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1Basic stock up Empty Basic stock up Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:23 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Item: Kunai
Rank: E
Quantity: 2 set of 10 (500 ryo)
Price: 30 Ryo per kunai. Available in packs of 10 for 250 Ryo.
Description: The kunai, or throwing knife, is one of the most common tools of the shinobi, as it is useful for both close quarters and long range combat, as well as being used in conjunction with other materials such as explosive tags or wire to form deadly combinations.
Basic stock up Kunaim

Item: Shuriken
Rank: E
Quantity: 2 set of 10 (500 ryo)
Price: 30 Ryo per shuriken. Available in packs of 10 for 250 Ryo.
Description: The Shuriken, or throwing star, is a common long range projectile weapon of the shinobi.
Basic stock up Shurikenz

Item: Senbon
Rank: E
Quantity: 1 set of 10 (150 ryo)
Price: 20 Ryo per senbon. Available in packs of 10 for 150 Ryo.
Description: The senbon, first used by doctors in acupuncture, began to become utilised by shinobi, specifically hunter-ninja. The senbon is valued for it's ability to hit precision points on the targets body, able to cause death, cripple limbs or knock the target unconcious. In the right hands, of course.
Basic stock up Senbonh

Total price: 1150 ryo.

2Basic stock up Empty Re: Basic stock up Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:24 pm



Approved: 1/2

3Basic stock up Empty Re: Basic stock up Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:25 pm



Approved, Ryo deducted.

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