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After the abrupt scene in the Tsuichikage complex; Zwei couldn't help but to chuckle once he was outside the office, accompanied by the young woman. "What's so funny? Did I do something?" She inquired as they declined the flight of spiraling stairs. Zwei shook his head from side to side objecting to the notion that she did something wrong: "No, not at all -- It's funny that she's so busy in there. I didn't even get the chance to get her name." He explained, shifting his attention over to her to take notice of the scroll she had in her hand. "My name is Zwei by the way -- so what exactly will I be doing on the mission?" The young woman smiled politely; she was pleased with this young man's energy, and also excited that he was so polite to her. "Nice to meet you Zwei, I'm Ren. I work for the Kawanashi family -- I'm typically the nanny for them, but I have to leave tonight and their kids need to be watched. They can be a bit of a hand full at times." A wry smile shaped Zwei's lips at the thought of the children being a hand full. He was a shinobi; there was no way that the kids would be too much for him to handle.

They exchanged some pleasant words back and forth and before he even realized it they had made it to the suburb region of the village; the buildings were a lot larger and the people there seemed very focus on themselves. Once they had reached their destination she turned to face the him; to their side was a larger home. She smiled as she lifted her hand, pointing and making a gesture towards the building "This is the place -- thanks again for your help Zwei. I'll be back at 9. They need to be at bed at 8 and lunch and dinner is already prepared for them. Good luck!" She uttered moments before heading off into another direction. Zwei waved her off and made his way over to the home, he peaked over to the window on the second stairs and caught a glimpse of a sweet looking young boy looking down at him. He had his hands on the window and stared down at Zwei with soft brown eyes. Zwei tilted his head to the side some and waved to the kid with a playful grin painted across his face. The kid's face immediately intensified and shifted to a bit of an angry and dull stair. He motioned his hand from one side of his neck to the other, making a decapitation gesture and then quickly pointed at Zwei before backing away. An uneasy expression shaped his expression upon seeing the gesture, he placed an idle hand on the back of his head to ruffle up his hair a bit. "Oh boy what am I getting myself into?"

Despite the intimidated yet rather comical gesture the young child made, Zwei made his way over to the building and opened the door cautiously. Once inside he shut the door behind him and examined the area a bit, taking notice of the images. On the first image he saw a plump young man accompanied by his beautiful wife; she wore a dress which complimented her figure relatively nicely. There were three small children with them; a little girl and two young boys. Zwei examined the picture closer and noticed that one of the boys happened to be the same one that glared at him earlier. Just as he looked closer he caught a glimpse of something in the corner of his eye. He immediately turned to face it, taking notice of a walk way leading to the living room. "Hello?" He called out, it was immediately followed up by children's laughter. It had a bit of a spooky aura behind it, but Zwei approached it anyways. Once inside he immediately look to his left and took notice of a young boy standing in the corner of the. The little boy was standing in the corner staring at the wall intently. "Hey kid, are you okay?" Zwei questioned as he approached the young boy from behind. Despite his call, the young boy didn't as much as turn to greet him. "Hey kid?" Zwei called out once more,kneeling down and reaching out to grab his shoulder, but before he could do so the kid turned around with a malevolent grin painted across his face. "Gotcha!" The kid exclaimed and behind him Zwei could hear thumping footsteps approaching from behind. Once he turned he caught a glimpse of the little girl and the young boy from earlier charging him with massive books. He release a high pitch scream but it was immediately silenced by the sound of a massive book hitting him in the side of his head. Zwei fell to the floor The kids stood over him triumphantly and thrusted their arms up as if they were victorious. "Kids 1! Baby sitter 0!"

A few hours later Zwei had awakened, placing an idle hand on his head where the kids had hit him. "Ouch ouch ouch!" A throbbing sensation filled his head, these kids were extreme. Right when he was beginning to wonder why they couldn't get someone else to watch the kids, the answer seemed to hit him in the head... quite literally. Without his knowledge the kids had decided to draw on his face, giving him a fake mustache as well as glasses and other cutesy drawings on his face. He stood up; in the other room he could hear the kids chatting amongst one another. Zwei made his way towards the area where he heard them chatting, upon further investigation he realized that they were in the kitchen. Making his way to the kitchen he caught a glimpse of two of them sitting at the table properly, eatting some sandwiches that seemed to be prepared for them. "Hey! Why did you guys hit me earlier, I could've been hurt!?" He inquired to the kids. The little girl immediately started to giggle upon noticing the drawings on his face and the young boy immediately replied with a: "Hey hush up, no need to shout -- come eat your sandwich." The young boy demanded; Zwei was again taken aback by the young boy's comment, but he couldn't deny the idea that he was hungry.

He did as he was told and begun eatting the sandwich that was prepared for him. "If you're a ninja, I feel really bad for you; you're quite weak and not to mention you're scrawny." The young boy explained -- the young girl beside her simply nodded her head in agreement. "When I become a shinobi, I'll be the strongest, I'll probably be the Tsuichikage." Instead of getting mad or frustrated with the young boy due to his description of him; he simply chuckled, finding these kids quite humorous. "Well when you guys are old enough, I hope I'm indeed stronger. I may even be your sensei -- what are your names by the way?" The young boy begun pounding on the table while bursting out in laughter, the young girl shortly followed suit after. "You? Be my teacher, you don't can't even protect yourself let alone us. I think I should be your sensei." He paused for a bit before pointing to himself. "Listen here, and listen closely because I don't like repeating myself. My name is Rui, this girl beside me is my sister. Her name is Ai." He gestured to her as she introduced her and she acknowledged with a smile. "And behind you, that's my brother Tai." He stated as he turned to the young boy behind him. Zwei's eyelids opened abruptly upon realizing that there were indeed only two sitting with him at the table, he turned around quickly but only to greet a pot right across his face. He fell out of his chair and on the floor again knocked out. The kids all got up and stood over him triumphantly, thrusting their arms in the air: "Kids 2, babysitter 0!"

A few more hours passed by; night had come and Zwei was still unconscious on the floor. The kids stood over him; at this point they had all gotten dressed, brushed their teeth and were about ready for bed. The young boy sat india style on his chest, and shook his head from side to side: "This is embarrassing, this guy is suppose to be one of our future shinobi?" The other two followed suit and shook their heads. "You know what to do Tai." With that said Tai had a cup of water he turned it and splashed it Zwei's face. The cold water immediately awakened Zwei and at that time he screamed, but was immediately silenced by a slap across the face. "Enough, we're tired, we need you to tuck us in." The young boy quickly got up and ran towards the room accompanied by his siblings. Zwei laid on his back for a moment staring at the ceiling in disbelief. He was panting at his point; these kids were not a hand full. It was far more than that!

Zwei shook his head from side to side and pressed himself up -- he was determined to not let them get him this time around! He made his way over to their room cautiously, taking notice of the light peaking out into the hall way. Watching his surroundings carefully he eased over to the room and pressed his back against the wall taking cover as he neared it. Before peaking into the room he watched his back once more. "Okay Zwei, go in there, be ready for anything!" He muttered quietly to himself and with that said he charged into the room, but once inside all he saw were the children sprawled across the bed sound asleep. They seemed so sweet so gentle; it was quite different from before. He broke into a faint chuckle, which eventually turned to an intense smile as he approached the children, tucking them in accordingly before going to turn off the lights. He peaked at them once more: "You'll be great ninja in the future kids, I can't wait to see how you guys turn out." He uttered quietly, not sure if they heard him or not, but felt it was quite appropriate. He shut the door behind him and just as he did he caught a glimpse of the young woman from before who had initially given him the mission.

"Oh dear!" She uttered softly, noticing all the art work on his face; Zwei assumed it was nothing more than a mark that the kids left from whacking him on the head. "Oh no it's nothing, it'll be okay." She couldn't help but to release an intense giggle as she saw the art work, but immediately bowed apologetically and thanked him for looking at the kids for him. She signed the scroll and handed it to him. "You did a great job, I really appreciate it!" She uttered as they motioned to the door. Once outside Zwei begun leaving, only to glance back at the children's room. Upon doing so he saw the kids waving at him from the window with sheepish grins painted across their face.

He chuckled softly, waving back at the children before leaving the proximity; it was a rather interesting first day as Genin...



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