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1Teacher -D- {Mission} Empty Teacher -D- {Mission} Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:16 am



The mission board was more then proud to see the work that Kami Chikamatsu has done. When he saved the boy in the well, the whole event gave him a type of celebrity status that he did not ask for, although that status lasted nothing but a few days. Right there and then Kami realized what he wanted to be when he grew up and he wanted to become a hero. Seeing al the prays he got that day made him think so in order to gain his reputation Kami set his mind into mission completions. Knowing that only by completing missions will shinobis get the recognition they deserve. Chikamatsu went to the Kazekage’s office in hopes of getting a mission that was like the other, a mission where he could be the hero and everyone will once again know his name. The glory full mission is the mission that Kami wanted although what he got wasn’t a superhero story as much as a Real World job. Kami opened his mouth and dropped his jaw as the Kazekage explained that the next mission of his will be to help an Academy School teacher with paper works, and writing tests to be more specific and even more boring sounding. Kami pictured himself sitting in class with nothing to do looking at the clockwork its way around through its cycle. Kami left the Kazekages office in search for this teacher that needs a shinobi for a test, and then the idea came to mind. “Say, why would a teacher need a shinobi for a hand writing test?” Kami began to ponder the possibility and only one seemed probable, the idea that maybe this writing test isn’t a normal test, but instead one made especially to train shinobis. This caught Kamis attention to the point that he lost track of the hour and got to his destination in a shorter time then he thought.

When Kami reached the Academy he spoke to the teacher and the teacher explained the situation. Kami didn’t know if he should be surprise or not since he almost expected what the teacher asked of him. It isn’t going to be an extreme writing test and he isn’t going to be standing in class starring at the hours fly by, instead Kami was sent to gather paper. Not just ordinary paper though since this paper is made of Senju Wood. Senju Wood is obviously rare in Sunagakure so to get it is definitely not going to be easy. Maybe that’s the reason for the teacher requesting a shinobi. Kami left the Academy and began to head towards a location that the teacher tried hard to explain in order for Kami not to forget. This seemed to be very important for the teacher so Kami didn’t try anything fishy, heading directly to the area that the papers were stored, grabbing enough for a class and then left while telling the man in the front that seen him grab all the things, “I’ve been sent here by my teacher.” The man stood and starred and Kami with a dead look in his eyes and then Kami realized that the man wasn’t going to reply, as he looked quite dumbfounded in what ever it was that he was doing. After getting the paper Kami went straight to the Academy where the teacher told him, “That is it.” Kami looked a little puzzled and said. “Wait what? Nothing else?... You don’t need me to wait inside or anything?” The Teacher laughed a little and said, “Nope, Teachers needing shinobi for tests? Good one.”

600/600 Academy Teacher Adjunct mission for 70 Ryo.

2Teacher -D- {Mission} Empty Re: Teacher -D- {Mission} Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:21 am



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