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1Cheater? (D-Rank mission/complete) Empty Cheater? (D-Rank mission/complete) Thu May 30, 2013 10:12 pm

Dākuchairudo Jishin


Her present mission left a sour taste in her mouth, as one who shunned relationship so harshly, it seemed exceptionally terrible for one member of a relationship to commit an act of adultery; it was unthinkable. Perched upon the roof of a building adjacent to the man's workplace. Roughly Seven o'clock in the afternoon, a thin veil of darkness concealed her as she watched the man leave the building, hands ducked into his pocket and humming a tune she had never heard before. Her predatory gaze followed as he took a quick left, moving down a back alley, keeping up with him she silently hopped from one building to another taking in his features as she did so. He was not attractive, nor was he unattractive, someone who could easily be lost in a crowd. Average height, average build, cropped black hair, clothes of a common man. It didn't seem to her that he would be the type to cheat, though her thoughts were rather silly as they based his likelyhood in cheating simply on his appearance, still she couldn't help but wonder what else he could be doing that would lead his wife to believe that he was cheating.

Minutes passed as the man traversed the mainly empty backstreets of Kumogakure, leading her through a maze of sorts. Soon the man slowed, staring at a beggar with guitar clutched in his gloved hands singing a tune that went something like this: "No, no, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you Got blood in my eyes for you baby, don't care what in the world you do.", the bum ended his song looking at the supposed cheater who handed him a fairly copious amount of Ryo. Confused by the spectacle she squinted to make sure of what she had just seen, the supposed cheater had just given a bum 200 or so Ryo. Then even more puzzling he sat beside the bum, wrapping an arm around him and embracing him in a hug before sobbing a bit, exclaiming that he was sorry about some past wrong he had done to the man. Further puzzled she hopped to a closer building listening to their conversation, the bum had replied saying that everything was alright, and that he was fine, the supposed cheater at this point was sobbing uncontrollably, burying his head into the bum's shoulder. The bum patted the back of the man's head reassuring him that he was fine, and that in fact since whatever had happened to him his life had become infinitely better.

Hours seemed to pass as the two sat in the cold snow conversing with each other, she learned that the bum's name was Ukiere, and the supposed cheater's name was Kokai. Otherwise she didn't learn much, they spoke of things in their past which without context made little sense to her, obviously they were friends or something of that sort long ago. Everything else was left to speculation.

Around midnight Kokai left, red faced from the cold and his tears he returned to his home and to his wife. It was obvious that he wasn't cheating on the woman, but something else seemed to be going on between the two men. She would simply have to address the woman when she had the chance, but for the time being there was little to do other than make her way home and catch up on her sleep. The next morning came earlier than expected, immediately she made her way to a meeting point with the woman who assumed her husband to be cheating on her. Quickly she engaged the woman telling her of what she had seen the night before, "He appears to be hanging around a drifter by the name of Ukiere. They spent most of the night reminiscing of days passed, I'm not sure of any further connection." the woman pursed her lips thinking of what her husband was doing, aware of who this Ukiere fellow was. Jishin held a quizical look upon her face, hoping the woman would shed some light on what she had seen, to which she promptly did, "They're brothers, Kokai ruined him financially long ago. I suppose they've reconciled, I'll have to speak with him about having his brother in our home. The only decent thing we can do. Thank you for your services." she then handed over purse of Ryo, she didn't seem to startled by the revelation leading Jishin to wonder if she had thought such a thing was the case before hiring her.

Nodding Jishin made her way from the meeting point, another day another dollar.


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