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Bau had finally grown tired of the mostly empty little base the Iron falls called home. Not many were really striving to do anything and work was light. Just enough to keep the lights on and the shelves stocked with bread and beans. Every day was bread and beans with just a hint of salt here and there. It kept the body alive but it was joyless. Still he couldn't really blame anyone. He was in charge there after all and it only reflected his own lazy nature. Still it would be nice to break away from the norm. To treat the others to something nice. Stagnant as it all was he didn't think it was above him to actually inspire any of them. Still the issue was a lack of ryo in his pockets. The coffers were empty and well he had been used to being poor. The life of a retired conqueror was a slow one. Sitting around smoking his pipe in the dim lights was likely not aiding his health either. Still he had simply joined this company for the leisure of it all. How he ended up the chapter house leader was still beyond him. Anyone could rise here was his thought.

So in his usual manner Bau would collect himself. Having practiced the language more his accent was fairly fallen away but it still tinted his words. It was enough though to communicate with minimal looks. So he would dress in his usual clothing. Though none of it was really clean as everyone was responsible for their own upkeep. Still it didn't smell terrible. Just on the verge of a slight mold scent from the dampness of the forest. Green pants that hugged just above his ankles tightly. A loose long sleeved shirt with a deep v neck matching his pants in color slid over him next. Finishing up he would step into a pair of wooden Geta or sandals if one preferred the term. The two wooden slots raising his already tall form a couple more inches. Finished with that he collects his black robes with the white diamond pattern around the base and slipped into it. Finishing the look with his stripped hat and walking stick. Knotted with age and cracked here and there. It still helped him with those long treks. With that done he was off and about his day. The rare occasion of actually going somewhere.

However he had barely reached the exit when he saw his sword hanging by the gate. He must have left it there during the last drinking game. The hilt partially welded into the scabbard. It was aged and barely had a grip anymore but he had it. A reminder wherever he went of where he came from and the cost of it. He would smile and like a child with their prized toy he would slip on the belt attached to it and buckle it onto his right hip. It still felt natural to walk with it. Still he would set out through the slightly aged path in the dark woods. Morning light breaking through here and there and casting a sort of beauty on it all. His walk would take him about half an hour before he reached the main road to konoha. His hand not holding the walking stick raising to catch his hat on top of his head as his long white hair blew from his face. Revealing a substantial amount of stubble and emerald green eyes. Eyes that seemed to defy the hunched man walking along the road in dirty clothes. Just hunched enough to seem short to those passing by. To not intimidate anyone. Hardly the appearance of the warrior he once was. Still it was off towards Konoha to find some coin.




Daylight had just started breaking in and the young Senju was at home and in bed. Completely smothered in his blanket with only his head peaking, all that was heard from the mounds of cloth were the booming snores of a good nights rest. He had been getting up early the past few weeks for his routine training exercises but this week, Hochi, his cousin and “personal trainer” had decided to take a break doing so. To which Sachihiro found himself with no wakeup call and thus had been sleeping in for the past three days. The light of day had finally caught up to his room as its rays shone past his curtains and onto his shut eyes. He couldn’t help but scrunch up his face and grumpily mutter at his window and let out a sigh. He knew he had to get up. His resting days were up and it was back to training.

He rubbed the dirt off his eyes and slowly got up off his bed. “I need to appreciate days like these more” he thought to himself as he made his way to the bathroom.
“I mean, sleeping in’s great but it gets me nowhere” he let out a yawn as he now started walking across his sizeable home. Having grown with a father as a banker, the boy was well off. His house decorated with art pieces usually relating to nature and reflecting the surrounding forests of Konoha. High end furniture laid throughout the house usually accompanied with a beautifully kept plant and a large family garden just past the doors to his back yard.

Though his life was plentiful, he wasn’t raised pampered. He was taught to value kindness and did his best to practice in acts of giving. Being of the Senju Clan definitely helped in his upbringing, and he was known throughout his side of the village as a timid but kind individual.

He walked to the kitchen, noticed the lack of groceries, quickly prepared a meal and sat alone at his dining room table. Since the death of his mother two years prior his father had become more absent, leaving him to tend to the house most days. He had gotten used to it at this point and continued his daily routine. After breakfast he would clean his dishes and begin to care for and water every plant in the house. Sweep the floors after and walk outside to his family garden where he would tend to his own personal plants. Once all was said and done, he’d hop into the shower and get into his shinobi attire.

A black senju-crested wool vest atop a cashmere long-sleeve maroon shirt. Accompanied with pale green slacks and close-toed black boots. With his grey hair kept up in a small bun and his forehead guard wrapped around his shoulder. He grabbed a booklet by his desk and took note of the empty kitchen “Looks like I’ll need to get some groceries” he thought and began to write down some essentials before he made his way out the door “I’ll think of the rest on my way over to the market”

Walking down the streets of Konoha, he found himself on the main road leading from the gate and straight through the village. Crowds of people from all over the country seemed to find their way here. Either for trade, training or even just pleasure, whatever you needed one could probably find there. He made his way into the markets where vendors were offering goods, local and foreign alike. A few recognized the boy as he would have conversations with them from time to time asking about how their day went. The usual. Some even greeted him and offered deals to which he pondered but ultimately shut down. He didn’t yet know what he was looking for and merely wandered the aisles, thinking of what to cook for himself this afternoon.




Bau would find himself entering the gates once more. Showing his mercenary identification to the guard before being patted down for any unreported weapons. He would hum to himself as they did a thorough job and even checked him with a sensory before finding him to be strangely harmless. They questioned a bag of herbs but he would shrug and tell them it was just for personal use. He was harmless after all. They didn't even question his stick. So they let him along his way. Handing a long stemmed wooden pipe back to him he forgot he had on himself before he went about his business. He would barely round the corner before he began to pack it as he walked with the green herbs. Not all of them of course but a full bowl all the same. A match was enough to get the bowl started as he puffed on it as he made his way to market. It was a short walk but people seemed ready and willing to attempt to bowl over the homeless looking man. Side glances at him as they drew closer and changed their minds. Of course he would smile to them and they would look away and mutter obscenities at him. Something about likely being a Suna refugee. The market looked pretty lively though and that was good since he needed it to be in order for him to earn some beggars money after all. He rummaged in his pocket before pulling out twenty ryo.

He would sigh at the two coins before undoing his sword and leaning it against a wall in a fairly open space. Still welded shut so to anyone who looked at it the thing was a useless hunk of metal. Still he would hum before he would roll up his sleeves and take a deep breath. Announcing out in a booming voice to the crowd the challenge he issued. Twenty ryo to try and disarm him in under ten seconds. WIth that he would hold up his walking stick. Twenty ryo to try. If you win you leave with your ryo and ten more. If you lose you lose your ryo. With that he would plant his stick down and grip it in both hands. Smiling to the crowd with emerald eyes. There were a few young men interested already. He could see that much at least. Still he needed to be careful. He needed a hundred ryo to bring back any kind of treat for the others.

Regardless three boys would line up. Each of them looking strong enough in their own nature but none of them wearing a headband. One had clay on his hands which suggested he worked as a potter. Another had hay in his clothes which suggested farmer and the last one was wearing nicer clothes which suggested he simply lived off his parents for now or was perhaps an accountant? Something soft in nature. The farmer would try first. Handing his money to Bau before the time began once he was ready. He tried for a tackle but instead was side stepped with a pat on his bottom which sent him stumbling into the street. He tried coming in to grab the stick next but in the few seconds he had left could not seem to get a hold of it. He would curse under his breath before the pottery boy stepped in. He would pay and get ready as well. However this one started off swinging his fists at Bau. Each blow narrowly avoided as Bau puffed on his pipe. Letting out the smoke little by little. This went on for ten seconds without any progress and he too was out.

The last one was the boy in fine clothes. He would make mention of how Bau was just quick in nature. Not actually very tough. In order to prove him wrong Bau was asked by the boy to only hold the stick still and let him try and pry it free. Bau would shrug before holding the stick out in both hands. The well dressed boy would smirk before gripping the stick and immediately trying to spin it back and forth. However he would be dismayed as the stick wouldn't budge. As if caught between two stone walls. He may as well have been wrestling it from a statue. Having failed for an entire ten seconds he would step back and spit in the dirt. Commenting loudly and crudely with profanities how he wouldn't be paying this bum jack shit. If he had a problem with that they would go and get an authority figure to remove him. Bau would sigh a moment before going to pocket what he had made. However the well dressed boy would reach out and catch his wrist. Speaking with a smirk again.

"Now now old man, your giving my friends back their money too unless you want trouble. I know a genin. If I call for him he will wreck your life."


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