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1Once upon a time... Empty Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:40 pm



Chiba found himself in the very unsettling prediciment of not knowing exactly where he was. he looked aroud him, and didn't recognize any of the buildings, or even people. he was certain, however, that he could figure it out.

2Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:10 pm


[I'm an academy student named Jim with no jutsu or skills yet. I only have some basic ninja tools.]

This was truly a cesspool of a city; a rotting industrial disaster left to fester under the lead of a fool who liked to call himself the Tsuchikage. Bah, what a disgrace. Perhaps the saving grace of this shithole would be the young shinobi in training, known as Jim. Not much was known about the child, not even by Jim himself, and perhaps it was better this way. For if one was to delve into the horrid catastrophe of the young boy's history, they would emerge with a severely degraded psyche. It was ironic that Jim's whole life had been a mistake, even his conception; ironic because he would be the one to drag the village out of its current state of catastrophe. If one were to take a crystal ball and take a look at the abomination of Jim's past, they would see a plethora of things that would make the bile rise. Jim had not had much hope from the getgo, being "born" to a prostitute who had neglected to make her John where a condom. After finding out that Jim was leeching off of her nutrients and funds from within her uterus, she decided to terminate the pregnancy. She had to resort to dispatching the fetus herself with a rusty steak knife, a procedure which she later perished from. Dumping the undeveloped ball of slimy cells into a trash can, it was thought that Jim would surely die. Yet, toxins from the garbage had seeped into his genetic code, causing a strange garbage-mutant-baby thing to be created. Growing up eating, and living in garbage had not been very conducive to Jim's development, but he had found some pretty interesting things along the way. Just yesterday, a second hand katana and ten meters of ninja wire had found their way into his collection.

One thing that Jim had learned from growing up among the putrid garbage of the ghetto, was to hate and kill. And when he sees the child known as Chiba wandering through his alley, he struggles to suppress his thirst for blood. For the blade he wields is greatness, and he is the child of destiny. Summing up the boy, he looks like a complete asshole. He is clearly a shinobi, a breed of human which Jim has grown to hate. They possessed skills that he had never been able to learn, something which he greatly resented them for. They all thought that they were so great. But you see, greatness went hand in hand with destiny, in fact, greatness was constantly tethered to the arm of destiny by a thread known as necessity, yet it was given much room to fly. Jim had to learn to let his greatness fly, he had learned pretty well, considering the shitty conditions that he had grown up in. As he had read in his favorite play: "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em" Jim had discovered greatness, yet, Chiba would have greatness thrust upon him. It would take a push from Jim, but Chiba would truly learn to accept greatness, to take it into his heart.

Jim hopes that he was not greeted by hostility from the boy, as he was willing to be polite. With a taunting grin, he will call over to the boy standing and facing him, "Hai hao iz it goin y r u in mah alee? Wan be frnds?"

3Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:20 pm



Chiba blinked slowly at the introduction before he was able to decipher the words behind it. "i apologize if this is your teritory," he said to the thing confrinting him. "my name is Chiba Shogo, and i appear to be lost. i could definately use a friend at the moment, thank you."

4Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:31 pm


Jim laughs as his katana that was tied to his arm pierces right through the heart of the stupid boy. How naive and careless he was to let his guard down. The kid had not even tries to move, he had simply stood there and tried to talk S the blade came in. People were really stupid nowadays. That's why Jim had spoken to the boy in a mocking tone, because the boy had already had his heart pierced by the blade, known to Jim as Greatness, before Jim had even introduced himself. He tugs on the 10 meters of ninja wire attaching the blade to his arm, he calls this wire Necessity, and brings Greatness back to his hand. Jim, who likes to call himself Destiny, ventures on home. Ah, so many metaphorical names.

[The short story is this: in my first post, I mentioned having a katana tied to my arm, I also mentioned throwing, or "thrusting", it at your heart. Since you ignored that and simply stood there, my katana would have hit home. U iz ded homee.]

5Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:36 pm



with a sudden *pop* the once-chiba is replaced with a log stuck to the katana. as its realed in, it becomes obvious these some odd writing on the surface of the log, but it's too late. the katana returns home with its cargo, which is covered in exploding seals which detonate at once, leaving rubbish strewn about the alley.

Chiba watched the poor creature from a nearby rooftop. he would have felt sorry for it had it not atacked him without reason. (moral of the story, there's no way to kill a ninja)

6Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:38 pm


[you never made the hand seals for the sub, nor did you ever mention setting it up. And you're already dead XD I'm afraid the topic is over.]

7Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:59 pm



[chiba has long sleaves to hide his handseals. dont cry because you lost]

8Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:13 pm


[LMAO you never stated that my friend. You're the loser I'm afraid. You would have had to state making the seals even though I couldn't see them. Also, you would have had to sub in the post directly after I launched the attack. Not the post where it hits. Otherwise everybody could just spam substitution when they died, which you did here. It was a desperate attempt to save yourself from humiliation, which failed. I win :P


9Once upon a time... Empty Re: Once upon a time... Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:52 pm


Since everyone seems to be in accordance that this has gone on long enough, this topic is being locked.

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