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Zetsume Zix

Zetsume Zix

The Beast

A monster eh, was Zetsume's first thought when opening the mission letter. It seems some people have been seeing a monster and it was his job to handle it. At the bottom of the letter in big bold words were VERY DANGEROUS!. It seems this beast of some sort has been killing people. This was unsettling for a Kumogakure ninja to hear about his people being slaughtered right out side of his village while he has been sleeping soundly. He felt like it was a personal need to help these people because they were his family.... His home. He never wants to see any of them come to harm which is why he tries to do so many missions, it is all for the people of Kumogakure. He stuffed the mission letter in his pocket. He was enjoying some pancakes before he began reading the mission letter. He always did like to start the day off right with a full stomach. It helped his mind think instead of worrying about eating. After he finished his meal he put on his Hishou bow. It was a family inheritance he loved this bow more than he loved himself. It has never let him down, nor will it. He began to set off towards the gates of Kumogakure.

While he was walking toward the gates he could hear some people hysterically talking about this so called monster. Someone said he was in massive size and tore through his convoy like it was a toy car. He was the only survivor, surviving with a broken arm and a couple of scrapes. Even after sawing that most people would have declined the mission, but not Zetsume. So long as he breaths it is for Kumogakure, he puts his village before himself. That is his ninja way. Zetsume sped up to the gates, the quicker he found it the better.

When Zetsume left the village, he had a bad feeling. Something was out there and it was not happy. Zetsume looked for roughly half an hour before he finally found some massive foot print in the snow. From the looks of it the monster would roughly be around 8 feet tall. Zetsume has never fought an opponent of that scale. He began to follow the footprints. This thing knew nothing of stealth as his tracks were easy to follow. That and the way the limbs on the trees were, they were broken from him rampaging through. He would have to deal with this soon before more people get hurt. When he followed the tracks like he had finally found a real rainbow but on the end of this rainbow there was not pots of gold but instead a hulking monster leaning over human bodies having his fill. He chewed and munched on the parts like they were chicken wings, he was covered in a lot of blood and the smell from some of the rotted body parts was revolting. The whole scene was horrific. He could not stand it much longer, he drew an arrow. He let his arrow go flying through the air but it only pierced the back of his right shoulder barley going in. He gave out a small howl before ripping the arrow out looking for his attacker. Zetsume was well hidden in the trees though, and he moved from the spot he shot from. Staying in the same spot for two shots is dangerous, because it helps enemies locate your position. After moving through some of the trees he was open for another shot. Instead of using normal arrows he decided that he should move onto stronger shots. Since he had the time to charge a bit of chakra he decided to open with his Raiton Peircing shot. Instead of trying to shoot through all his back muscle he just had to aim for his mobility. Cant walk cant fight. One motto he remembered while training with his father. The two of them would strike at the legs of large animals to limit their movements while hunting. This seems like a kind of case where this could mean the difference between life and death. It was far to early for him to die. He let his arrow sing through the air hitting the giant beast in the back of the right calf. The shot punctured through the entire calf of him. He fell on that right knee howling in pain as he threw the body parts randomly through the forest. It was far to dark for this beast to see Zetsume, and now that his movements were drastically reduced, this fight was easy. Zetsume began to draw one of his Shōmei Ar No (Lighting Arrows), then the monster sprang forward charging at the light.
SHIT he found me was his thoughts.

The monster charged at the light limping when he stepped on his right leg. Even though he was not moving at his max speed, he was still moving rapidly toward the tree that Zetsume was in. He shot of four of his Shōmei Ar No (Lighting Arrows), each landing in the chest of the beast barely slowing him down. The beast rammed the tree, while falling Zetsume balanced himself to land on its back. He let his last Shōmei Ar No (Lighting Arrows) right into his back. The monster howled again grabbing Zetsume off of his back throwing him roughly four-teen feet. When he hit the ground he lost some of his wind. This caused him to be slightly dizzy which was not good, the monster chased towards where Zetsume was. This was bad, he had to think quick before the monster got his hands on him. When the beast was close enough to grab him, when he did he used Subtitution Technique (変わり身の術 ~ Kawarimi no Jutsu). Jumping back into the darkness. He grabbed the log squeezing for a few seconds before realizing that it was not human and threw the log into the darkness. Zetsume was once again safe in the shadows. The monster though was looking all around for him. The beast was losing a good amount of his blood from the wounds that Zetsume punctured him with. Zetsume may have a few bruises right now, but nothing life threatening. He would have to end the beast with his next attack. It was a clan specialty, one of his favorite jutsus, the Shi No Yoake (Dawn Of Death). The monster saw once again the rays of light through the darkness once he began to use Shi No Yoake (Dawn Of Death). It was to late for the beast to do anything. When the beast charged the glowing light Zetsume waited until he was in optimal striking distance. When he was he let the arrow sing through the sky as it separated into one hundred different pieces. Due to his large size, he was hit by from what Zetsume counted 59 arrows. Some of them were in his legs, some in his arms, others on the chest, and very few on top of his face. The beast toppled over onto the snow with a large thud. Zetsume slowly walked toward him with another arrow drawn just in case he moved again. He wanted to inspect the so called beast. Slowly the arrows dissipated from his body and he could see more clearly. The beast looked like a human, but pumped with to much growth. Some kind of sick experiment happened to this poor man, maybe even against his will. The monster was breathing slower and slower with each breath while he stared at Zetsume. The beast could not use any of his body parts for there were to much muscle missing, he just had to bleed out. Zetsume decided to put this beast out of his misery, he used Raiya (Thunder Arrows) shattering its skull killing him on impact. He did not like to watch people suffer and just liked to end their life unless they have the ability to be saved then he will try his hardest to save them. Yet, he has still yet to managed to save someone. Even though killing this beast is passively protecting people of Kumogakure he never actually stumbled across someone dying and managed to save them before they met their demise. Looking at the massive body of the giant and the body parts of his victims he could not possibly bury them all, he would get to tired. Instead he stacked them all together and caught it on fire. He was going to cremate the remains, he made sure that the fire could not spread. The smell was quite nasty but he had no other way of letting their bodies find rest. It was his way of atoning for killing the beast and not being there to save the victims. He failed these people and he made sure that everyone would get a proper burial even if it is cremation. After saying a small prayer after the fire died down, he set off back toward the village.

While walking back he tried to remember the face of the people in case he saw a missing poster. Though the faces were all torn and rotten he still had to try to give their family some peace of mind. He never did feel right about killing but knew it was needed in his time. He wished for a peaceful world but so long as ninjutsu is used people will seek power. They will kill and steal and lie to those they say they care about to obtain this so called "power". Though once someone is dead what is the point of this so called power, how was it worth hurting all of those people for something that you lose upon death. Zetsume would never know the answer nor wished he did. He just wanted to protect everyone in Kumogakure with his life. Killing anyone who stands in his way.


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