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1Quiet Devotion [Private] Empty Quiet Devotion [Private] Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:30 pm

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

Heavy rains came down on the earth as if someone had ripped open the sky, it's gashing wound pouring down cool, clear, heavy drops of liquid down below it. The earth beneath her feet began to soften only slightly as it turned into muddy terrain under the grass which became spongy with each step she took. She could hear the slight squelching sound of the mud every time she lifted her foot and placed it down again as she moved forward. She could smell the clean and clear distinct scent that grass gave off when it became wet, hell she could smell the earthy soil, the sweet but light scent of the surrounding flora, and even the not so subtle scent of animal droppings.

The rain drops hitting the leaves and ground gave a constant symphony of light drumming, soothing and draining most other sounds out. It's rhythmic song could have dulled Umeko into a state of relaxation if she were not currently partaking in a task that required all of her mental and physical attention. The winds picked up around her, the rains now hitting her face directly instead of just pouring down on her back. Tightening her jaw as she forced out a smile, she did not squint her eyes as the torrent of rain hit her face with enough force that it was starting to actually annoy her. This abundance of rain was rare in Tuschi no Kuni, and she for a moment wondered where it was coming from right before she slipped in the mud, her knees giving way and her body falling due to them.

Taking a few deep breaths she let her head drop, she was on her bare knees, sinking slowly into the mud. Her arms were stretched out in a T-shape against a piece of lumber her hands were white around the knuckles as she held on tight to it, on top of this piece of lumber were several more pieces of lumber, quite thicker than the one holding the rest up and each weighing a considerable amount of pounds. Her breathing began to steady itself and the determined Emerald haired Sencho girl moved one leg into a position where she was able to push herself up from the mud. She was careful with each movement because she knew if she didn't catch her footing correctly she wouldn't be falling on her knees, she would be falling on her face.

With a slight grunt she got back to her feet, making sure to steady herself against the every growing mud. It was slowly but surely becoming harder to walk through the wet and slippery watery earth. This task only got harder because she was carrying all this weight uphill that got increasingly more of an incline as she went up it. Eventually she wouldn't be walking she would be climbing this nerve racking, this nearly overwhelming, almost certainly dangerous mountain of a hill, if she could even call it that at this point. She didn't let her eyes feed her mind too much information about what she was seeing, she didn't want to inadvertently cause herself to discouraged. She could feel the pain in her legs steadily working on her nerves but Umeko made sure to take steady breaths. In the eyes of her parents, they didn't think their dear disappointment of a daughter didn't train nearly as much as her sister. Umeko didn't have to prove how untrue that was to her parents, and at least she knew her sister knew how hard she trained, so it placed her mind at ease to at not disappoint her favorite person.

Stopping her trek up what she could now safely say was a mountain, Umeko allowed herself a breather. She took in deep, steady breaths through her dainty nose which was as pale as the rest of her due to all the rain, draining her body on color. Gathering spit from the back of her throat she let it out with enough force that it shot forward cleanly on in the mud. She stood for a moment, gathering herself, the rain letting up enough to turn into a heavy drizzle. She almost wished the downpour would come back, as she had gotten use to it and it gave her something to mindlessly focus on. Without wasting more time she returned to her climb. All the added weight she was carrying would be guarantee to build her strength, something she was worrying about, something she frequently felt like she lacked.

This was her third trip up this mountain today, each time she carried large logs of lumber up the mountain, dropping it all off at a location near the peak but not so close to the peak that she could feel the change in air thinness. This area had a flat area that led into a small cave that she planned on clearing out and making it something of her own. She of course had the brilliant idea to turn this little project into something that she could incorporate into her training, and that's exactly what she did. It was a great idea if she had to say so herself, but she didn't think it would be so... Daunting. It was only until this third go up the mountain that she could feel the pressure on her body, the sheer weight starting to really weight her down and tire her out. Umeko of course powered through it and she would power through a few more before she would retire for the day, but until then she had work to get done and a goal to fill. A part of her almost wished she would have taken her sister's request to help her, but Umeko knew this was something she had to get done alone, and she was glad she had a sister who also understood that without pressuring her to take the help. With a few more steps Umeko made it to her destination, dropping to her knees on the rocky surface and gently letting the lumber roll off of her back as she let her the top of half of her body down enough for the lumber to roll off of her and into the cave like structure.

WC: 1045

2Quiet Devotion [Private] Empty Re: Quiet Devotion [Private] Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:55 am

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

With each deep breath she took, she could feel the warmth of the cave fill her body. The fire she made brought the color back to her skin as she sat closely next to it, the smell of freshly caught salmon roasting over the flames causing her mouth to salivate. With all the work she had done today, she deserved this small break from the abuse she was placing her body through. The rain had stopped allowing her to go out to catch some lunch for herself, and with a river nearby she was lucky enough to catch a nice juicy salmon and she was even lucky enough to find some edible mushrooms. It was certainly a good day for her, it was almost as if the universe was rewarding Umeko for all the hard work she was putting herself through. Whatever the reason for this good fortune she would not waste it. Roasting the salmon and mushrooms until they were cooked just right she would wait until they cooled down enough to dig right into it. She was like a hungry beast, hardly chewing her food as she took large chunks out of it, nearly swallowing some pieces whole without a second thought. This was the fuel she needed, her body gaining energy steadily and the soreness in some parts of her body melting away ever so slightly. Finishing the last bites off Umeko began to think of the hot springs in her village and she knew that before this day was over she would have to stop by to cleanse herself for tomorrow.

She was tired, but there was still so much more daylight that she could use so retiring for the day was out of the question. She had enough material to build at least something to block out the entrance to the cave like structure. Upon finding it earlier in the week she had to beat a few beast out from it, she didn't need anything making this their home when she wasn't around. This was especially so since she built warm fires and cooked here, so it was sure to attract a few critters. Golden orbs looked out at the hole of the cave entrance. With what she had now she could make something temporary, but sturdy enough to keep things out.  She wouldn't be able to build that today but tomorrow she could most definitely do so. Standing up and taking a bit of a stretch she would use this time to continue her up and down trek in order to fill her cave with logs of wood, stone, and other things for building. Thinking about all the things she would need a thought crossed her mind that nearly annoyed her. All of this building could easily be done with Jinton, the sheer amount of work would be cut in half. A laugh slipped from her lips because in the end that element would always rule her. She wouldn't give up collecting the things she needed though, because carrying it all up such a steep mountain was still pretty good training on her behalf. Training that she was not yet done with for today.

WC: 530 (1575)

3Quiet Devotion [Private] Empty Re: Quiet Devotion [Private] Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:31 am

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

It hurt, she wanted to cry but she knew that if she did so it would only solidify how weak she was. Looking up at her sister with sorrow hidden behind false determination, Umeko stood up from the rocky ground and brushed herself off. She couldn't show her parents that she was someone who gave up easily, if anything it was pride that forced her to get up each and every time. It was pride that had her fight a little harder causing her sister to nearly, almost be on the losing end. Taking in a deep breath Umeko got into a basic fighting stance, she wouldn't keep taking on the same tactics. Umeko knew her sister and she knew her sister could read her like a book. Throughout their spars Umeko knew never to approach her sister with the same tactics, and even though she always lost she knew that each loss came with knowledge. Umeko began to see her sister's moves, read her patterns, it was slowly unfolding and she could adapt to it. A thought had passed the young child's mind that maybe her sister thought she didn't need to switch up her tactics because she kept winning. Letting a thought like that into her mind was crazy and she knew it, her sister would never think like that, it couldn't have been pity... Could it? Now fear set in Umeko, and she knew her sister loved her and would do anything to help her, but going so far as to take it easy on her because she pitied her? Now that hurt more than her previous mindset. With these thoughts swirling in her mind she found herself looking at the ceiling and her body being lifted from the ground. She doubted herself, again she let her mind wander and it once again caused her down fall. The pain of her back and head hitting the rocky floor was almost too much to bare, but the pain of losing in front of her family was even more taxing.

Moving one leg past the other in a slow but careful motion, cemented steps that steadied her to the ground so that she would not fall. The final trek up the mountain didn't bother her as much as the last few times. Her mind wasn't as preoccupied on the task and it would have felt like she was going through the motions had she not been lost to in her mind. Memories played in her head of her younger days, days long past but still have so much weight in her life. She was so young when her parents forced her and her sister to fight, or rather spar as they so lightly put it. She hated sparring with her sister, she lost more than she won and with each loss it would seem like her parents began to expect it. Nowadays their fights could go either way, but she knew her sister hardly broke a sweat when going up against her. Shaking the thoughts from her mind, the young ninja wouldn't let it get her down as a smile began to form on her face. Making a motion with her upper body that allowed her a better grip of the wood she carried, Umeko continued her trek up the mountain. Every now and then her foot would slip just a bit, even though the rain was gone the earth beneath her feet was still muddy and it made it no easier to climb. Eventually she made it to her destination near the top of the mountain and once more she dropped off the wood she had collected. Grabbing her bag and putting out the fire she created, she knew it was time for her to make her way back home. Hoping to not have to come back and clear out the cave tomorrow, she wouldn't think about it and quickly took her leave.

WC:655 (2230)

4Quiet Devotion [Private] Empty Re: Quiet Devotion [Private] Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:26 pm

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

She was melting. The sort of melting that slowly sucked out the pain, pressure, and stress in one's body. The kind of melting that turned your brain to mush, your body into a wet noodle, and your mind into soup. Many things can cause this type of melting but the best cause for it only came from one source in Umeko's mind, and that source was the hot springs. Her body wasn't even fully into the heat of the water before she felt the effects, causing her to react to it in a most favorably manner. The sounds that she made were usually reserved for more carnal acts ( not that she would know anything about those sort of things ) but for this young girl, this was the epitome of pleasure. Her lithe body would slowly slip further into the water, until it covered most of her budding bosom, causing her body to fully relax, her muscles loosening and a deep sigh escaping her lips as her head laid back.

Before finding herself in the woman's section of the springs Umeko had prepped herself up just a tad bit. Her Emerald locks were neatly pilled on top of her head in a tight bun in order to keep it from getting wet and getting in her way. She smelled of rosemary, her favorite scent which she had managed to get in oil form, applying some on her neck so that the scent can waft up into her nose as she soaked in the springs. A hot cup of green tea sat close by so that she can sip at her leisure, all was perfect and the cherry on top of this perfect cake was that she was all alone. Yes, all alone in this beautiful hot spring, with no unwanted small talk or mindless giggling, she was most content with it being like this for the time being.

Umeko didn't keep track of how long she spent in the hot springs. After leaving the mountain where she was doing her training she had already decided that the springs is where she would spend the remainder of the day. For as long as she had been sitting in the springs, some people had come and some people had gone and when she finally left the water herself she could feel a mental vision of her old body shed away, and out she came with a new one. Now that she was refreshed and renewed it was time to go get some food before retiring back home. With having the whole day for herself Umeko could enjoy the day for what it was and give herself a peace of mind.

Tomorrow she was set to having a sparring session with one of the kids from the other families that her family was on good terms with. She didn't mind these sparing matches because she usually won so it was a chance to fully show off the results of her training to her family. Honestly she wasn't even worried about tomorrow but she most certainly would have to get to bed if she wanted to be fully rested for it. Getting dressed in a fresh pair of clothes she packed that was really just the same thing she had been wearing during training as far as style went but in a different color combination. Once she was done changing she let her hair out of the bun, causing it to cascade down her back like a river of Jade. She loved her hair, it was a gift from her mother's side of the family, her grandmother was blessed with it and it seemed it would skip a few generations before popping back up in the blood line, otherwise most people on her mother's side of the family had blond hair or some lighter variation. Brushing out any knots in her hair gently with her fingers, the young ninja skipped out of the springs area with more bounce in her step then was usual.

Deciding that it would be a perfect way to end the night, she decided to head over to her favorite little hole in the wall restaurant. The thought of it alone put her in a trance as she found herself dizzy from the hunger for it. Umeko knew exactly what she would order, her tongue rolling over her lush pink lips. It was almost as if she were lost in her own little world, and she would have stayed there too if she didn't feel a weight brush past her and knock her to the ground. Now for a moment she stayed there on the ground, looking up at the darkened sky with a half moon staring back down at her. It was like being violently awaken, ripped from the overwhelming happy feeling that she was feeling. Once that moment of realization set in she was quick to get to her feet, her eyes staring daggers in the direction of her assailant. She caught a good glimpse of the figure and for whatever reason her hand reached for her the bag that rested on her hip, it was gone. Surprise set in and quickly after that anger as the realization dawned on her... She had been robbed.

WC: 877 (3107)

5Quiet Devotion [Private] Empty Re: Quiet Devotion [Private] Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:07 pm

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

Usually when things are too good the be true then nine times out of ten they are. A perfectly good day for Umeko was absolutely ruined, ruined like someone blowing out a candle on a birthday cake that wasn't even theirs to blow out. Ruined like a recipe that had twice the amount of the wrong ingredients added into it. Ruined like a training session that ended with a broken leg. Ruined like a wife being left at the alter at her own wedding. Yes, Umeko's day was completely and utterly ruined and someone was going to have to pay for that, and unfortunately that someone was the person responsible for running her day in the first god damned place. Getting to her feet, using her knees to jump start her into a sprint, she could just taste blood from the red she was seeing. The perpetrator was shorter than she was now that she gotten a good look at his silhouette, but he was still too far ahead of her to make out any real features that she could point out if she lost him. This lack of detail made it even harder because the person kept running down dark ally ways, making this chase a pain in the ass for her. Who ever she was chasing was faster than she was but not by much.

She knew she had to slow him down and once her initial anger fizzled out she began to think. Weaving her hands in a few quick signs she watched as the rocky earth under the person's feet turn into mud, turning the area into a massive river of mud that swept him towards her. Smirking she would jump up on a nearby wall, charka holding her fast to it as she grabbed the person by the hair before mud could sweep him away. She didn't care for his screams and didn't let go until the muddy stopped flowing, dropping him onto the ground and then jumping in front of him. Before she even spoke to what she could now see was a red headed boy, she rummaged through his clothes and pulled out was hers." I won't even let you explain why you thought it was a good idea to steal. Where are your parents boy? Or should I drag you straight to a nearby jounin and let them sort you out?" Her voice held a bit of anger in it but not enough to where she would scream at what was clearly a child in front of her. Parents? They're dead! I'm hungry... I smuggled my way in the village with a traveling merchant... I don't have anywhere to go.The boy's voice sounded heavy with sadness that he seem to be trying to hold back. Umeko frowned and grabbing the boy's hand helped him to his feet, this was out of her hands and she wasn't about to think on it any longer. " I know some people who can help you then.. Stealing in a village full of trained killers will give a person a high death rate.. Leading the boy to those who were better suited for this kind of thing, Umeko made her way back home. It was too late to eat what she wanted so she grabbed some pork buns and began her trek home, to end this very long day.

WC: 562 (3669 )

* Prodigy: All training requirements are reduced by 10%

E > E-1: 75 Words
E-1 > E-2: 150 words
E-2 > E-3: 225 words
E-3 > D: 300 words
Total Amount: 750 (*675)

E > E-1: 75 Words
E-1 > E-2: 150 words
E-2 > E-3: 225 words
E-3 > D: 300 words
Total Amount: 750 (*675)

E > E-1: 75 Words
E-1 > E-2: 150 words
E-2 > E-3: 225 words
E-3 > D: 300 words
Total Amount: 750 (*675)

E > E-1: 75 Words
E-1 > E-2: 150 words
E-2 > E-3: 225 words
E-3 > D: 300 words
Total Amount: 750 (*675)

Reaction Time:
E > E-1: 75 Words
E-1 > E-2: 150 words
E-2 > E-3: 225 words
E-3 > D: 300 words
Total Amount: 750 (*675)

Total WC To Complete Stat Training: 3750 (*3375)

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