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1The Troublemaker [Private/Yuudai] Empty The Troublemaker [Private/Yuudai] Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:30 am



That day Takuji woke up ready to train. After a quick nutritional breakfast of instant ramen, he hit the training field and worked all morning. From seven to noon he was training hard before he decided to take a short break. Training is just fine, but all work and no play is just no fun. Having decided to grab something to eat at Ichiraku he happened to pass by the village's hot springs. As he walked on he heard a girl laughing from beyond the fence, and another girl saying something he couldn't quite make out from the distance. "I'd like to hear a funny joke..." he muttered, grinning mischievously.

Silently, he moved over to the fence and examined it for a moment to find and openings. When he found a fence post that had a chip in it, he silently picked at it until it made a wide enough hole to peak through. And the show begins! he thought gleefully. But before he could get a good look he heard voices around the corner and panicked. "No!," he blurted, "I was just fixing the fence!!" but he was already gone and around the corner where he leaned against a tree and slid down until he sat at its base, sighing heavily. Smooth, Mr. Ninja, you totally panicked back there and made an idiot out of yourself...

2The Troublemaker [Private/Yuudai] Empty Re: The Troublemaker [Private/Yuudai] Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:29 pm

Yuudai Hyuuga

Yuudai Hyuuga

Yuudai had just finished his training so he decided to take a walk. As he was passing the hot springs he heard "I was just fixing the fence!". When he looked he saw somebody run around the corner. Yuudai figured this might be fun so he followed the person. He saw him sitting against a fence so he walked up and said with a smile "Did you get caught peeping". He was laughing a bit and he sat down next to the other person and awaited a response.

3The Troublemaker [Private/Yuudai] Empty Re: The Troublemaker [Private/Yuudai] Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:29 pm



"Did you get caught peeping?"

Takuji cringed. He looked up at the guy who had found him. He was a few years older than Takuji by his looks. "So what if I did?" was his only comeback, as lame as it was. "It's just because I was careless is all!" he added quickly, "Usually, I'm a lot stealthier! I've been training all day, so I'm a little sloppy. Just fatigue, y'know? Sometimes I even use transformation so I can get a closer look..." The boy's face got red suddenly and he looked away in a hurry. "I don't know why I'm telling you all of this," he said with a chuckle and as he pawed at the back of his head nervously.

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