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1Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Giving the Kid a home (Open) Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:27 pm



The morning sun slowing began to rise over the village of Kumogakure, the sky was mostly clear with the exception of a few clouds. And as the people of the village began to stir about, so did the one boy. This was no ordinary boy though, in fact he was a orphan at the time this new day had begun. But this morning he felt that this day he would finally find a place to call home again. And All about him knew that it was so.

As he began to dress himself with the rather usual clothing of his along with the rest of the other orphans in the adoption home. He brushed past on way to his dresser, one of his good friends he had made over time inside the adoption home. They looked at each other for a moment and only smiled, wishing each other the best of luck in getting adopted today. Then they both went off to get changed, Kiti was in his striped pajamas while his friend was wearing only his under wear. But no one mind it, every orphan in the home was very open with each other. Kiti approached his dresser that was simply a large,square,wooden dresser and pulled out one of his red v-shirts that was nicely pressed and folded in by the caretaker of the adoption home. The caretaker was a nice elderly lady whose name was Mearī. She was a sweet old caretaker that cared for all of the orphans very much till the day that they were adopted. Kiti was one of the boys who had been in the adoption home the longest. the second of course being his good friend he had brushed past earlier. But as he threw on his dark blue shorts he began to smile for no real reason, Kiti just felt that today was going to be the day. He looked into the dresser's mirror and began to fix up his short brown hair. He then put on his last article of clothing, his black silk cat-hoodie that had small cute cat like ears on them. This was one of his all time favorite pieces of clothing that he hoped he would never grow out of. After brushing his teeth in the bathroom of the Adoption home. Kiti sat down on the adoption homes swing and slowly began to drift off into daydreaming, hoping that this was in fact the day.

2Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:38 pm



Midnight has never considered adopting a child. Nor should such a thing ever cross his mind. He was gay after all. Well, actually, being gay would mean that he would have to adopt if he ever wanted a child... but he was never much for children. For one thing babies had so suck on those disgusting things called breasts. And another was that they had such high maintenance. How could he have fun when he had to do such a routine task as feed and clean a baby, as well as making sure it was happy. Sure he might actually find the job amusing, as he did for his paperwork, but Midnight would rather not risk it. He could have fun just fine without a baby to deal with. However, that didn't mean older children wouldn't be amusing to adopt. With older children, they could take care of themselves just fine, and he wouldn't have to worry about them. Better still, he could have plenty of fun with them. The only real issue was the age. They couldn't be too old, as in, only a couple years younger than him, that would just be weird. And of course, they couldn't be too young, he didn't want to deal with that. Wait, why was he thinking about such a thing anyway?

Oh that's right, he was looking at an orphanage. How had he gotten here again? Midnight stood in front of the orphanage, far from its doors, but in front of it nonetheless. He tried to retrace his steps. At this time of day he should have been in his office to fill out paperwork... but he finished that, early as usual. Jeez, what was "early" to him anymore anyway? Ah, it didn't matter anyway. He left the administration building and... went off to train? It seemed more like he had left the office to do that, but got in such deep thought that he stopped walking. It seemed all this stress from Daisuke's leaving was taking its toll on him. He couldn't even get his body into rhythm to take him to his training spots without getting distracted. How silly. Ah well, he was here, so he might as well at least pay the orphanage a visit. At the very least it would help with morale.

Midnight shook his head to clear his thoughts and began walking towards the large building. He examined it from top to bottom and then surveyed the grounds. It was always important to know the environment in case anything should happen. Being the Raikage that meant little danger anyway. Plus the fact that he had two daggers, one on each side of his waist, a pair of katana, and his own personal katana certainly helped as well. When did he get so loaded with weapons? Midnight continued looking at the yard, turning his head to and fro because he could only use one eye at the time, an eye patch covering the one he didn't use. It was then that he spotted a swing. With a boy in it.

Midnight's eye lit up, swings were normally fun for children, but that didn't stop him from having fun, too! Well, there was still the fact that there was already a kid in it, but that didn't much matter. He was sure he could get the swing from him. Or even share it if the boy wanted. It would probably be fun either way. Midnight adjusted his path and made a beeline towards the swing. He didn't want to scare off the kid, so he walked casually, and made no effort to have his various weapons be out in the open. Beyond this, he didn't want to frighten the child by startling him with his presence and talking to him all of the sudden, so he rose his right hand, which had a ring containing his chakra, to his mouth and coughed lightly to let the kid know he was there in case he didn't know already. Sure, the kid was facing him, but Midnight personally knew that he might have been deep in thought-- which was exactly what had gotten him here in the first place-- so he didn't want to disturb him too much... but certainly enough to get on that swing. How pathetic of him, using up all this time just to play on a swing? Just how childish was this Raikage?

3Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:15 am



As Kiti sat there on the swing, he heard out of nowhere a light cough. This caused him to look up at the Raikage, who was looking at him on the swing. After a moment of just looking into the Raikage's eyes, Kiti just sat there. His mind spinning with ideas. Ideas on why the Raikage was even here, was this some sort of thing that he was doing to boost the morale of the children? But Kiti could only assume what he was here for, after all not everyone can read minds. Simply he just stopped and got off of the swing. Slowly he approached the Raikage, Kiti's heart rate increased slowly more and more as he began to feel nervous. As Kiti stood only a few feet away, he looked up at Midnight. There was silence as a small breeze blew past them. Kiti's soft brown hair blew in the wind, but his eyes were still fixated on the Raikage's. Then the silence was broken by a small soft boys voice "Hello Raikage, do you wish to adopt me?" Kiti asked as he flipped up his black cat-hoodie.

4Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:51 am



Midnight watched as the boy approached him, leaving the swing behind him. His primary target was free from obstacles, but his path was not. Now, the boy that had been sitting on the swing previously was approaching him. Midnight wasn't exactly sure what to expect from the kid, but considering where he was at, he at leas had an idea. The boy stopped his approach and a small breeze blew by. Midnight's weapons clinked against one another as his loose clothing flapped in the wind. It was times like this that Midnight really loved his village, despite the chilling breeze that came with the wind considering the season. Midnight observed that the boy's hair blew in the wind as well, and couldn't help but smile. The kid certainly was cute.

Then came what Midnight expected. The offer to adopt him. To be honest, Midnight wasn't quite sure himself if he even wanted a kid. Besides that, he knew nothing of the kid other than his appearance. That simply wouldn't do. The boy then flipped up his hoodie, giving himself little cat ears on the top of his head. It was the most adorable thing he'd seen in a long time. Midnight's light smile turned into him beaming now. Though adoption was still a bit off for the moment, the kids cuteness certainly helped. Midnight grabbed the kid in a hug and jumped into the air, twisting so that his back was to the swing. He then carefully landed on the swing, with the kid in his arms. The swing went backwards due to his momentum and just like that, they were swinging. But that still left the kid without an answer.

"While I can't say I'll adopt you right off the bat; I don't even know you kid, I can say that your adorableness is certainly helping your case!" he exclaimed, putting his head on the boy's left shoulder and pinching his right cheek. The swing began to go forward again and Midnight shifted his weight with it so that they would pick up speed. "So let's fix that. Tell me about yourself, kid. Starting with your name, so I don't have to keep calling you kid," he explained, keeping a tight hold on the kid so that he wouldn't fall. It was nice to have the kid in his arms, though he didn't quite know why.

5Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:24 pm



Midnight's smile caused the small boy to return the smile as well. Kiti noticed the Raikage seemed mostly enjoyed him for his cuteness, the day was still early but the sun still seemed to cause Kiti's brown messy hair to shine in the light. This gave Kiti almost a pure little angel look to him, as suddenly was hugged by the Raikage. This made Kiti smile more and let a out giggle of happiness.

As they were swinging, Kiti's excitement was making him feel like one in a million. He held himself close to Midnight as his arms shifted to be around the Raikage's neck. It felt so peaceful as the boy enjoyed swinging around with his possible adopter. Kiti continued to giggle as he felt Midnight pinch his cheek playfully. "My name is Kiti." He exclaimed as he looked up at Midnight with as innocent smile on his face. There was one small discomfort however in the way he was positioned, so he shifted his body so he was sitting on the Raikage's lap facing him directly so he could look more into Midnight's eyes as well as have him looking into Kiti's. "But for you, you can call me whatever you like." He said smiling and sticking his tongue out in a playful innocent way.As they swung together, Kiti couldn't help but feel that they were being watched by some of the other kids perhaps from there rooms. But they could watch all they liked, all that mattered to Kiti right now was being with Midnight.

6Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:35 pm



The swing continued to do as it would and swung back and forth with the two of them. With the weight of the two of them, it was easy for it to pick up speed, so Midnight stopped shifting his weight and just enjoyed the momentum that it already had. Kiti, as he had just now told Midnight was his name, had answered his question and adjusted his sitting position to face Midnight. It was kind of awkward, but he didn't mind so long as he was still on the swing. Oh, and as long as Kiti was comfortable. He was the one who moved around, anyway, so who was Midnight to tell him otherwise?

Midnight began to more seriously think about adopting the kid, now. After all, Kiti was already getting attached, if anything, and it wouldn't do to just lead him to happiness and then just throw it away. Midnight knew that the end result would be the same, but it would probably help to at least make it seem difficult. "So tell me... Kitty. What makes you so special to be adopted by the Lord Raikage himself?" He asked the boy, ignorant of the eyes that were likely on the two of them. He was enjoying himself. Others wouldn't get in the way of that. At least, not as long as he was around. While it wasn't so good for the morale of the orphanage for him to just up and get a kid, it would help for publicity. At least, that's how Midnight's logic said it could be. If Midnight adopted a kid from the orphanage, then surely others too would want to adopt a kid from there. Similar to a celebrity, Midnight could use his fame to attract attention to this small place and probably get other kids a happy home... and others maybe a broken home. A sad truth, but Midnight would deal with those as well if need be. At the very least it would make them stronger... he hoped. But now was not the time to think of such sad thoughts! He was happy with this kid, Kiti, and he was on a swing. It was already turning out to be a great day.

7Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:41 am



As Midnight stopped shifting his weight around on the swing, Kiti pondered his thoughts, while he did want to get adopted, he wondered if he should be adopted by the Raikage himself. Midnight would be way to busy to take care of Kiti, then again he wasn't a baby. Kiti could take care of himself for the most part. So If the Raikage did adopt him, Kiti wouldn't mind and just try to not interrupt his work.

He looked down for a moment at his own chest area and thought about Midnight's question. What made him so special? A Image of his step father flashed in his mind, causes Kiti to clench his fists with great intensity. Kiti looked up to Midnight with a fire burning in his eyes "My step-father murdered my mother, Im also apart of the Iradakai clan." He said with a solid tone of voice, the smile that was once on his face now was gone. He hoped to one day get revenge on his father, but that would have to wait. He slowly calmed himself down and released his clenched fists and his mood began to soften again.

8Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:05 am



Midnight watched the boy carefully, curious of his answer. The boy suddenly got very angry and clenched his fists tightly. What could have made him so-- Midnight got his answer. The boy went on to explain what had happened to his mom and what clan he was from. What had happened to his mother would have made any child angry. Heck, any person, really. Considering he had a step-father to begin with, Midnight didn't want to ask what happened with his biological father. That certainly wouldn't help with the mood. Kiti began to calm down after his outburst, leaving Midnight to give a reply.

He felt sorry for the boy, especially considering his situation now... but it reminded him a bit of his past situation. With his own mother dying at his birth, Midnight's father blamed him for it and took it out on him often. Neither of the two had a happy tale, but that's what life had dealt them, and they could only make do with what they had. Their paths had just crossed, so it seemed that their fates were already tied. Midnight cleared his throat a bit before replying, "That's, uh, not exactly what I was looking for, but it does give some background." The two continued to swing back and forth as they talked, the sudden outburst apparently not big enough of an outburst for Midnight to suddenly stop.

"What about fighting ability?" he inquired, trying to get the more useful information out of the boy. While it was indeed important to know the personal background of the boy, it wasn't necessarily a requirement for Midnight. All grudges would be dealt with in due time. Plus, at the moment, Midnight was more concerned about military power. He had a squad to train too, so if this kid was a Genin he could join it and be trained as well. Being from a clan would certainly help in that respect.

9Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:30 pm



Kiti sat there slightly embarrassed that he didn't answer Midnight's question properly. A small blush was coming over his face as a sign of his embarrassment. He sighed and scooted himself as he sat on top of Midnight's crotch area that was covered by his loose clothing. He was feeling a light aroused at the same time, but nothing truly came about it, it was simply just the position he and Midnight was in that made him think of very interesting things. Kiti began to blush more at the thought of these things.

As for answering Midnight's question, he spent his time in the adoption home well. Kiti was somewhat skilled in the art of ninjutsu and being a archer. Kiti looked into Midnight's eyes with a calm expression. "I am in fact a genin, I have spent time training in ninjutsu and archery, archery being one of my hobbies, but I don't own a bow myself, I just barrow one from the adoption home, since im not the only one here who is a genin. But I know that my two elements are....." Kiti paused to remember the two elements he was gifted with, while looking off to the side. "I have both wind and water elements. Oh right. I also want to become one of the best archers in the world." He said grinning slightly looking back into Midnight's eyes. "So does that answer your questions Midnight-sama?" He said pulling himself closer and resting his head on Midnight's shoulder and looking up with a cute face.

10Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:48 am



"Well I suppose that we'll have to get you a bow then," Midnight replied to the boy, not directly answering the question he was asked. He was thinking quickly now. He had his fun here, and he was beginning to become late for being early for his training session with his squad. He was going to be early to get there of course so that he could make sure that everything was properly prepared and so that he would be good and ready to introduce Kiti to Hiro and Sano. Yes yes, that meant he was putting Kiti into his squad. With specialties like that, it would certainly compliment the other two as a whole, much like Luca's squad. The only issue now was the matter of adoption and getting to the Battle Plateau.

Midnight hugged Kiti again and jumped off of the swing when it was swinging nearer to the exit. He landed carefully and made sure not to let all the force of the landing to go through his feet, which would have hurt them. Bending his knees slightly, he put Kiti down. "You are now a member of my squad, Kitty. Why don't we go meet your squad mates?" Midnight knew that he was ignoring a lot of things by doing what he did, but it needed to be done sooner rather than later. Besides, some things that were an issue now could still be resolved later. He'd already made a decision when he arrived, after all. His plans for the orphanage would have to be changed slightly, but that was fine as well, he'd handle it when it was needed. It's not like any of the staff there were going to say anything about anything he did anyway. Now all that was left was for Kiti to agree and they could get going.

11Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:53 pm



A helpless boy, a boy who was lost without a belonging, unknown to most and was mocked at. That was all he ever was, or at least until this day. The day he would finally have someone that liked him for himself. It is going to be the best day in his life, all thanks to Midnight. The smile right across his face is something he would never forget now, as he hugged Midnight once again and set down. Kiti looked up at him with joy filling his entire body.

As the boy looked up to him, he knew that he had found the perfect person to be with. All about him made Kiti sure about it. He nodded to Midnight on having to be introduced to his new squad mates. None of his things were at all packed, but Kiti didn't care. Kiti reached out to hold onto Midnight's hand and said "lets go Midnight-sama" Kiti made a cute smile towards the Raikage signalling he was ready to began a new chapter in his life. One that Kiti of the Iradakai clan would never forget.

12Giving the Kid a home (Open) Empty Re: Giving the Kid a home (Open) Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:29 pm



Midnight's mind was focused on the training only now, so it didn't much occur to him that the boy may have had stuff that he was going to bring with him, since he was going to be adopted after all. It didn't much matter, they could pick up his things after the training anyway. For now there was only one thing for them to do, and that was go train with the rest of the squad.

Midnight took Kiti's hand and began walking out of the orphanage's premises. Today was certainly a good day and it could only get better. At least, he hoped so. It would be a terrible time for everyone if Midnight wasn't having fun. That likely wouldn't be a problem, but even so, nothing is impossible. The wind picked up again, rattling Midnight's weapons and ruffling his clothing and hair. He certainly wouldn't forget that this would be a perfect time to try out some of his new weapons. After all, outside of training himself he'd had no practice. Oh what a joy this training was going to be.


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