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1Helping an old woman [D-rank] Empty Helping an old woman [D-rank] Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:13 am

Akane Sarutobi

Akane Sarutobi

Akane woke up, went downstairs and took the cereals out of the drawer. She was walking to the fridge when she noticed a post-it hanging on it. Her eyes narrowed when she tried to read it. "Don't... Forget... Uhh... Damn it! I almost forgot the mission!" Akane rushed upstairs to take a shower and get ready. Putting on random clothes, while brushing her teeth at the same time. Then She ran outside and forgot her door keys. While running to old lady Ninaro her house she realized that she forgot to eat, so she ran all the way back to her house to grab an apple, some water and her backpack. Akane looked at her shadow and rufly guessed that it was almost 9 o'clock. "What! That late already!? I will never make it up the whole mountain in just a half hour!" she paniced, but after 5 minutes of panicing she decided to keep running no mather what. She kept running and running but her bad sense of direction led her to a lake. After another minute of panicing she just went straight to the mountain, not using the stairs or path. While climbing the huge mountain, she began to get hungry and took a rest in a little cave. "I can still make it right?" she asked herself. "Of course you can!" she answered to herself and ate the apple. She got ready to move again and started climbing. After 43 minutes she got to the lady her house. Akane knocked on the door, once, twice, and when she was ready to knock a third time the door opened. The old lady was angry and began to hit Akane with her purse. "You lazy youngster! You are too late!" Ninaro kept hitting Akane. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Akane begged. The old lady gave her the list and went back inside. "So much for kindness..." Akane said grumpy and looked down the mountain. "C'mon... This is no fun!" she said irritated. Going down was much easier then up but it still was a damn long was down.

Akane finally got in town again. "So what on this list...
'To Buy:
- 4 Apples
- 11 Sweet potatoes
- 3 Tomatoes
- 2 packs of instant ramen
- 1 pack of Sunflower seed
- 1 pack of Rose seed
- 3 boxes of Green Tea
- Perfume
- 2 pieces of Granny Underwear
To do:
- Take a walk with her dog
- Feed her cat
- Help her do the cleaning'
Wait... I have to get granny underwear?!" she just stood still in the middle of the way. "So... First the food i guess.." Akane started to move to the store. Akane placed 4 apples in her basket, 2 tomatoes and.. "C'mon! Just 10 Sweet Potatoes?! I guess i'll just go get one somewhere else then..." She sighed. Akane bought all of it and went looking for her last sweet potato. She rushed through almost everyshop and finally found her last potato. "Ha! That only took me.. 2 hours!?" Akane was breathing heavy and ran to first the best flower shop. "Gimme 1 pack with Sunflower seeds and also 1 pack with Rose seed! Fast!" the shop owner gave it as fast as she could. Akane threw the money on the table and ran off again to a ramen shop. She asked for 2 packs of instant ramen and got them pretty fast. "Off to the next shop!" she shouted while sprinting though the streets.

In only 10 minutes she was back outside the tea shop. "And now to the lingerie store..." She really didn't look forward to this. Akane walked inside slowly and started looking in the old section. "Can i help you?" the shop owner asked. "No! I can fond everything myself! Thank you!" Akane sweatdropped. After about 15 minutes she had two pieces. Lucky for Akane there also was perfume in the shop so she bought that too. Akane sprinted back to the granny and gave everything to her and started cleaning the big mansion. After about 2 hours she was done. "Now would you take Chichi for a walk?" Ninaro said, pushing the dog in Akane her arms. "Where is the leash?" Akane asked confused. "Oh my no! Chichi doesn't walk! You have to carry him!" Ninaro said in shock while Akane was almost killing the dog. She liked dogs but this little dog was more like a little rat. "Fine..." she sighed deep and started to walk outside with the dog in her arms.

After 10 minutes in the forest, Chichi started biting and growling at Akane. "I can bite too you know!!" Akane growled back and brought Chichi back to his owner. Making the cats food wasn't so hard, if you were a chef. Akane had to cook the fish and lobster and cut it into little pieces for Miss. Mew. "Well done, youngster!" the old woman said when Akane left the house and went back home.


2Helping an old woman [D-rank] Empty Re: Helping an old woman [D-rank] Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:53 pm

Akane Sarutobi

Akane Sarutobi


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