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1Teaching the Youth [D-Rank/Complete] Empty Teaching the Youth [D-Rank/Complete] Fri Mar 29, 2013 10:16 am




The wind blew rather fiercely on this fine, sunshiney day. Birds sang atop high roofs and common rodents hustled about on busy chores. The streets were alive with the bustle of the ninja city and merchants lined the streets. Outside of the Ninja Academy, a brown haired boy with a mission sheet in his hand had knocked on the academy door with his left hand. The sounds of jutsu being activated could be heard as smoke emitted from out of the creases of the door. Kosuke placed his right forearm over his nose, keeping the smoke from being inhaled into his nostrils.

A creaking sound echoed outside of the academy building as the huge brown door was opened by a tall and skinny shinobi with black spiky hair, wearing a Chuunin vest. The man smiled and swallowed his spit before speaking, "Hello. Are you here for the D-Rank mission of being my assistant?"
"Yes, I am." said Kosuke. When he finished his sentence, the black spiky haired teacher signaled for Kosuke to enter the room; Which he did. Kosuke noticed an empty desk in the back of the class, and sat there. The whole class was staring at him, until their teacher continued the lesson. 

The lesson was about the basic Jutsu, and about the obstacles some of the shinobi in the world would face. Kosuke squinted his left eye towards the chalkboard to analyze what chapter they were on. Right now, the kids had been learning about one of Kosuke's favorite techniques. "Solar Flare". It was a technique that allowed ranged fighters or any shinobi be able to blind someone that attempted to get in close range. Even though he already knew the technique, there was some more interesting things he had learned about it. Such as the chakra cells not being able to harm the brain or fry the memory because of the small amount injected inside. Some of the kids were frightened by the technique, running several nightmares through their head that they could inject into their head and fry their brain.

After the teacher finished explaining the technique, the teacher spoke- "Assistant are you able to tell them more about this technique?"
"Yes I am," said Kosuke as he stood up and walked to the front of the class. Several of the kids stared at him once more, recognizing him from capturing them for being part of the academy gang. "Okay. The Solar Flare technique is done by channeling chakra into your head to release a blast of blinding light if you haven't noticed. It is also used to avoid attacks, and flee from any close combat attacks. Any questions?" said Kosuke. 

Several of the kids raised their hand, jerking their forearm in a spinning motion. Kosuke scanned the area twice before he pointed towards the academy student with glasses that sat in the front. "Is there an estimate of how much should be injected in your brain?" the student shouted. 
"The shinobi who created the technique never gave an estimate on how much but he gave it a span of how long you should inject it. 1 to 2 seconds." Once Kosuke finished his sentence, a whole bunch of hands raised again. The boy pointed towards another student, but this time in the back.
"Is the blind strong enough to kill someone?"
"No. It just effects the eyes to an extent which allows for the user not being able to see. Well look at the time. That's all for today," said Kosuke as he looked at the clock at the back of the academy building. It was time for him to leave so he exited the building. 

[Mission Completed: 616/600]

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