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1Ninjutsu Training! [B to A/WIP] Empty Ninjutsu Training! [B to A/WIP] Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:31 pm



Hmm...Konoha seemed more lively than ever for some strange reason. Of all the years that he had stayed here, people had been more happier. Maybe they were just in denial from the recent events of the previous Kage being assassinated. Old friends disappeared from the village so maybe they had just left the village to defect or maybe they too had been one knew to be entirely honest with you. Others had spent so much time with their jutsu's, friends and missions while Kenny just seemed to take life more and more easy as time went on which, to be honest, was not acceptable to him. He kept beating himself up about it but he didn't do anything about it. He disliked the fact that every one he knew had just vanished and how the new kage used to be the same as him. Nyeh, he always figured most would progress further than himself but maybe it was about time to put some extra effort into his job. His job as a konoha ninja. Ninja of the Leaf! Best way to get things started would be to train up his ninjutsu! It was only B-Rank so it was probably best to train that at least up to A-Rank. It was going to require quite a bit of work since last time he had landed himself inside the hospital though now he had understood it a bit better than he had before. This time he was going strengthen his ninjutsu by using his ninjutsu to the max, to the point where it literally ached his entire being! Seemed like a plan was set out in his mind and he was determined to get to it but he began to wonder where in Konoha he could train this...he was beginning to become fed up with constantly seeing the forests outside of the village and after this session he was going to travel to Iwa to hopefully learn something. He really didn't have a reason other than he was becoming bored of his village and wanted to expand his horizons.

Tapping his foot on the railing just outside his window, he continued to wonder of where in his village could he go for some privacy. With all the new ninja jumping about and the population growing, there really wasn't anywhere he could go that he could train his jutsu without hurting something or someone. He frowned and rubbed his brow as he noticed that there was no where inside the village that he could train in without causing some sort of mayhem. Looked as if Kenny was going to have train outside in the wilderness. Maybe the rolling hills would be worth a visit. He hadn't been there in a while and it would be worth to get some peace and quiet. It seemed like a plan as Kenny grabbed his cot and leapt from his bedroom window, his hat being held on to stop it from being blown clean off of his head. He landed on the ground below and walked his way to the village gates, the laughs of children and the jeers of Genin against other Genin as they battled out words and taunts against each other. Ah rivalry. It'd been awhile since he'd been up against anyone as a good sparring match, hell, he'd only been in a few during his time as a genin of the leaf but he worked his way to Chuunin soon after his defeat in the Exams. He came up to the gates, looking at the newly painted sign of the Leaf insignia. It looked better than before, maybe the new Kage wasn't too bad. Takao. Good for him. Kenny exited through the gates and made his way to the rolling hills, twigs snapping beneath his sandals as he walked through the small path, coming up the rolling hills.

It still smelled the same. Outdoors. Ew, just ew. It made Kenny shiver as he thought about the amount of people who were outdoorsy and active. Kenny disliked putting any form of effort into anything but as a ninja he couldn't just sit by and do nothing, he had a constant job to do and that was to protect his own village and all those that reside within that village. He cracked his knuckles and let out a small sigh as he stared off into the distance, an odd tree here and there and slight winds. It felt nice in a way but he was due a change of scenery but unfortunately with the kage out of the village, he'd need to wait until he got permission from him to leave the village and head to the next without being branded a Nuke-nin. Last thing that he wanted was to be hunted down by his fellow ninja. If anything happened that forced him to go rouge, he would at least wait till he was Sp.Jounin or higher. Wouldn't risk it as a Chuunin. Especially since it was around Jounin rank that hunted rouge ninja down. At least then he would stand a chance but he had no intention of going rouge since he had no reason at all. Back to the matter at hand though, Kenny had to find a spot that suited him best for the task at hand.

Eyes scrolled along the grassy plains as they searched for a spot that suited his form of jutsu...mainly wind mind you but hey! No one was complaining. At least, there was no one around TOO complain...he wondered for a moment...Nah, it'd be fine. If anything out here did get damaged then no one would really care or notice and since the Kage was away, there was no one around to place a final judgement on things if something did happen. He smiled slightly at the thought of getting off Scot free. Failing to find a spot that suited him, Kenta simply walked to one patch of grass and sighed, scratching the back of his neck in frustration. Time that he got this show on the road. He looked around him, making sure that there wasn't people or animals around to get hurt by the training that Kenta had in mind for himself. He placed his hands together, forming a simple seal as he focused his chakra to fumigate around his being. Concentrating with all his might and this time, he made sure that he didn't over do it to the point that he planted himself inside the hospital. That was the last thing he had wanted for himself, the damned medicine made him feel worse than made him feel better and feeling like shit was the last thing that he was going to go through. If he did this right, there would be a small amount of fuck up or hopefully none at all but no ninja is perfect. They all go through hardships in their life time and to give in so easily would be nothing more than a direct violation of being a ninja. It seemed about time that Kenta stopped finding thew easy way out of things and become more dependent on his skill, other than actually finding the lazy way out in life.

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