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1Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Lifetime [C - nokill] Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:16 pm



Chiba arrived early to the colluseum. this was going to be his first battle as a genin, and he did not want to arrive late. he wasn't quite sure who it was that had accepted his open challenge, but he'd been notified that it had been accepted.
as he waited, he roamed the main floor, trying to take in the history of the massive space. so many battles that had taken place in this arena, yet not a trace of blood to be seen.
the flat stone floor was worn smooth, the pillars almost flawless, and the sheer size of the area was something to be awed at.
everyone from his home village could likely fit in this one structure, and still have room for two or three more of the same size. having read the history of the structure, however, was nothing like experiencing it first hand. but, then again, that was why he had been so desperate to become a ninja, to explore and see these new and wonderous things that he'd only read about.
it felt like not too long ago that the Body Flicker amazed him, and now he's likely to see it at least once a day without batting an eye. eventually this building would bore him too. but there will always be more information to gather and places to see, and that was what excited him most.


Last edited by Chiba on Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:51 pm


{Using this topic as the D-rank: Appease Tension.}

Tame walked the halls of the Coliseum...he wasn't about to go rushing into the arena just yet. Didn't want to fight anyone other than his scheduled partner, after all....He would arrive at exactly the scheduled time.



Now was the time...just when noon struck. Tame walked calmly into the open-air arena that was the star of the Coliseum. A huge place, really; it would be an interesting fight, to say the least. Tame knew that the stone floor was solid, but he also knew that they could take out these tiles. Usually it was used for aqueous fights, as the rather deep chasm below the stone tile could be filled with quite a bit of water. Whether that was the case now, Tame could have no clue. For now, he just walked around the arena, no one coming into his field of vision yet (though he hadn't exactly looked around to see if anyone was there). Pace, pace, pace....


3Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:22 pm



Chiba heard soft footsteps echoing from somewhere in the large chamber he'd been exploring. it was about time for his opponent to arrive. it was either his scheduled opponent or an unlucky bystander. he'd best be carful not to attack someone who couldn't defend themselves, it'd be rude to do so, and he was still new to Iwa.
he calulated the best options as far as how to proceed, and decided that a vocal proclimation of his presence and intent would more than suffice.
"hello" he called out, "my name is Chiba Shogo. i have an appointment scheduled here for a combat sparring session. please declare if you are my sceduled opponent or a bystander so i do not mistakenly harm you." he paused, listening for a responce and scanning for the person to declare themselves or a possible attempted sneak-attack.


4Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:04 am


OOC: Battle! Vs. Enigmatic Sniper!

"my name is Chiba Shogo. i have an appointment scheduled here for a combat sparring session. please declare if you are my sceduled opponent or a bystander so i do not mistakenly harm you."

Ah. Someone was here...and it was just who he was looking for. This person...named himself as a sparring partner. And it was scheduled....So. Might as well get started...

Tame crystallized his entire being, and dissolved that same body...while at the same time compacting it. This resulted in no excruciating physical change... only the keenest eyes could detect the transformation. Tame knew that he was one of the few in Iwa who had such keen ocular ability...and also one of the few who had such talent in agility as well. He was quite aware that he moved much faster than most junior ninja...but he felt flashy as of now. Tame summoned his Shardstinger arrowguns in a purplish-red light; then, he combined the two weapons into one, into a rather formidable weapon. He quickly dissolved his body, reducing air resistance, and increased his speed even more than it already was; to lesser ninja and civilians, he would have appeared to have vanished. The Yamada 'reappeared' on one of the taller pillars of the Coliseum, at about eight o'clock from the young boy he was to face. Nag'ya no Jutsu...!

Four successive shots in Gear First...then a short delay, and a fifth, more powerful one. The first four of them were aimed at the legs of this 'Chiba' person while the fifth was aimed at his torso. He was....40 meters away? Quite the easy shot.


5Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:06 pm



Chiba saw the attacks with barely enough time to react. As he turned he had barely enough time to avoid the shots, a tear in his left pants leg being made from the first shot coming so close. As he soon away from the attack, the pause between the first four and the fifth, larger shot was enough for him to react. Loosing some of his chakra, he creates a thread. Wrapping the thread around the final crystal, he pulls it into an orbital trajectory around him before launching it back at his attacker.
"That was an excellent start to our battle," he calls to his opponent. "However, I believe that it is proper etiquette to introduce ones self to ones parter in a friendly sparring match."

chakra 147/150:

[ I'm on my phone right now. I'll add the colors and counts when I return home]
{ typed out all the coding on my phone...}

6Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:20 pm


"That was an excellent start to our battle. However, I believe that it is proper etiquette to introduce ones self to ones parter in a friendly sparring match."

Hmph. Tough luck, one stops to greet in a real battle. But this was quite interesting... For the most part, the Puppetry technique was used on non-moving or cooperative objects (or people). That he managed to change the trajectory of his bolt was impressive...but not good enough, sadly. Tame saw the roundabout fashion in which Chiba was redirecting his projectile, and reacted accordingly. He jumped off the pillar, and suspended himself in midair by controlling the passive chakra flowing through his crystal body. At the point where his head was about five feet off the ground, Tame just...stopped. Upside-down. Though...something probably looked odd. Neither his hair nor his clothes drooped via gravity. It essentially looked like he was standing right-side-up when he was upside-down. Then, another round of shots. Quite the barrage, in fact; he let fly a volley of sixteen octahedral bolts. He adjusted his aim as well as his own position constantly while he fired, strafing upside-down in midair with the same finesse as on the ground. Tame readied himself for any retaliation...

[631/600. Mission WC Complete.]

Last edited by Tame on Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

7Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:43 pm



Chiba was facinated with the way his opponent had halted mid-air. the fact that he was inverted not overlooked entirely, but not the focus of his facination either. (crystals; Doton. stopping mid-air; gravity or magnetic jutsu, meaning fuuton or raiton secondary. jutsu without calling out; mute [also explains no greeting].)
His mind raced as the bolts flew towards him. thining quickly, he dropped, face-first onto the floor, letting the bolts fly through the air overhead.
Chiba knew the way to beat this opponent was to keep moving, but was at a loss as to how he was suposed to deal any damage in return. (hiding? he makes no noise, if i cant see him i wont know where he is. Charging? his levitation may be fully-capable flight, so way to close distance that way. Fatigue? he's exerting little physical energy beyond his chakra manipulation, who knows how long he can keep that up i'll tire out first most likely.)
the idea sprang to mind suddenly. pushing himself up from the floor, he made a mark on the tile under his palm, hiding it with his shoe as he stood upright.

no peaking!:

8Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:43 pm


Tame knew he had this. Simple as that....he far outmatched this one. As of now, at least. There wasn't much a person could do against a (comparatively) close-range, fast-as-hell projectile. But it was going to get even harder for this guy. Arena Trap...Critical Shot...Warp Snipe...checkmate.

The arena was filled with a crystal dust that refracted the noon sun's light to make it temporarily impossible to see. The blinding light masked an otherwise startling movement; Tame had used his Doton-Mobile Core: Arena Trap to manipulate the arena to his advantage. The tiles that were directly behind the ones they were standing on(or above, in Tame's case) began to sink. The adjacent tiles then moved into that hole, and also started to sink. Eventually, this motion pushed a relatively small piece of standable ground together. To bystanders, it probably would have looked like magic.

It was a 3m by 3m square...and surrounded by the abyss that ever lay below the Coliseum. A small circle of ground--very narrow, about a foot wide--circled the island, with a gap of about 5m separating it. The rest of the Coliseum lay quite far out from the island he had created...15m, at least. Tame then made his move.
He surrounded his upper body with a bluish-white, fiery chakra aura, signifying that his trump card was up next. Using the last of Arena Trap, he sealed the perimeter of the square with a crystal wall, which he easily passed through due to being of the same substance. His speed and agility--amplified once again--made it a doddle to clear the chasm between the small arena and the 'track' he had made.

And then he went 'pew pew pew'. Tame used his (comparatively) amazing speed, coupled with the increased firing rate of his Shardstingers, to attack Chiba from multiple directions with bolts the same color as his aura. He fired four shots from where he was, twelve o'clock, and went to ten, then eight, then six, then four, then two; after that, two shots each from o'clocks five, nine, three, and seven.

Finally, in a jump that would have lesser ninja guessing where he went, Tame moved back to the main arena...about seven feet off the ground, right side up, he threw his arrowguns to his sides, but they spun in mid-path like yo-yos, returning to his hands, now coated in a bluish aura as well. He raised the arrowguns, then shoved them downward. As he did so, his forearms dissolved into what seemed to be a portal, which they were now seemingly stuck in. Quite a few similar 'portals' appeared in a dome-like formation around the square arena....and more blue bolts came out of them. At random angles and times, 60 bolts would be fired, all of them aimed at Chiba. Not aiming to kill, of course. These weren't nearly as powerful as they could have been.

After his trump card was pulled, Tame reverted the arena's shape back to normal, and sighed before dismissing his arrowguns. A job well done, indeed.


9Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:55 am



Dust filled the stadium as Tame's ultimate attack cleared from the stadium. Chiba waited a moment longer before dismissiong his Transformation Technique. the blinding light that his opponenet had made he knew had gone both ways, and his opponent could not see either. he'd used the opportunity to create a clone and transform himself into a piece of the tile flooring.

there was a reason those were basic skills, after all. they wouldnt have taught them if they were never to come in handy. he silently thanked the teachers at the Academy as he began his move. things were obviously steppign up in this match, and that had been a close call as it was.

Charging forward out of the cloud of dust, he hoped to catch his opponent off-guard. leaping toward his sparring partner, he pullesd one of his hands into his sleave, released one of the seals he had hidden on the interior, and emerged with a small pouch.

pulling the string on the pouch,
Chiba released his flash seal as he lept into the air and emptied its contents at the hovering young man before him. fifty small ball-bearings, meant for puppet construction, flew at his opponent. they weren't meant to do any damage, but between the flash seal behind him and the shiny ball-bearings, his opponent should be too distracted to notice the chakra strings weaving an inescapable web around them.

a small smile crossing his face, Chiba pulls the strings tight, first his left hand, filled with his Doton chakra meant to slow him down enough to be less of a, the right hand, the fuuton causing razor sharp wire meant to cut into skin. he was carful how much chakra to pour into these, though, as he wasn't terribly interested in sending his opponent to the hospital.


1018/1000 WC complete

10Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:50 am



Tame was dismayed....his attacks missed. His rather hasty attempt, he might have added, to end this quickly. He wanted to have lunch. And this was taking too long...and now Chiba wanted to damn retaliate. Tame was thiiis close to just walking out. But he thought that letting him would just let seeds of complacency grow. As the child raised his arm as he jumped, probably him, he reacted without a thought. Crystal Encampment Wall!

A dome of crystal surrounded Tame; its normally vertical height being reduced, but wrapped around itself for 360 protection. A flash ensued, which was slightly refracted from the crystal; Tame squinted painfully as he saw thousands of Puppet Strings wrapped around his dome. He summoned his arrowguns, the Shardstingers, once more, and let them hover in midair, re-gathering their spent crystal dust. It would take a small while...he had temporarily dismissed his trump technique, but he could probably summon it back for a little while. He just had to wait...Gear Third...Arbalest! Warp Snipe, Style Two! All right, kid...nowhere to run. It's all over.

11Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:20 am




Chiba tightens his strings around the crystal sphere, now both sets funneling his razor threads at full force trying to crack the shell. Placing his feet on the side of the crystal, he pulls with all his strength.
He's too close to give up now. His sparring partner was resorting to powerful attacks in desperation


Last edited by Chiba on Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:09 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding chakra count)

12Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:22 am


Tame began his final assault. Take this!

He fired a shot that was enormous in comparison to his usual fare, two feet long and 3/4 foot wide. An impressive attack, indeed....He fired two shots, with about a two-second gap between them. One at Chiba and the other due right of him. This was it....Tame vanished from within his protective dome and reappeared in the line-of-fire of his 'misaimed' shot. Whether or not his initial attack hit Chiba, Tame would keep a close eye on him and fire the second bolt from what he hoped was an unexpected angle. He would repeat this twice more, if Chesuke managed to dodge them all. Sighing again, Tame walked out, clutching his stomach. Hungry....

{Tame Exited the Thread}

13Lifetime [C - nokill] Empty Re: Lifetime [C - nokill] Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:28 am



Chiba was hit hard by the first shot, focused as he was at breaking through the crystalline sphere. Knocked back by the blow, Chiba bounced and rolled until a pillar stopped his momentum. He struggled a moment to get up, desperate to prove he could win. The pain in his chest too much from the broken ribs, he fell back to the floor, the last thing he saw being Tame's feet walking away.
(Chiba exits thread on stretcher)

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