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Dākuchairudo Jishin

((OOC: Exposition post.))

Rarely came a man as interesting as the Butcher, Jishin had met him but once, yet in that time he had shown himself to be an apt killer, he had in a short period not only executed a bandit, but had done so in spectacular fashion. Her thoughts drifted to what she had witnessed after being entasked to eradicate a small group of bandits that had been causing trouble throughout the Kumogakure market; one of the fools had decided to make his way into the Butcher's shop, only to be met with a meat-cleaver to the cranium several times. The whole scene was beautifully savage, and the Butcher struck the man with what seemed to be a practiced ease, then after the deed had been done he spoke of it as if it had not just occurred, which to her was more interesting than the fact that he had committed the act in the first place.

After the ordeal he had recommended Jishin to come and see him someday, and it seemed that day had come. She stood outside of his shop, staring through the glass window that encompassed the majority of the front of the shop, her vision slightly obscured due to the words "Finest Meats In Kumogakure" being plastered in red letters upon the window. Still she could make out the Butcher through the window, he was sitting behind his counter, apparently done with the 'butchering' of the day. For a moment she stood still, watching him, taking in his features. The Butcher appeared to be a man in his early forties, a fairly tall man with wiry frame, signs of age radiated throughout his face, a look of wisdom and serenity sat on his face, as if he had found his place in life. His formerly ashen black hair, or she assumed it was ashen, had been grayed through the duress of time, his five-o-clock shadow had also been affected by this as it had also become gray in color. He wore a red woolen-sweatshirt beneath his black leather apron, along with a pair of dungarees. In no sense of the word was he intimidating, nor did he command an air of confidence, but there was something about him ... Obviously he had little issue taking life ... What was his story?

Without further hesitance Jishin entered the Butcher's shop, a small bell rang out as she pressed in, drawing the attention of the Butcher who gave a slight smile "Welcome to my shop, feel free to try the cured Chorizo." pointing out a small sample platter upon the counter, apparently he didn't remember their earlier meeting, much to her dismay. Frowning slightly she spoke, "You don't remember our exchange?" the smile hadn't faded from his face as he replied "I remember you, the one who took care of those bandits", apparently he hadn't forgotten who she was. "Chorizo's still free, though." He quipped leaning upon the counter awaiting for Jishin to try a sample of the sausage. Shrugging her shoulders Jishin picked up a slice, biting into it, it was absolutely delicious, "Really good," she stated staring at the Butcher who still stood with light smile locked upon his face. "But that's not why I'm here, I --" to her surprise the Butcher cut her off, raising his and gesturing for her to silence herself. "I know why you're here. You're wondering where an unassuming man such as myself learned to defend himself, and his possessions." His tone was dire serious, the smile upon his face had faded leaving a stoic look on his face, "Pretty much." she replied staring at him.

"Former Special-Forces, Iwagakure ANBU." He stated simply, Jishin stared in a combination of disbelief and awe at the possibility, she might have been speaking with a Shinobi who, not only lived long enough to retire, but did so in higher echelon of Shinobi. Definitely something you didn't see often, "And it would seem I'm dying, from a disease without a name, or so the doctors say." another insane statement passed through the man's lips causing Jishin to furrow her brow, wondering why he was telling her this, and more so why he was in Kumogakure and not in his homeland. "Why are you here, then? Shouldn't you be spending time with your people?" She asked, to which he chuckled a bit, "I don't have any, people, and I was told the medical ninja would have better time treating my disease here. No luck, of course." So, what was he looking for then? Why did he ask to see her again? "I see; I would offer my condolences, but it seems you're still hanging around in the world of the living, and from my vision you seem fairly healthy." to which he immediately replied, "It's asymptomatic." she nodded her head silently.

"Last I saw you, you were dealing with those bandits...Your Taijutsu reminded me a lot of my own, back in my earlier days, and being that I'm coming closer to my demise, I think it might be time for me to pass on some of my knowledge." She stared at him for a moment, wondering if he was serious, wondering if she had just hit the damn lottery. "So, you want to train me?" She asked, trying to see if the man was serious in his offer. He nodded, looking over her.

Of course the two talked for several more hours, but his offer was genuine, and it seemed that he was in fact the real deal...

((OOC:Thread is postponed until a later date.))

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