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Mission Name: Diplomatic Relations
Mission Rank: A-Rank
Objective: Fixing Relationship with Kumo
Location: Traveling Mission (Kiri-Kumo)
Reward: 500 Ryo
Mission Description: Jurou left a note in one of the few left standing places in Kirigakure for Sero to send a team to Kumogakure to sanctify the ties between the two countries in a packet he has information on all the things he is willing to trade. A team is needed for this with a special Jounin or higher as leader to escort Sero Osada to Kumo.
Mission Details: You must travel in a team escorting Sero Osada as you may be attacked while on this mission. While you are in Kumo you may not kill any Kumo nin.The packet lists that it is willing to offer trade routes, use of the Specialized kiri nin, diplomatic immunity to Haruto Himitsu.

 [b]Mission Name:[/b] Diplomatic Relations
[b]Mission Rank:[/b] A-Rank
[b]Objective:[/b] Fixing Relationship with Kumo
[b]Location:[/b] Traveling Mission (Kiri-Kumo)
[b]Reward:[/b] 500 Ryo
[b]Mission Description:[/b] Jurou left a note in one of the few left standing places in Kirigakure for Sero to send a team to Kumogakure to sanctify the ties between the two countries in a packet he has information on all the things he is willing to trade. A team is needed for this with a special Jounin or higher as leader to escort Sero Osada to Kumo.
[b]Mission Details:[/b] You must travel in a team escorting Sero Osada as you may be attacked while on this mission. While you are in Kumo you may not kill any Kumo nin.The packet lists that it is willing to offer trade routes, use of the Specialized kiri nin, diplomatic immunity to Haruto Himitsu.

Mission Name: Diplomatic Relations
Mission Rank: A-Rank
Objective: Fixing Relationship with Yuki
Location: Traveling Mission (Kumo-Yuki)
Reward: 500 Ryo
Mission Description: Jurou left a note in one of the few left standing places in Kirigakure for Sero to send a team to Yukigakure to escort him so that he can sanctify and strengthen the ties between the two Villages in a packet he has information on all the things he is willing to trade with Yukigakure. A team is needed for this with a special Jounin or higher as leader to escort Sero Osada to Yuki.
Mission Details: You must travel in a team escorting Sero Osada as you may be attacked while on this mission. While you are in Yuki you may not kill any Yuki nin.The packet lists that it is willing to offer trade routes, use of the Specialized kiri nin, and taking Mask Mikkoku to Kusa with the promise that Shuiro Suiren will come to teach and live in Yukigakure for at least 5 years.

 [b]Mission Name:[/b] Diplomatic Relations
[b]Mission Rank:[/b] A-Rank
[b]Objective:[/b] Fixing Relationship with Yuki
[b]Location:[/b] Traveling Mission (Kumo-Yuki)
[b]Reward:[/b] 500 Ryo
[b]Mission Description:[/b] Jurou left a note in one of the few left standing places in Kirigakure for Sero to send a team to Yukigakure to escort him so that he can sanctify and strengthen the ties between the two Villages  in a packet he has information on all the things he is willing to trade with Yukigakure. A team is needed for this with a special Jounin or higher as leader to escort Sero Osada to Yuki.
[b]Mission Details:[/b] You must travel in a team escorting Sero Osada as you may be attacked while on this mission. While you are in Yuki you may not kill any Yuki nin.The packet lists that it is willing to offer trade routes, use of the Specialized kiri nin, and taking Mask Mikkoku to Kusa with the promise that Shuiro Suiren will come to teach and live in Yukigakure for at least 5 years.

Mission Name: Diplomatic Relations
Mission Rank: A-Rank
Objective: Fixing Relationship with Kusa
Location: Traveling Mission (Yuki-Kusa)
Reward: 500 Ryo
Mission Description: Jurou left a note in one of the few left standing places in Kirigakure for Sero to send a team to escort him to Kusa to sanctify the ties between the two countries in a packet he has information on all the things he is willing to trade. A team is needed for this with a special Jounin or higher as leader to escort Sero Osada to Kusa.
Mission Details: You must travel in a team escorting Sero Osada as you may be attacked while on this mission. While you are in Kusa you may not kill any Kusa nin. The packet lists that it is willing to offer trade routes, use of the Specialized kiri nin, and take one Kusa nin off of their hands while delivering the Yuki Nin Mask Mikkoku.

 [b]Mission Name:[/b] Diplomatic Relations
[b]Mission Rank:[/b] A-Rank
[b]Objective:[/b] Fixing Relationship with Kusa
[b]Location:[/b] Traveling Mission (Yuki-Kusa)
[b]Reward:[/b] 500 Ryo
[b]Mission Description:[/b] Jurou left a note in one of the few left standing places in Kirigakure for Sero to send a team to escort him to Kusa to sanctify the ties between the two countries in a packet he has information on all the things he is willing to trade. A team is needed for this with a special Jounin or higher as leader to escort Sero Osada to Kusa.
[b]Mission Details:[/b] You must travel in a team escorting Sero Osada as you may be attacked while on this mission. While you are in Kusa you may not kill any Kusa nin. The packet lists that it is willing to offer trade routes, use of the Specialized kiri nin, and take one Kusa nin off of their hands while delivering the Yuki Nin Mask Mikkoku.

Each of these missions must be taken in conjunction with each other and can only ever be taken by 1 team.






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