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"Okay, I think I've got everything."
She was talking to no-one in specific since there was no-one here. Her father had gone on a mission again and wouldn't come back all too soon.
With a sigh, she took her backpack and went out of the door. For the mission the Kazekage had given her she would have to travel to Konoha.
It didn't seem this hard. The Kazekage had told her to deliver an important message to the Hokage. Nothing more and nothing less.
It was early morning when she left Suna's gates behind.

The desert looked dangerous and cold before the sun slowly went up in the distance, sending its light to the grains of sand around her. One after another began to shine softly in the morning light and for a moment, Misoka could just stop and stare in awe. Beautiful. She wondered what Konoha would be like. The village was known for its forests, hence "Village hidden in the leafs", so Misoka had put a small map with her. She didn't want to get lost in some dark forest and .. starve or something. She had never been in Konoha before. Her father said it was a beautiful village, not so hot as Suna with warm breezes which could cool you down or warm you slightly.

Misoka walked on, making her way through the desert. Konoha was a couple of days away even at a fast pace. So she kept moving, nothing particular on her mind. She just hoped she wouldn't run into some bad guys on her way.. but walking in the desert had the advantage of seeing your opponent long before he had the chance to attack you.
As time passed by, the sun got stronger and the temperature rose. Misoka pulled the hood over her head so she wouldn't suffer a heat stroke any time soon. Then she grabbed her water bottle and took a sip of the cool liquid. It felt great.

She kept walking through the first day, only occassionally taking a break somewhere she could find a plant which would cast a shadow over her.
Slowly, night descended and there was just enough sunlight left for Misoka to see that the terrain had changed. Instead of pure sand, she spotted grass beneath her feet. Sure, it was yellow and dying, sparse patches of vegetation in the sandy ground. But still, it put a smile on her face because it meant she was getting closer. A few trees were scattered her and there, though they were whitered, twisted things, almost empty of leaves and blackened.

When her surroundings were fully engulfed in darkness, Misoka knew that she had to sleep somewhere. Her heart thumped with anxiousness at the thought of that. She could only afford one hour sleep at a time, then awake and watch out for enemies before drifting to sleep some more. She chose a place under one of the dying trees and sat into the sand, leaning against the trunk. A kunai held tightly in her right hand, she closed her eyes.

Sometimes the most insignificant noises would wake her up, make her get into a fighting stance and look around frantically. But the best part was that she wasn't attacked by real enemies during the night.

The next morning, she awoke early, ate an apple and then kept on moving. The sand gradually got less until she was walking on muddy ground with more and more trees around her. With a relieved smile on her lips, she took out her map and checked her location.
She must be at the edge of the land of fire. The forest she had to go to was right before her eyes.
She had finally arrived.

WC 631

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