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1Fairy Tail RPG Empty Fairy Tail RPG Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:32 pm


Fairy Tail RPG Fairyt12

Write your own Fairy Tale in the world of Fiore! is a non-canon Fairy Tail RP that lets the player make the story! Your story will take place years in to the future of Fiore when all of the characters you love have vanished from the world leaving room for new heroes to rise up and take on the challenges that lie ahead. We feature Guilds such as Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Phantom Lord along with other custom, player made guilds for you to choose from. Dragon Slayers roam and Requipping Knights duel, we allow all magics from the series as well as any custom creation you can dream up. The staff is friendly and helpful and the members are calm and equally as friendly and are always present in our chat box which has been known to have 15+ members chatting up a storm. Everything from the series and more is available to you when you join our family on

Are you ready?

Fairy Tail RPG Ftrpg11

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