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1Need a Squad(Kumo only) Empty Need a Squad(Kumo only) Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:34 am



I know there are a lot of stray genin without a jounin sensei to guide them so the squad system is a bit corrupted. So I'm thinking of just making a squad of 3(including me) genin so we can train and interact as though we were a squad. Please help me out

2Need a Squad(Kumo only) Empty Re: Need a Squad(Kumo only) Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:22 pm



hey there, I'm looking for a squad as well! just saying, I'm a fresh newbie (just registered yesterday), so I hope this is not a problem as I'm not very experienced yet. um, anyway, I would join. :)

EDIT: oh crap I see now you're only looking for ppl from Kumo. sry, then just forget what I wrote xD

3Need a Squad(Kumo only) Empty Re: Need a Squad(Kumo only) Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:32 pm



Hey accidents happen, hope you have fun on saga. Don't worry you'll get a squad soon. The kazekage works pretty fast with these sort of things

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