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1New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Empty New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:54 pm



Hey baybee Im Xiao the Spectacular Spider-Nin and the door greeter for Kirigakure. If youre new to Kiri hit me up in PM or DM on Discord (Xiao there too) and we can start a thread and some training! :)

Best of luck and I ALWAYS have time :) just pm me what you need whether its training, directions, missions, help or what have you and Ill get to it!

2New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Empty Re: New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:28 pm

Kaito Osoroshi

Kaito Osoroshi

I'm always down to RP with some Kiri peeps, feel free to hit me up as well.

3New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Empty Re: New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:08 am



I can vouch for Kaito, he's a good boy who doesn't afraid of anything and is super apt (much better) with site rules. Verdandi, Haka Osada, Ayakashi,Yoshito Yuki Kohryu, Chigetsu and Hika (who isn't Kiri but we'll get him one day) are also excellent sources for threads, training or informaton for any who may need it.

4New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Empty Re: New Kiri Ninja? LOOK HERE Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:33 pm



And then there's me – I've been back and I am looking forward to RP with all of you. Having spent some time outside of Saga, you would find me to be a good match for your character :)

Also – Kiri is the best.

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