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Round Three: Aburame N'Jobu vs. Orochiyaru UjMGmQZ

Located at the site of one of Konoha’s newly minted railway depots, this arena takes place atop the hustle and bustle of moving train cars. Tunnels on all sides of the arena allow trains to pass to and fro through the arena at high speeds, with each train only remaining within the battleground for a single posting round before making it necessary to jump to a new train. Chakra barrier configurations prevent contestants from leaving or entering the tunnels designed for the locomotives, and in this arena, touching the ground means disqualification.

1 - N'Jobu
2 - Orochiyaru




N'Jobu is handing the first post of the match to Orochiyaru due to scheduling difficulties.



Yaru arrived with her carriage from the Hebi branch to the next arena in question. While her opponents must have received a proper break between their last fight, due to Yaru’s no-show she basically spent only a few hours on break but had not spent any energy since her fight with the cat. Yaru would be quickly informed by the proctor about the specific rules of this arena and how to handle it. Meeting the ground would be a no-go or simply said means for disqualification and most of the combat would have to take on top of the trains that will enter and leave the battlefield through the tunnels at either side of the field. Yaru would require to remain on movement during this and try to stay on top of the trains while avoiding to fall off them. She appreciated the fact that this arena was not like the grass or forest one where a lot of hide and seek would be happening. She had to admit that she specifically detested this kind of arena as she was more of a rash, straight forward type that tries to measure muscle with muscle over sneaky tactics. She had to admit that it might be a shortcoming in regards to what was expected of a shinobi, but Yaru was young. Technically younger than anyone else in this exam. Her body had been removed from her growth stasis cell only four years ago. While her genetically handmade construct had been accelerated to have the genetic complexity of an eighteen-year-old, she had only about four to five years to understand what the world was all about. Her persona had already undergone many transformations. From a little crybaby that would whimper at the simplest injury, to the arrogant and self-centered Orochi and now the seemingly reborn characteristic of a hopefully decent human being.

Yaru would enter the arena and was instructed to jump on the nearest intro train that would obviously speed its way towards the center of the arena. Her opponent, an Aburame. Could already be seen from afar. Though his appearance was first only a dot in the distance, it would quickly become more precise as he too seemed to have been put on his own intro-train that would send him in Yaru’s direction towards the center of the arena. Yaru would inhale, she had no clue what an Aburame was, she was specifically way more uneducated than most leaf shinobi and her few months at the Academy had not really left the impression on her that it should have. She still had undergone the training of basics and was rather aware that staying on top of such rapid moving vehicles was something that balance alone couldn’t put up with. So, she quickly formed a single seal to concentrate properly and send chakra to her feet. Whenever she would concentrate on her soles it’d magnetically pull her down to the trains surface and allow her to stick on top of it despite the rattling motions of the mechanic monster beneath her and the speedy wind flow that came along with this kind of uncontrolled transport. It seemed like both trains, the one that had Yaru incoming and the one the Aburame was riding on would primarily lead to a freshly spawned central train that both had to hop on towards in order to not smash against the barrier as their respective intro-trains would only drive off into the distance and away from the battlefield with no specific other trains to avoid on about. Yaru casually jumped on the middle train and if her opponent would follow suit, she would slowly move toward him.

Giving away a casual bow as a simple form of respect, Yaru would proceed to get into her primary hand-to-hand combat offensive stance. Her curves would jiggle at the very least bit of movement and her body was tightly strapped into the confining silky covers of her comfortable battle costume. She couldn’t help but let a large smirk roam over her lips as she could see that her opponent was both, male and seemingly receiving Yaru’s natural goodness in terms of looks in a rather positive way. However, she had to make sure that he knew that the snake Misses got claws too. Her offensive stance mostly composed of her slowly leaning a bit into her knees for stronger balance despite the active supernatural walking support. Her palms lifted and directed as closed fists towards her opponent. In a way she made clear that she was not going to form any hand seals any time soon. Sort of inviting or challenging the Aburame to what seemed but a common fist fight for starters. Once he’d show signs of being prepared as well, Yaru would charge forward with perfectly well met reflexes and speed in balance to aim a fist towards Jobu’s chest. She would of course not expect it to hit, but surprises could always be well received. Anyhow, her reaction was ready to receive his counter as well.

Chakra 245 / 250:


N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame


Yet another day of the chunin exams was upon him, after having gone on an expedition the night before with another member of Root. The experience was an exhilarating one, more interesting than any other mission he had partaken in thus far. At this point in time, he didn't really even care too much about the results of the exam and having already lost once his odds of making it to the finals were becoming more slim. He hoped at least this next match would be relatively easy and not make him put in too much effort like the last match. Even though he had forfeit, he had to work a bit harder than he had wished for. Alas, he made his way to the arena where he was scheduled to fight that day which was near the railway depots of the village. He wonder just what kind of arena he would be dealing with today as his previous two fights certainly had some interesting terrain to deal with so this way likely no different. He had brought with him his standard arsenal consisting of his bow, gauntlets, and combat knife which would all hopefully help him take the victory this match or at least put up a good fight. He was garbed in his normal attire, his blanket draping over his shoulders with his white shirt and gray baggy pants, finished off with a pair of gray boots and his companion S'Yan perched upon his shoulders. "Ready for another fight?," he asked of his friend who nodded his head and flashed his scythe like forelimbs.

Before long the pair would finally come upon the railway entrance where he was summoned by an exam proctor and directed to follow. The proctor quickly explained the terms of today's match which would be taking place upon the moving trains speeding through the station. He was to stay within the grid defined by chakra barriers and to never touch the ground as it would disqualify him should he do it. "We'll this should be interesting I suppose," he murmured to himself as he psyched himself up to hop onto the next speeding train moving towards the center of the makeshift arena. He affixed his bow to his back securely and hoped onto the train careening towards the center of the map. He could barely make out his opponent from this distance but as he moved closer to the center, his opponents appearance would quickly become clear. As he approached the incoming center train, it appeared as though his opponent would hop onto the train first and he followed suit as his train would soon leave the arena and disqualify him. As he landed on the moving train, he summoned several of his parasitic insects down to his feet to help him grip the cold steel of the train and keep him balanced while the speed of the train combined with the wind seemed destined to eventually knock him off balance otherwise.

His opponent was a voluptuous kunoichi, much more so than any of the other kunoichi he had seen of the village. She gave a quick courtesy bow before shifting into a combat stance which made he curves jiggle in all the right places. He was transfixed by her curves and couldn't help but to smile before returning a bow in courtesy to her. He then dropped into his own form of combat stance, which had him sway a bit while keeping his hands up to protect his vitals. His opponent would begin to rush into him seemingly inviting him to a bit of taijutsu to begin their match which in this case he didn't mind as it would put him close to her and that was something he certainly didn't mind. He needed to make sure he didn't accidentally set off his gauntlets and give away the tricks up his sleeve so he figured if he could grapple her or at least refrain from cocking back when punching, it would be best until absolutely necessary. She led with a punch aimed for his chest which he was able to deflect up and away from his chest while moving in towards her to grab her other arm while tugging her towards him with his free hand and slipping his right leg in between hers, pressing their bodies together. Her bosom jiggled against his chest, which he certainly didn't mind and it appear she didn't either as she cracked a smile along with him. She struggled against his grip as the two appeared to be equally matched in terms of strength. He quickly tried to sweep her off her feet with his right leg but she was a bit too quick for him and was able to dodge the sweep to regain her footing while breaking his grip on her left arm to step back and gain some space.

"Well then, I think this will be one I can actually enjoy it seems," he quipped to her. Realizing they would need to move soon to the next train, he jumped over to the adjacent train signaling his opponent to follow on and continue. He would land on the train and go back into his fluid stance waiting for her to attack yet again. He hoped they would continue this interesting dance a bit more before things got more serious as they eventually would. He was having a good time now and even if he lost things wouldn't be to bad. After the fight was over he would be sure to talk with his opponent and try and get to know her a bit better. "Losing surely worked out this time..."

WC: 942

Chakra | Hive Count:



Yaru glared idly at her opponent whom seemed to be more fascinated by their motion and the body language involved into their combat than actually doing much harm. Yaru would certainly smile as it seemed that for once she had an opponent that her charms would actually work on. The cat in the primary rounds didn’t seem to have much taste for humans and left Yaru a little out of context. Not many Kunoichi still practice the arts of seduction these days. It was mostly frowned upon by the newer generations. But Yaru had little understanding for society standards. Her teachers were far from the conventional types, most of the ruling kind were obviously rather simple perverts, a feat that could be gradually exploited by the kin of the snake charmer. Him being cute in his own way just added to the simplicity of the situation. Yaru was yet far from being an angel. He tried to sweep her off her standing which would have proven rather difficult given the supernatural connection of her feet to the ground. But since she was not going to take the hit to her poor calves she quickly jumped away and out of his seemingly joy ridden embrace. Once she followed her opponent onto the next train, she would make sure to give him little time to adjust to the new surface and go right back into offense. Multiple blows would be quickly exchanged and fists would meet open palms to be held and defended against. Making sure he would be pushed to be on the defense while Yaru’s motion cleanly showed a tiny advantage in both, speed and dexterity. While Jobu’s cue to perceive the little details in her trickery was cleaner than her own when she reacted to his own return moves.

It was important to get a feeling of each other’s skills. The question was if the tiny differences in perception, speed and reaction would actually matter much. But supposedly even tiny difference could under circumstances play for or against the snake lady in terms of split-second decisions and motions. For now, it seemed that whenever she hit his chest, smacked an elbow or could bruise one of his thighs when she forced him to defend, it would not take long until the snake lady would suffer a seemingly equal return move. But this sort of warm up was a sweet way to get the juices flowing. Adrenaline would start to snake its way up her spine and spread through her system. Neither seemed able to push the other off the train despite a rather extending time of pushing motions back and forth, not rarely finding oneself closer to the edge of the train than one could hope for. Yaru was mostly busy trying to figure out what her opponent was about, aside from trying to keep her defense up and her fist and legs in motion to equally not neglect her offense. Sweat droplets would form on either opponents’ foreheads as the continuous motions was literally heating them up.

Judging from his basic appearance Yaru could tell he probably had a few more offensive tools up is sleeve then herself. Yet he didn’t use any of them as of now. Yaru’s own garments left little to hide, she had a lot of misc. tools fixed in pouches on her belt but aside from the leash next to it there wasn’t much of a weapon to be found on her. While Jobu proudly displayed his rather odd-looking companion by his very side it didn’t jump to offense at all yet. Most likely it was not much different from Mayu, whom was idly shaking in Yaru’s cleavage as usual. The young snake trying to take a nap was more than used to such turbulent movements and didn’t even recognize of yet that a fight had begun. Aside from Yaru’s potential lack in potent gear, she also was pretty sure to have seen tiny little buggy creatures run along Jobu’s feet. But Yaru had never heard of bug users, the term Aburame was as alien to her as most clan names. Little disadvantages she could tell that were mostly product or result of her rather weird and short youth. Education was lacking in this young snake lady and it could cost her the decisive win in this battle. Eventually her thoughts distracted her too much and Yaru failed to avoid a fist incoming from Jobu. However, her arm slightly brushed it, redirecting it and hitting the snake lady right in the boob, to the rather large discomfort of the young snake pet that was basically hiding somewhere behind it. While Jobu was obviously taken off guard by this combat malfunction he would in return cash-in a smack to his cheek by Yaru’s flat hand.

The combat seemed to cease for a moment and Miss snake was playing the innocent card to properly let her opponent wallow in shame for his obvious misdeed. Eventually she just giggled and jumped off in a somersault to the side as the next train was coming by. Jobu would soon have to follow. But it seemed that their hand-to-hand combat, be it with or without unintended molestations, would not really lead other of them much further. The workout had yet physically brought both contestants to a very ready-for-more kind of mental layout. So Yaru would once again move into a defensive stance, but obviously not with high up fists, but palms ready to form a certain number of hand seals. How did a bug ninjutsu look like? The young snake lady had no clue, but she wanted to see it and wanted to know how her own defense would work against it. Or not. Her feet tightly glued to the next train’s surface, whatever would be coming better didn’t know her off the train just yet. It would be awfully boring to finish this match in such short notice, especially since she didn’t have the chance to practice combat last round with her no-show opponent.

Chakra 245 / 250:

1000 / 1850

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame


He waited a few moments for his opponent to follow him onto the train which she would inevitably do, quickly deciding to continue her offensive assault. They would exchange several quick blows against one another, with her speed and grace pressing him into a more defensive strategy. Although her moves tended to be a bit speedier than his, his ability to react and counter seemed to be just a bit quicker than her as he could return anything she dished out to him. Blow by blow, the would match each other as they left negligible bruises on one another. He was enjoying the warm up with his lovely opponent with their dance of trying to knock each other off their balance and off of the train was certainly an invigorating boost of adrenaline. After a quick exchange, it appeared as though his opponent had become sloppy in her defense when redirecting his punch to her upper torso, landing squarely on her breast. They were as soft and supple as he imagined they would be, causing his mind to shift towards a more perverse set of thoughts than what he should have been focusing on before being shocked into reality with an open hand strike across the cheek.

Their dance would come to a quick halt with his opponent looking at him with an innocent grin across her face, looking at him as if to shame him for his accidental strike. Her gaze wouldn't linger long as she giggled before somersaulting off of the train and onto the next one. He would soon follow suit, jumping across the gap to the next train and quickly gaining his footing across the train from her. It appeared from her body language however she was ready to move on from the pleasantries and love taps into something a bit more...exhilarating. Her hands were held out as though ready to perform hand seals for some kind of jutsu which he didn't exactly look forward to. Realizing he should probably step up his offensive to bring the fight to her for a change, he shifted himself into a more offensive stance, keeping himself light on his feet and ready to move should he need to. Now that the proverbial gloves were off, he could begin to use his arsenal and hopefully take the match from his voluptuous adversary. With a relatively close distance between them, he figured somewhere around ten meters or so, he had a wide variety of jutsu he could use to test his opponent and see how she would react.

He would quickly cock his right arm back to activate his gauntlets and thrust his arm forward in a quick jab aimed at his opponent while commanding a swarm of insects to follow his arm towards his opponent in the shape of a spear. The resultant force of his arm would cause one of the flare feed pieces of ammunition to spring forth from the gauntlets at 20m/s which would explode on contact with his opponent, immediately followed by the spear like column of insects behind it at a slightly slower 15m/s. The insects would appeared from every poor on his arm, appearing seemingly out of no where and potentially causing his opponent to hesitate as it was a process that was rather unsightly for those unaware of his hiden technique. His insects wouldn't actually harm the girl even if it did hit her, but merely drain her of her chakra on contact, beginning his battle of attrition upon her. Given the distance between them he figured at least one of the two strikes would hit but he didn't really need them to as it was simply a test of his opponents defenses. His last opponent seemed to be able to defend against a wide variety of assaults so he needed to figure out just how crafty this new opponent would be. After the minor offensive assault he would shift into a more defensive stance, ready to defend and move to the next train.

WC: 678

Chakra | Hive Count | Ammo Count:



Orochiyaru would find herself not alone in the arts of forming ninjutsu, she had expected as much, the hand seal she had formed was but a simple concentration of chakra upon the use of Yaru’s probably most basic Orochi technique. More skilled shinobi in her clan were even able to activate without the need of hand seals at all. But Yaru was still green behind her ears in pretty much every topic, including actual combat and the split seconds that would sometimes decide over life and death. She could see the projectiles incoming for her and was certain that she’d be able to dodge them rather easily once her technique was activated. With the soft physique, Yaru’s limbs could move like pudding in ways that would bend the body in ways that escaped human limits. As the projectiles were inbound for her, Yaru simply bended her straight frame a tad aside to her right, basically forming and incomplete C-shape in order to let the attack pass by her. Whilst it certainly did send the flare past her to explode somewhere behind her, the nasty bugger attack seemed to however find its way to adjust its path. Yaru had never fought bugs and just expected the spear to by another projectile paired with the first one. The bugs would cling against her, sticking to every inch of her curves and biting into her fabrics and flesh. Leaving the bendable snake lady to blush and moan from the sudden attention to her skin.

She however did not appreciate at all that those little creepy monsters were crawling up on her. Even whilst the bugs were still clinging to her, Yaru would suddenly and without warning make use of her soft physique technique. Stretching her right arm to move at the incredible speed of 25 m/s towards Jobu. Aiming to hit the unprepared guy right in the guts as punishment for his pervy misdeeds once again. Should it hit him it’ll surely hurt and cause proper soreness, probably pushing him further back despite the use of the supernatural walking technique. Yaru would find her arm returned to her and brush off the dying bugs on her. Despite the tingling feeling they left behind she could only notice that they surged away some of her chakra. Which was still a pretty nasty feeling. In all her grace of her snakey body she’d proceed to slither-jump off to the next train where she once again would form hand seals. Smashing her palm to the top of the train it’d send the chakra below it, quickly mud would be surged from below the train and sucked up towards Yaru’s palms despite the train’s movement. It probably delayed the techniques execution though. Orochi had summoned herself three wolves. They were mean looking and growling at their opponent. However due to the delay of their casting Jobu would probably have enough time to prepare his counter before either of the wolves would even get close to him yet. Still they would start charging in his direction. Their natural aim as always, bite into their target and hold it down.

500 / 2350

Chakra 200 / 250:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame


He watched watched as his attacks careened towards his opponent, wondering if they would indeed connect as he would have hoped they would. The small red crystal would speed through the air at the Rubensesque kunoichi before him, aimed straight at her midsection for the most likelihood of a direct hit. What happened next caught him off guard as it was not something he was quite prepared to deal with mentally or physically. Just before the small red crystal was destined to strike its target, the girl contoured her body like a snake, contorting herself in a manner most would consider inhuman. The crystal would continue on past her, exploding on contact with a post several meters behind her. Her superhuman ability however could not protect her from the swarm of insects honed in on her. They would hit find their mark, beginning to drain her of her chakra causing her face to become flush while letting out sensual moaning yelp. He bit his lip and began to become aroused by her as the sensual sounds she made set off a visceral reaction in him, causing his nose to begin to bleed from excitement.

She would quickly retaliate in kind however, extending out her arm like a rubber band more than what would normally be conceivable by almost any shinobi. His defense was decent but she proved to be a bit quicker than he could have imagined as her outstretched armed curved through his block and stuck him square in the gut, winding him and knocking him back about a meter or so. "Clever girl," he thought to himself as he looked to his counterpart to see what she would do next while wiping the blood from his nose. He summoned a few insects into his nose to slow the bleeding but it would continue to drip slowly as he moved. In a show of elegance and oddity, she slithered off literally like a snake before moving onto the next train car across from where the two where currently standing. Now that the gloves we're off, he figured he needed his full arsenal to deal with his seductress of an opponent. He quickly grabbed the bow from his back with his left hand and proceeded to hop across to the next train to follow his target. As he landed, his opponent appeared to be forming some kind of hand seal before slamming her palm onto the top of the train car. Mud from the ground below the train began to rise up and begin forming some kind of creature on the roof of the train. From the mud would emerge three snarling wolves, looking ready to tear him limb from limb. Unwilling to let that happen, he drew back his bowstring and summoned a small swarm of his parasitic insects to his hand in the form of an arrow that would nock itself to the string. The three wolves would begin their charge at him while their snarling maws ready to gnaw into him given the chance. However, he was not willing to allow them to do such a thing as he let loose his arrow of insects aimed straight towards them.

The two techniques would clash midway between the two shinobi but his arrow would prove superior as it expanded outward engulfing her wolves and obstructing the view between them, draining the chakra from them until they fell into a pool of mud upon the roof of the train tracks. Should she cast another technique of similar strength the swarm would devour that as well but if she played her cards well they would soon scatter off into the wind having done their duty. With his swarm obstructing the view between them, he decided he would launch another quick attack before getting into a flow that would best suit his skills. He quickly grabbed and arrow from its on bow quiver, nocked it, and drew back the string in a swift fluid motion. He signaled to his companion S'Yan to hop onto the arrowhead and try to mount his opponent when it came near her. He would then let his arrow loose based on an estimate of where she should be given the last shot.

He wouldn't be surprised if his attack missed but it would at least serve as a distraction allowing him to retreat to another train car out of her immediate sight line and provide a method for S'yan to get onto his opponent. Given his small size and lack of heft, he could possibly crawl onto her without her being aware of his presence. During his last two fights he had gotten away from his comfort zone of parkour and a highly mobile combat flow so this was the perfect time to get back into the swing of things. He would keep his peripherals on his opponent to keep her sight while he began run away from her position across the train's roof. Should she launch another attack he would be ready to dodge and counter as he was in his element now and she would need to chase him down if she wanted to get an upper hand. If she chose to remain relatively still, he would likely begin to pelt her with arrows and flare feeds until she could stand it no longer.

WC: 895

Chakra | Hive Count | Ammo Count:



Yaru watched the collision of her wolves with a nasty thick swarm of bugs and growled a bit to herself on their wasted potential. By the time the could rise, if they even had the chance to, the train would probably already be gone. Yaru watched how another projectile made it's way past the swarm and right towards her. In a reactive move she just bent herself sideways once again, avoiding the projectile but certainly lacking the perception to notice the hitchhiker jumping off on it and onto Yaru's back. It would crawl about Yaru's butt to stay hidden from her facial features. But it's presence did not go unnoticed however. Yaru quickly formed a short series of hand seals, in order to create a handicap for her opponent, Yaru timed her next motion well, jumping off to the next train as she would unleash the doton chakra and send it to the small passage between the passing trains. Raising a 25 large wall at the very spot where Jobu would have to cross through in order to follow his opponent.

Whilst this motion was in no way meant to fully block him from coming, it'd give Yaru enough time to prepare her next move. She started to form a series of hand seals quickly. Keeping an eye on how well Jobu would manage to pass through the blockade she had cast. Meanwhile the tiny little snake that had been idly napping in Yaru's cleavage would slowly slither from her bust down her hip to find the unwanted trespasser on Yaru's body. The tiny snek would hiss at the little bug and try to chase after it over her booty.

In time the first set of hand seals would find it's end. Yaru dropped a smoke bomb from her pockets to add to the visual hiding of her next move. The smoke wouldn't last long considering the wind flow on top of the trains. Yaru would take the drop to activate the final seal and suddenly her own skin would open like a zipper on her behind. Yaru's snake body slithering out of her former shell, leaving her pet snake and the trespasser within the cloud of smoke, distracted, to fight for dominance over this turf called fake-Yaru. Giving the snake lady the time to complete her series of seals to cast the silhouette technique and hide herself in her fakes shadow, finish up to craft a reflection clone and finally attach some chakra strings to her fake self to move it while she herself would linger in it's shadow.

Yaru wouldn't move at first. The distance that Jobu would have to her due to his delayed arrival would work in her advantage to keep her ruse unseen. The bug would most likely soon triumph in it's battle for superiority but by that time, Yaru was already hidden in the shadows. A very durable remaining former skin of herself in her chakra strings and a neither weak clone of herself to her left. Time consuming it was, the combination set of three Yaru's one hidden in the shadow of the other, would eventually start their frontal charge towards their enemy. Giving him time to think of a new way of offense towards what was incoming for him.

It was a complex combination of techniques, Yaru had to admit it took all the time that she could buy from her earlier diversion and their distance was surely a bonus to her being able to complete the sequence, but while the creation of clone and corpse were taxing, to make the shadow technique and the chakra strings was rather simple and quick. Still, she knew Jobu would have been given time to think of his next move as well. Leaving Yaru in the position that she'd have to overcome his next attack in order to get close with her new combination of techniques.

650 / 3000

Chakra 130 / 250:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame


As he ran he caught his opponent out of his peripheral moving onto the next train, however what he didn't expect was the large wall which would materialize before him in between the trains. He chuckled a bit as it was a clever move, luckily this type of scenario had already been discussed prior to the match. Bringing the ground to your opponent doesn't give you the win so N'Jobu simply needed to figure out a way to either get through it or walk over it to make it to his destination. Given how crafty his opponent had been up to this point, he figured this barricade would likely be a distraction for something else so he needed to be a bit more cautious once he got to the other side. Not wanting to walk himself into a trap, he quickly formed the ram seal to create two insect clones of himself before him. Using his gauntlet, he punched forward with his right arm to launch forth a flare feed piece of ammunition, blowing a 1m wide hole in the wall large enough for his clones to fit through.

He ordered his two clones through the hole and onto the next train to pursue his sneaky opponent while he himself remained on the wall waiting to spring a trap the next time his opponent would return to catch the next train. Upon landed on the train, his two clones found his opponent covered in a cloud of smoke which dissipated to reveal two copies of his opponent standing before him. Upon closer inspect it appeared that S'Yan had gotten himself into a little scuffle with an apparent snake pet of his opponent, although at this point he appeared to be able to dispatch it on his own without assistance. He dipped and dodged the reptile's attempts to catch and eat him with his obvious speed advantage while slowly slashing the beast all over its body, a defeat by manner of many cuts. At this point however, his opponent would likely realize his presence and would likely lead to him being in more danger than it was worth so N'Jobu called for S'Yan to hop off of his opponent and make his way back to the wall.

The four combatants stared at one another, sizing up the opposition before N'Jobu decided to make a move. Given his real body was out of the way and safe, he was able to be a bit more aggressive with his clones to put his opponent on a defensive. He would send one clone forward, shortly followed behind by the other to give him some more options. His clones were slightly faster than he was so they would be able to get into a bit better situation in close range combat which his opponent seemed to be fond of at least so far. He would engage his busty opponent in hand to hand once again with each clone taking a respective iteration of the snake like woman in front of them.

WC: 514

Chakra | Hive Count | Ammo Count:



Yaru watched the double dipped Jobu combo blasting their way through the earth wall. The distraction seemed to have had its proper effects and even whilst the poor little pet snake of hers had utterly lost to its competing bug partner it seemed to not be of great importance as the little bugster celebrated its victory and buzzed off into the distance… towards the earth wall… Why would he go there and not towards the Master on stage? Yaru was getting suspicious and yet pushed her offense. The clones would soon clash. Palms hitting against each other. While the reflection clone was doing quite well, Yaru had to admit that puppeteering the corpse was quite hard without deeper specialization in such arts. She managed to pull the strings enough to send a few major blows to the Jobu before her, but something continuously felt not quite alright. The Jobu fighting her was dealing many blows to the corpse and would eventually start to get suspicious over how unnaturally durable it was. The jabs were being thrown at each other but nothing seemed to progress much. Yaru expected more. She had this corpse all set up to tank a lot of incoming damage but they just seemed to be testing her. Yaru’s eye once again would catch a short glimpse of the disappearing little pet as it buzzed off towards the earth wall. Could it be? Yaru stepped aside and made sure to step in surprise from the corpse shadow, smashing her snake whip towards the two bugsters.

With combined effort of the slashing whip and the clones punches the bug clones would scatter in their formation. Yaru cursed, she had been led astray by this sneaky little bastard. Quickly she started to run towards the end of the train, while the swarming bugs of the clones were starting to surround and gnaw at Yaru’s own spawn. Most likely they would keep fighting each other until they crashed into the wall to their ultimate doom. Yaru had severed the chakra strings. Used her whip to fetch the half dead little pet snake and tug him back to store the poor boy in her cleavage again.

The next train had not arrived yet, Jobu was probably not expecting her so soon. As he peeked through his man made hole in the wall to see how his clones were doing, he would see a very bendable and stretchable arm suddenly grab hold of his clothes. A second one followed. Jobu’s body would be immediately pressured to the earth wall as Yaru completely misused him as person to tug the rest of her body towards her grip. It would pass barely a second and Yaru’s full body impacted on Jobu frontally. Her speed crashing through the already broken and frail wall. The impact pushing on bug masters body hard enough for him to loose grip. The next train wasn’t any close yet for him to seek refuge. The earth wall was crumbling. Yaru’s arms and belly coiled around him as she squeezed her every curve towards his torso.

The snake had gotten its prey at last. Floating in mid-air she would lift her palm and extend her claws. Her mouth would open and sharp snake teeth would shine the reflection of sunlight on them. The hungry maw was ready for feasting or biting. But before the snake could dig its teeth into her victim. Gravity had ultimately tugged the both of them to her ground. Yaru didn’t seem to care. Her advance would go forth. She ached, her body had hit the ground after quite the fall. But her limbs and curves still had her victim in its clutches. The head would jump forth to bite the boys neck. But even the second try would be halted. The horn of the match ending would echo into the arena. Proctors would move in from multiples sides. The trains would slow down or stop moving. Closely they would spy upon the entangled position of the busty lady squeezing the young bug master in her clutches. Eventually figuring that by the position they were in, she had hit the ground first. Yaru would glare at Jobu as her limbs slowly uncoiled from his body. Hissing a snake tongue at him. The scary act of the charmer potentially eating her prey was immediately turned into a nothing more than Yaru giggling at him. Rubbing a finger up his chin as she lashed a lick with her tongue over his cheek.

“Hmmm too bad, I bet you’d have enjoyed that part, darling.”

750 / 3750

Chakra 115/250:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame


His clones would engage the snake woman and her clones, each of them fighting viciously with fervor. Soon enough however, they would manage to disperse one another leaving the ophidian like woman annoyed by his trickery. N'Jobu would soon check on the progress of the fight, preparing his ambush of his opponent on the other side of the wall. The next train was a bit further off so he figured she would not be ready to move quite yet, leading him to foolishly peek through the hole in the wall he had made to check on his progress. As he did so, her long flexible arms stretched out through the gaping void in the wall and grabbed him with a second arm following up. He struck her quickly to try and break her grasp but his efforts were met with futility as she used him as an anchor to pull herself through the wall. Before he could free himself, she wrapped her body and arms around him in a coil, looking ready to make him her prey. There was no where for him to go and no real escape at this point, however he did realize that with her wrapped around his body, she would hit the ground before him and he would win the match on the disqualification. Realizing this he simply allowed her to take him to the ground as she tried to bite him by unhinging her jaw like a python. Her fangs concerned him as it looked as if she managed to bite him it may do quite a bit of damage. Before she could sink her fangs into them, they crashed into the ground with her body beginning to crush his with her vice like coil.

Her ferocity appeared to continue as she tried to bite him once more before the proctors sounded the horn ending the match and moving in to determine the victor. They ruled he would be the victor of this contest as she began to uncoil her soft body from around his, hissing at him as she glared into his eyes. The glare turned to giggles as she stroked his chin with her finger tips and licked his cheek seductively before muttering, "Hmmm too bad, I bet you’d have enjoyed that part, darling".

"Maybe next time, but I'll be on top doing the biting..."
, as he picked himself from the ground and giving her a cheeky smirk.

[~Exit Thread~]

WC: 409
TWC: 942+678+895+519+409 =3443

Event Debrief:
Match Victory: 5EP
WC EP: 3443 + 3750 = 7193/2500 = 2EP
Total EP: 7EP

N'Jobu Training
C Rank: Insect Art: Devouring Tether Arrow (1000/1000)

S'Yan Training (30% Total Reduction):
Suiton D->C 1500*.7 = (1050/1050)
Doton D-> C 1500*.7 = (1050/1050)

Remaining WC: 3443 - 1000 - 1050 - 1050 = 343 WC

Chakra | Hive Count | Ammo Count:

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