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An enormous amount of dust ruptured from the ceiling of an old underground burial house as the sound of footsteps echoed across the small room. The stream of dust collapsed onto the head of a spiky brown-haired boy, who sat in front of four lit candles with his legs crossed. Around him was several papers of drawing transcripts, human-being bones, and skulls. The boy ignored the terrifying surrounding around him as he continued to meditate in peace; By keeping his eyes closed, and humming to himself while slowing his heart rate down.

Silence. It lasted in the room for several more minutes until a few more people walked into the room that was on top of the underground burial house causing another enormous stream of dust to rupture from the ceiling. This time- the dust had landed on the candles, extinguishing the flames. The boy opened his eyelids and screamed out loud as he noticed that the candle lights were gone because he seen the shine of the light disappear from his eyelids. While continuing to scream, He stood up onto his feet. The boy wiped the dust stains from the back of his dark blue pants, and reached down to collect his transcripts, and his white t-shirt. He turned around to walk up the dusty stairs that were filled with cob-webs.

"Kosuke! Where are you going?"

The custodian screamed as she sat at her desk, and watched Kosuke bolt out of the sliding doors. The lady didn't want to clean up another mess that a wreck less shinobi made. All of it was becoming tiresome. "Eh! Come back here an clean up that disgusting dirt!" said the custodian. Kosuke knew he left a trail of dust on the office carpet, but he was too enraged to think of it; At the time, the only thing on his mind was to travel towards the Training Grounds, where he could train his transcripts instead. As Kosuke darted down the village paths, Citizens of Iwagakure moved out of his way with a disgust expression on their face; They didn't want any of the dirt coated on Kosuke's bare chest to stain their clothes.

Birds chirped a beautiful melody on the trees nearby a river in the Iwagakure training grounds. A light breeze swept through the village, colliding with the sweaty skin of the large amount of children in the Training Grounds. The gust of wind blew the small amount of leaves from out their trees and onto Kosuke, who had been near the river, throwing water onto himself. After a few minutes of rinsing his skin, he stepped out of the water and equipped his white t-shirt back onto his upper torso. The t-shirt had smelled bad, and was drenched in sweat from the intense heats in the underground burial house.

Kosuke yawned, and turned around to scan the the field for a training partner; The only thing in sight was children. Kosuke shrugged at the training ground as he glanced at the transcripts on the ground. Guess I'm going to learn a few drawings today Kosuke reached down to grab the first paper he seen. "Ugh this animal is going to be a piece of cake," said Kosuke as he unattached his drawing scroll from his waist, and rolled it out to make the canvas visible. The boy grabbed the paintbrush from in-between the crease of the two papers, and began to try to copy the transcript.

Word Count: 578/2,250



Kosuke stroked left and right with his wooden paintbrush, mimicking the small pencil lines that were on the transcript. He pressed his right hand harder on the back cover of the book as he attempted to scribe the ink onto the small paper. Once he had finished his drawing, he sat his paintbrush into the crease of the book and formed the tiger hand-seal with his right hand to cause five small ink crabs to leapt out of the paper and onto the ground. The crabs had been made with only one enormous claw which caused them to topple onto their right side each time they moved. It was a horrible mistake made by the artist.

"Ugh! I rushed the drawing and forgot to activate the other right claw."

The boy shouted as he stepped onto one of the crabs, turning it back into a small puddle of ink. The bottom of his shoe had now been covered with ink, and dog crap from the disgusting environment in the training grounds. It was odd that a place many people visited didn't have a no animal policy. Kosuke looked up towards the sky, and screamed out at the dog crap that was on his feet. He became infuriated with how the owners of the training ground treated their land. The boy picked up his paintbrush, and placed the ink coated tip of the paintbrush onto the book. As he readied himself to draw, he couldn't get the thought of how the land was treated out of his mind; As a kid, Kosuke's parents had imbued his mind with an intimidating life lesson- "If you own something, Never treat it out of manners." 

With the thought still lingering around in his mind, it angered Kosuke and motivated him at the same time. The boy smirked, and immediately stroked the paint brush onto the paper. Black colored Ink smeared onto the yellow paper continuously while Kosuke clenched the wooden handle of the brush. He moved his head in a sidewards motion to flip the brown bang out of his hair as he continued to draw five small regular sized crabs. Focus Focus Were the only that ran through his brain. He knew he couldn't possibly fail this time with how advance his photographic memory was.

Sweat poured down the side of his eye, His heart pumped with adrenaline, the vein on the right side of his eye where his transplant was marked began to pop out of his temple as he checked the transcript once more before Kosuke formed the tiger hand-seal to cause the crabs to leapt off the paper and onto the ground. The crabs wobbled on the soil of the training grounds, snapping their claws at the insects around them. This time the crabs had been drawn to the perfect size, and they were drawn with all their battle assets. 

Word Count: 1,061/2,250



"Yes! About time. I finished these creatures!"

Kosuke shouted out loud as he dashed towards the lake, taking his shirt off in the process. The sun shined onto his pale bare chest as grams of the training grounds soil ran through the creases of his toes. He could feel the wind brushing up against his forehead and his brown spiky hair. Kosuke chuckled. It had felt amazing to finally learn another transcript that was offensive-based; Most of his time spent in the Tohon Training Academy, he was forced to focus on learning the supplementary transcripts which eventually had started to wreak him with boredom.

Once Kosuke reached the edge of the lake, he sprung into the air with his body tucked into a ball and his knees raised up to his chest while his arms held them up.  Kosuke gasped, and closed his eyes as he immediately began to fall into the lake from the effect of gravity. Splash! Water sprinkled onto everyone around the lake from the collision of Kosuke's body smashing the surface of the water. Kosuke sunk to the bottom of the lake, and quickly used his feet to push himself up against the surface of the bottom of the lake which propelled him back up to the surface of the water, where he had noticed that most of the shinobi began to exit the training grounds because their clothes were soaked. 

Kosuke felt somewhat sad that he was the reason the other shinobi were leaving but, he sort of felt happy that he would have an entire field to himself which would benefit his training; Without all the children around him- he would have an opportunity to study the transcripts more faster and perfect them on the first to second try. Not only that, Kosuke would be able to perform his meditation technique in silence. I can't believe it I think I'm in heaven Kosuke wiped the water from out of his eyes with the back of his hands, and continued to kick his two feet back and forth in the water for floating. Several micro-sized fish nibbled onto his feet, making him keep a smile pasted on his face.

The fish nibbled onto Kosuke's feet some more, devouring the amount of soil that didn't wash away from in between the creases of his toes. He placed his left hand on his stomach to massage the pain of his intense laughter. The fishes bite felt similar to someone tickling the soft bottom layer of his feet which is one of the most very sensitive spots on the skin. "I..can't take this..constant laughter," muttered Kosuke as he removed his right hand from his stomach to slowly doggy paddle back towards shore. He had swam slow to his destination because of the fish constantly following him to feed on his dead foot skin.




Crack A twig snapped into half, and caused an swarm of ants to flee from the area as Kosuke collapsed onto the soil of the training ground's surface. His arms were stretched out horizontally, his legs were spread out similar to a snow man position, and his knees were dug into the wet soil- staining his dark blue pants. Kosuke laughed at the small amount of ants that carried a piece of fishing bait away with them. It was unique the way the insects used their strength and teamwork at the same time to accomplish something. "Meh. Those ants love to work together. It reminds me of an animal I'm suppose to train," Kosuke ceased his laughing. "Ugh..That's right. I'm suppose to train my piranhas next," said Kosuke as he pushed his arms up against the surface to help him stand up back onto his two feet.

Kosuke pressed his thumb up against his face to gently wipe the smudged dirt from the right side of his face. The boy's entire bare chest was also covered in fresh wet mud that had recently transformed from dirt. His blue shinobi shoes and the creases in-between his toes had also been stained with a thick layer of mud that strangled his skin like a snake's grip. It was disgusting, and Kosuke knew that the mud was interfering with his training; He wouldn't be able to hold a pen and paper with the amount of mud on his hands.

Several more minutes went by, and Kosuke still stood there thinking of how he would execute his prolonged training of the piranha transcript. As Kosuke stood there mustering up a plan, he gazed off into a short day dream sequence of spectating the slow movement of the clouds. He analyzed the descriptive details of the shapes and forms that most of the clouds took upon. It was similar to watching tv with all of the shapes that were made such as a duck, ballon, or even more bizarre things. Kosuke just couldn't take his eyes off of the addicting showpiece in the sky.

"Suiton no Jutsu"

An mysterious man shouted from the other side of the lake as he held the tiger hand-seal raised up to his chest. A stream of water 
gushed from out of the man's mouth, propelling towards Kosuke. Once the man finished spewing out the mass amount of water from his mouth, he released the tiger hand-seal and dashed out of the training grounds. This man was none other than Kosuke's Tohon tutor, who would often show up in a all black shinobi shozoku to monitor Kosuke's progress as a shinobi. It had been a mission assigned to his tutor when Dengen still ruled Tsuchigakure.

Goosebumps appeared onto the skin of Kosuke. A chill ran through his spine as a stream of water smashed onto the back of Kosuke causing him to arch his back in, and exit his day dreaming. "What the..?" said Kosuke as he turned around towards the lake. The boy was drenched in water from the Jutsu which happened to cleanse the mud from off his hands. Weird no one behind me. Oh well, Guess I can train this Jutsu now Kosuke shrugged the curiosity off, and bent down to grab the scroll that was in front of him. He rolled the scroll out to make the canvas visible, as he grabbed the paintbrush from in-between the crease of the scroll to began drawing.

Left. Right. Each line was drawn with precise movements as he clenched the paintbrush harder. After drawing the last line, Kosuke stuck his tongue out in an artistic way, and sat his paintbrush into the crease of the scroll to form the tiger hand-seal with his right hand which would cause three viscous piranhas to leapt out of the paper. The piranhas aggressively charged  towards one of the buildings near the trainings ground, moving similar to the way they swam in the water. Each of them splashing back into ink as they collided with the brick wall of the nearby building.

"Eww. Now, I know that the piranhas are a one way Jutsu."

Kosuke whispered as he shifted his body towards one of the training dummies to the right of him. Once again Kosuke drew three more piranhas and performed the tiger hand-seal to summon them from the canvas. But, this time he had aimed the piranhas at the helpless training dummy in front of him. "Go get em' fishes," shouted Kosuke. The piranhas swam towards the training dummy at the speeds of 25 mph. Each of the piranhas gritted their teeth as they became crazed with wanting to bite onto something. 

Once the piranhas reached their opponent, they opened their mouth to attempt to lock their teeth into the wooden material of the training dummy. The circular indention that was bit into the training dummy's shoulder was a 9mm circumference by 1.8 mm deep. Imagine if this was done to a human being! Kosuke was speechless, and in awe at how much damage the piranhas could do before they transformed back into in; If this was done to a human, it would leave average wounds which could possibly give Kosuke an advantage in battle. Even though, he would still need to never let his guard down so easily with how many durable shinobi their are in the world.

After learning several D-Rank Jutsu, Kosuke knew it was time to add more power to his arsenal. This was the perfect time to attempt to draw the most important ranged art transcript. Jellyfish. An ink transcript that could float in the air similar to as they do in water, and beholds one of the most dangerous ink ranged technique- The ink senbon shooter. A move that allows the jellyfish to fire two ink shaped senbon at a time, and with the Raiton element- the senbon can become even more lethal. For a C rank, the transcript is something to be warned of when facing a Tohon.

With all the advantages of learning the jellyfish transcript in mind, Kosuke became more serious. He picked up the paintbrush from in between the creases of the scroll's canvas, and began to draw the transcript. Being as though the jellyfish were one of the more easier transcripts to draw, he had finished quickly. "Done, let's put this to the test," Kosuke said as he formed the tiger hand-seal to cause the jellyfish to leapt off the page, and float 5'6 feet into the air. The jellyfish pointed their bottom towards the training dummy to shoot two senbon each without permission from Kosuke. It seemed as though the drawings were more aggressive with him since it was his first time.


Kosuke smirked. He walked off the training grounds with his scroll still held in his hand, and the paintbrush clenched in his opposite hand. The boy was too eager to test out his new transcripts and he knew just the place too; The tournament.

[Transcript Jellyfish: (1000/1000 Learned]
[Transcript Piranhas: (750/750) Learned]
[Transcript Crabs: (750/750) Learned]
[Total Word Count: 2,739/2,500]

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