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1Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Empty Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:50 pm



Warm.  It's not cold, it's not hot, it's just warm.  A little humid, even. Deciding not to bring a jacket was a pretty good idea; otherwise she'd be uncomfortable and restless until she took it off.  Then she'd have to carry it back, making it more unnecessary than anything.  Ashiko laid onto her back, crossing over her legs as she looked up at the night sky.  So dark, scattered in millions of stars, and forever watching. Honestly, there were so many words anyone could use to describe it's complicated, infinite patterns. The word 'beautiful', was the best she could think of from the top of her head.  Even then, it almost didn't feel like it was enough. She couldn't even figure out why, either. Beautiful was the word her father used to describe her mother, it was a word that suggested so much and was a compliment meant to be taken to the depths of a person's being.  It was almost like the word, 'amazing' or 'awesome'; they always had some higher meaning. Yet they were so overused in life and it didn't feel like it'd equate to her feelings involving the stars.  She smiled slightly, exhaling slowly.

Sure, any one who had eyes and a view of it could see it any night, but for her, it was always like. . .seeing life in a new way.  There were no obstacles, no pain, no responsibility. All anybody ever had to do was look. Look and feel it. It might've been weird to other people, but when everyone's different, it makes sense.  She let her arms rest on her chest, drawing a deep breath before she eased her eyes closed. Yeah, it was hard to think about putting particularly complex ideas into words, but being alone to think about it always seemed to make it easier.  If only by a little bit.

All the crickets made it that way.

She loved animals, she really did.  But sometimes she couldn't help but feel frustrated when they irritated her.  Yet with her in their domain, Ashiko didn't feel like she held the rights to being that way.  She could just move. Still, moving suddenly didn't feel plausible. Her limbs were heavy, her breathing melted into longer pauses.  And the crickets faded away into the background. A nap. . .probably wouldn't hurt.

Then she'd probably would have to run back home before her parents got too concerned.  Yeah. That sounded like a plan. She drew a long breath, but her mind didn't blank out of a new mentality. Time had gone by so fast. Now she was a genin, and she was fifteen. It's not exactly far off from when he parents had her, and in a few more years after that, she'd already be living on her own. Would they even be alive after that? They were still people in action, and they'd have missions; missions bigger than what she could handle.  Her smile faded off.

She wanted to protect people, and be as great as her parents. If not, then greater. But how? Sure, training was part of it, but how long would it take for her to actually be better? Years, most likely. But how many? Ashiko wasn't afraid of the work, she wasn't afraid of the journey. In some shape and form, she was scared of failure. Horrible, discouraging failure. She'd get back up again, and again, sure. But what if she only continued to fail? What if she continued to disappoint them? What if they suddenly decided that their daughter wasn't all that she was meant to be? Age came with responsibility. . .with expectations. Was she even ready to meet them? She believed in herself, even if it was only a small amount. Maybe she'd at least be average? But then what would she do after that? . .Maybe. . .she could become a teacher? Like at the academy! She'd love to teach people! . .but there was so much more responsibility with that.

Life can change so fast. . .so much. But. . .she'd keep up with it. . .somehow. If she kept herself on track, she'd make her goal! She'd make her parents proud. She'd make herself proud. Yet for now, all she had to do was relax and fall asleep. Careers could wait for just a while longer. Rushing into something new wouldn't get her anywhere except for drowning in stress. Then again, she could probably handle a bit of stress. Once she ran into a pattern, of course. Family, training, friends, and missions were all scattered around in that pattern so far, so that had to be played around with until it was decent enough. Then she could build it up until it was better and flexible so it complimented her upcoming goals and ranks. . .but there was a lingering thought that was still playing on her mind.

She still couldn't believe she was a genin.

It was just such a new concept.  And a foreign one.  An exciting one.

OOC: I think 862 words upon return is pretty good. :D

2Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Empty Re: Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:38 am

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

It was a beautiful night, not too cold yet not to warm either. It was perfect for hunting the nocturnal beasts of the forest on the outskirts of the village. The deer would be active as the conditions were splendid for them, making this an ideal time for him to go out in search of his next trophy. He would never waste the beast however; its life would serve as nourishment for him for the next several days. The song of the crickets rang through the air like music to his ears. They played him a symphony as he prepared himself for the hunt as he entered the forest. As he moved carefully through the brush of the forest floor, he picked up upon some tracks likely left by a large buck on the ground before him. He knelt down and checked the surrounding area for any clues that would help him in tracking his prey. Based on his analysis, he determined it was likely that the buck had only passed through this area maybe 30 minutes to an hour ago so he may be in luck for this hunt.

To aide in his search, he enlisted the assistance of local insect life as he summoned several forest floor insects with minor pulses of his chakra onto the ground. A few beetles and some crickets were drawn to him and he began to communicate with them in a method only known to the Aburame. Within a few moments, his insect helpers had given him all of the information he needed to track down the buck that would soon be his. He thanked them and sent them back on their way into the logs littering the forest floor as they too went in search of their own meal for the evening. He would head north through the forest, following the lead given to him by his tiny scouts. To make his trek a bit easier, he lept up into the trees and used the branches as stepping stones as he moved through the crest of the trees. With each new branch, he would move quicker and more fluidly, tracing his route and making the most efficient movements he could. This was his playground, and here he could be truly free. Nothing made him feel more alive than the thrill of flying through the tree tops, flipping and twisting as he moved with grace and efficiency. He kept his eyes open, in search of the buck that had so far eluded him but he was certain he would find it and make it his prize.

As he continued to move through the trees, he caught a silhouette laying on the ground in a little clearing beneath the trees. He slowed himself to a halt to get a better look at whatever the figure on the ground floor was, or rather who it was. He stopped on a branch just a bit above the figure, which upon closer inspection appeared to be a kunoichi. As he laid eyes on her, his mind completely went awry, forgetting entirely about the buck he had been hunting as he examined her more closely. It looked as though she was sleeping or maybe just napping as she apparently hadn't noticed him above her yet. Her hair was a lovely shade of amber which was wavy and kept in a pony tail behind her head. She was fair skinned with freckles adorning her gorgeous face. He features were pleasantly plump, with thickness in all of the right places of her curvy figure. His nose began to bleed vigorously as he thought about jumping down to talk to her, but he needed a plan to wake her up. He tilted his head back and began to pinch his nose to prevent the blood from dripping all over his clothes and slow the bleeding. “Not again,…” he would think to himself. His nose would bleed whenever he got a bit excited at the thought or touch of the opposite sex. It wasn't necessarily debilitating but, it was surely quite embarrassing. After he plugged the leak which had sprung from his nose, he devised a plan to wake the young woman up from her slumber and give himself a reason speak with her. Thinking on his feet, he decided her would ask some of his insect friends to be his wingman and wake the woman up. He would jump down and save her from the swarm of insects and give himself a reason to be hero. With a plan in mind, he released of few of his insects down along the trunk of the tree he was in and commanded them to “wake her”. When she woke she would likely scream or make some kind of noise which he could use as in to jump down and “save her”. He smirked to himself as he prepared himself for the events to surely unfold.

WC: 824

3Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Empty Re: Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:43 pm



Her skin felt. . .odd.  Like a bunch of things were crawling all over her.  Well, she was outside, so it would make sense for things to be trying to get on her while looking for food or a place to rest.  Huh. Maybe she should've brought her jacket after all, then maybe she wouldn't be covered in bugs. Wait, what? Ashiko slowly opened up her amber eyes, staring at the bugs that were walking on her.  Then she let out a small giggle when they kept crawling up to her face. This was rather. . .interesting. This was different from listening to crickets chatter about. Yes, she wasn't the hugest fan of being seen as a log or a rock or anything similar, but freaking out wouldn't do all too much good now, would it?  She held up her right arm, smiling at the bugs that were soldiering on up her skin. It honestly a bit cute.

"Hello, little guys, what are you doing?  Building a nest?" she asked, rotating her arm to keep track of them.  She gradually sat up, crossing her legs. Of course they didn't give a reply, but it was still rather enjoyable to think of what they'd be thinking of.  Maybe it was food, maybe it was why the strange fleshy rock was moving when they trying to sleep. Either way, they seemed pretty determined to keep moving.  "I'm not gonna be a very good nest for you guys.  I'll need to leave soon. . .that and I don't have food on me at this moment, so I can't feed you.  Perhaps some other day. I'd also appreciate you leaving me alone for the time being. I have to sleep."

She gently brushed them off her arms before moving to her face.  At this point, there were probably a few in her hair, resting blissfully.  If that was the case, she hoped she hadn't killed any of them. She simply wanted to be left alone without bringing harm to them.  It wouldn't be fair to them if she did. Ashiko tried gently blowing the ones on her clothing off, with no true results. After a few more seconds of struggle, she decided to just brush them off again.  They didn't seem very put off by it.  She chuckled softly, crossing her arms.

"Alright, you guys win, I'll leave when you guys let up enough for me to move," Ashiko sighed, watching them.  At least they seemed content with only crawling around and not biting her.  She began humming softly, closing her eyes to focus in at the sensations.  It sent spikes of cold up her spine.  Pleasant, unpredictable chills.  "I'm such a pushover.  I mean, if you saw me at home you'd laugh.  Seriously.  'Yes, Mom, I'll go put the trash out,' and 'Of course I'll give those files to your friend, Dad'.  I'm always moving. . .except for right now.  I wanted a break. . .to think.  I hope you don't mind me going on and on."

The bugs, of course, gave no verbal reply.

"I'll assume that's a yes, little guys," she giggled.  "What am I supposed to do with my future?  Like, tomorrow.  I'm trying to focus on short term goals, but even then it feels so odd.  Do you think I can do well as a teacher?  Like in the academy?  I'd just need to be a chuunin. . .but can I really spend my whole life as a teacher? . .look at me, venting at you guys. . .but. . .what about a sensei?  Could I do a sensei, instead?  I would only have to teach three people every few years until I retire. . .if I do plan on retiring.  I could always die in battle."

She gave a weak smile, brushing some of the bugs that went to crawl on her face.

"But, if it was to protect the people I love. . .I'd do it in a heartbeat. . .fear be forgotten," Ashiko muttered.  "I think I'll stick with retirement in the meantime.  It'd be for the best."


4Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Empty Re: Night In The Woods (N'Jobu|Invite) Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:25 pm

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

He sat perched up on the branch, watching to see how she would react to be being gently swarmed by his insects. To his surprise, she was rather calm and collected at the sight of the insects crawling about all over her body. "Hello, little guys, what are you doing?  Building a nest?" she would say as she sat up and crossed her legs. "I'm not gonna be a very good nest for you guys.  I'll need to leave soon. . .that and I don't have food on me at this moment, so I can't feed you.  Perhaps some other day. I'd also appreciate you leaving me alone for the time being. I have to sleep."

He chuckled a bit as he continued to watch from his perch. "Most people would be freaking out by now but her,...she isn't even phased. How lovely..." he mused to himself as he became more interested in the woman. She began her futile attempt to swipe the beetles from her body, a task she would likely be unable to do without the assistance of some sort of flame thrower. "Alright, you guys win, I'll leave when you guys let up enough for me to move. I'm such a pushover.  I mean, if you saw me at home you'd laugh.  Seriously.  'Yes, Mom, I'll go put the trash out,' and 'Of course I'll give those files to your friend, Dad'.  I'm always moving. . .except for right now.  I wanted a break. .to think.  I hope you don't mind me going on and on."  

He sat in awe of the woman sitting so calmly with his insects, she could be an Aburame herself with how she interacted with them. "I'll assume that's a yes, little guys, What am I supposed to do with my future?  Like, tomorrow.  I'm trying to focus on short term goals, but even then it feels so odd.  Do you think I can do well as a teacher?  Like in the academy?  I'd just need to be a chuunin. . .but can I really spend my whole life as a teacher? . .look at me, venting at you guys. . .but. . .what about a sensei?  Could I do a sensei, instead?  I would only have to teach three people every few years until I retire. . .if I do plan on retiring.  I could always die in battle. But, if it was to protect the people I love. . .I'd do it in a heartbeat. . .fear be forgotten,I think I'll stick with retirement in the meantime.  It'd be for the best."

After she had finished her monologue with his insect friends, he figured it was about time he introduced himself and called off the swarm. He hopped down from his perch of to the side so as not to immediately startle her. He walked over to the space near where she was sitting and he began to call of his insects. They began to crawl off of her and back to him, slowly. "Hi there,....I see you've met my friends. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to disturb you but I was hunting a buck in this area and my insects must have picked you up instead. The name is N'Jobu by the way. Lovely to meet you..." he said to her as he waited for her response. Now that he was closer to her he could pick out her features a bit better than from his original perch. She had beautiful amber eyes, which were stunning. She was still smiling while the bugs were on her and as such he couldn't help but to smile back at her too.

WC: 629

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