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1Defensive party. Empty Defensive party. Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:40 pm



Sero moves to the front as instructed and walks patiently besides Shuiro. His eyes looking to the blood on the ground ahead and the 4 brutes. A frown playing on his features as he tilts his head. So that was why he had been pulled to the front. he Shakes off the tired head ache from staying up again as usual before observing them approaching and the enemies turning to them and blocking the road. One steps forward. The biggest of the group and begins to speak in a booming voice.

'You no longer are welcome here kiri! this is now Captain Rippers lands! Either pledge your loyalties or ....!!!

He was cut off mid speech as suddenly Sero had moved from the caravan to right in front of him. Staring him eye to eye. Dust settling from the speed he had moved and a breeze blowing briefly. Indents where in the ground where his feet had pushed off. Now his cold grey eyes watch the poor fellow for a moment before point two fingers at his eye a mere inch away.

"Steam burst."

From the tip of his fingers a loud BANG can be heard as Steam forces its way from Sero's finger tips into the mans eye. with this much force it should have propelled Sero's hand in a different direction but instead he held it there forcing the powerful burst of steam into the eye. The eye itself caving in and the goo flowing down the face from the heat. The steam bursting into the skull and smashing the brain with such force it Smashes out the other eye.. out the ears and nose with a gushy noise. The corpse stands open mouthed for a moment as a thin tendril of smoke exits his eyes from burned flesh allowing him to fall onto his back dead.

Silence and shock reigns for a moment before all the enemy charges at once. the ones from the woods running to the caravan and the others where attempting to attack Sero.

The remaining two chunnin attempt to both swing theyre fists at the same time at Sero. Sero merely balls his fists and connects his fists with theyres shattering the bones in both the opponents main hands with a loud crack. Before grabbing them by the head. A sickening crack can be heard as he molds theyre skulls together in one movement. he then turns to the Genin and points at him.

'Be still"
The Genin suddenly appears to be bound and falls down laying in the blood and brains of his betters. staring wide eyed in terror as he cant even move more then to breathe.


2Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:21 am

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

Grimacing as Sero see someone to kill, Bonreu was suddenly glad that he was in the back away from the killing field that was bound to happen. With the 4 swordsmen springing forward Bonreu clasps his hands and launches 4 signature Uzumaki chakra chains from his arms, and launches them with a half turn in a sweeping motion, each one a ways above the other, catching the 2 closest swords men, breaking several bones on contacts and binding them tightly to be dealt with later.

With the closest threats to Bonreu's corner taken care of, he hopes that the rest of the squad can take out the other two, because his hands are tied now.

jutsu used:

3Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:22 am




Watching Sero rip these people apart was a horrific scene, but it was also quite humorous. The arrogant leader was taken down so easily and crumbled as if he was just a small stack of sand. Then again, Sero was quite a devastating force and for him to use a jutsu..yeah these people stood absolutely no chance. She heard some commotion coming from behind her though. She looked back and saw her genin, bon, grab and stop the genin headed for him and herself, she nodded towards him gratefully, maybe he wouldn't be as bad as she previously thought.

She kept the caravan at a halt and started to approach Sero by herself. When she got next to him, she said, "Good work Sero, I am happy you didn't use your full force during our meeting. I am happy to have you as my Sanin. Please stay up front with me during our entrance to the city. Just in case there are more fools." She said this respectfully to him but tried to keep it semi-casual. She put her hand in the air and motioned for a full advancement to the city. They were close. Shuiro could almost feel the comfort from their decimated home.

Last edited by Shuiro on Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:13 pm



Tsuneko watched as the head of the group confronted Sero. She never found out what the other option besides fealty would be as Sero moved, faster than her eyes could follow. Suddenly he was in front of the man; in the heavy pause that followed, she sensed that something terrible would happen, yet couldn’t make herself look away. The result of the single jutsu was absolute, and with that, Tsuneko saw her first fatality on the field of battle. She shared the same shock as the enemy and stood there as the man’s body fell backwards away from the shinobi. The stillness broke as the other three charged Sero, and four others appeared out of the tree-line, one of them running straight for her.

Unable to waste any more time as a spectator, she moved forward to meet the swordsman, putting enough distance between her and the cart to give her room to maneuver. She subtly moved her weight onto the balls of her feet, ready to receive him. Though older than herself, time had not given him patience; he ran in and swung his sword up to give her a vicious cut across the body. The Kaguya danced to the side, coming around towards his back. The heavy-handed, missed attack had his body off-balance, and he was unable to recover in time to avoid her elbow as it slammed into his back, painfully making contact with his spine as the blow knocked him to the ground. She hesitated, seeing him on the ground in front of her. After watching Sero dispose of the leader, she didn’t feel the anger and aggression she had felt back in Konoha. She didn’t feel…anything.

Her hesitation almost cost her. Seeing her pause, the man tried to take advantage, stabbing upwards at her from his back. She jerked away, but it would have been too late… Had his back not spasmed, causing him to drop his blade. The girl snatched up his fallen sword, and without really thinking about it, she gripped it with both hands and, using her weight, stabbed him through the chest. Her violet eyes met his brown ones for a moment. She pulled the sword back out and tossed the heavy piece of metal aside. Kneeling beside the man, she watched as the life drained out of him. There were no dramatic last words, just some ragged breathing. He coughed and bloody spittle flew onto her cheek. ’Coughing blood. Maybe a pierced lung.’ She looked at his chest and the blood pulsing out of it with the man’s pulse. ’That amount of blood…his heart? Did I hit his heart too?’ She sat there. Staring. As she watched him die. How could she sit here and not do anything? But she didn’t. She didn’t do anything. What kind of medical ninja was she to let a man die without trying to help? As the minutes passed, she sat there, her hands resting in her lap, uselessly; she took no notice of what the other shinobi were doing.

Last edited by Tsuneko on Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total

5Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:19 pm



Sero pauses as he looks over his shoulder to watch the enemy bound and one of them killed. The one killed died slowly drowning in his own blood. These ones had promise. He would train them all to be killers. And the Bloody Mist would once again be resurrected...for different reasons of course.

He turns as the commanding officer of the defense party approaches him and speaks. She was always so formal it kind of bothered him. that and she was yet to get her hands dirty. No matter. He would fix that if he could. He had missed if the scouting party reported back yet but he would leave that to those in charge.

For now he was done waiting for orders that needed to be done. He had observed and noted what he needed and now they where almost home. He turns to the others. And speaks loudly but his voice still filled with the sound that sent chills down the spines of his enemies.

"Bonreu appears to be in a bit of a predicament. Take the one I captured and bind him. I will need information later."

Sero moved over to the two that where bound a lifts a hand to each. Watching them quietly. He was impressed by these chains. They held even these two terrified swordsmen without fault. With a gentle flick to each of theyre foreheads a loud crack! noise resounds and both pirates go limp. Allowing Bonreu to be free.

"Bind them as well. Well done for your first mission. You protected your leader and held two individuals for questioning. Although I will have to keep in mind not to leave you on solo missions. So we can avoid this predicament again."

With that he moves to the front of the caravan. as he passes by the workers he instructs two of them to burn the bodies. and then takes his place at the lead. they where only hours from home now.

6Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:00 pm

Kage No Akira

Kage No Akira

As Sero's spine chilling voice reaches Bonreu's ears about his "predicament" He grumbles saying "It's not a predicament, it's just a.... I meant to do it." Turning his head away and coughs slightly to clear his through. When Sero walks up to the two pirates bound in his chains and cracks them on the head with his fingers Bonreu flinches at the sound but shakes it off as he realizes he has orders to carry out.

Immediately to work he starts by bracing himself as he drawing the chains back into his arms that are binding the pirates, quickly dragging the downed men across the ground to in front of him before spinning them several times to free the chains of them to reabsorb back into his arms, releasing the jutsu. Kneeling down to bind one of the pirates arms behind his back, then his legs together to make sure they couldn't go far even if their head lacked the hole in it, before doing the similar to the other.

Throwing the two captives into a wagon so he wouldn't have to carry them the rest of the way home he chimes in to Sero " That is sure to save my skin if the Mizukage takes heed of it, thank you. ". Resuming his position at the corner of the wagon train to hopefully have a peaceful remainder of the journey home.

7Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:46 am



Shuiro dipped back a bit, closer to the caravan. She couldn't get all of that blood out of her mind. Maybe it was more disturbing to her than she thought. Oh well, they were still close to home. That's all that really mattered. The true question though was how everyone was going to react to the view of destruction and how they would react to their past memories. That is what they had to prepare for more than anything, not just some enemies.

She walked around the caravan and told each driver, secretly, that they would be stopping for a group meeting one hour before they got to the city so she could prepare them. She did this as casually as possible, trying to make it seem as if she was doing a simple check up on the drivers. She didn't want to give the Genin harsh thoughts so far away from home. To prevent this, she ordered each driver to either smile or laugh with her as she was giving them instruction.

When she was finished, she moved back to the front by Sero. She said quietly so only he could hear, "We will be stopping one hour outside of the city for a meeting to prepare the Genin for what they are about to see. This is to ensure that their painful memories don't stop our progress when they see the condition of the city. I do not want them to know we are stopping, which shall explain the silence." She smiled up at him the entire time she was telling him this, almost like she was flirting with him. Not what she wanted people to think, but she didn't exactly care if that's what the Genin thought she was doing.

8Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:25 pm



A loud, unnerving voice carried to the girl, but she didn’t really hear Sero’s actual words. It wasn’t until the workers came to take the man’s body to cremate it on the Sannin’s orders that Tsuneko let him go. Swallowing, she wiped the bit of blood off of her cheek, leaving a faint smudge on her fair skin, and got to her feet. Her violet eyes flicked up to Sero at the front of the caravan. He had shown himself to be strong and ruthless in combat as well as intelligent. Some, who were ruthless in battle, might embrace the old, savage idea of punishing one’s enemies by leaving their bodies out to rot; she was relieved to find that Sero was not one of those. Despite the obvious disgust that the idea gave her, it was also impractical. Why would they leave decomposing bodies on the main road between Kiri and Konoha, whom had supported them so far and would likely continue to until they were up to strength?

As they began moving again, Tsuneko watched their leader make her way around the wagon train. Shuiro appeared to be joking with the drivers. Apparently the Chuunin wasn’t too disturbed by standing up close while Sero melted the eyeballs out of the leader. Or maybe this was a common sight for her. Thinking about it made her stomach churn, so the Genin forced her thoughts away from it, compartmentalizing her experiences of the day to work out, analyze, and hopefully make peace with when she was alone. Instead, she turned to watch their surroundings. She recognized the scenery; unless they ran into more trouble, they would make it home today.

9Defensive party. Empty Re: Defensive party. Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:25 am



Sero nodded and folded his hands behind his back. He hadn't broken a sweat or even drew a labored breath over the activities. Killing such prey was simple enough in nature that it had failed to strain him. His cold grey eye's observe the surroundings as well attempting to determine theyre approximate where abouts. His cold gaze look ahead and he nods as the company leader speaks.

An hour out was an interesting plan. But did she think that only giving so little time would keep those who had such profound loyalties to either the village or something in the village from rushing forward? He already knew some of Kiri was already under construction. But a lot of it remained burned or looted. Especially the grave yard.

The plan had its strengths and its weaknesses. Had they been warned ahead of time then they would have some time to calm they're minds. Now the anger would simply boil over. Control would be difficult to maintain to say the least. However the other hand spoke differently. Time heals the wounds that do not fester with rage. if anyone where to break from the pack they would be within a distance of the sites that reinforcements could arrive quickly.

Either way they would pass the swamp lands by a mere league to the west of it when they where about 1 hour out. He watches for this moment before finally they arrive. He then stops where he is standing and turns. Waiting and observing patiently as the Heavy mist seems to coat the road around them. It appeared to cling to him and at times attempt to Envelope Sero as if her where a part of it.

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