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1Attempting to improve [Aya] Empty Attempting to improve [Aya] Wed May 01, 2013 9:16 pm

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

It was a bright and sunny day when takumi got his mission to carry a important scroll to the village hidden in the mist. Takumi left at exacally noon and set of for the village. It had been close to 5 hours since he left and he was getting tired so he decided to rest and collect his thoughts so he bent sat by a crystal clear stream and listened to the water run by him. He bent over and took a drink from the stream the clear water ran down his throat giving taku great relief. Once he was done he sat back and relaxed against the old oak tree the tree swayed in the breeze and was giving off a pleasant aroma that made taku inhale with great foce. He looked at the large tree and marveled at it's greatness saying "I hope one day i can make trees as big as you". After about an hour he stood up and dusted is pants off making sure to look nice and clean for the ninja he was to deliver the scroll too. He collected his backpack and set back out for the village.

It was late in the evening when takumi finally arrived at the village hidden in the mist. He was meet by two Kiri guards who were reluctant to let him in but once he showed them his paper work they decided to allow him access into the village. They escorted him to the ninja he suppost to give the scroll too. He slowly walked up to the ninja and bowed saying "Sorry to disturb you i am Takumi Senju i was sent to deliver this scroll to you". Taku stood for a moment and handed them the scroll. The person looked at the scroll and said "Do you mind staying the night i think that one of our jounin should meet with you. Taku nodded then he bowed and left the building.

Takumi was tired and it was getting dark so he decided to spent the night in a inn this inn was not a luxury hotel by any means but it had a bed, bathroom and small living area so taku could make do for one night he laid in the soft silk lain bed for a while wondering about his home how was everybody doing, was the village safe, How were his friends taku shook his head and decided to go to sleep. When he awoke the next mourning He got dressed in his Special Jounin jacket and his black leather pants He strapped his sandals on his feet and combed his jet black hair into it's regular messed up look. He then walked to his bathroom and washed his pale white face before going back to the room. he gathered his things and began to set out to the spot where he was told to go. The first thing he noticed was that the area was a little cold. Since taku wears nothing on his chest but his Special Jounin jacket he would get cold eventually. But for now he was alright he looked around for any signs of a person coming toward him taku had good instincts but by what they said this person was a jounin so taku needed to have his guard up. Those people can be very sneaky when they wish to be.

2Attempting to improve [Aya] Empty Re: Attempting to improve [Aya] Thu May 02, 2013 7:43 pm


Aya had been helping things get done around the village, the mist of the city hung solemnly as always hiding the true face of the sun from the world. Dressed in her usual attire of her black long leather coat, falling to tatters from just above her knees. Her jounin jacket hoisted under it while her black steel mask hung off her hip, Solstice had caught wind that there was someone from across the sea in Kiri, which posed an opportunity.

Solstice leaped across the rooftops to reach the front gate, it was not hard to pick out the visage of the foreign ninja. Jumping skyward, she entered a free fall spin, falling multiple stories before hitting the ground and landing before the man. Standing up tall, she turned to look at the man behind her. Her crystalline blue hair almost glittering, resonating with her flaring, firey blue eyes. You there, you're from Iwa right? I hear that Iwa ninja are pretty strong... so before you leave, would you honour me with a one on one spar?

Solstice tightened her golden steel gloves, there was something sheathed on her back, which looked like a sword, or some sort of fan. But in truth it was her fuuma shuriken. Solstice assumed the man was of Jounin rank, though special jounin would not have surprised her. She didn't think her challenge would be denied, it was a rare opportunity to fight and learn from someone from another village.

Its not something you often get the chance to do in this world, day, or age. Train with someone from another country, with tensions so high and tempers so thin. Solstice smiled. So, what do you say? She stood expectingly, her eyes locked on him, every motion of his body would be observed and noted.

3Attempting to improve [Aya] Empty Re: Attempting to improve [Aya] Thu May 02, 2013 8:00 pm

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi did not have to wait long before a female fell in front of him he knew right away that she was the jounin that he was looking for. Taku put his right hand through his flowing jet black hair and and smiled revealing his glimmering snow white teeth. Takumi look the lady over with his light milky brown eyes before saying "To answer your question yes i am the iwagakure ninja. And question number two i would love to have a spar with you ". takumi had not had a decent spar in a while he needed to freshen up on his moves a bit so he nodded and waited for his opponent to show him where they would be fighting.

While taku waited he began to think of a strategy for her he was not going to underestimate her for to be jounin takes a lot of skill and talent. Takumi ran multiple simulations in his head trying to think of ways to counter any offensive she might mount against him. The only thing is he does not know what she can do or who she really is so he could not properly make a plan to counter act her moves without knowing what those moves were. But that went both ways Taku has not said his name either so with that in mind they were on fair ground neither knowing the others true strength.

Taku began to make the simulations coincide with each other making altercations to one plan and completely ditching another he ran each one 3 times to make sure he knew them because one slip up could cost him dearly. Finally taku thought he was as ready as he was going to be. So he finally smiled and said with a competitive smile "I am ready when you are".

4Attempting to improve [Aya] Empty Re: Attempting to improve [Aya] Thu May 02, 2013 9:22 pm


Solstice reached behind her, taking hold of the fuuma shuriken, but, she closed her eyes. Channeling her own unbalanced hyoton chakra through her body, the power of the Demon Ice Corruption flowing through her veins as the chakra flow technique caused her body to begin to steam, he was ready, but was he really. Her chakra flow technique flowed through the weapon in her hands giving it a blue resonating glow as the steam continued to rise from both her and her weapon. He may pick up very quickly that she was a chakra flow user, due to chakra flow being one of the only abilities which could be channelled through one's own body as well as their weapons.

Solstice with her other hand gripped the mask at her waist. Moving it up and placing it on her face. The black steel mask was almost frightening to behold. The bone white sigil over one eye coupled with her flaring bright blue eyes could stare murderous daggers into the heart and soul of everyone within their gaze. I'm ready... She said with a slightly malicious chuckle, excitement and adrenaline pumping through her veins, invigorating her senses and pushing her onward.

The first explosion of movement would be staggering. Unsheathing the Fuuma Shuriken from her back she hurled it at neck height with uncanny speed. Trenching her feet into the ground she took off like a bullet after it. The shuriken was wide, and aimed high, ducking would be the logical move for her opponent. And down is precisely where Solstice would be, crouching low and stepping in she would turn side on. Lowering what normal martial arts would determine as a strike intended for an open palm, she would thrust her fist forward and bending her knees, centring her strength. Thus was what was visually apparent. Though then came what was less so...

Ice was flowing through both Solstice's body, and flowing through her weapon. As the weapon reached the other side of her opponent, she would be there, a pulse was building up in her fist, frost like mist plumeing outward and raising to the sky. Should the fist impact there would be a small detonation of ice, freezing everything in a small area around it.

275 chakra remaining:

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