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Round Two: Orochiyaru vs. Kimura Kennosuke 4R1lWs8

Rising from an artificial forest floor, contestants enter atop a wild canopy of dense forest, with doors leading them onto its apex. The terrain itself is wildly unpredictable at the top, practically necessitating the use of Supernatural Walking Practice to navigate without hindrance. However, dropping below the canopy reveals an arena of tall trees with sparse horizontal foliage for climbing.

1 - Orochiyaru
2 - Kennosuke




Orochiyaru moved into the stadium, the matches seemed to be quite close to follow right after each other. She was still tired from her previous match and emotionally disturbed over how things had went through there. She could really use a break at this point and wasn’t specifically looking forward to deal with another battle. Yaru moved into the arena and manually climbed the first tree to the top of the canopy as it was intended. Eventually staring over the battlefield in hopes that for once she could normally face her opponent and not have to deal with another battlefield that put her at a major disadvantage. She yawned and gazed into the arena. It was being silent and the feeling of worry was starting to creep up her neck. She had been able to heal her own moderate bruises on her own that she mostly caused for herself in the last match. She was still wearing a soft bandage around her arms where the wind cuts had been dealt to her. Medical chakra had basically healed her wounds completely but she was trying to make sure that the same spots wouldn’t be hurt again in such a short time distance. Yaru gazed into the arena and watched the time ticking away while yet her opponent didn’t seem to show up at all. She was patient and certainly ready to wait longer. Gazing here and there at the proctor as to wonder what she’d do with the no-show. But for now, she just enjoyed the break she was given.




Yaru checked her clock and eventually the proctors would sign the end of the match. She had to agree that it was not very much of an achievement to win a game by no-show of opponent but she’d take the freebie regardless. The next match was already up and she could literally transfer to a short break before she would be guided to the next arena. Yaru left quickly and was but under the burden of the crowd watching being obviously disappointed by the lack of action. Hopefully whomever would end up fighting in this arena next would give them something to sooth their desire for combat. Considering the quick motion from Round two ending and Round three starting it shouldn’t leave them too long without a spectacle. However, thanks to this break, Yaru had a lot of time to reflect on her match with her seemingly invisible opponent and his nasty cat on her last fight. Still in the delusion that Sakamoto was a ninja and she had only encountered said ninja’s pet so far. One day she’d eventually get to have it revealed to her that the cat actually was indeed the opponent himself. She would get herself a cool drink and sit into the carriage that was provided by the Hebi family and let herself be shipped off and away to the next stage. Her stomach was rumbling and she didn’t feel like it was going to be an easy fight, the next round. Trying to set her concentration straight.


250 / 500

Gonna spend WC after the CE is over.

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