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1Moment of Peace (private) 'training'  Empty Moment of Peace (private) 'training' Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:48 am




"I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do. There's no stopping it now"

"No, please! Don't go. Don't leave me here!!"
It was still very dark when Tenmei opened her eyes.
She could make out the shadows of the furniture and the embers from last night’s fire; the faint glow coming from the faded yellow curtains and the dark mass that could have been her blankets.
But none of these things were what she was looking for.

That familiar smile.  Those kind eyes.

It was just a dream

It didn’t take her long to be sick of lying there and watching the light under the door get brighter.
Tenmei, slowly heaved her aching body up and made her way around the room, lighting the candles and picking up the left over dishes.  As soon as she had the kettle set to boil, the drowzy female shuffled off to the bathroom

She didn’t need to look at her reflection, to know that she was a mess.


Half an hour didn’t seem like long enough, but it was enough to make her feel like she was relatively human again.
The dark marks that encircled her eyes were barely noticeable now, and her skin had gone back to the light tan it was usually.
With her hair pulled back so it was mostly off her face and wearing a comfortable sleeveless shirt and trousers, Tenmei was ready for today.....

Well almost.

It was her father that first introduced her ‘morning ritual’.
She would take a pot of tea, an old blanket and a small piece of paper out on to the balcony every morning, just as the sun had started to pick through the thick mist and warm the land.
She would perch herself up on the woolen blankets and set the tea and cup beside her to cool. Then, after she had folded the paper in to something like a crane or a flower (which was her choice this morning); she would rest it in her hands and close her eyes, allowing the stillness of the early morning to wash over her.

In this state of calm, she would sit for hours, cooling her soul and enjoying her little moment of peace.


((I'm training Fuuton level C-->S  Word Count: 378/9000))

Last edited by Tenmei on Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:11 pm; edited 2 times in total


Solstice moved from building top to building top, almost as if she were on the wind, the 24 year old ninja female almost scantily clad with her long crystal blue hair which would almost be glimmering back against the sunlight, were there any to penetrate the canopy of the mist and fog which forever hung around the city scape. Standing atop one of her vantage points she looked over the City, this was her home, her place to guard. From up here she probably seemed like ANBU corps, her black mask with the pentagram over one eye, while her black coat, clipped up by her chest flowed backwards revealing her marble white physique. Her blade on her back with her golden gloves wrapped tightly around her wrists. She watched out for danger.

Solstice knew most of the faces in the Aisu area of town, but was surprised to see one she didn't, sitting out on the verandah. The house belonged to Satoshi, who was an old friend of the Aisu clan, and was well known amongst the community for his kindness and hospitality. A dark curiosity and suspiciousness overcame solstice for but a moment as she began to move closer, the jounin sleuthing through the mist to attempt to reach her location without being seen. It took her a couple of minutes of darting down to the street and jumping back up and off obstacles for her to reach her destination, but once she got there she had a slight change of heart.

She girl didn't seem to be a spy of any kind as she looked down at her, lying prone on the roof barely visible should the girl turn around, the black steel mask not so much as glimmering under what little light was in the area. Solstice inspected her, watched and waited for what seemed like half an hour before she decided that the girl was of no real risk, standing up, she spoke in a low, strong effeminate voice.

So, you know Satoshi...?

She spoke and watched her from behind the mask, hiding her identity somewhat, She looked at the girl, her eyes and her features softening as she folded her arms, and tilted her head slightly to the side.

Where is he? And who are you?

She accused only a little, though not really meaning much behind it.



It was so simply.....perfect.

The way the sun's rays reached down to brush up against her warmed skin, intermingling with the chakra that coursed through her system.
With the air so still, the outside so peaceful; even the musky aroma of a future rain, set the young brunette at ease.
It was not often that she could feel this whole after a night that made her feel so torn apart.

Tracing her fingers over the paper, Tenmei risked breaking her trance to look down to see if the lily was still white and crisp as it should be.
She had been so careful and controlled, it only made sense that there would be no yellowing this time like be.....

'So you know Satoshi?'

That was it.

There was no flames, no explosion. The paper in her hand simply collapsed down on to itself before crumbling in to ash.
All Tenmei could do was watch helplessly as the ash blew away with the soft breeze and allow her hands to drop in to her lap.
There was no point making another now. It was getting too late....and she would be the first of many interruptions.

An interruption, the female took her time to address.

"Yeah. I know him. I was his sales assistant for part of the time he had been traveling"
Tenmei replied calmly, noting the bite behind her words.
   "He hurt his back shortly after returning and has gone to live with the rest of the family. Mr Satoshi has given me permission to stay here for as long as I would like to"

Deciding not to answer the other question, the female reached down to grab her cup which had long since gone cold.
Still, she brought it up to her lips and took a sip before holding it down in front of her, now with steam freely spilling from the top.

Tenmei was in a good mood.
With the substance of her soul in hand, she refused to let anyone break down what she had built herself up to that morning.


Solstice listened to her story and relaxed, she didn't think that the girl before her would be some form of spy and assassin, any assassin would have been showing their nerves by now with the Demon ice Witch of Kiri breathing down their necks and asking questions with a firm tone. Solstice rose her arm sliding her fingers into the eye holes of her plain featureless mask and pulling it from her face to reveal soft features before clipping it back down on her belt.

"Sorry about the rude introduction tensions are running a little high with the Kage gone.... My name's Solstice, Solstice Aisu. I'm one of the heads in this Area, do you mind if i come in?"

She said with a smile on her face, closing her eyes and trying to be a little more cheerful as it seemed she had interrupted the girl's morning ritual in some way shape or form. Which was not her intention Solstice looked down to the balcony the girl was sitting on, insinuating with a slight irony as she was already standing on her roof. The cup of tea in her hands looked nice, though Solstice's skin was rather susceptible to heat.

I couldn't help but notice you seem to be having a little issue with chakra control, at least, i would assume so, you know, my father and I used to do a lot of that when we were young, it was pretty hard. Perhaps I could show you a thing or two about it? To make up for interrupting you...

Solstice was trying to be nice, and make up for her rude entry, The cold weather seemed to do nothing to her cold skin even though the temperatures of the area around them were bordering negatives, small puddles were frozen through and frost covered what trees and plants were scattered around the area, even the fog was cold to the touch when the wind blew it through you. But the Aisu were used to far colder temperatures, many of them from Yuki who had moved down, what few survived.



This female in front of her was nothing like anyone Tenmei had met previously. Here she stood, smiling and speaking to her like they were instant friends when they had never met before.
Yet behind her kind demeanor Tenmei could sense some one strong and deathly powerful.
There was more to this.....Solstice than met the eye.

Still, the young brunette, after taking another sip of her drink, replaced the cup and slowly stood up, feeling every hour she had been sitting down for. But after a few moments of stretching her stiff limbs, Tenmei was able to walk to the door and hold it open for this strange female.

If she knew the old man who owned the house, then surely he wouldn't mind her letting in this stranger.

"The name's Tenmei. Tenmei Sotsuji. I was travelling around a fair bit before coming here. I home before here was a village up North. I forget the name. Please, come inside"

What she said was true, Tenmei had been traveling around for a long time before she had settled here.
The first village, the small stone hut. The place in the snow was supposed to be her final home. But of course, some things were just out of her control.
This was a fact she had to live with her whole life.

"Control. Yeah, you could say that. My own father taught me a thing or two but he uh...well he...left before he taught me everything."

Left was a relative word.
The scene where her father burst in to flames before her very eyes was what had been plaguing her for the last couple of months.
If that wasn't enough the scar on her right shoulder was another constant reminder.

"You know what. I wouldn't mind a few pointers"


Solstice smiled for a moment before nodding, she saw a look cross the eyes of the girl at the mention of her father, a look, a glimmer, a feel, it was an unspoken connection between people who had lost a parent, one solstice did not need to inquire to to understand what had happened. So, she left it, the Jounin's empathy for the girl rising every seven seconds it seemed.

Graciously, the girl now known as Tenmei allowed Solstice place in her house. and even accepted the offer to learn some of the finer points of chakra control. which was exhilarating. Solstice had not really had the opportunity to teach many people things outside of work, just because she felt like she wanted to, and to be able to do it without it resulting in a fight was another added bonus, Solstice nodded with words of thanks and leapt down from the roof to land on the balcony.

Walking past the girl, solstice brushed up close to Tenmei's skin. The warmth simply residually transferred to Solstice's coat, allowing her to feel as warm as though the sun were shining directly on her skin. Her body was like a heater, a mobile summer's day. Instinctually solstice's hand found her arm and her eyes looked quizzically between her arm, and Tenmei's "Holy crap you're hot!" Solstice almost shouted in surprise. Looking to her arm and rubbing it, the feeling was nice on her skin, as much as it was fleeting, the cold temperatures of her own skin negating the warmth.

"Now that i think about it, I've never heard of the Sotsuji clan before... I assume they're not from around here, but i feel that is probably something to do with you feeling like sunshine."

Solstice was confused, and also fascinated, she was often curious about other clan's Kekkei Genkai, it was one of the ways she had become the ninja many saw and respected today, simply acting lie a sponge when it came to information about other clans, and almost anything about the ninja world. Much of it didn't have any practical application at all, but knowing even just a little about everything was more than a handy skill to have. As much as it got her into trouble sometimes.



The moment she felt that smooth icy skin against brush lightly against her warmer arm, Tenmei could almost see the resulting events before they happened.
The sudden shout, startling her in tripping over and nearly knocking one of the taller plants to the ground. The quetions that brought her back to her short time of living in the snowy village...and the light fluctuation of heat around her finer tips.
This was always the reason why she kept her distance and didn't talk to strangers.

So why was this one different?

"Sunshine? People of my clan have been living in different places for a long time now. People have different tastes in where they are comfortable, you understand?
Guess we aren't very well known because of how scattered we are, and because there is not many members of us anymore. Not since the disaster up in the mountains'

That was something she must have heard of, surely.
Many years ago her clan had been living up on the mountain to escape the wars that ravaged the land further south.
It was because of the extreme temperatures, they had to adapt their bodies to stay warm, but things got out of hand.
More than half of the clan's population had suddenly died off, leaving mysterious scorch marks all over the land.

Tenmei had seen first hand how this happened.
The brunette could not possibly fathom how they managed to deal with it. Even now, she still dreamed of that night.

"You are right though. All the people in my blood line inherit the ability of inner heat. Where we are constantly warmed from the chakra inside ourselves"

Tenmei stood there a moment, her steel coloured eyes, lingering on this female, watching for the familiar expressions of fear and hatred. Emotions she knew so well.
But those glances were only there a moment as she turned to the small black teapot, now cold for being left out side for too long. With a slightly shaking hand, she placed it on the polished surface of the pot and waited a moment as it slowly started to spill steam from under the lid.

"Would you like a cup? I find there is nothing more soothing than a cup of tea on a day like today"


Solstice smiled softly and apologetically, she'd never been on the inside of this house before, looking around it it was well furnished and cosy, even though it was obviously not a house made for a large family, it was obviously set out for company, tables with many seats, and a kitchen which seemed modest yet capable. Solstice missed her mother's cooking, it was something that being the head of the clan began to cut into. Looking up at the girl meeting her steely eyes.

"Yes, Sorry it just caught me off guard was all. I'm used to this place being so cold, it was a nice feeling, just, an unexpected one. I'm not hurt or anything... She found herself fumbling for words before taking a deep breath at the offering of tea. "Tea would be lovely thank you. While you put that on I'll quickly go and grab something for this training, I'll only be a second." She said lightly before literally disappearing from physical sight. a gust of wind blowing as she had exited the house.

It would only take her ten seconds to appear home, and in her room, looking at her wall at the scroll of the chakra points in the human body. Taking it from the wall she be made a similar exit, never actually ending the technique she used to give her temporary incredible speed. Running out of her room she jumped from house to house at supersonic speeds before finally landing on the balcony again, the scroll in her hand, raising it up triumphantly with a smile on her face just under thirty seconds after she had left.

"Got what i was looking for, it may come in handy for out lesson after tea." Not a drop of sweat fell from solstice's face, and not a single heavy breath was given while using the body flicker technique. it was almost as if she had not even left the room, but at the same time she had hoped everything would be okay.

You know, now that I think about it, some of my clan from the north did mention a massive pillar of smoke, they had thought it was some sort of S.O.S but when they got there, there was nothing, just, burnt down houses, and scorch marks, but the strangest thing mentioned was the grass, there was green grass growing in the middle of the glacier, as if the area was tropic. She said in slight disbelief, she'd always considered the story an urban myth, but now, she wasn't so sure.



“Please, don’t apologise. It’s my fault”

Tenmei stepped back away from the slightly older female and knelt down near the pot plant she had nearly toppled over, spooning the cool soil back in to the ceramic pot with her slightly trembling hands.  As she was doing so though, Tenmei could not help but notice how Solstice looked around her cosy and modest abode.   It reminded her of what her expression must have been like when she stepped foot in to this place for the first time after a month of travelling around.   

Right from the front door by the veranda, traditional tatami mats covered the floor from wall to wall, ending at the entrance to the bathroom and craftily hidden back entrance.
At one end of the house there was a small table that was designed to seat two, but big enough to have a whole family there if need be. Pressed against the back wall close to it was; a long bench that had cupboards fitted underneath and a small sink located somewhere in the middle.  There was no pantry, no fridge. Everything was packed in to the cupboards and drawers. No space wasted.

The other half, in contrast was like a lounge room.
With an average sized fireplace built in to the wall, there was a small couch that divided the different parts of the house and another small table that sat beside it. In front of that though, there was a space kept clear of any obstacles as here was where she would roll out her futon at the end of the day.  Other than these main parts, there was a rickety old wardrobe for clothes and various plants that brightened up the lifeless corners. A painting of the ghostly plains of her home land hung on the wall in an unoccupied space, right opposite the bathroom which featured only a mirror that was big enough to view one face at a time, a large, deep tub, and a shower with various sweet smelling bottles hanging around it.

Tenmei’s home in the North was nice and cosy, but it was nothing compared to this.
This; which was one of the only things still holding her to this misty place.


As soon as Tenmei had put the last of the dirt back with the plant and brushed the rest to surround the base of the pot, she dusted off her hands and saw to making a new pot of tea.
So, with her nerves settling to the point of ‘slightly unsettled’ she placed the dusty clay pot on the stove and fished around for some of the old man’s special tea leaves in one of the darker cupboards.
By the time she had spooned the appropriate amount of loose bits of leaf in to the strainer, the water had been boiled to perfection and Solstice had returned.

She had barely been gone half a minute.

“No, I should apologise. I was so used to living alone with my father I forget how my heat can affect other people.  Since he had the same kekkei genkai as me, we could be physically close and not have any worries.  But if I am not concentrating and touch someone then I could…..”

Tenmei’s voice trailed off as she recalled that moment back in the small stone hut she had lived in for many years. The younger female had only endeavoured to explore the nearby village. An innocent ploy to see what was all the fuss about.
She had only just brushed up against the elderly lady and it left a large red welt on her arm. After that, people avoided her like the plague until her father dragged her away and locked her up in isolation for some time.
It was just one of the many reasons why her chakra control was important.

Tenmei would rather burn alive than have people look at her like that again.

“Your relatives would be right in saying that was an SOS. That was no ordinary fire that they saw”
Tenmei explained while carefully pouring the hot tea in to two small cups that had been sitting on the bench from before.  Her hands were much steadier now despite the deep ache that lingered and throbbed where her heart was.

“Anyway, what did you bring back with you?”


Solstice felt sorry for the girl, but yet with the scroll in her hands she moved back to the family table, taking a seat and being warm inside even though the temperatures outside were becoming progressively worse and worse. Winter was on the way, and Kiri's winters could become rather brutal. "Living on your own after family is gone is tough, I had to live with my mother after my father was killed, running the shop became hard, as well as learning my father's skills, temperature control is a very hard thing to learn, and it's really intense, and i think, if i'm not mistaken, that's why your skin is so warm.Solstice said with a smile as she placed the scroll onto the desk.


After her hearing her ask what she had in her hand, Solstice lay the small mat out, on which was inscribed an almost medical looking picture with intricate lines weaving through them like veins or nerves, each coloured differently leading back to several large centres over the body. A knowledgeable individual would recognise it as a chart of the bodies' eight dominant chakras. The two on the head and the many of the torso ending with the one between the user and their grounded point. The mat, also looking closely also pictured the smaller chakra points on the body where the veins split into multiple directions and ended, but such was not the point of this lesson.

"This is one of the scrolls my Father left behind, he was a master of the Aisu's Ice manipulation, but unlike most of our clan, he was unable to use the mirror technique and Ninjutsu skills like me. I just can't seem to do them, no matter how hard I try... so he developed body temperature control, It's all about lowering your temperature to drastically low temperatures, far colder than any living thing should be able to handle, so, the principles of control should be the same, even though you don't possess Hyouton chakra." She said with an amount of confidence.

She was sure the principles of the techniques would be parallel, and that this would be able to keep her under a lot more control. Pointing to the chart she pointed to the aura which encircled the person in the picture. Thats the Sahasrara, the crown chakra, no-one is able to awaken it, and it's only a theory, like the soul, so, we'll ignore that. moving two down she smiled and pointed. The Vishuddha, which is the base of the throat The Anahata, heart and the Manapura, solar plexus are the most important areas to focus on for chakra control, they control the blood, the breath, and all your chakra circulation.

She motioned to each of them as she spoke, looking up to her to see if she was paying attention, she understood it was more than likely that she would not be very apt when it came to wind or water techniques, but it was likely. By developing your wind and water strengths, those elements can be used to balance your Katon chakra, I could kind of teach you how, but i dont want to impose, it's kind of hard to explain. She giggled scratching the back of her head awaiting her tea.



"Temperature control? Yes, you could say that.
The story that my father told me was that: my ancestors lived up in the north to escape the wars in the south. But when the winter seasons came, they devised a means to heat them from the inside"

As Tenmei voiced the story that her father had drilled in to her many times over her childhood, the younger female carried both mugs over to the table where the chart had been unfurled and placed them down, well clear of the parchment, not wanting to get any of the steaming liquid on it.
It was clear that this scroll was important to both her and the lessons she was about to undertake.
Tenmei would hate it if she ruined it for them both.

"As time went on, the inner heat became natural and part of our genetics. And instead of focusing on maintaining it, we focus on bridling it so it didn't get out of control."

Out of control was an understatement of what happened.
Their own jutsu was the very thing that had wiped out the clan those years ago. Making chakra control imperative for all young children so they did not have to suffer the same fate.
This was also the very reason why she allowed this girl, a complete stranger in to her house and teach her things after only having met her once.

Her greatest fear was to end up like them.

It was vague, she knew, but Tenmei hoped that her explanation of her clan's history would help this other to understand her kekkei genkai a bit more and learn how it works for her.
After all, this was all natural to her, so describing how it worked to someone not of her clan was like describing breathing to a fish.
Nothing was ever easy. Not ever.

"I see. You know my father had always said that if you release the crown chakra center, you would have inevitably reached a higher plane of existence and ascend. But that is only a story"

Deciding that she had waited long enough for her drink to cool, Tenmei paused in her lengthy explanations and brought the clay cup to her lips. With a deep breath, she took in a mouthful of the steaming liquid savouring the nutty flavour with a slight hint of spice. A special blend which the old man and she had developed in their travel. A memory she cherished.
After another moment like this, she continued.

"Back when I was younger my father taught me about some chakra points and what was needed, though I didn't understand much of it at the time. I was too focused on other things.
He said about the throat and the center, but he also told of the third eye. The chakra center of awareness and conscious thought.
These three together was how I was supposed to master my control but he never.......never told me how"

He had died before he did many things.

"I already know of some Fuuton control....if that helps?"


Fuuton is a great start, wind is a chakra which is able to harness and control heat, for without air, fire starves, and without air, heat cannot be transferred. The sapphire blue haired woman allowed herself for a moment to call upon the ice within her, after having taken several sips from her cup of tea, she extended her finger to the cup, and with a slight touch, ice and frost began to creep over the surface of the drink as the liquid froze solid. the contents of the teal, although delicious, and she hoped that her host after would be more than happy to re warm her tea or brew her another pot. Solstice had an idea of how Tenmei would be able to harness her chakra.

Taking the ice cube from the glass, she was sure that this would be a great idea. Pursing the ice within three of her fingers and looking at Tenmei with a slightly devilish look, What i think you can do, is look deep into yourself, those three chakras, your throat, your heart, and your solar plexus, your core are the fundamental musts of meditation, control, and concentration, but I'll also teach you how to use your third eye. Solstice on the mat crossed her legs and placed her hands on her knees. Looking up at Tenmei as her breathing changed. No longer was she breathing normally, it was in a long, constant string of breath.

There is a way to breathe, where as you breathe in, and your lungs become full, slow down your breathing and move flawlessly into exhaling, then reversing it, as your lungs empty slow your breathing and transition into inhaling, so that in essence, you never for a moment physically stop. It takes some muscle control but you should be able to do it. Once you find yourself calm, and focused on your breathing, close your eyes and starve your heat with your wind. Picture the heat of your skin, and wrap in a bubble of air where there is no air around it, starve it, and make it smaller and smaller and smaller. Solstice focused on her own chakra as she talked, performing a similar act, without slight edits to cater to heat, as opposed to cold.

Your throat chakra controls the intake of air, your solar plexus your breathing and your heart the circulation of that air, there is just as much wind in you as blood, coursing through your body... you try... Solstice smiled, as she waited for her to participate, chakra control was something most ninja were taught, though, with a clan who depended on it to live no doubt they never really had the chance to experiment and temper with other means of control... least they ignite into a sea of flames. Solstice was able to control temperatures far exceeding her bodies' ability to handle them should she not maintain control, so her methods, though perhaps improvised, were theoretically sound.

I've had my fair share of wounds from not keeping control... She said pulling open her shirt slightly and showing the long perfectly clean cuts on her body, that looked like deep blade wounds, but in reality they were the scars from medically removed frostbite when she had lost control, her chakra like a sun when not perfectly restrained sent whips out like solar flares, scarring her body and freezing her skin black in perfect cut-like wounds.



Tenmei watched closely as the odd, blue haired female froze the tea she had so perfectly brewed, with just the touch of her finger.
Usually, she would be rather vexed by someone ruining her own mixture like this, but the the fascination she held with how Solstice managed to freeze the entire contents solid except for a light layer around the cup so it could be easily removed from it's holding.

Well, it was nothing short of extraordinary.

Still, the coal black haired female was not sure she was capable of such control, even with the extensive tutelage her father had given her in the brief time that she was with his company.
But despite her doubts, Tenmei placed the half filled cup back on to the table and shifted her position from sitting on her knees to sitting cross legged a little away from the table.

For a few long moments, the twenty one year old focused on her breathing. She took in a slow...deep breath, filling her lungs to near capacity with the slightly musty air. Then, as soon as she breathed in that last little bit, Tenmei smoothly changed to exhale so only traces of oxygen was left sitting in her aveloli. One more subtle transition to retaking in the precious oxygen and Tenmei started to settle in to a steady rhythm.

As her breathing steadied in to a gentle tide like movement of inhales and exhales, she started to feel her chakra start to ebb and flow along with the rising and falling of her modestly endowed chest.
With every steady intake, she could feel the chakra inside her seep back towards her grounding center like thick lava that existed inside her blood stream.
But then, with every breath emitted, that inner molasses like heat was pushed through to her limbs, only to be dragged back a little more.

What her father had taught her was similar but there was one major anomaly between each of their lessons.
He had taught her to recognize the force inside her. She was teaching recognition and control.

"I can feel it" Tenmei whispered in a breath. "Here...."

Without opening her eyes, her hand traced down from her throat to the heart, and then around in a spiral to her stomach where the heat was being drawn to. But just because she could do this with some amount of focus, it didn't mean that she could starve the very thing that made her who she was.

Using the chakra point around her belly as a focal point, Tenmei isolated a breath by inhaling a fraction faster and drawing it back along with the molten chakra. A strange comparison as it was lighter and twisted itself around like a flying snake.
Once this coil had reached the center, it started to curl around itself again and again, circling her heated center and drawing any further incoming air to join the forming sphere.

And just like she said to do, Tenmei closed her eyes and drew the snake of air tighter so the sphere it had created would double up in on itself, squeezing the inner fire in to extinction.
Soon enough, it had become the size of a small ball, in the pit of her lower chakra centre.

And just like that it was gone.

A small icy breeze escaped through a crack in the broken window and blew across the back of her neck, tousling her hair and ruffling her clothes, causing her lightly tanned skin to become rough with goose bumps. And as naturally as waking up in the morning after a nightmare, the heat expanded till it burst through the wind bubble and filled her body so fast that it caused the heat to radiate to the cup still beside her and boil the liquid that had long since gone cold.

Tenmei should have known that it would not be as easy.

"Damn it! I thought I had it. I'm going to end up just like my dad did and burn this bloody place down. This is what happens if someone is standing near ten meters away. Can you imagine what it would do to someone who was standing this close?"

To prove her point, Tenmei took the steaming liquid of her cup and poured it over her arm, causing the ointment she had carefully applied after her bath, to was down in to her clothes and reveal the deep burn mark that covered her upper arm, neck, shoulder and beyond where the female could see.
Even after many healing sessions, Tenmei was left like this and she was standing at the door.

If she had remained at her fathers side......

"Don't you get it? It doesn't where I move to it will always be the same. I hurt people. We should have stayed in isolation"


As something touched her skin, solstice saw her react, the place began to fester and become humid, steam erupted from the moisture in the air, but Solstice had a grip on things, she controlled the yin imbalance in her own chakra, with the use of the demonic ice corruption jutsu, she stored it in her 54 chakra gates and released it outward in a single pulse, enough to put out fires and freeze the room solid were it not already so hot, blowing out the heat like a birthday candle. Solstice's eyes looked very sternly at her, she wanted Tenmei to feel safe, and not afraid.

It's a shame your people never settled with the Aisu clan in Yukigakure, I feel they would have been able to help your people a great deal, but i understand why you left for the frozen pole. She said her eyes moving to the side, then back at the puddle of tea on the table which had once again frozen into a small slick. Solstice for a moment was sure that for but a second that she had fully controlled her inner fire, but, after all, this was a kekkei Genkai they were trying to repress. The demonic imbalance built up inside herself was formed by being unable to use their clan's power.

I think, that your clan was a lot stronger than perhaps many of its current members think. For a moment there you had it under control, but, it was a shock to you right, then you panicked cos you started to loose control. That's what the breathing's for... think back, how many times have you gotten hotter, and fear has swallowed you whole... cos, you've already seen what happens when you lose control... Solstice left it open ended, her mind was racing at a million miles a second to be able to help this girl, and show her that she would be safe here.

You'll never burn down a house within the walls of Kiri, where literally ever ninja in this land is versed in water jutsu. Water cannot cool heat, it is true, but we are the only place in the world with people who can manipulate ice, and cold... and we're willing to help. Solstice said with a smile, holding out her hand. A light steam-like fog raising from her hand, enough that those who touched her would literally receive frostbite on contact. Here, I'll show you, I won't burn...Not me, not an Aisu... Solstice extended her hand and was ready to begin gauging her temperature and fixing her ice to match Tenmei's, so that the middle would become neutral.

It was an extension of trust that she was trying to make, and with that, she would hopefully begin a new age of Tenmei's life where she didn't need to keep running and she could settle down as a ninja belonging to a village and making friends that she was able to keep, without the worry that one day she would burn down her house and have to move.



Tenmei couldn't feel it herself but she saw the effect's of the cold blast that filled the room.
The small fire that had cast a warm glow through that part of the house had been reduced to nothing but a few dying embers buried in the coal.  The curtains still swayed and a light layer of frost, covered the small crack in the glass, sealing it off from the bitter winds outside.
Everything else had just gone eerily still, which made the sound from the outside, all the more deafening. To the young member of the Sotsuji clan; it was quite unsettling.

But at least the house was still in one piece and no one had gotten hurt.

'Thank goodness

"It doesn't really matter where we choose to live"

Tenmei started by saying as she rose from her position at the table, taking the two empty cups and pot of ice tea with her. Carefully, she placed them down by the spotlessly clean sink, and moved around the room in a clock wise fashion, approaching each of the twelve large candles one by one and lighting the blackened wicks with a touch of her fingers.
As she walked towards the sixth one, closest to the fire, she turned slightly to the other female, her eyes distant as she was not concentrating on either the the chore or her guest.
There was much else on her mind: the nightmare that had been plaguing her sleep for months since that day.

"We were staying in a small village in Yukigakure before we came here. It snowed all the time and so we let our guard down a little. But then one night, despite the cold, my father burnt the entire house down. By the time someone thought to use their jutsu to help, it was gone.
See, it doesn't matter where we are or what type of ninja surround us, its the same thing.
Over and over again"

Tenmei had not stuck around to find out what had happened after that.
She had been thrown clear across the street and in to a wall, knocking her out cold for many hours. When she woke up, she was somewhere far from the smouldering heap and was being tended to by four or so medical ninja.
It was after she had escaped their probing clutches, did she run in to the old man and end up in this place. A place so similar to her old home but so different.
The main difference being.....she was alone here.

After lighting the remaining candles and finding her seat again with a brand new pot of tea in her hands, she took up her place . But this time, she was no where near as involved as she had been before the excersise had begun.
Nothing put a dampener on her spirits like getting so close to that fleeting shard of hope, only to watch it turn to sand and fall right through her fingers. No, the fear of her being like her father was very real and hung around her like a gloomy cloud.  

Solstice was right.

"I heard that it its excruciating. That its a pressure that pulls at the muscles and fills you up a with a burning air that threatens to blow your skin off.
I touched an old lady once....the scar never healed...."

Still, as the words tumbled uncontrollably from her lips, she reached out her hand to the one Solstice offered, but hesitated, almost recoiling from the odd feeling.
What if she were wrong? What if the touch caused her hand to burn and scar. The older female didn't need another blemish to mar her porcelain pale skin.
But still, she continued to reach out until her searing hot skin made contact with hers.

And what a strange feeling that was.

16Moment of Peace (private) 'training'  Empty Re: Moment of Peace (private) 'training' Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:09 pm


Solstice's hand touched Tenmei's, though Solstice had made her hand a little too cold at first, bringing down her temperature within half a second to match the heat of the hand that was pressed up against hers. The warmth and the cold hit each other and coiled around each other before cancelling each other out. Solstice once she matched their temperatures felt like she was touching normal, warm skin, the steam and the fog from each of their hands intertwined into a single mist, leading solstice into a broad smile.

See, it is as if they were made to fit, I can learn to match your temperature perfectly, and I could lead you through controlling it. Before I tried to make you repress the heat entirely, perhaps that's not something we can do. Generations of fiery blood wont be able to be undone in a single afternoon. But, you did many times better than i did restraining the cold. Solstice moved her coat back to show a huge stretched ivory scar which ran from her back to her hip. It was one she had gotten in her childhood when she was simply a genin, she did not mention the dream world and the forest of blades, and how she had managed to be harmed there, but, if something similar happened, Solstice may have to.

I'm just glad you're here, I can't sympathise enough with you having lost so much, but, if you want a place to call home, I can always position an Aisu nearby to ensure that you deal no damage to the world around you... this was once called the land of the bloody mist... almost everyone here's made mistakes, or has a history... even me. Solstice spoke regrettably, as the memories of killing the Serial killer in the graveyard as well as her father attempting a Coup d'etat against the Kage of the village.

once you've learned to control everything, it will be okay, that much I promise you. Solstice moved her hand away slowly, un-interlacing their fingers as she lay her arm back on the table, ending her technique for the meantime, holding out her cup for the ice tea watching the liquid being added to it as her smile faded to a contented smirk. retracting her cup and drawing it close to her almost light blue lips, and sipping on the warm liquid, it added colour to her face for but a moment as she closed her eyes enjoying it. This is a lovely blend of tea... She spoke admiring it, and allowing the scent of the tea to fill her nose.



How odd.....

It was only there for a moment. A slight flickering underneath her palm.
But this seemingly insignificant discrepancy was so far from her normal body temperature, it took Tenmei completely by surprise. However, in the split second that it took her body to react, the feeling was gone and it was like....well it was normal.  Whatever normal was these days.
But whatever this meant, it was the first time she had held someone's hand since her father had been alive, nearly a whole year ago.

Yes. It was strange indeed.

With the wide eyed curioisty of a small child, she watched as a small stream of steam slipped out from where their hands were grasped together and floated freely towards the ceiling before intermingling with the stilled air.
There was no screaming, no acrid smell of burning flesh. Tenmei could not help but let her eyes drift from where the water particles had disappeared and search the blue haired females eyes for the familiar look of hate and fear she was so used to seeing. The look of disappointment.

There was nothing.....

Tenmei's fingers, slightly trembling, found it's way to rest on the back of Solstice's hand, gripping it lightly like one would hold a fragile bird.
She was so focused on the feeling of the cool soft, marble like skin of the female, that she almost missed the tear that crept from her left eye and rolled down her cheek, before disappearing in to nothing before it reached her jaw.
Tenmei nearly forgot about what it felt like to be in contact with someone else.
It had been six long months since she was held by her father.

Six long months of not touching anyone.
Not feeling anything.

"I.....I haven't touched anyone since my father....."

Even her words failed her now as she could only helplessly look on when the girl unlatched her fingers and pulled away, leaving Tenmei's hands to stay where they were as she could still feel the cool as it lingered on her skin.
It was a full minute longer before she even allowed herself to look away, still worried that she might find that hatred back in her eyes where she had always expected to see it.  This surely wasn't real.

"Someone to stay close? I could never ask that of someone....
I....who would be willing to leave their own home and stay close to here? They might hate me? You saw what happens when I try to control. It will take me a while to master it. I just....I don't know"

But it was more than that.
Tenmei was lost. She could barely believe this was happening, let alone be happy with it. For her isolated mind, this was a little too much.


Solstice watched as she became fascinated with human contact. Solstice had thought this would be a big moment for her, but she didn't quite fathom how big. She simply watched the fleeting facial expressions crossing Tenmei's face and held her soft smile as she reached out once again to lure Tenmei's hand to the base of the table, stroking the top of her hand with her thumb. Solstice knew that as it stood there was no temperature that she could hit that Solstice could not create a cold equivalent to, which probably made her the best person to stand by to ensure that this house did not spontaneously combust. She'd recently hired a couple of assistants to deal with her mountains of paperwork that she had to ensure was done on a daily basis.

"In the world of ninja everything is possible, and, if you were not comfortable with me getting someone else to watch over you, then i would be more than happy to do it while I'm on my patrols, " She said still allowing Tenmei to keep physical contact, Solstice thought giving her a hug would probably be a little much for her right now so it was decided against, she didn't want to overwhelm Tenmei with the thoughts which would probably accompany that. Though reaching into her pocket there was one more thing which probably needed to be addressed while they were there, her father had obviously given her some formal training, though she had never seemed to had officially gone to a ninja academy.  

"So, you've obviously had some training," She spoke softly, almost sweetly, "How far do you think you got in your training with your father? Cos, you see, I have a headband here. She said pulling a Kirigakure ninja headband and placing it on the table. the cold metal plate bearing the four waves that represented kirigakure. Solstice hoped that this would be appealing enough an offer. Because, if you have cleared what you would think is basic academy training with your father, I'd be more than happy to give you this formally, and welcome you to the village as a Ninja of Kiri, it would allow you to make an income for yourself and live more comfortably.

Solstice smiled with sincerity. hoping that she would accept



"You would?....."

Tenmei could barley focus on what the blue haired female was saying.
The feeling of Solstice's thumb, absently brushing over the back of her tensed hands, leaving a small coolish patch of skin with every time she passed it over, it was simply entrancing to Tenmei.
How could someone who felt so cold to the touch, make her feel so warm and welcomed inside?  It made no sense. 

Nothing about this morning was making any sense.

"I....I don't mind. If these people are anything like you...."

Once more her voiced trailed off as she brought her other hand down and  held on to Solstice's once more, but this time, she had her hand flat against hers with only the thumbs interlocking. 
She would sit like this with her father for hours and just feel each others chakra through their own in a perfectly mirrored harmony.
It was this memory that caused her features to soften and yet another tear to fall. 

"When we lived alone, he would teach me the basics of chakra useage, history and how to fight and defend myself. We also did other things like reading and maths. I did a couple years of ninja academy in the snowy village but I.....I had to leave. 

After that, well...that was it. He used to read to me a lot because I can't hold anything paper for very long...."

Tenmei was about to continue when her attention was diverted to what she was holding in her unoccupied hand.
For the whole explanation, her eyes never left the blue and metal material....that was until the rest of the tears she had been forcing back, fell freely down her cheeks.
Not once in her life had she really belonged anywhere. Even in Yukigakure she felt like an outsider.....

But this was different.

"...I...I don't know what to say.  I...Thank you. 
Thank you for not hating me"

20Moment of Peace (private) 'training'  Empty Re: Moment of Peace (private) 'training' Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:56 am


Solstice at this point was almost holding back her own tears, the amount of humility this girl had was astounding to her, and it felt so good to do something worthwhile for once in her life in the sense she was helping someone and making them feel good, rather than hunting down another missining ninja for the profit of the village or something of the like. "Well, no-one in the village is quite like me," she said cheekily, and that was kinda true, the demon ice corruption technique was unique to herself and could not be learned by people whom used ninjutsu, the entire concept of the ability was that it was a mistake, her chakra was looking for any excuse to escape her body, but because the host was so useless at the technique which her kekkei genkai usually required, it was looking for any other means of releasing pressure.

After her little chuckle her smile faded to its usually present self, and as she added her other hand to the mix, solstice needed to add a little more cold to the combination, this was nice, just sitting and connecting with someone on a more personal level. That being said, solstice thought about something for a moment... "It would be easier keeping an eye on you and your training if i had a reason to always be close to you... so, if you were to say... join my squad, we actualy have an opening at the moment which makes things a little bit easier. " As she began to cry the idea of holding back became obsolete. Standing up from the table, solstice had analysed her body heat to such a degree she felt okay.

Walking around the table, she wrapped her arms around Tenmei's shoulders and felt the heat of her body collide with her own. "Now there there, I think the two of us are going to be like fire and ice." She said excusing the pun, which in theory does not exist in this universe. (>.>) clutching Tenmei closely from behind she would not leave or let go until Tenmei wanted her to.

"I dont think anyone here would have hated you, I'll make sure that people are educated about you and your clan, so that you, and your clan could be welcome within our gates. People only fear what they cannot understant or control, working together, i think we can do both."



Tenmei leaned back in to the older female and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the cold as it leeched through her clothes and sunk in to her skin.
Sitting like this, it reminded her of how she used to lean up against the boulders back in the first village where she had lived with her father.
Not just because she was colder than most and clearly strong, but because she felt safe and reliable, with her arms around her shoulders and holding her close.

Just like before, the dark haired girl placed a hand on Solstice's, gently caressing the older one's fingers with her thumb just as she had done to her before hand.
The tears that had fallen so freely before hand had slowed just leaving a peace along with the red eyes and stained cheeks.
It was not even lunch time and so much had happened already. Because in a matter of hours she had not only had her first contact in half a year, she had found a place to belong......

And now, a place to train.

"Can I ask you something?" Tenmei had said softly after a moment of silence that seemed to draw out the long minutes of the morning.
"Why help me? You have known me for what, a couple of hours now? And still, you have offered to stay nearby, welcomed me in to the village and offered me a position in your squad. Why, when you don't even know me?"

Her reluctance was clear, but Tenmei slowly pulled away from her so she could turn and look Solstice in the eye, still searching for the hate and fear even though it was becoming more and more clear that this was not going to be the case in this particular individual.  But that didn't mean others were going to be the same.
Which was why she had one single concern about the very generous offer she had been given,

"If I join your squad....there will be others. What if I hurt them? I can't burn you because of your own kekkei genkai, but the others don't have that sort of protection. It wouldn't matter if they understand and don't fear, they will hate me"

This, was always her biggest fear.
Every other place she had lived in, there would be one incident where she got too close and bumped in to someone, lost control or someone else did.  Either way it would always end up the same. She would be forced out with the fearful eyes and angry fists, haunting her all the way to her next homeland.
Tenmei didn't want to leave here, as she had finally found a place where she was comfortable. And not only that.....

Tenmei was running out of places to run.


Solstice listened to her, she could see doubt, confusion, and perhaps even a little bit of mistrust in her eyes. Solstice through assumption as well as the information she had told her, was able to deduce about most of what she had gone through to get here, the trials of her clan, the fact that she was not travelling with either of her parents, and the fact that her skin was able to burn people on contact. As she posed her questions, a part of Solstice was kind of expecting them, not to say that made her any more ready for them when the words came out of her mouth, solstice did little but stand there for a moment and stood up straight. She didn't believe that a person needed a reason to help someone who was having trouble, but that answer was probably not one that Tenmei would likely accept.

I see a lot of me in you, I used to deify my father when i was a little girl, and them, when i was little older than six or so, this very village had him executed for treason, and to this very day i never knew why, though him, i inhereted my inability to use my clan kekkei genkai properly, and instead inhereted his ice touch, I know how it feels to think you destroy everythig you touch, and, because i've been through that, and got where i am, i think you can get just as far as i did, so, i guess that's why i want to help you so much... as for the team, you wont burn them if you keep your fire under control, which i know you can do if you think about it, but they wont hate you just because of a little downside.vShe said assuringly.

I've found that people only really get angry if you take them by surprise. And truth be told, your heat is trong enough to burn a house down, but out in the open where there is little kindling as well as windm you'll be hard pressed to deal much damage to someone by just being around them. She spoke assuredly, hoping to quench her fears and allow her to breathe a little easier, noticing that although she had pulled away from her embrace, she was still holding her hand, like a young girl not wanting to let go of her mother or friend.

Solstice's mentality to help was getting stronger by the minute as she spoke kind words as well as assured her there would be little that went wrong. I can assure you, that down any path you chose, there will be mistakes, and you may burn someone, but, no-one will hate you when it happens, and you will never know unless you stay to find out. Burns heal with time, and so do tempers and grudges after all.

23Moment of Peace (private) 'training'  Empty Re: Moment of Peace (private) 'training' Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:27 pm



Tenmei sat still and listened, captivated by her new mentor as she squashed every fear that had arisen in her mind. 
But despite her sweet, sweet words, the fear still lingered there behind her thoughts causing her anxieties to stall her words.
A morning of promises was not going to trounce years of seeing the false understanding in people's eyes.
But this didn't mean that she was not going to try.

Tenmei would do her best to make it in this village.

So, with a heavy sigh, the twenty one year old stood up and stretched out the aches and stiffness that had settled in to her legs and stood up straight, facing the superior female.
Then, with both hands at her sides, she bowed slightly at the waist with her head down and her eyes fixed to the floor. 
And just like her father had instructed her to do on many occasions, she stayed like that while the female found her voice.

"It would be an honour, to be accepted as a member of your squad. 
I will do my best to control my ability and to make you proud" 

With these words, she stood up straight, her eyes no longer holding the feelings of anxieties and worries.
Though this was the start of a new life, it still was not exactly what she dreamed of. After all, no promises could bring her father back so he could read to her. Nothing could erase the nightmares she had experienced every night since that day.

But for now. It was good enough.
And Tenmei would be ready.

24Moment of Peace (private) 'training'  Empty Re: Moment of Peace (private) 'training' Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:06 am


Solstice bowed in response, It's an honour to takew you on as a student, so, for now i'll probably have to love you and leave you, but, if you would like to meet me later for some training, there is an abandoned well, probably a couple of miles from here that way. she said pointing south east which would be toward the slightly more foresty area of kirigakure. The well area was where many ninja went to train, as it was a good neutral area which offered no structureal advantage or disadvantage to the people who trained there. Solstice would be able to go there in the late afternoon toward sunset, once she got a couple of her duties done as a Jounin and as the head of her house.

I should be able to be there at about five, and we can do some training before dinner, and then perhaps get something to eat. From there we could possibly discuss your position in a squad and a couple of strategies. If i had it my way this group will be participating in the exams, unless they guys are promoted sooner. Solstice said with a smile as she raised her arms above her head in a long stretch, alligning one of her arms down her spine and pushing her elbow down with her other arm, feeling her shoulder roll and contort as she found it easy to put her arm over half way down her own back.

Well, thank you very much for the tea, it was very nice. She said with a smile, taking her mask from her belt and moving it back to her face. The black steel not even reflecting the light that came form the window, heading out to the balcony, she awaited any last words coming from Tenmei before she leapt from the balcony to the ground and began the long process of patrolling the city to the best of her abiltiy. After resolving a couple of small fights betwen rival genin and a couple of minor disputes.

Once she got back to her house she got a medical kit as well as a couple of scrolls and her own ninja tools, heading for the well. taking off at top speed and reaching the training ground sometime around 4:30, assuming she wasn't here yet Solstice took a seat under a nearby tree, and relaxed for the better part of the time she was able to wait. her muscles relaxed and her mind wandered to what she would be doing in this training session and how Tenmei would be able to control her inner flame. Solstive had a few ideas, through some more of the training her own father gave her, but, she wanted to improve in his methods....

this was going to be an interesting afternoon



"Yeah, I know the place. Oh! And thank you....for everything"

Tenmei's cool steel coloured eyes, watched as the older female easily scaled the height of the small front balcony railing and headed around the corner, disappearing from the Genin's sight. 
For the longest moment, she just stood there, unable to move as the events of that morning replayed over in her mind...again....and again. Until eventually her mind led her gaze to the head band she had been subconsciously holding in her hand.

People were given these to mark which village they were apart of and proof of their ninja training. But to Tenmei it was more than that.
As of the moment she tied the durable material around her waist and fasted it tightly at her hip, the young female had accepted this new life and swore on her father's memory to do what she could to keep growing and moving forward.

'As the heat grows inside you, grow along with it. 
Burn your world down and melt away the ashes. Leave nothing alive. Then let it live again. I will always be proud of you'


For the rest of that day, Tenmei kept herself busy by tidying up the house and stocking up on supplies.
She would carefully wash the dishes and put them away, taking extra care with the clay mugs so they don't dry out too much and crack.
Then, she swept and washed the floor, tidied up her clothes and dusted out the neglected corner, stopping at the large bookshelf that stood in it's own shadow. 

Very carefully, she ran her finger along the spines, reading the titles in her mind as she passed over them. 
There were 65 in total, all stacked neatly in alphabetical order on the old wooden shelf. Tenmei knew all the titles off by heart and the authors along with them....which is why when she saw the one lying on its side at the top shelf; it caused a slight frown to crease her peaceful features.
Very carefully, she reached up and picked up the book, flicking through the pages. But not even halfway through and the off white parchment started to yellow and she replaced it where she had found it, back on the highest shelf.

The twenty one year old could not wait for the day where she could sit and read just like her father could.


Tenmei knew the way to the training area quite well.
Every now and then, before the sun came up she would make her way through the thick haze that covered the village and find the small well that had become the identifier for this training area. Here, out of sight and all alone, she would practice the kicks and strikes her father had showed her when she was younger.  
Tenmei would work hard, with each exercise and be gone before the sun came up. But lately, she had not gone as often until the last few nights where she had stopped altogether. 

She hated those black hole like dreams.

The lightly tanned girl was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't realize that she had already reached the destination...only to find that  Solstice was already there and napping against a tree no less. 
A familiar memory brought a smile to her lips as she walked over quietly and sat down beside her, withdrawing a small wooden thermos from the pack she had been known to bring with her. 
With steady hands, she poured two cups of a tea similar to what they had before and waited patiently for the other to wake up. 

But in the mean time, she sat there and sipped at the deliciously warm liquid that left a pleasantly citrus taste on her tongue. 
A nice end to a strange day.

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