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1Sakamotos Pet Xiao Empty Sakamotos Pet Xiao Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:42 am




Sakamotos Pet Xiao Fvwmxx

Name: Xiao
Rank: E Rank
Species: Raptor
Type: Combat
Elements: N/A
Specializations: N/A
Personality: Xiao, is one of the birds from the Legendary Mount Meru, a secret location in the mountains bordering Claw Country which pred a race of raptors that would watch over the ninja world while the sun hangs in the sky. As such, Xiao is an incredibly proud and intelligent bird who cares deeply for those she attaches herself to. Loyal to a fault but by no means subservient, she considers herself an equal to ninja, not as a pet to be ordered or replaced at necessity. Of all the things she loves, hunting, good food and soaring across the open skies are held highest in her esteem. While the thought of life caged away from such a life is conversely her greatest fear.

Appearance: Soaring in at a tiny 1-meter wingspan and 40cm in height, but by no means the limit of her growth (which lays within the vicinity of 2.5 meters), Xiao is an ideal specimen considering her birth, although comparatively young. Like a Kite, she has round features incredibly strong and wide wings coupled with a lithe and slender frame from her mother who stems from the Kite Clans that soar across the vast oceans of the ninja world, while her mixed parentage inheriting her large wide splaying talons from her father as well as a penchant for a total increase in size. A perfect storm of sorts, but one that makes her appear fox-featured, or at least as fox featured as a bird could become. In colouration, the White-tailed Kite has a pale ivory coat with platinum/silver wings and highlights coupled with a crest of brown feathers down her back which begins at the peak of her forehead.

  • Str: E Rank
  • Spd: E Rank
  • End: E Rank
  • Rea: E Rank
  • Per: E Rank


2Sakamotos Pet Xiao Empty Re: Sakamotos Pet Xiao Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:24 am



Sakamoto wrote:

Sakamotos Pet Xiao Fvwmxx

Name: Xiao
Rank: E Rank
Species: Raptor
Type: Combat
Elements: N/A
Specializations: N/A
Personality: Xiao, is one of the birds from the Legendary Mount Meru, a secret location in the mountains bordering Claw Country which pred a race of raptors that would watch over the ninja world while the sun hangs in the sky. As such, Xiao is an incredibly proud and intelligent bird who cares deeply for those she attaches herself to. Loyal to a fault but by no means subservient, she considers herself an equal to ninja, not as a pet to be ordered or replaced at necessity. Of all the things she loves, hunting, good food and soaring across the open skies are held highest in her esteem. While the thought of life caged away from such a life is conversely her greatest fear.  

Appearance: Soaring in at a tiny 1-meter wingspan and 40cm in height, but by no means the limit of her growth (which lays within the vicinity of 2.5 meters), Xiao is an ideal specimen considering her birth, although comparatively young. Like a Kite, she has round features incredibly strong and wide wings coupled with a lithe and slender frame from her mother who stems from the Kite Clans that soar across the vast oceans of the ninja world, while her mixed parentage inheriting her large wide splaying talons from her father as well as a penchant for a total increase in size. A perfect storm of sorts, but one that makes her appear fox-featured, or at least as fox featured as a bird could become. In colouration, the White-tailed Kite has a pale ivory coat with platinum/silver wings and highlights coupled with a crest of brown feathers down her back which begins at the peak of her forehead.


  • Str: E Rank
  • Spd: E Rank
  • End: E Rank
  • Rea: E Rank
  • Per: E Rank


Approved for 2000 ryo!

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