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1Life after NEXT {a Tiger&Bunny RP} Empty Life after NEXT {a Tiger&Bunny RP} Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:03 pm


Life after NEXT {a Tiger&Bunny RP} Lanad_zpsc55a95ca
Life after NEXT is a Tiger&Bunny roleplay set after the events of the show.
Our plot is fairly open, serving as a backdrop for people to roleplay and pursue character development, watching the show is encouraged but not required.
We allow canon characters as well as originals, so everyone can participate.
We encourage literate posting and have a fairly short word count of 150.
Will you be a hero, working to protect the city of Sternbild?
Or will you be a criminal, looking to tear down the foundations of society?
Perhaps you'll be a vigilante, looking to serve your own form of justice?
Or maybe you're just a civilian, looking to make ends meet?
The choice is yours at Life after NEXT!

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