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1Ryūjin Empty Ryūjin Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:27 pm


Name: Ryūjin
Type Of Weapon: Unique
Rank: S
Elemental Alignment: Fuuton, Katon
Quantity: 1
Ability/Function: The Ryūjin is built from Scrith; a self replicating metal with organic properties. As such, it naturally grows. It's growth is accelerated through being fed Chakra. This growth is mostly, but not exclusively, centred around the Quivers the Ryūjin produces. From these Quivers sprout blades. All mentions of blades from this point on refer to these; 40 inch long guardless blades, with a thin hand sized hilt at it's base.

To wear the Ryujin is a simple process of simply placing it on the shoulder. However, if it is the first time the person has placed the weapon on themselves, it will be an incredibly painful process that takes days to properly kick in. When this is placed on the shoulder, it drills through the wearer's flesh, eventually penetrating the ball joint of their shoulder. It then slowly "Grows" through the wearer's bone structure, joining with their shoulder blades to create the array needed to allow them to spawn the Quivers. Once this process is done, the initial entry wound of the Ryujin is lined with the metal that it grows, preventing it from healing. This essentially creates a socket, making the process of removal and placement simple. When the Ryujin is in place, it fuses with the user's arm, and can only be removed by severing the arm entirely, thereby breaking the link, or by the wearer placing their hand on the skull's forehead and ordering it to rest.

How the Ryūjin functions is determined by the state it is in.

Dormir mode is the default mode of the Ryūjin, the form it takes when it is not performing any other mode. The Quivers collapse in against the wearer's back, with the tips pointing out over the shoulder blades. During this mode, the Ryūjin grows a blade per quiver per post. This mode has no chakra cost.

Danza de Espinas:
Danza de Espinas is the primary battle mode of the Ryūjin. This mode activates once the Ryūjin is fed 10 chakra, and is sustained with 5 chakra a post. The Quivers will arch up, taking the position seen in the picture below. In this mode, up to six blades per quiver per post can be drawn.

Danza de la Muerte:
Danza de la Muerte is the second battle mode of the Ryūjin. This mode activates when the Ryūjin is fed 15 chakra, and is sustained with 10 chakra a post. The Quivers will take on a dull red glow during this mode. Unlimited numbers of regular blades can be drawn from the left Quiver. The right Quiver creates explosive blades; they look the same as regular blades but rather than having a solid core, have a tiny seal with a spark in it, and are full of explosive gas. After two posts, or when the user claps their hands, the seal will detonate, causing these blades to explode outwards in a plume of fire, slightly larger than that of an explosive tag. The right Quiver produces two of these blades a turn. Triggering the blades prematurely by clapping the user's hands costs 5 chakra.

Danza del Fuego:
Danza del Fuego is the strongest mode of the Ryūjin. This mode activates when the Ryūjin is fed 20 chakra, and is sustained with 15 chakra a post. The Quivers will take a bright red glow during this mode. unlimited numbers of regular blades can be produced from the jaw of the skull of the Ryūjin. The two main Quivers will produce 10 explosive blades each. Details about these blades can be found under Danza de la Muerte.

When the wearer desires, they can bridge the gap between the spine of the wings and the Quiver, forming actual wings. The user may then use these wings to manipulate the air currents, allowing them to fly. Creating the wings costs 15 chakra. Operating the wings has two options; The user may either feed it chakra, at 5 chakra a post to allow them to operate the wings efficiently, or by relying on the passive system. Once the wings are spawned, the skull of the Ryujin will begin to "Breathe" drawing in air and storing it. Once every four turns from this point, the Ryujin will have enough air to allow a costless flight for one post. When the wings are not operating once being spawned, they will collapse in, wrapping around the Quivers to prevent them from interfering with normal movement.

Appearance: Ryūjin consists of two portions; a shoulder guard and two large Quivers/wings that extend out of it.

The Shoulder Guard is a large skull, grey metal in appearance, with two thick rubies; one in either eye socket. The forehead has another three, smaller rubies forming a triangle like formation. In place of a lower jaw, it has two mandible like protrusions that extend down across the wearer's bicep, lined with razor teeth on the inside to prevent people reaching through and forcing the skull off the shoulder.

The Quivers grow out of the wearer's shoulder blades when the skull is attached, one out of each blade. These quivers have a wing like appearance, growing out to form what appears to be skeletal wings with claws extending outward over the wearer's shoulders. These claws are in fact, the lips to the Quiver system of the Ryujin.
History: The Ryūjin is the ultimate expression of the ninja arts fused with science. The Ryūjin is built from a "living metal" known as Scrith. This metal was created by a Sungakure scientist, out of an alloy known as runite. This Runite was made from Iron, melted to a liquid and mixed with small amounts of silver and gold. This scientist found that by submerging this metal in Ferro Fluids and feeding this metal with large levels of chakra over long levels of time, it began to take on organic properties. Namely, when fed chakra, it began to grow. By moulding this metal into specific forms, combining it with jewels and placing enchantments on it using Fuuinjutsu, the scientist found that this metal could be used to form very unique weapons. Trilby, Sungakure's Fuuinjutsu expert, helped him calculate this, and volunteered to be the test subject for a weapon he was creating; The Ryūjin. The Ryūjin was a success, however, the scientist who invented it was later killed during his next experiment, making Trilby the only individual with Scrith based object, and the only individual with the knowledge of how to create Scrith.

2Ryūjin Empty Re: Ryūjin Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:29 pm




3Ryūjin Empty Re: Ryūjin Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:31 pm



Approved. Price - 5785. Do you approve?

4Ryūjin Empty Re: Ryūjin Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:34 pm


I approve. Deducted the Ryo from myself;
6473 - 5785 = 688

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