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1Mass Effect::Validity (LB) Empty Mass Effect::Validity (LB) Mon Jul 02, 2012 4:44 pm


Mass Effect::Validity (LB) Adbannermev

The War is over, for the moment.
The Rebuilding has begun.

In the wake of War against the Reapers, the universe faces a hollow future. Even with Reapers retreated back into Darkspace after the sacrifice of David Anderson, there is still so much to be done. The Cataclysm of the fusion has destroyed the Mass Relays, throwing space travel back centuries.

Now, with the Citadel and Crucible in the orbit around the ruined remains of Earth in the Sol system, the scientists rush to a daunting task - attempting to rebuild the Relays and reconnect the systems before Galactic society plunges into chaos.

For those that survived that final battle, they must adapt to being trapped so far from home. Quarian, Asari, Turian, Krogan, Geth, Batarian ... all trapped together in the Sol System until the pathways to their homes can be reestablished. With Shorter tempers and Shorter supplies... things really are a powder keg waiting to blow.

And then rumors... rumors that not all the Reapers retreated into Darkspace. That Cerberus might not be dead. And that new threats might be forming right in the middle of everything. What is true? What is speculation?

Only Time will Tell.


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