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1Nursing Babies [Mission; Closed] Empty Nursing Babies [Mission; Closed] Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:24 am

Nick Saturn

Nick Saturn

Ah yes, the early morning sun shining through the window of Mukoro as he rubbed his eyes. It was so early, but he knew he had to get up before his grandmother would wake up. Because he knew, he knew if she woke up before him she would throw a bucket of ice cold water over his face and force him to wake up. And nobody wants that to happen, especially a few weeks ago, when he got the flu from that. So he stood up, looking around him with big eyes as he yawned a little. He would put on some simple clothing as he rubbed his eyes, pulling that sand out of the corner of his eye. Mukoro felt a slight bit of need to work today; earning some ryo would be fantastic. It would mean that he could eat and drink once in a while. Something that was rare in his household, since he gets beat up for freeloading off his grandmother’s food and drinks.

He wondered what kind of missions there were today. It would be his first one. Sunagakure was so deserted, he didn’t have a squad. It was not like he didn’t want any, it was more like there literally was no-one. Which was somewhat depressing, but something Mukoro has learned to deal with. After combing his hair he would head out to the main building of Sunagakure, looking around with his curious eyes trying to find a good mission to do. There were some about pets and whatnot, but he didn’t like those. Mukoro was the type of person who rather wanted to be around a hospital and help around there. So he picked the one that was most obvious to him, nursing babies. He knew that the Sunagakure hospital was somewhat under-staffed. Thus decided to help out.


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