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"Room 14 B" the kindly nurse said with a smile. It had been three days since Trilby's kenjutsu training with Gin, and she was still in the hospital. Trilby felt it was only right that he come and check up on her, considering her wounds were reopened during their training to begin with. Granted, Trilby didn't feel much affection to Gin, even though she was his former sensei, and the Kazekage. He didn't have many connections. His friends, his grandfather. Every bond he had seemed to mean less and less to him as time went on, it was like he was slowly fading, bleeding away from everything he held sacred.

Pushing forward the sleek metal door, Trilby entered Gin's hospital room. It was a private ward, and the smell of antiseptic and blood was everywhere. A nurse was cleaning the wounds on Gin's abdomen, and as such she was bare chested. Nasty burns, multiple lacerations. Gin certainly was in a bad way. So much blood was ruining a good view. "Hello Sensei!" Trilby said with a smile as he sat down in a chair beside her. It was rather sad to see her like this, the strongest warrior in the country, overwhelmed by some swordsmanship. Trilby's armor clunked and changed as he sat down in the chair beside Gin. It was rather unusual for someone to wear thick red plate armor in a hospital ward, given how uncomfortable it was to sit in a chair while wearing it, but Trilby was well used to wearing his armor everywhere at this point. After all, he never knew when a fight would break out.

Word Count: 272/3000 [Learning Katon]

Last edited by Trilby on Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:37 am; edited 2 times in total



Gin sighed. This was definitely getting annoying. She woke up for the second day in a row at the hospital. Such a bother. She should have listened to Jurou and had her wounds taken care of back in Konoha. She had just let the wounds fester and get worse by self-medicating. Figures. Now she would have to spend even more time stuck in the hospital. Such a thing didn't really suit her. The young Kazekage was the type of person who couldn't quite sit still for long. She kept on harassing the nurse that tended to her wounds every morning, afternoon and night for her bandage changes. So they kept on changing the woman or man. Every time it was a different person because every time Gin would be more difficult. She had even heard one suggest that they sedate her while they changed the bandages. That one nurse had been flung out of the window a minute later. There was no way in hell that Gin would let herself be sedated. She would rather stand the pain. She had heard how doctors often killed patients by injecting the wrong amount of sedatives and that was now the way she was going to die. She refused. Better endure the pain for a little while than die at the hands of an idiotic medic.

Gin winced as the new nurse - a woman with light blond hair - treated her wounds. She tried not to flail about and make things more difficult. She untied the bandages around her chest, leaving her exposed. She didn't mind, really. At about that moment, Trilby walked into the room. Well that was an honest surprised. It was enough that he had carried her to the hospital. "Hey there," she said before wincing and flinching as the nurse rubbed alcohol on her wound. She did a double take and realized that she was topless in front of her former student. Oh well, what could she do now? He had already seen her. "Wouldn't have pegged you for the type to just drop in for a visit," She said. "Anything on your mind?" She asked him. There had to be something. He wasn't the type of person who would come visit her at the hospital out of the goodness of his heart.


Last edited by Gin on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:18 pm; edited 2 times in total



Gotta get to the room, gotta get to the room. He felt the pain aching enduring on his quadriceps as he made his way to the stairs, only to be a long stairway up to Gin's room at the time; Looking at the stairs, he put on a blank facial expression and groaned, saying; "Oooooh fuck..." He would have to go up the stairs, untreated with injuries that felt like little senbon can make him squeal and cry like a little genin. But, he heard recent screaming and glass shattering from the top floor; Of course, it had to be Gin at the time. Jurou's hospitalized location was at the bottom where it was quiet and peaceful. But, being in another village where he was unknown of for three years now, it actually made him feel very uncomfortable to be in there. And with that being noted, he simply got up from his bed and decided to see what was wrong with Gin and why did he hear another glass shatter and one person then a scream no more as Gin kept on screaming herself? He sighed completely... this was not going to be his day.

On that note again, Jurou walked up staircases to Gin's room while his quadriceps fell asleep on him, making his walking movement go slow and also with the pain of cuts, slashes, burn marks still stinging like raging bees, it made it much worse that he still had blood seeping from the bandages and leaking small leaks. Jurou wasn't going to die, but he had to see what his nonchalant ex was doing now. As he opened the door, he saw Gin... naked once again. This has never occurred to him, nor the fact that a strange male was sitting right beside her. Jurou simply stood near the door entrance, but decided to sit in the chair next to the bed. "I hate to be rude, but who's the tomato?" Jurou asked in a blunt tone. He wasn't in a talking mood, but Gin's squalling called Jurou up here for some odd reason.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:05 am; edited 6 times in total


"Wouldn't have pegged you for the type to just drop in for a visit," Gin said lightly, "Anything on your mind?" Odd, Gin showing an interest in his presence, especially given her current situation. How out of character for her. It couldn't have been the fault of pain medication given how badly she was howling, perhaps she was legitimately curious. "Figured I might as well check on you, considering how bad a state you were in. If you died, it'd mean paperwork. I hate paperwork." Trilby grunted out. To be fair it was a complete and utter lie, he was here because he felt some fleeting concern for her, mostly out of gratitude for the kenjutsu training. Loosening the leather strap that kept Yamato attached to his belt, he pulled it out and laidd it gently over his lap. The fact that he could use this sword now was fantastic. He finally had some close quarters combat skill, thanks to her.

The hospital room door swung open again, and a heavily bandaged midget staggered in. Wait. It couldn't be. He matched the description of the Mizukage to a fucking T. Trilby had heard the Mizukage was in town, makes sense he'd visit his ex. But he was badly injured too. Perhaps they were sparring and it got out of hand. "I hate to be rude, but who's the tomato?" Jurou chirped bluntly. Tomato?! This four foot nothing, crippled sack of shit marches in here and starts giving him lip? Not today. Trilby dropped Yamato back into the space on his belt, tightening it's bond as he stood up and quickly rounded the bed, standing a foot away from Jurou. At this distance their height difference was blindingly obvious, Trilby was over six feet tall, as opposed to Jurou's 4'4. He looked like a child from this angle. "Gin, why is this midget giving me lip?" Trilby snapped out in frustration. He had figured out who Jurou was, of course, but he wasn't going to let him know that.

Word count: 610/3000

Last edited by Trilby on Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:37 am; edited 1 time in total



Gin squirmed as the nurse wrapped the bandages around her torso. She wiped the blood off of Gin's chest first and applied antibiotics. She then proceeded to use the Mystic Palm Technique on Gin to ease the wounds. After she covered Gin's wounds, the young Kazekage lied down and let the nurse treat her wound. She finally found relief as the bleeding subsided and the sting from the burn wounds died down slowly. Gin sighed in relief. The feeling was wonderful, really. She looked at Jurou as he enetered the room and smiled. "Hi Jurou," She grunted. The nurse finished her daily treatment and left the room rather quickly, brushing past Trilby and Jurou without sparing them a second glance. Gin didn't blame her. None of the nurses or doctors ever wanted to stay around her for long. Gin shrugged mentally. There was nothing she could do about that, now, could she? It wasn't her fault that the Kuroka had a natural aversion towards all things medicine. She took the antibiotics that the nurse had left before speaking to the two men. How lovely that they had come to visit her. She could almost cry, but not really. Her hormones hadn't gotten to that point yet, not that she was aware that she was hormonal. The doctors had yet to point out the reason behind her constant mood swings, likely because the yount Kazekage had refused to have her blood drawn and examined for possible infections.

Gin extended a hand over to Jurou and ran her fingers through his hair. "It's been a while since I saw you," She said happily. Gin laughed at Trilby's comment. Hardly anyone had the balls to badmouth the Mizukage, or the Kazekage to that matter. Wonderful! It didn't hurt to laugh anymore. That was certainly and improvement. "That, Trilby, is the Mizukage, Jurou Osada, the father of my children and whatnot," She said with a sigh. She might as well introduce them to each other. "Jurou, that tomato over there is Trilby. He was my student when I was a Jounin and is my student now. I'm teaching him Kenjutsu, or at least I'm trying," She explained and slumped back down on the bed. The relief was nice and the meds were kicking in. She sighed happily. The effects of the medicine were close enough to that of alcohol. Soon enough she would begin to feel lightheaded, woozy and giddy. Wonderful, really. "By the way Jurou, where did you leave Chie and Reiko?" She asked, curiously.


Last edited by Gin on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total



It's been nearly two days since the slow recovery of both Jurou and Gin from their heated battle five days ago at that. Jurou had been doing nothing but slumber in his room for the last two days already while the little ones, Chie and Reiko slept together like little princesses in the small little chairs next to their daddy while Jurou was getting looked over for his massive injuries. Third Degree Cuts to Third Degree Burns also with a unstable back that was healing slowly, Jurou would be the one that received the most pain out of the two. As long as he studied his opponent's weaknesses and strengths, it will cost to do so. Extending his hands towards Gin, his hands frolic through Gin's white hair as he felt the back pain aching him once more. "Did you sleep well?" He questioned for her well-being. As he heard the little twat talking, Jurou ignored the words of the man inside the room as well. Of course he was much bigger than Jurou, but size doesn't matter. However, a student of Gin's eh? Jurou didn't care nonetheless about that at all. His time here was for Gin to see how she is doing. Jurou had heard the last of Gin's talk before departing, saying; "Chie and Reiko are sleeping in my room. You can see them when you can at least walk." Jurou said as he stood from his chair and proceeded to slowly walk to Gin's door to exit the room. Before Jurou forgets, he took out the scroll that contained six of the seven blades and swung his scroll as Soul Cutter emerged from thin air and Jurou caught the sword by the handle and gave it to Gin. "Here, you earned it kido." Jurou said to her as he watched her about to take the sword from him.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:06 am; edited 2 times in total


How dare he?! The lippy upstart simply ignored him?! If it weren't for the fact that it would likely start a war, Trilby would've rammed Yamato so far down his throat he'd shit iron shavings. Still, a bit of physical abuse wouldn't hurt. Trilby was about to add a few new bruises to the lippy upstart when he began to approach the Kazekage, revealing a scroll that he quickly unfurled, spinning it around his head, an effect that was quickly followed by a fine katana appearing from thin air. Is that... the scroll of holding, the vessel that contained the legendary blades of the mist?! "Here, you earned it kiddo." Trilby felt a desire to steal the sword, or the scroll. The power they contained was boundless. "Is that... the scroll of holding, the vessel of the seven blades of the mist?!" Trilby gasped, an uncharacteristically weak moment for him. The scroll was a legendary piece of fuuinjutsu, and the weapons it held were the finest example of blades in the world. But still, two kages, injured or not, wouldn't find it very hard to stop him at his current power level. Sure, he was an Uzumaki, so his chakra pool was superior to either of their own, but he had no desire to take his chances on that alone

Quickly regaining his composure, Trilby forced himself to ignore his fangirl desire over the scroll and it's contents, as lusting after them would only get him a rapid decapitation. As such, Trilby had no choice but to drag himself back to reality. "Gin, I'm glad you're okay. But I have things to do. I need to find someone to teach me fire release, there must be someone in this shithole willing to teach me it." He had been stuck on two elemental manipulations for far too long, whereas most shinobi of his calibre used three. Out of the other three options available to him, it seemed fire manipulation would compliment his power set the most. Trilby began to turn to leave, when he realised he had forgotten his promise. He swore to Gin he'd seal her swords for her, so that no man but her could hold them. Turning around, he clapped his hands together. The seal was simple enough to perform, he merely needed to perform a few hand seals and touch the blade. Anger, Sage, God, Release, Apology, Peace, Confront, Dragon, Rat. Trilby's hands began to glow red, a soft inferno of chakra devouring them as he reached out with his left hand, casually touching the blade as they exchanged it. ”As per our arrangement.” He said with a nod. After tearing her wounds open trying to defy that seal, Gin had learned all about the seal, and as such needed no explanation.

Word Count: 1075/3000



Gin smiled as Jurou mimicked her actions, running his hands through her hair just as she had done to him. She closed her eyes happily. It was nice to finally be able to get along with the father of her children. Only a few weeks ago they would have been tearing each other to shreds without thinking twice. Screaming and yelling were usually the norm between the Mizukage and the Kazekage. It was almost like old times, though not quite. Gin was in love with someone else, now. Still, that didn't stop her from getting along with the Mizukage. "Yes, the painkillers are wonderful," She answered Jurou's question, trying to suppress a giggle. The medication was doubtless starting to take its effects on Gin's body. No matter, she could deal with it. The young Kazekage extended her arm to take Soul Cutter from Jurou. "Thanks," She said as she admired the blade. It was a simple sword, really. It didn't look like anything special. It's abilities, however, were remarkable, enough for the blade to be called legendary. Gin beamed brightly. This had definitely made her day. She would have hugged her ex boyfriend if it didn't hurt her to do so. Her wounds were healing, though. She estimated that she would only have to spend about two more days in the hospital, maybe three at most. She set Soul Cutter on the table next to her bed. She would have no use for it now. She looked at Naiya, the only other blade that she had ever possessed, besides the ones made up of her own chakra. She smiled wistfully. Yes, this would be a fair exchange. She grabbed the blade and sat up on the bed and extended her arm so that Jurou could take it. "Here, a token of my gratitude," She said. The young woman stared at the scar on his face, the one that she had inflicted. His wound had already healed, as had her own. Those scars would forever be a memento of their fight. "I'll be up in a couple of days, Jurou. It would be nice if you brought them up here, seeing as you can actually walk. Also, start training Chie's ninjutsu. She's been dying to start her training, and won't stop insisting that daddy teach her." She said, sinking back into the bed.

She had paid little attention to Trilby up until then. Soul Cutter was just a tad too overwhelming. "Yes, that's the scroll. It's been in Jurou's possession for a while, now," Gin said nonchalantly, as if it were something of common knowledge. Well, to her it was. She had been there for the countless hours that it had taken that Kumo guy unseal the scroll. Hours upon hours of sitting around and doing nothing. She shuddered at the memory. She was about to say goodbye to Trilby and Jurou, but soon stopped herself. Something that Trilby had said sparked her curiosity. He wanted to learn the fire element? Maybe... just, maybe... "Hey, Jurou!" She called out, her voice uncharacteristically giddy. Just side effects of the pain medication, she supposed. "I want to learn Katon Release! Teach me now! I'm bored~" She called out, giggling. She was lightheaded, at this point. "Trilby! You can join us!" She said, reaching over her bed to drag Trilby towards her by the arm. Again, the young Kazekage giggled. She had barely noticed that he had placed a seal on Soul Cutter. She picked up the blade anyways. "Try holding it Jurou!!" She said, wanting to test if the thing actually worked.


Last edited by Gin on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:20 pm; edited 2 times in total



Hmm... Naiya... the same blade Gin used on Jurou to gut him during the fight. The damn blade was made of diamond, so that would be a good addition to the team of his blades. As he took the blade from Gin, Jurou studied the blade's appearance and structure. The sword itself had the appearance of a nodachi with a white blade and crystalized blue hilt. The sword's appearance itself was graceful, yet it's swing was deadly enough to severe an entire mountain. Jurou grabbed the handle of the sword and it was fairly light in weight, perfect for precise slashes Jurou could get used to the blade. "Thanks." He said to Gin at the moment. After he heard what Gin said to him, he sighed at that point of time. It was difficult for him to get up the stairs alone, but now he had to carry the babies with him? A father's intuition, he must do it anyway. As he was bout to leave the two, he heard his name being called once more. So Gin wanted to learn Fire Release and she wanted the odd male to learn it too? Great... pupils. And on top of that, she wanted him to train Chie in Ninjutsu as well. At least he got work to do while in Suna. "Chie wants to start training... at age 3? Isn't she too young?" Jurou questioned Gin. He wanted his daughters to be strong no matter what age, but training, at age 3? What blasphemy was this? No matter. Jurou was needed once more. Gin wanted him to hold Soul Cutter. Why? For unknown reasons. But he decided to grab Soul Cutter by the hil--- WHAT THE FUCK? BOOM!!!

Jurou went face first -yes, again- to the ground as Soul Cutter was almost as heavy as 10 tons. Why did the damn sword that he held weeks ago was light as a feather was now heavy as a ton of bricks. Jurou let go of the sword's handle as he got up from the ground. "What... just happened?" He questioned the both of them. Some sort of seal, but Jurou could not make out the works or even the seal itself at that.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:07 am; edited 2 times in total


Trilby had turned to face the window. He always had a flare for showmanship, and as such intended to volley face first through the window rather than take the stairs. The smell of antiseptic and old people was annoying enough on the first trip through the hospital, he wasn't going to tolerate it a second time. He raised his right foot, about to step towards the window when Gin suddenly blurted out that she too wanted to learn Fire release, and that Jurou knew it. She even invited him to join them. "Oh? That sounds most pleasant." Trilby was admittedly flattered by the sudden proposition. He'd just been taught Kenjutsu by the Kazekage, and now the Mizukage was to teach him fire release? At this rate he wouldn't be surprised if the Hokage walked in and offered to bake him a cake.

Trilby was about to question them about this training, where it would happen, when it would happen, the basics. But before he could inquire as to the nature of the training a large bang tore him back to reality. Soul Cutter had embedded itself into the ground between Jurou and Gin. "What... just happened?" He inquired, confused. It seems Trilby's seal had caught him off guard. "Allow me to explain" Trilby said confidently, removing Yamato, still sheathed, from his belt and holding it firmly in his left hand. Turning the blade horizontal, Trilby pulled the sword a few inches out of the scabbard, raising his right hand and gently blowing onto his index finger. As he did so, it coated itself in light blue flames. Pressing this finger into the hilt of the blade, it suddenly revealed itself to be covered in thick kanji extending down from the hilt, wrapping itself around as much of the blade that was visible, too. "Kuroimibe no Geijutsu: Hogosha Tsuka. One in a long line of my personal creations, not unlike this eye of mine..." Trilby gestured casually towards the blank white eye in his left eye-socket, a small, strange seal twitching and contracting as he observed the room. "It registers the chakra patterns of the one who wields it. As you are well aware, they're as unique to a shinobi as a fingerprint, yet far harder to replicate. If it doesn't recognise your chakra, it increases the weight of the contents of the blade dramatically. Normally the effect is a few hundred kilograms, but given Soul cutter's rather unique structure, it appears to have increased a damn sight more than that."

Having finished his rather wearily long explanation, Trilby re-sheathed his blade, casually dropping it back into his belt. Granted he could have explained it without going into such depth, but he was rather boastful, especially when it came to his seal work. Though, given that his seal had now perplexed two Kages in a row, he clearly has reason to be proud of it. "The name's Trilby, and yes, you're quite right. I am a fucking genius."

Word Count: 1572/3000



Gin laughed out loud as Jurou crashed into the ground head first. "You fell for it!" She said between laughs and giggles. Her ribs no longer hurt, which likely meant that they had healed completely. Either that, or the medication really did work wonders. Might as well try to stand up and retrieve her sword! Without much hesitation, the young Kazekage stood up from the bed. She barely felt the wounds on her legs start bleeding through the bandages as she crouched down to retrieve Soul Cutter. The skin on her legs stretched enough to open the sutures slightly. She would have to listen to the next nurse bitch for an hour about how Gin was meant to stay still. The Kazekage scoffed at the thought. Could the honsetly expect her not to move from her room or even her bed? That just wasn't in her. In any case, Gin placed Soul Cutter back in its sheath and hugged it to herself. In her current state, Gin could really care less for Trilby's explanation. So long and boring. Ugh. Not worth the slightest bit of her attention at all. He was being pissy and so was Jurou. But then again, Jurou was almost always pissy. it entertained her quite a lot. However, her new sword provided more of a source of enjoyment than their current discusion. Gin would only talk again when Trilby commented on being a genius. "Pfffffft," She let out along with a loud laugh. She still clutched Soul Cutter to her chest, rocking it from side to side ias if it were a small child. "Genius? Maybe with Fuuinjutsu but your as crappy as they come when it comes to Kenjutsu," She said, before going back to dedicating her full attention to Soul Cutter, only to interrupt herself by adressing the matter at hand. "Jurou!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled, even though she knew that the Mizukage was standing right next to her. "Teach me! Teach me! Teach me! Teach me! Teach me beofre these meds knock me out until next weeeek." She whined. Dear lord she was high.

She could feel her limbs become numb, her head start to spin. That was just wonderful. It was almost like drinking! For a brief moment, she considered switching from alcohol to the hard drugs that they were feeding her in the hospital. Hoestly, they wouldn't be hard to get. Then agan, she owed it to Jurou to keep herself healthy and well away from any substances that could hinder her. These drugs were only something temporary, used to keep the pain at bay. She wouldn't need them later. However, her current senses were impaired. Maybe it was best to leave the training for another moment. The rational part of her - that had been shrunken to a mere whisper by the effects of the pain medication, mixed with her raging hormones - whispered that yes, it would be best to train once she got out of the hospital. But the other side of her, the slightly idiotic and ditzy side of her protested. She was bored as fuck. Might as well start her training now, while she had time on her hands and didn't have to spend hours upon hours staring at paperwork. And burning down the hospital might not be so bad.


Last edited by Gin on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total



Jurou sighed at the entire situation of the conversation as a whole. He waved at his hand at the two as they talked to him, demanding him to train them. He wasn't in the mood for any training because of what happened weeks ago with Gin, but he was moving again, might as well get the babies from the nap. As he exited Gin's room, he walked back down the stairs to his room. As he was walking past, nearly majority of the doctors/nurses looked at him as he walked, seeing the blood seeping still from his bandages. They all offered to try to help him recover, but knowing Jurou, he denied their offer. As he got to his room, he saw Chie and Reiko playing with the little medical utilities, trying to play doctor. Of course, it seems that Chie knew what she was doing for some odd reason as a 3-year old. Time to get this little ones to their mommy. "Chie; Reiko; Time to go see mommy." Jurou said as he walked to his little ones and held them on his shoulders. He exited the room with the little ones as he walked up the stairs again. He left the door open in Gin's room as he walked inside with the little ones. He then left Chie and Reiko down so that they can go to their mommy. He then sighed again as he remembered what Gin had said, and said himself; "I won't teach you right away. Get better and walk, and then I will teach you. Until then, no training." Jurou said to Gin as he then finally resided his stand to the door as he leaned on the wall and crossed his arms. This was going to be a very long day for him and him alone.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:09 am; edited 2 times in total



Chie and Reiko both drifted instantly to their mother. "Mommy!" Chie said as she happily climbed into Gin's bed along with the ever so quiet Reiko. Gin wrapped an arm around each of them, unaware of the fact that they were pressing against her injuries. In fact, this only made Gin laugh slightly. "How have you two been doing?" She asked. "Has daddy been mean to you lately? Because you know mommy can kick his ass if he has been~" She uttered happily. She heard Reiko weave a small sigh, sounding defeated. Yes, Gin knew that she hardly liked being babied and that she would much rather prefer a quiet surrounding, but what could she do? Gin was rather high on the pain medication. There was nothing she could do about that, really. Chie on, on the other hand, let out a small giggle.

However, before either could respond, Gin's head shot up. Jurou... wouldn't... teach... her? The thought was difficult to process at first. Gin's mind was working at an unusually slow pace. Did he mean that she would have to wait? Gin was about to start flailing and throwing a tantrum. However, she soon remembered that both kids were beside her. What little remained of her rationality held her back. "B-but Jurou~!!" She whined. "I want to learn!" She said, looking at the shorter man in the eye. She made her own eyes widen and stuck her lower lip out in a pout. Had her usual self seen her like this, she would have likely kicked her own ass for setting her pride aside so willingly. "I want to learn from the best!" She began. Oh God. She would never hear the end of this later. "And I have nothing to do in here, so I might as well start and get out of your way as soon as possible! Besides, I'm injured, what harm could I possibly be?" She asked. The answer to that question was ambiguous, at best. She could still likely tear the building to shreds if she wanted to. She knew that. The Medical ninja knew that. It was why they kept her under such close observation.


Last edited by Gin on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:22 pm; edited 1 time in total



...Jurou was easily unamused by what Gin was saying to the kids when he first brought them too her. Jurou was healthy enough to literally slice Gin to pieces with Naiya and Soshin while she was still in bed. But, that was unimportant at the moment. He looked at Reiko and seeing the small sigh coming from her lips, she did have her father's personality altogether. Jurou walked to Reiko and picked her up and held her as she was when she was a baby and fell asleep on his torso and kissed her forehead and said, "You really do have your father's personality, Reiko Kuroka. You are still my sunshine from Suna." A father's intuition. Jurou wanted to be better than his father. but being the Mizukage, it would equal constant traveling, leaving his business at hands. A father's intuition; And he loved it all the same. Looking at Chie with that small giggle of hers, Chie, even though she had his last name, reminded him of Gin, the more cuter, smaller version. Jurou chuckled.

Onward to Gin. Gin was being her unusual self again, probably because of the painkillers and drugs the doctor's been giving her. But when it comes to training, she's still herself without the painkillers. He heard it all the same, and from Gin, it was just a broken record, repeating the same thing even before meeting her. "The best? I'm average enough to teach an element. But not the best. And you are much harm in every way possible. Close observations are required... sad enough the Mizukage has to watch you..." Jurou said to Gin at the moment. He knew what disaster she was just by looking at her. But, he still had feelings her, for some unknown reason...

He decided to give in and decided to train her, although it was going to be hell in the hospital. "When do you want to begin..?" He said to the both of them, more so Gin.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:09 am; edited 2 times in total


"Genius? Maybe with Fuuinjutsu, but you're as crappy as they come when it comes to Kenjutsu"'Pfft. Trilby knew it wasn't worth arguing with a hormonal woman, but he still wanted to slap her for the insult. Still, she had, perhaps unwittingly, admitted how talented he was at Fuuinjutsu. It was about time the prude acknowledged his talents. Regardless, she demanded Jurou fetch their hell spawn. Chie and Reiko. Trilby hadn't met these... creatures, but he had heard about them. Word was, they were already displaying noteworthy shinobi talent even as infants. Jurou quickly left to fetch his children. A few minutes of peace and quite at least. "Arrogant little midget" Trilby groaned out, staring at Soul Cutter. What a beautiful weapon. He could kill for a sword like that. What a powerful tool, the stuff of legends. To think that such an arrogant midget had it in his possession. What else would he have

Trilby was dragged out of his thoughts by Jurou quickly returning with his two children. Hah. His children came up to his shoulders. They would be patting him on the head long before they hit double digits. "Immediately, naturally." Trilby replied as Jurou inquired as to when they wanted to begin. Why would they delay? There was no reason to do so. He was ready, and even if Gin wasn't, she could fuck off and leave them to it. He needed to learn fire, immediately. The ability to augment his fuuton with katon was something he desperately needed to augment his fighting prowess, and he would broker no delay.

Word Count: 1836

Last edited by Trilby on Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total



Gin clapped her hands together. Yes! She had managed to convince Jurou to train them both. She would finally learn a third element and put it to good use. She would likely make another sword using the element of fire. Maybe she could even combine it with wind and lightning to make something even deadlier. Chills ran up the young Kazekage's spine. Yes, she would do that! She would make her 5th and final chakra sword using all three elements. She looked forward to it anxiously, so much so that she let out a high pitched squeal. She knew that she would make both men and possibly Reiko want to bang their heads against the wall before the time that the training was over. Their patience would run out quickly, but then again, that was hardly her fault. It was entirely because of the medication she was on.

Gin hugged Chie and Reiko closer to her for a brief moment before she began to stand up from the bed. There was a wheelchair already set up on the other side of the room. She needed to get to it so that the three of them could go outside and begin to train Katon. "Mommy and daddy are going to train, behave while we're gone, alright?" She instructed the two three year olds, kissing each one's forehead before turning around. Her knees were shaking and her legs could barely support her own weight, so much so that they almost gave in while she was walking towards the wheelchair. However, Jurou was conveniently standing there. Gin used his shoulders as support. He made a nice walking stick. His height was appropriate.

Finally reaching the wheelchair on the other side of the room, Gin collapsed onto it. She was almost panting. The medication was meant to knock her out after a while, so it was only natural that she felt tired. The young woman sighed loudly and took a deep breath. "Onward! To the training!" She said, pointing her finger at the door. "Would one of you two be kind enough to push the wheelchair for me?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at both Trilby and Jurou and smiling widely.


Last edited by Gin on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total



...Back to hell for the Mizukage at that point in time. Hadn't they just got back from a brutal beating a couple weeks ago? Gin will never learn. At least she was live and filled with energy. She'll be tired soon, so more constant work for Jurou. Even worse enough because her student is coming with them also. As he sheathed Naiya in her scabbard, he grabbed Soshin and the scroll which only contained 6 of the 7 legendary swords symbol - one being closed by Gin's student, Trilby. Not to worry though. Without the seals embedded on the sword's handle as to what Trilby did, Jurou can easily obtain those 6 swords back; A piece of cake. But, on to more pressing matters... Gin's Fire Release training. Out of all elements, why Fire Release was beyond him. Probably because she wanted to bug him a little more. So little to know, so little to know. He did a quick stretch as he laid Soshin onto the symbol as the sword itself vanished into thin air.

After Gin used Jurou's support to get into her wheelchair, Jurou made his way to his two daughters, Chie and Reiko as Gin did the same a couple minutes ago. He picked up both of them by scooping them with his arm and kissed both of their foreheads. Height wise, they were to his knees. Good. As he set the two down, he gave both of them a look. Switching his gaze to one another as communicating with them without words, something that the two mastered at a very young age. He nodded his head and squatted to their level of height and looked at them once more. "Look after one another. You both share a gift more valuable than anything else: the ability to be in sync and in connection at all times with each other." Words from Jurou Osada's book. First page - Introduction.

Jurou sighed at Gin and made his way to the door, leaving Trilby and her in the process. It was going to take a while, but their memories still rang in his head. He wanted to get them out, but there was little time. Only then, he would have to wait to do so.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:05 am; edited 2 times in total


Trilby sighed, glaring at the Midget as he left Gin to him. Of course he would, the wheelchair was as tall as he was. If he tried to push it he'd pull something from reaching up so high. Taking position behind the wheelchair, he began to wheel Gin out of her hospital room and towards the elevator. "I suggest the roof." Trilby said before either of them could speak, hitting the button before anyone could object. Using the roof was the easiest choice, still technically in the hospital, but no one was in the way.

The elevator dinged, the doors opened to the roof. Clearly whoever designed the hospital was high, having an elevator go straight to the roof, but it worked out nicely for them. Trilby wheeled Gin out a few feet before leaving her to tend to herself. "So, Yoda, On teach must you"

Word Count: 1982

Last edited by Trilby on Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total



Gin felt rather giddy, to say the least. She was grinning happily, her eyes were closed and she rested the palms of her hands on her knees. Everything in her posture said that she was looking forward to something. Well, she really was. It wasn’t every day that she could learn a new element under the Mizukage, her ex-boyfriend and current… friend? Yeah, sure, the best of friends ever in all of the entire world, across the continents and everything! Gin’s smiled spread. “Jurou, I love you!” She yelled out after the Mizukage as the man stepped out of the room and towards the hall. “Now on to the elevators, bitch! You shall wheel me towards wherever I wish to go! And you will do it with a smile!" She turned around to see Trilby’s expression, probably in its usual scowl. He would probably roll his eyes at her and sigh in frustration. The again, there was little that he could do. Gin was still his boss in every sense of the word. That made him her bitch, or so Gin thought in her current distorted logic. “I don’t see you smiling!” She said, sounding oddly happy in her sing song tone of voice. The glory of being high on pain medication! It was wonderful.

Gin sat happily in place as Trilby wheeled her towards the elevator. “The roof?” Gin repeated. “We’re setting the roof on fire! We’re setting the roof on fire!” Gin chanted as she clapped her hands together gladly. Her expression went sour when Trilby left her on her own. She wheeled herself over to the two men with a scowl on her face. “I told you that you had to wheel me everywhere, bitch!” She scolded, glaring at him. In any case, she wheeled herself out of the elevator once it got to the roof. She maneuvered herself so that she was facing Jurou directly. “What do I do now? Do I tap into me inner most soul and search for the flames that ignite my fiery passions and bring them out to life or something?” She asked him. In truth, that was exactly what she was about to do. She would wait for his instruction, none the less.

Learning Katon: 3083/3000
Katon From D to C: 83/4000



Rikudo Sennin... by all of your grace of both power and might... please kill me. It was going to be a very long training session, and of course it had to be with these two. One wouldn't shut up about his height, and one wouldn't shut up... period. This made Jurou highly annoyed enough to the point where he did not want to teach them Fire Release and literally burn them with Fire Release, or melt them. That would be much better. As the three got up to the rooftop, Jurou would be the first to walk out. Aaahhh... finally; a breath of fresh air with a ravishing smile of the hot breeze in Sunagakure. All was we-- “What do I do now? Do I tap into me inner most soul and search for the flames that ignite my fiery passions and bring them out to life or something?” There was Gin blabbering again. He hated when she did that. Please, make it stop and shut her up for a change.

He couldn't. He couldn't. He'd have to tolerate with this woman for a year now, and honestly, he wished he regretted every second, and every minute of it right now. Even regret saying the stupid sentence anyway. But, that's the price you pay for having children with your ex-girlfriend who is the Kazekage. He wished he could run away. But, for the meantime, onward with the training. He walked away from the two so he could think. Fire was a means of burning someone. Fire is a means of always being on the offensive. Lightning and Fire are naturally the same, since Lightning is more powerful when it utilizes natural lightning; a powerful Fire Release shot in the sky is very useful for it.

Alright; he got it now. He'll have to learn the way his father taught him. "Alright. Since you two want to learn Fire Release, I suggest you listen carefully, because I am not going to repeat myself." Jurou instructed. Fire was all about anger; the emotion of rage. There was no tapping into your inner whatever. On some occasions, you had to be naturally born with it. "Fire is all about rage. Anger. You have to control your emotion of anger in order to get the best of it. Otherwise, the jutsu will not come out right. There is not fiery passion or whatever. You play with fire, you get burn. You harness the fire, you don't get burn."

He hoped they were listening properly to what he was saying. If not, he would at least give them a brief demonstration of what the hell he meant. Fiery passion... He thought to himself. He remembered his father saying that, but it wasn't all about passion when it came to burning flames. He did remember that Fire Release was entirely affiliated with the Tiger hand seal, so having them learn that would be start. "First and foremost, Fire Release is commonly affiliated with the Tiger hand seal. Position your fingers into doing so." Look at Jurou being a teacher. It'll only happen twice: This being once, and his daughters which is twice for being a teacher. Never again Jurou; never again.


"Fire is all about rage. Anger. You have to control your emotion of anger in order to get the best of it. Otherwise, the jutsu will not come out right. There is not fiery passion or whatever. You play with fire, you get burn. You harness the fire, you don't get burn." Anger. Hatred. Fury. These were feelings Trilby was certainly familiar with, but solidifying the feeling, and commanding it to do his bidding? It was something he had never considered before. Granted, this was why learning a new element was difficult. However, Trilby had no choice. He had to learn how to manipulate fire. It was the perfect compliment to his elemental nature. He was naturally adept at wind and earth. They both combined well with flames. The wind bolstered them, while the earth could be coated with it. Though he wasn't aware of what it required to learn until now, the knowledge merely bolstered his resolve. He could conquer his rage, and command it to do his bidding. He had to.

Trilby dropped his hand softly into the pouch on his waist. Reaching past the kunai that littered the pouch, he wrapped his claw around a small notepad. Pulling it out, he flipped it open. Old Fuuinjutsu notes, a few other thoughts. Nothing he needed to keep. Walking towards the edge of the hospital roof, Trilby sat the notepad on the ledge before tearing off the top page. He rested the page on his upturned left hand, pressing the palm of his right hand down upon it. Rage. He could do this. He had a lot to be angry about. Trilby's mind wandered, back into his past. He had so much rage in his life, he didn't have to settle on any one thing. The first fifteen years of his life were torture and agony, and reflecting upon it automatically made his blood boil. The look in a guard's eye when they pick you out as a target. The feeling of a lash carving into exposed flesh. The sting of a guard pissing into a fleshy carved back. Trilby's hands twitched as he began to flood them with chakra. He breathed, focusing on his memories and pouring all of that emotion into his hands. The act of doing so began to make him feel hot, like his veins were pumping acid. Regardless, he persisted. He had to make it work. His hands began to sweat, they were burning up. He couldn't hold the chakra in any longer. Releasing it outwards into the piece of paper in his hands, Trilby felt a slight movement and opened his palms slowly.

The wind from the roof blew the pile of ashes out of his hand and carried it off into the distance. So, he could incinerate a piece of paper, big deal. He needed more. He had to be able to turn the entire city to glass in a snap of his fingers if he wanted to. He had the rage. he had the chakra. All he needed was the experience. Still, his experience with Ninjutsu and the art of control was clear, he had already incinerated a piece of paper. But that was a circus trick. The paper was incredibly fire vulnerable, he didn't even need a real spark to do that. He needed to be able to create an actual flame. Reaching back into his pouch, he withdrew a small, jet black lighter with a blood red Ouroboros logo on it's side. Striking the cap open, he pressed down gently on the lip of the trigger. It began to release gas, but as he hadn't struck the flint, there was no spark to ignite it. He'd have to light the gas himself. Holding his lighter in his left hand, Trilby raised his right, placing the very tip of his finger next to the small stream of gas protruding out from his lighter. Time to light this mother fucker.

His mind wandered again. Countless beatings, watching his best friend getting raped by guards, unable to help. His father being stabbed through the stomach by a guard during the riots. Trilby's blood boiled, and he focused the rage into his right hand, forcing all his hate to the tips of his fingers. He began to flood the hand with chakra as he did this, trying to mould the nature of the chakra into something new to him. The chakra had to burn and rage like his anger did. It had to be a torrent; just like the flames he was trying to make would be. The sound of a fire bursting into life sounded as Trilby's finger became engulfed by the flame of the lighter coming to life. He pulled his hand back rapidly, shaking it as the tip of it began to turn red and blister. A second degree burn. Son of a bitch. His own lighter couldn't have done that, the chakra must have backfired a bit. He had the intensity, but he lacked the control. He needed to use less chakra, and exercise greater control over what he created.

"First and foremost, Fire Release is commonly affiliated with the Tiger hand seal. Position your fingers into doing so." Jurou's words popped into his head. Trilby had decent results for someone who wasn't versed in fire, but without the proper hand seal and form to get the basics down, He'd get nowhere. Stashing the lighter, Trilby formed the hand seal. Most fire nature users seemed to produce basic forms of flame based attacks from the mouth, so that would be where he'd have to start. He would have to mould his chakra, change it's nature like he had been experimenting with earlier and then release it from the mouth. It shouldn't be too difficult for someone of his caliber, surely? Trilby breathed in. His stomach began to churn. He had to focus. All of his hatred and anger would mould his chakra, shift it into something new. It would give it the properties of fire. Then, all he would have to do is breathe it out. A simple enough process, no?

Trilby exhaled, pointing his mouth towards the small open notebook in-front of him as he breathed out. Hatred. Burning anger. He had been so wronged in his life, cheated, abused, used. He had to force that out, use it to shape his chakra. It would burn. It had to burn. He commanded it to burn. Trilby coughed up a small, fist sized fireball. It smashed into the notepad, devouring it and quickly turning it to cinders. Trilby broke the hand seal, looking at his work with a grin. Fire release. Sure, it was dirty and basic, but it was fire release. He had produced a flame!

Word Count: 3110



Gin was rather disappointed at Jurou's answer. Compared to finding the fiery passions that ignite the deepest parts of your soul, ager was just... lame. There was no ther way to put it, really. Jurou was just the type of person to take the fun out of everything, that he was. Gin nodded to herself as she swayed back and forth on her wheelchair. She didn't bother to look at Trilby as he worked on producing his own flame. No, she was much too busy feeling the breeze blow past her, caressing her skin. The feeling was nice. All in all, it was wonderful to find such happiness in simplicity, even though that was partially because of the drugs currently ravaging her system. Gin couldn't help but giggle. She barely paid any attention to Jurou's explanation. All she got were the words "Tiger Seal" but that should be enough, right. "Jurou~" Gin chanted, calling her former boyfriend's name several times. "You're my best friend ever~~~" She said again and again. She didn't notice that she was about to drive the young Mizukage to the verge of insanity. Well, as long as he could take care of the kids every other month, all was well. Not only that, but Jurou could use a little bit of insanity. He needed to unwind. He took his job a little too seriously, which often worried Gin even before they had settled their differences. Of course, she would never come to admit such a thing.

Well, in any case, on to the training of the fire. Jurou had mentioned anger, right? Well, Gin didn't really have any anger in her. She barely resented anything of anyone. Gin didn't have any issues that she could really talk about. Sure, she had never met that bastard of a father that had abandoned her even before child birth. The man hadn't even stuck around long enough to notice that he had left her mother pregnant. What type of irresponsible cretin did that to a kid? And an unborn one at that! She pictured doing the same, leaving Chie and Reiko to fend for themselves under what little care Jurou could provide and cringed. What would have become of her two little darlings if she had decided to put them up for adoption?! Gin shook her head fervently. And speaking of her father hadn't Jurou done exactly the same thing? Hadn't he left Sunagakure the moment that Gin said that she was pregnant? What the hell was it with men and fleeing their fucking responsibilities as parents? What, did they really think that women were just destined to raise kids, that they could sacrifice everything else just to do that? Not only that, but taking care of children was hard work. She was almost certain that neither Jurou nor Trilby had any idea of what it was like to take care of a couple of devil twins for two years before their father suddenly decided that he wanted to be involved in their lives.

Gin shouldn’t have let him have the twins for even a second. Hell, she shouldn’t have even let him meet the little girls. But alas, that had never been about her, it had been about Chie and Reiko having a father, despite the fact that they would never quite be a proper family. But that was in the past. Now she had Sake. Gin’s eye twitched, she let out a heavy breath and let her eyes narrow in on the horizon. Sake had stayed behind in Konoha and for what, exactly? Not only that but Gin was pregnant with another set of twins that belonged to the red haired male who had suddenly decided to disappear. And how had he let his supposed beloved know that he wasn’t coming back for an indefinite period of time? Through a fucking note delivered by a bird. Honestly! What the fuck was wrong with men these days? Maybe Gin should have just given up right then and there, declared herself a lesbian and called it a day. But then she remembered that she had actually tried that once and had decided that women simply had way too many issues after the whole ordeal was over. She could always just say that she was asexual though that would be a blatant lie. But seriously, though, how hard was it to build a decent relationship where the people involved were simply in love? Why did having kids have to scare men away as if she were infected with all types on STDs? Honestly, responsibility wasn’t all that fucking bad!

Without even noticing it, without even paying attention to her own actions, the young Kazekage had formed the tiger seal. She could feel heat surging from within her quite rapidly, exiting through her very being and projecting itself towards the outside. But albeit, the young woman was so angry that she didn’t even notice the burst of flame that shot out of her body and towards the other side, coincidentally – or not – towards where Jurou and Trilby were. Seeing them singed by the burst of flame would likely restore Gin’s good mood back to its former drug-induced glory.

Katon From D to C: 950/4000



Well; at the least they got the gist of the training. That was good, right? Wrong. They were causing mayhem, well; at least Gin was, as usual. Jurou had sighed once again, as usual. At least Trilby was getting some kind of hang to it when he created the tiger hand seal and out came a small spec of a fireball that devoured the notepad and turned into nothing but cylinder. Improvement at the start of the training. Something that Jurou was... somewhat blessed at. At least he doesn't have to be bothered with these two again. He could tend back to his duties as a guest and continue to train. If only Suna had enough water, he could began his water training. Until, he felt something hot coming his way. Oh sh*t; he forgot about Gin and her fireball. Of course, she would aim at the both of them as Jurou and Trilby were standing together. Jurou sighed once again, another test given to him by Rikodou Sennin.

Jurou motioned his right and left hand infront of his face and formed the boar seal following the dragon seal as the chakra inside his body had turned into water. "If it was suppose to be like this, I would've skip Fire Release and stayed with Water Release." As the fireball came to close-range, the name of the jutsu was said from Jurou's mouth. "Water Release: Archerfish." As the jutsu was being said, a jet of water as the size of 3 acre feet came from thin air as the water extinguished the fireball coming their way. After doing so, the side of the roof that they were standing on became wet. Never again will Jurou teach Fire Release again. In the meantime, he paid his attention to Trilby. Along the line, Trilby said something about Kitakaze. He guessed that he wanted the blade to keep.

Jurou had little use of Kitakaze anyway, so giving it to Trilby was alright with him. But, how would Trilby earn such a blade? What did Trilby do that concern Jurou to get his approval. Pulling out the scroll, Jurou looked at the symbol that resembled the sword. Kitakaze. Why was it so important to Trilby? Jurou will never know. "Kitakaze is the sword you desire?" He questioned Trilby's intentions with the sword. It was a wind sword, something Jurou was not copacetic with. "You deserve a break. You just learned Fire Release. You'll get the sword when the time is right." Jurou was not the type to toy with others, except opponents, but Trilby learned alot. It took alot of anger to actually utilize Fire Release and handling it so easily.

"Enjoy the new Release. Put it to good use, because it can cause nothing but a disaster." He wanted to train himself, and hopefully see the twins before his departure from Sunagakure entirely. In the meantime, Jurou now focused on these two that finally learned Fire Release. Speaking of Release, he really needed to train his Water Release at best. Been a while now. It kinda bothered him to the fact that he was a Mizukage, and his Water Release was at Chunnin rank, which is sad.

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