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Gideon Graves. A man dictated by his own paranoia. Hell, he even built a sword into Envy Adam’s dress during the final battle against Scott Pilgrim in the Chaos Theater. There for, logic dictates that he would have an alternate plan in case of defeat.

Well… he did.

Shortly after his defeat, life went on, happier than usual, following the course that it always had. Toronto was once again at ease. Slacking around a little and with occasional parties, but at ease. This care free existence proceeded for only a few more months before disaster struck. In a stroke of genius, Gideon had created a sort of rupture in Subspace which allow him to revive without the need of an extra life. To the dismay of many, it worked.

...With a few glitches.

The rupture, unable to define who was Gideon Graves, revived EVERYONE. The casualties from the great “Toronto Love Affair” returned one by one. Mathew Patel, Lucas Lee, Todd Ingram, Roxanne Richter, Kyle and Ken Katayanagi; they too returned to prowl around the streets of the once quiet Canadian town. That was not the worst matter at hand though.

In order to retrieve the Evil Exes from the depths of subspace’s 3rd and deepest layer, the shatter had to cut through the more fragile layers above it – that of the dream world and the unconscious. Unable to reconstruct themselves, the 2nd and 1st layers began to present collateral damage onto the remainder of the world. People would often be stuck in awkward dreams or nightmares, become unable to remember crucial information, suffer from short term memory loss, and – more commonly – have that nagging feeling that they left the stove on before leaving home (even those who didn’t have a stove).

In his selfish attempts of playing God, Gideon had effectively screwed up the mind of the world population. Subspace highways had become dangerous; it was as if a massive earthquake had wrecked all of its structure. Unusual people began to crowd into Toronto, looking for answers to their screwed up thoughts and – hopefully – a way to fix them.

So here we are, smack in the middle of this mess.

You can take your time to fix what’s been torn apart.

You can take advantage of the vulnerability of all people in this situation.

You can even choose to not give a damn.

But, inevitably, you’re in on this.



  • Plenty of primary canons still available.
  • All OCs are fully integrated into the main plot.
  • Friendly staff and members
  • Comedic Roleplaying environment
  • ....And we got hipsters! Wait, is that even a positive?

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