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1Camping near waters [Open, No Kill] Empty Camping near waters [Open, No Kill] Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:31 pm



Saiyuki took was heading roward Gisei Lake for several hours now. She was so pumped up of the thought of seeing the beautiful saterfalls al collide together in one lake. Saiyuki was ready do stay a night near the water. Hoping for a relaxing and nice weekend. She worked hard in the week and now it was time for some meditating.

Saiyuki arrived at her destination and looked around in awe. The waterfalls were reflecting the beautiful moon. The grass were shining with waterdrops of the splashing liquid. The little sparks of the insects flying around gave it a touch of something magical. When you looked up you could see a full moon shining bright and in all its glory. Some fish jumped above water. This was even more beautiful in the reality then in Sai her mind. A few rose paddles flew around her as the little breeze stopped the paddles would fall on the ground. They quickly got back floating above the water when another breeze came. The soft wind made a few of Saiyuki her hairstrings fly around. Saiyuki would grab a hand full of grass strings and threw it in the air waiting for them to get lifted higher cause of the wind that was around. The strings flew incthe water and attracted some of the swimming fish. Some even tried to eat some of it. That just made Saiyuki smile. This whole place looked like something that could never exist in real life. It looked like a fantasy place full of unrealistic things. It all looked like a piece of art.

The water reflected her face when she looked in the water. Rumor has it that this lake was made by one shinobi. He even brought the water in the lake. Sai sat on the border of the water. Meditading and praying for the shinobi who built this, thanking him for this beautiful sight and magical moment. In the middle of the meditating the white haired girl could feel a slight touch on her shoulder. She shocked and fell in the water. Lucky for Sai she still had other clothes with her in her backpack she took along.

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