm



So you can only use it ONCE per thread, but can only use it on the same target for up to 3 times, then at S rank 4 times?

5Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Fri May 24, 2013 1:11 pm



Yes, you have the right idea. I use it once per thread, only once, a single Doujutsu, however, I can use it on the same person a maximum of three times. Three more times at S-rank (though I can make it one more time on the same person, instead of three if that's too overpowered)

6Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Fri May 24, 2013 6:50 pm




7Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Sat May 25, 2013 3:34 pm




8Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Sun May 26, 2013 1:20 pm




9Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Tue May 28, 2013 10:04 pm




10Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:14 pm



Since this is a Dojutsu clan, it will need the approval of at least two admins.

11Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:59 pm




12Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:38 pm




13Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:10 am



Sweet mother of no. Absolutely not. This doujutsu isn't just standing on the line between metagame and godmode, it's dancing over it. A doujutsu that does any of this modification, fabrication, or suppression nonsense will not be approved. So, this doujutsu is Denied.

14Sima clan Empty Re: Sima clan Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:26 pm



Fair enough, I've found an alternative.

Would you kindly delete this clan application? I'd rather save the idea for elsewhere.

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