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1Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Another Day (Open/No Kill) Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:17 am



Ten was taking a nap within the forest he had grown to love. It surely wasn't like the one in Kiri, but it will have to do. He was starting to feel homesick. The rain, the mist that was always around. The village almost called back to him, making him a little depressed inside. He gently woke up with stretch and looked at his puppet that he gotten from Sero. It weird that Sero bought him something so expensive. Ten was surprised that someone in the village actually noticed him. Sure he was around most of the time and even did things here and there, but nothing to gain the attention of everyone.

He shook the idea away. Taking Toki out of his wrap he started to play with him, not with his chakra, but looking inside him trying to figure out how he worked. He was interested on puppets and noticed that he could relate it to medical ninjustu. He had many thoughts on how to use the puppet as a better tool, he even thought about buying in armor. He was getting really deep into thought. For some reason, this puppet amused him so much. Maybe due to the sounds it makes, that remind Ten of rain and of home.

This brought the thought on home back on his side making him take a long sigh out of his mouth. "I wonder if we can get our home back to where it was. We took a hard beating, but then again we are Kiri nin. We will find a way to do it" He talk to Toki with his musical voice.

2Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:41 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

" How are you liking the village? " A voice from Ten's side projects. An friend from the academy, Bonreu, approaches. " Are you ready to head back home? " As Bonreu falls backwards onto the grass and spreads his arms out to relax. "New toy you have there?" With a gesture towards the puppet.

3Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:20 am



Ten smiled at Bonreu as he walked up to him. Bonreu and him were often seen together at the academy, hanging out and the sorts. So the bond between the two were closer than most other people Ten had with people. Watching him fall back into the grass made Ten laugh inside. He forgets how much relaxing that they get to do as of right now. Hopefully that would all change though.

Ten thought about the questions asked to him, "Konoha? It is weird and I feel really out of place. Everyone seems to know each other almost. Its like moving into a different part of town being the new kid. I don't like it, but they had the greatest hospitality one could ask for here." He looked back up the sun and frowned at it. "I am beyond ready to go back home. I miss the mist and the rain. This town seems so busy and bustling, it's kinda getting on my nerves. Everyone seems to stare at me also, I am used to people looking at me, but..." He just knew that people here may have been judgmental of the Kiri people.

He looked back at Toki, "Ya Sero bought it for me. Something about not being useless, but training it with him was really painful. Something I would not like to live through again. Alas it was worth it, I really do like this puppet." He opens up the mouth and closes it, playing with the face. "How about you Bonreu, do you like this town? Are you ready to go back home? Have you been treated nicely?"

4Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:53 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Picking a small rock out of the grass Bonreu back handedly tosses it as Tenshinsa starts to finish talking, in an attempt to get into the puppet's mouth, only for it to miss and near Tenshinsa's face. "I know what you mean by being out of place. Just because I'm an Uzumaki a lot of people think they know what kind of person i am, even when they get some of it right it really erks me" Pausing to sigh, then nod he continues with "But yes i would have to agree, their hospitality does them creddit. With out them I don't know what we would have done, but Sero probably would have come up with something. "

Replaying the conversation in his head again to make sure he didn't miss anything, he starts to laugh when he comes up with "Don't worry, you'll always be useless to me Ten." Busting out laughing at his own comment he gets out "I'm just joking, between you and me I think we could take a Chunin out if we tried, maybe even a special joniun if they were inexperienced. Calming down during his sentence he finishes it with a flex of his arms to show off his miniscule muscles.

5Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Mon Jan 07, 2013 2:37 am



Ten smiled at the sky that Bonreu and him shared. Moments like this is what he really liked nowadays. To much has happened and everyone seemed to be a little different. Maybe it will go back to the way it was when they all had a home. He nodded as Bonreu mentioned how people think how he is due to his name. He knew that other villagers within must think of Kiri in a specific way.

"I do agree with you, Sero would have come up with something. If not the Mizukage."

He laughed with Bonreu as he said that he was useless Ten. His face still smiling as he thought about being take out a Chunnin. It was possible, and same with the special Joniun. He laughed even harder as Bonreu flexed. "Oh I am quaking in my boots to the fearful Bonreu. His taijustu will destroy us all." He said mockingly.

"What do you think happened of home?" Ten says after laughing putting on a more serious face. "Nothing to bad could have happened and homes can be rebuild..." He starts to stair off into the forest, "I guess we shouldn't worry about such things and let our superiors worry about those things." Quickly digging in one of his pocket he pulls out some bread he had left over from this morning. Breaking it in half he offers one half to Bonreu. "At least they have some good ramen here."

6Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:22 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

With a bone dead dry laugh and enough sarcasm to drown a horse Bonreu replies "Ha ha, very funny, yep gotta love ramen." And glares at Ten for a moment to make sure he knows how he feels about ramen.

Sighing Bonreu starts playing with the grass as he starts to remember home. "home is probably still as misty as ever, just very lonely right now.But speaking of Sero, the rate he is getting things done, he will be sanin, and possibly future kage if things keep up." Cringing at the thought of Sero being in charge of every one. "That could be scary."

7Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:44 pm

Fang Uzumaki

Fang Uzumaki

Fang had just finished his daily training and decided to take a walk in the near-by forest as he was walking he heard talking it sounded as if two people were having a conversation. He decided to walk up and introduce himself when he walked out he said. "Hello sorry if i am disturbing you. I heard you guys talking and thought i would say hello. I am Fang Uzumaki". Fang stood waiting on a response from the other two ninja.

8Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:35 pm



Looking at the new comer into their conversation made Ten cock his head a little bit. It was different that someone would just come up and start talking, but was a good sign of friendliness. Nodding he bows slightly to the knew member of their conversation. "Greetings Fang, my name is Tenshinsa Zetsumei. Of course not, you are not disturbing us at all. It is a pleasure to meet new people." He slightly looks to Bonreu, it was one of his cousins after all.

9Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:26 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

(OC: forgot about this thread, want to continue it)

Noticing the new ninja's scar reminds him that many ninja have scares, some like the Kiri ninja have theirs on the inside, and others like this Fang has them on the outside. What a sad world we live in now. "Hello Fang, I am Bonreu, a distant relative of yours it would seem" Turning his shoulder to show Fang the Uzumaki clan symbole on his sleeve near the shoulder for confirmation of his claim. Righting himself again, he waves to the ground as he speaks with a smile "Have a seat and speak freely, our villages are friends so we might as well be too."

10Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Sun May 19, 2013 5:50 pm

Saori Nekito

Saori Nekito

As Saori jumped throughout the trees he noticed voices and stopped on a branch, he looked for a way back to the village, but desided to stay he started to take a nap on the branch he landed on.

11Another Day (Open/No Kill) Empty Re: Another Day (Open/No Kill) Thu May 23, 2013 4:33 am



Since Hideo had a bad day he went to relax in the forest with his ninken Seiza. Seiza was happy that Hideo took her with him. She was running back and forth to mark her territory.

Suddenly the Inuzuka sensed four other creatures, most likely to be human. One he already knew and three others he had never met before. The one he knew was from the same squad as Hideo, his name was Saori. Hideo also noticed that among the three others there were two not from this village. He couldn't sense from where.

He called Seiza to stay close and on her guard, who knows what might happen. Hideo jumped from tree to tree to get closer, together with his ninken. When he had better sight of the four people, he saw that none of them had bad intentions. So he jumped off the tree to land close to the group. "Good day, fellow shinobi" Hideo said in a polite manner.

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