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It would take a great deal of personal motivation for Ting to keep herself on the straight and narrow. Being a self-starter and one of those sort of motivational poster sort of people was certainly not her style, but as the gentle warmth of the early morning sun caressed her eyelids, Ting would open her eyes slowly. Today was a day set aside particularly for some of that fleeting and somewhat rigid self-motivation.

Rise and shine. Time to get to work.” She would speak with herself with an encouraging tone as she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. She would stand up and stretch, arching her back and raising her arms up high as she yawned. One of the keys to getting prepared for intense physical training, especially that which focuses on strength and lifting, one would need to have stretched very well.

She made a mental note of this as she stripped off her pajamas and looked over herself in the mirror. She was as pale as ever, but it was fortunate for her that the addiction seemed not to have had the lasting physical impacts it has on some people. It was a blessing in disguise that her life had been so abruptly shifted. Meeting Takao Kimura very well might have saved her from a needless death.

She shook that thought as she leaned forth, turning the mob of her shower toward the hot side and pulling the small lever to bring the water through the shower head. She would watch for a few moments until she could see the steam rising, that was her confirmation that the water was as scalding hot as she liked it. The water of her shower would wash over her and bring with it a slight sting before her skin acclimated and transformed the sensation into bliss.

Shower thoughts came as they usually do. She would reflect upon the events of a few nights prior. She had accepted an invitation into an organization she never would have thought a girl like her would have a chance to even see, let alone be part of. She was feeling rather dutiful, as she zoned out and cleaned herself thoroughly. It was almost as though she were on autopilot at that point, finishing up her shower, dressing herself in the typical Konoha genin attire of a green flak jacket and close fitting black pants which offered much flexibility. Her headband would go across her forehead where it belonged, her bangs hanging over it.

Her expedition to the training grounds would be quick, as she made the effort to run all the way there, getting in training wherever she could. As she arrived, she would keep a small jog over to a well padded training dummy and begin to lay into it aggressively, quick boxing style jabs always starting with the left hand and following up with the right. She would do this repetition around three times before doing a round-house kick and quickly returning to a guarded stance.

Ting was completely in the zone, and enjoying herself quite a bit.


Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

So, it was time for yet another day of hardcore training for the minor heir of the Hyuga, Xiang! Though unlike usual, this would be much different. Why would her training be different, though? What could possibly cause such an impact that it'd be dared to call itself 'different'? It's because the dear girl recently awakened her Byakugan. Most members of the Hyuga Clan have awakened these prestigious eyes through being born alone, though these years recently, it has become rarer for that to occur. No one knows why, though it's not too big of an issue, as it does not have the same traumatic requirements to achieve the Sharingan tend to have. That being said, some members are still late bloomers, which was the case for Xiang. In order to get the Byakuga, she went through an intense sparring match with a member of the Senju Clan, who went by the name of Sachi. While she got a bit angry during their fight, in the end, she got over herself, won, then subsequently helped him out from the damage he took. Needless to say, despite all of that, she was excited to have her Clan's eyes, so she could utilize them in the upcoming exams.

As soon as she had gotten home that day, she grabbed a sketchbook and some pencils, then took her materials over to her mother. First, she showed off the Byakugan, to let them know she could do it now, then asked her to stand straight up and stand still. Using her eyes, she then roughly sketched down all the tenketsu points within the body into the book. This took a few hours, but eventually, she had a comprehensive guide on them that allowed her to practice her Juken without wasting chakra with her eyes on a human dummy. In order to replace another person, she would utilize a combination of a mannequin, and her own invention, Chakra Tags. These paper tags change color whenever it comes into contact with chakra, so whenever she hits them with Juken, it would be lit. Happy to have a new way to train herself, she then went to bed to get herself rest for the next day. This day is now the present.

Somewhere, around twenty meters away from Ting's current station, and thirty minutes after she had arrived, Xiang had quickly rushed over to an empty lot, and set down the gaudy white mannequin. It was near perfect to the design of Shinobi, which would allow for better accuracy. Then, piece by piece, Xiang began to stick chunks of the Chakra Tags onto the mannequin, slowly and meticulously, until all three hundred and sixty-one tenketsu were labeled by them. With that, she stepped back, marveling on her handiwork, with her hands on her hips, the slightly dimmed light blue eyes studying every nook and crevice to make sure she did it correctly. With her OCD satisfied, she put her hands together in the Seal of Confrontation, and bowed, as though respecting an opponent, taking a moment to relax her body and calm her mind. Today was going to be a fun training day!

[Current WC: 532]



With each strike to the inanimate object, Ting would allow her mind to stray further from all of her worldly problems. It was as though the brutal and deliberate strikes were occurring on autopilot. The whispy clouds which appeared to be somewhat smeared across the sky would move on their own as time seemed to lapse. It was only when she snapped back into reality and saw the blood trickle from her first that she would notice the training dummy had lost its stuffing and she had been pummeling a wooden post.

Son of a bitch...” Ting would quietly mutter as she set to work a green aura on each hand, mending the left with the right and then the right with the left. It was handy to have he ability to alleviate ones own physical injuries. Ting had never quite thought about what life would be like if she hadn’t been able to simply will away the countless sprains, bruises, and cuts she had sustained over the years of her life. It was even more handy now that she had taken back into the shinobi world.

The blue haired woman would glance forward at the now useless wooden post bearing the slumped over sack of cloth that was once a dummy, and then all around. It was going to be useless to continue trying to knock away at this thing, and she knew that she certainly wasn’t going to learn any real strategy from a lifeless sack anyhow. It was then that she glimpsed a woman with white hair meticulously placing stickers all over a dummy, just about twenty meters from her position. It was intriguing enough that she would make her way in that direction to observe.

Keeping enough distance as not to distract or interrupt the girl, Ting would watch to see what she intended to do with all of those little tags. Only if the girl noticed her and approached would Ting engage in conversation with her before seeing the results of the neat display.

Do you ever wonder when some genius out here is going to finally give us a better method for training in the use of Taijutsu? These sacks of flour hardly stand up to a competent user... Ting would state while shaking her head, either after the display from the white haired woman or sooner if Xiang noticed her ahead of time. “My name is Ting, I am trying to prepare the best I can for the Chunin Exams, it seems they’ve rushed up on us quite quickly and I still don’t think I’ve made it to where I would like to see myself. What about yourself?

Ting would study the woman as she spoke, hoping not to come off strange. With expert medical knowledge came the ability to look upon someone and know just how they were built physically. She was drawing a blank this time, however, as she got a little lost in her new acquaintance’s form.

502 | 1,020

Last edited by Ting on Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

When Xiang was done accessorizing her training equipment, and bowing down to it like was another person, she had immediately assumed her favorite fighting stance, that being the Northern Praying Mantis Style. A few of her fingers curved into that of a hook, and she moved her left leg in front of her, while the right bent at the knee a bit. With one more moment to inhale, and exhale oxygen, she rushed at her dummy, intent on attacking it with all her might.

Their might consisted of pinpointed strikes at any of the tags she placed on her practice fodder. The first two strikes were quick and efficient, striking at two points at the chest. The tags she touched would turn from red to blue, signifying her usage to chakra, at least to her, as no one but her mother has ever heard her talk about these elusive stickers. That being said, she was practicing her Juken, preparing the first of her clan's famous moves to hopefully master it by the end of the day: Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms. So, with those hits landed, another two consecutive strikes had come, at a much slower pace than the technique would allow since she didn't know the ins and outs yet. These were at points within the neck. Then, four strikes, aimed at the right arm and lower belly. Finally, eight strikes, half at the head and the other at the left arm. Finished with this first exercise, she then dropped her stance, bracing herself on her knees and panting a bit. The Trigrams techniques were pretty difficult for her. It'd be even more difficult for Ting, who she now finally saw in her peripheral vision.

Xiang didn't feel like approaching, so she instead beckoned the blue haired girl watching her over, an amused look on her face. It was a little odd to be watched like that, but she wasn't really opposed to it either. This person seemed nice on the outside, and what they would say after piqued her interest quite easily.

"Well, I can certainly feel you there, when you're using Taijutsu that's meant to break the opponent for those Exams...yeah, I'm not the strongest I could be either. We don't have much time. That being said, I feel a bit better about myself since I finally woke my Byakugan just days ago. If you want, we can train each other...maybe through a spar?"

Xiang didn't have too much better to do, so she figured it wouldn't hurt to spar with this new woman. She sounded very confident with what she said, and it felt good to help other people. Strong or not, she concluded that this would be a good time to test her regular Juken as well. Years without those eyes made it a bit jarring to suddenly have them in usage. Whatever happened, this was sure to be a fun fight.

[Current WC: 501 + 532 = 1033]



There was no mistaking the sight before Ting’s eyes as Xiang set upon the decorated mannequin with pinpoint jabs in a somewhat choreographed manner. Ting had heard and read plenty about the potent Juken utilized alongside the revered Dojutsu of the Hyūga clan: The Byakugan. It was a treat to see it in action, so much had been achieved via the might of the esteemed clan. Many members of that bloodline had made their names known in the history of Konohagakure no Sato. It was without doubt that this user of the art was a Hyūga herself.

That is incredible. Unlocking the Byakugan is a very large achievement in the lives of your people. You have much to be proud of. I would be honored to have a spar with you. Ting would smile at her as she set about to light stretching, ensuring to work out any potential hangups in trouble areas of the body. She was invigorated by the idea of actual competition. It was the only way to properly learn what was necessary for the type of competition brought around by the Chunin Exams.

Ting was a close quarters combatant, but this was only a recent revelation. Her expertise was in the field of medicine. It was at least a benefit to be able to know where to strike most effectively and to mend herself when it was needed. She had no idea how she would fair against a seasoned and bred Taijutsu fighter, but she was determined to remain confident and calm as she took a position in a nearby grassy clearing which would place the spar twenty meters away from the training dummies. Xiang would be able to decide just how far away she wanted to position herself from Ting at that point.

As Konohagakure tradition so dictated, Ting would form the seal of confrontation and ready herself for battle. As the first person to reach her position and form the seal, Ting would leave it to Xiang to make the first move of actual combat, keeping herself aware of the surroundings and observing her opponent carefully. It was important to Ting that she demonstrate to herself some level of competence in Taijutsu, especially now that the exams were coming quickly. This spar was nothing personal at all toward the snow-haired Hyūga. It was an internal judgement by Ting herself.

Before we begin, my name is Ting. What is yours?” Knowing the name of one’s opponent was an honor in cases of friendly sparring. It would have been a true shame if they had continued without revealing that information with one another.

A cool Fall breeze would blow about Ting’s light blue hair as she faced down Xiang with her seal of confrontation in plain sight, just in front of her face. This would be a bout that pit brutality against deadly precision. A woman seeking redemption against one who had put forward a lifetime of dedication. It was truly going to be one for the books.

509 | 1529

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

With Ting accepting her challenge, the young woman grinned with excitement, getting pumped for what would be ahead of her today. With sparring being one of Xiang's own expertise, it was going to be an interesting fight for them both. With just a quick glance, Xiang couldn't help but notice something about Ting's build; a little bulkier than her. Definitely not in terms of fat, either, that was pure muscle. There was nothing else about her that Xiang could figure out, with no obvious clan relation or even a Kekkei Genkai. Mystery was both scary and intriguing to the snowy haired woman, though, so it wasn't much of a problem. The only issue here was that she probably could not take much hits before she went down when it came to this lady.

With a firm nod, Xiang formed the Seal of Confrontation as well, then proceeded to...not get into a stance at all. She just stood there, analyzing the girl before her some more, in a plain position with her arms at her sides and legs slightly apart, though standing straight. Her baby blue eyes stared everywhere they could, in every nook and crevice, all the while keeping that neutral, definitely not combative stance. Xiang kept her body seemingly so relaxed that it felt as though she had no worries about their match whatsoever. Yet the only thing that gave this facade away was that she bit her lip, eyes straining a bit to focus in on her.

"It's nice too meet, name is Xiang Hyuga. If you end up being too much for me, I'll concede. We can't afford hurting each other too bad right before the exams begin."

The more she thought about it, the more it became clear...she was afraid of Ting. Specifically in terms of combat, not as an overall person. Her excitement overwhelmed any fear in her tiny heart, but in the end, it was still there. This was why she couldn't take a stance, because she didn't know how to approach this whatsoever. Something about who was in front of her made her feel more cautious. That's when she decided it would be best to use more power than usual. For a moment, her eyes slid shut, before lighting up once more, a pair of nerve clusters coming off the side of her eyes now, signifying the activation of her Byakugan. With her spherical cone of 275 degrees available to her now, it made her feel a little more confident, as she would miss a lot less with this. A small smile grew across her face as well as she steeled herself.

"As long as we have fun, lets not care about winning, alright? Though, if you do win, let me take you out for dinner. I have money to spare."

Inviting her to dinner afterwards made the tension melt away rather quickly, since food after a tough match always made Xiang feel better anyway. With the promise of a delicious meal now hanging above her, any regrets she might have had about to go into this fight were no longer there. This was going to be fun, not terrifying! Right?

[Current WC: 542 + 1033 = 1575]



Food sounds wonderful, but I won’t make you pay, let’s split the bill. Winner picks the place?” Ting said with excitement as she observed Xiang’s eyes intensify greatly. It was the activation of the Byakugan, surely. People outside of the clan had no real way of knowing about the stages of the dojutsu or what level of prowess a person possessed at any given level. For all Ting knew, Xiang was seeing through the eyes of Neji Hyūga, one of the greatest Taijutsu masters to ever grace this world. Her heart was pumping and she opted at that moment to make the first move. After activating her Soft Physique Manipulation, she would begin her first onslaught by tossing three senbon simultaneously. Two of the needles would fly toward a location approximately five meters on either side of Xiang, the third directly at her. Ting’s legs would be wrapped in that exact moment of releasing the senbon with pulsating muscular tissue. As she observed the gap of around ten meters between the two shinobi and flew forward with the full force of her might. Ting would cover the entirety of those ten meters in only a second, her palm outstretched toward Xiang as she arrived, aiming to strike her in the nose with an open palm strike.

It was an intense display of aggression, seeking to test the reactive capabilities of her opponent. If she were capable of avoiding a palm strike that approached in only a second, she was likely going to be quite the combatant. Ting was full of adrenaline and was enjoying herself immensely already. After attempting her open palm strike, Ting would immediately enter into a guard stance, waiting to intercept any retaliatory actions. She fully expected one hell of a fight out of this Hyūga. She was also quite a beautiful looking woman, and it did bring about a sense of guilt that she seemed slightly shaken by Ting at a glance.

It was not a goal of the mighty Ting to bring sadness or fear to good people of the Hidden Leaf. She hoped deeply that if she caused any serious damage to Xiang it could be easily mended and talked away at dinner. Of course, Ting had to earn that dinner first. It was a mistake to metaphorically  dangle delicious food in front of a worn out martial artist. Ting could already taste the sweet teriyaki chicken from her favorite little dive in the market district.

I hope you like teriyaki, Xiang! Ting would shout almost comically as the bout continued, hopefully calming any rampant nerves that existed within Xiang after the initial assault. Ting understood full and well the anxiety that came with this sort of direct demonstration of ones abilities. Whether Xiang knew it or not, Ting was not actually so confident in her own abilities. It was moreso a ferocious determination than anything. The hazel-eyed fighter wanted more than anything to prove her worth in this world of shinobi.

505 | 2034

Chakra: 230/250:



Everything seemed to move so slowly and deliberately when adrenaline took over. The odd stop motion effect that took hold as Ting rushed down Xiang with a speed and force to be reckoned allowed her to notice something was surely off about the entire situation. Xiang stood motionless as Ting’s palm approached her face, as if she were some empty husk. That’s when Ting stopped. A rush of air would be forced into the Hyūga’s face from the suddenness of it all. It was only then that the clanless medic would watch as Xiang fell to the floor, that same empty look in her eyes as she did. Naturally, Ting would grab hold of Xiang and stop her from hitting the floor, supporting her neck so that it didn’t bend and harm her spine, and then lowering her onto the grass carefully.

As any medic would, she pressed her fingers to the poor fainted girl’s neck. Through the carotid artery Ting was able to gather that Xiang was still alive. Her vitals were even more regulated than the medic herself. It was as though the snow haired woman had checked out from the fight long before it had actually begun. Either way, it was without doubt that something was very wrong. People didn’t traditionally just take an exit from the waking world. With that in mind, Ting would hoist Xiang over her shoulder and begin to trot as quickly as she could toward the hospital, which was honestly further away than Ting would have liked it to be.

Everything’s alright. Everything’s okay. She’s just knocked out, she was overexerted. Maybe she was stressed.” Ting was busied by speaking with herself. It was only by the grace of her Sujisu ability that she has been capable of reaching the hospital in only a few minutes. As strange as it was to the nurses and doctors who worked there, Ting waltzed directly up to a stretcher and placed Xiang down upon it. She knew exactly how this all worked and she was not about to wait for the front desk to figure out who Xiang was before bringing her to a room. Attaching the unresponsive girl to the vital monitoring devices, Ting would await staff to rush in and ask her if they needed to call security. To her surprise, it was Mrs. Kimura. The woman Ting knew to be Takao’s mother.

Mrs. Kimura, it’s been only a few weeks but I feels like an eternity. My friend, we were preparing to spar and just as I rushed in to initiate she went lifeless and collapsed. Her vitals are entirely normal. I can’t begin to guess what’s gone wrong.” Ting would stand by in a bit of panic, listening to anything the physician might have to tell her. And it would turn out she was able to decipher quite a bit in only a few moments. Apparently Xiang had fallen into a deep state of comatose following overexertion in preparation for the exams. The Hyūga, though esteemed combatants, were a frail bloodline. Xiang’s body had not been able to keep up with the demands of her mind and tradition. Under the watch of Konoha’s finest, Xiang would be kept in a healthy state until she was able to recover.

After doing all that she could and ensuring that all relatives were informed, Ting would leave with her some beautiful white carnations and check up on her status regularly over the next few weeks as she made her own preparations for the long awaited chunin exams. It was now up to Ting to carry not only her own will to the exams, but the will of her fallen associate Xiang Hyūga. She would bring them both glory before the shinobi world.

636 | 2680

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

It seemed time had stopped before her, with the senbon flying towards her, all the while the clanless Genin before her charging forth with an open palmed strike. But that fear she seeming as though everything had stopped...the sudden pain in her head. Trembling in weakness, clenching her fists- then it hit her. She choked up, her baby blue eyes becoming soulless, before crumpling onto the ground without even being able to do anything in this built up fight, overcome by some foreign weakness she was never aware of. Everything went black, and just like that, there was nothing. Was she dead? No...but dead to the world she was.

As she slept comatose, she dreamed of the Chunin Exams. All the powerful opponents that would come out of it, the tough battles, the vigorous tests, her body and mind being pushed to the limit. Yet it didn't seem like it would be as hard as she had pushed herself all her life. What led to the coma was the worst, so in her mind, she highly doubted it could be any more difficult. Nothing could beat being trapped in this dark hole that was her mind, all alone, with no one to comfort her but her own thoughts...yet she at least realized something. In those dreams, many things happened that didn't work well around her current setup. She needed to get stronger...and needed backup plans. Jutsu that could get her out of binds, trickery to take down her opponents, and some more ninja equipment. Yes, that is what she needed.

Despite the fact a few weeks had passed since then, it felt as though everything had flashed by when Xiang's weak eyes lit up in the early morning sunlight, causing her to take a deep breath. The only movement she could get out of her body was feeble and inefficient, so she decided to continue laying there in her hospital beds, wires attached to her body and in a hospital gown. Those lovely Hyuga eyes got more used to seeing once more rather quickly, to which she'd slowly turn her head to the side, seeing white flowers. Carnations. Notes. Letters...the works. People had come to see her, and it made her happy. Then she thought about that girl she was going to spar...Ting, was it? She must have been the one that brought her to safety in the first place. It was no mistaking that fact. No matter what happened from then on out, Xiang now knew that Ting very much might end up becoming her best friend. The one that was there to take care of her when she was at her most vulnerable. Sachi had been the one to wake her eyes up, but not her mind, quite like Ting had. It was impossible to think she was the cause of the coma, as she knew why it had happened already; she pushed herself too hard. She had to slow down and relax. With the kindness of Ting, combined with her falling unconscious and lifeless...

She guessed being put into a coma wasn't so bad after all.

[Current WC: 532 + 1575 = 2107]



Ting would cancel all other orders of business immediately upon receiving news of Xiang’s awakening. The coma had persisted for weeks, the doctors and nurses all attributing it to exhaustion and overwork. It was a harsh reality in a world that demanded much of its people. Even more, the profession of a shinobi required perfection in exchange for survival. It was unfortunate for Xiang, this horrible setback. With the exams approaching so quickly, it was going to be an absolute rush to get her body back into condition to compete, if it was even possible.

The clanless young woman would do all that she could to make sure it was very possible. As she rushed to the hospital with purpose, Ting would navigate obstacles and people with finesse and haste. Time was an immovable force that constantly bore down upon the living as they squabbled to push forward and achieve as much as they could. If there were any almighty creators looking down upon them from the heavens, Ting imagined all humans looked like busy little ants in a massive ant hill.

The staff in the hospital had begun to know Ting rather well at this point. She returned at least twice a week to replace the flowers at Xiang’s bedside. Not to mention the time Ting was rushed into the hospital late in the night by Takao. Mrs. Kimura was even friendly with Ting by this point, knowing her visage at a glance and greeting her kindly. When Ting arrived this time, however, Mrs. Kimura was nowhere to be found. That was until Ting glanced to the side upon entering Xiang’s room and noticed a large gathering of hospital staff. After a few minutes of conversing and discussing with the swarm of people in the room, Ting was able to dismiss a large number of them besides Mrs. Kimura. That left only the three women in the room.

You have no idea how happy I am to see you, Xiang.” Ting would say, approaching the bedside and giving her Hyūga friend the biggest of all hugs. She would then look back to the doctor and ask the looming question, the elephant in the room. “Will she be able to recover and regain her physicality before the exams?

It was a long and difficult deliberation back and forth between the two medical experts before the solution was laid down upon the table to be considered by Xiang. “If you would still like to participate, you’ll need mild physical therapy and to get back into light training the moment you return to normal mobility. The good news is that I can help you with those things as a medic and a martial artist. Would you like me to assist in your rehabilitation?

The question would hang, left entirely up to Xiang’s discretion. Ting knew that Xiang may not want her help, and would not be offended or upset at all if that were the case. But still, she felt a strong sense of duty and desire to help her friend.

515 | 3195

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

As Xiang slowly converted her mind back into the living, doctors and nurses alike started to flood into the room. It was very disorienting to herself, as this many people all at once while she was still recovering made it rather annoying to get used to. Better now than never though, she supposed, groaning lightly to herself as she sat up in her bed, her body trembling. It was a bit cold, and her body needed some sweet sweet therapy to get it together again. Speaking of long had she been out, anyway? Why were there so many people here, too, to be honest? What was going on?

It wouldn't take long for her to figure it out once she heard the sound of clanking and meeping as something drilled through the halls near her. She could only turn her head over to the source of the sounds and disturbances, and watch as Ting rushed over and wrapped her into a big, warm hug. It brought a gasp of surprise out of her still soft lips as she leaned into it, shakily reaching up to hug her back, head nestled against the blue haired girl's neck. Xiang enjoyed the embrace, leaning into it and relying on their warmth to get back to shape again. Not only was this wonderful woman that enlightened her hugging her, but the voice of concern that came as she spoke made her heart grow by at least one size. Xiang smiled and nodded, before listening intently when the elephant in the room was addressed; could she be ready? ...Wait, was it already that close?!

The look of surprise hit her eyes rather quick, so she ended up trying to roll herself out of the bed, which failed miserably as she was blocked by Ting's form. Then she squirmed slightly, before realizing that she was simply in no condition to do anything. With that defeat in mind, she buried her face onto a pillow and awaited bad news. What she got instead was hopefulness. They could help her get better again! She nodded eagerly once asked if she'd like help with rehabilitation, then tried getting up again, only to fall face first into the floor with a 'smack' sound. Ouch. At least she raised her thumb up into the air to confirm she was okay. Ting was definitely her best friend by now.

That reminded her, she owed Ting dinner, didn't she? I mean, she was in a coma and all, but they still won their match by proxy. Yeah, that made sense to her. And she was really, she could probably eat a horse right now. Maybe she would. Her determination was getting stronger with every second now, as while she might get help from others, slowly stood up on her own two feet, body trembling the whole time but a rebellious smirk on her face, hand gripping the counter nearby. "Lets go ahead and get dinner already, sis. you won our spar, after all. I'm hecking starving."

[Current WC: 513 + 2107 = 2620]



Ting was elated, knowing her friend was okay and that everything by proxy was going to be alright. Even though her muscles were a bit feeble from having been without activity for so long, she was up now. The fact that Xiang was able to walk alleviated a massive weight from the blue-haired medic. If this was the state she was in already, getting her back into action for the exams would be no issue at all. Tonight was to be her first night out of bed, however. There was no need to shove her into therapy so soon, that’s what got her into this mess in the first place. Instead, Ting would delightfully accept her offer to dinner. The taste of skewered teriyaki called her name in that instance.

I never was able to hear whether or not you like teriyaki. I know the loveliest little dive we could go to. Why don’t we make it a girls night. I have a dress I haven’t had the ability to wear since I started training and it’s dying to be worn. I’ll show you my apartment as well. It’s a nice, cozy little space not too far from here.” Ting hadn’t been our in the town in a good minute, and she could not think of a better way to help Xiang right now than to show her how to kick back even in the face of so many deadlines. Without rest, the consequences on ones body would always outweigh any benefits. Time was required for torn muscle fibers to repair and grow stronger. It’s a wonder the lactic acid buildup didn’t stop Xiang before the coma did. Perhaps there was an explanation for that as well.

I know you would probably also like to see your family and switch into your own clothes for a night out in the town, so we can stop by your place as well so that you can change. The first and most important step in your recovery is learning to relax. Ting would smile and giggle playfully as Mrs. Kimura left the room shaking her head with a smile of her own. There was a time and place for girls to be girls. An event like a coma really does a wonder to remind people of the unpredictable nature of life and how one should try and spend it happily and live it to the fullest. The older nurses would find great joy in watching the girls interact, a reminder of youthfulness and the long missed past.

It was quite a night Ting had plotted out for the two in her mind, but it still remained Xiang’s decision whether she felt up to it all. The young medical shinobi had somewhat forgotten that Xiang likely felt tired despite the coma. A little known fact about comas is that the sufferer does not gain any restful sleep during them. Ting struggled to imagine the horrid feelings Xiang may have been experiencing at that time.

511 | 3706

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

With a confident smirk, yet ungraceful stride, Xiang made her way over to her dear friend Ting, throwing her frail arms around her neck and pulling her into a tight hug. She let out a soft sigh at the feeling, taking in the other woman's warmth and nestling herself against her neck. Knowing this was the woman that had saved her after her comatose incident, she felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and affection for her, so it was not surprising she had already warmed up enough to get so intimate with her. It was nothing but platonic, but she wouldn't be lying if she said Ting was currently her best friend. With the promise of teriyaki, though, Xiang quickly broke her trance and replied eagerly to the suggestion.

"Ah, yes,'s a really good dish. It's not as rich or as fancy as the stuff I usually get at home, but I prefer it anyway, since all that gaudy stuff gets sickening's also not really good training food either. That being said, the when I pick the place next time, we're going to the curry joint near our compound. We'll test your spice tolerance there and see if you're a real woman."

Of course, this was more a joke than anything, since she couldn't talk so smugly while in this poor condition. Hopefully Ting would have seen that, as she let her weak body rest against Ting's much sturdier one, using her as support if nothing else. Slowly, her soft, delicate hand traversed to Ting's, seeking warmth and security with their touch. It was probably better she was led, too, since she knew for certain she could barely activate her chakra. The best thing she could probably do was activate her Byakugan, but who knew how long that would last. Xiang had to relax for once in her life and enjoy some of the things she never could when training herself so harshly day by day, and she would let Ting show her a good time. Her smirk slowly turned to a bit of a grimaced smile when asked if she wanted to stop by her family's, though.

"Yeah...I guess they'd want to see me. Sure, I'll tell you where it is."

Truth be told, she wasn't really thrilled at seeing them. For one, they were probably already sleep, as while the sun was merely setting by now, her parents slept early nowadays due to their declining bodies. Age does that to people. On top of that, while she wouldn't mind seeing her mother, she was keen on avoiding her father still...she personally believed he hadn't came to see her, though she didn't know he actually did. Perhaps this night would wake up even more in Xiang's closed up life than just realizing she was pushing herself too hard in life. Whatever happened, this girl's night out was sure to be a blast. She had her own dress to show off to Ting, even if it'd be a little too early. It was meant for her graduation into Chunin, but for a bestie, it wouldn't hurt to give a little sneak peak.

[Current WC: 550 + 2620 = 3170]



As the two girls descended the hospital steps and made their way into the early dusk, Ting would be sure to keep a protective focus on her weakened friend. Allowing her to lean against her whenever necessary, the blue-haired medic would clasp hands with the Xiang in an effort to both comfort and lead her. Compared to Ting’s, Xiang’s hands were incredibly soft and delicate. She knew it wasn’t due to a lack of hard work, moreso a testament to just how hard the Hyūga must train in their gentle fist style. Too many mistakes while training such a thing would have certainly left her hands more right like Ting’s. She would keep a watchful eye out as they made their way through a more spotty part of the market district, ensuring no trespassers made a show of disrupting their night of good fun.

This is where I lived growing up.” Ting would stop in front of her childhood home, within which her mother and father likely still dwelled, wasting away slowly in bitter old age. The place was in a state of disrepair, a small shanty built into the side of a row of shops. It was most likely never meant to be a house at all. It was important that any friend of hers was aware of what she had come from to be where she is now. The good and the bad.

I don’t speak with them anymore, so let’s not be seen out here. I’d rather not be drawn into another demeaning lecture so soon.” She would continue walking with Xiang’s hand clasped tight as they began to reach very near their first actual destination. The Kimura Compound. Ting realized just how confusing it might be to see a place like that and try to link her with the renowned katon users of the Kimura, which is why the moment they passed through the gates she would begin to explain.

Takao Kimura saved me from a life full of shame and unpleasantness. He offered to help me get back onto my feet and bestow purpose onto me once more. I went down a rough path after I graduated the academy and wasted a couple of years, so I truly needed the help. Now I’ve made taken to paying my own way and I love this compound and the people in it too much to move out. So I pay my rent and do my fair share for the Kimura in order to remain.” With that, she would open the door to her apartment. The theme of the rather aesthetic looking apartment was navy blue and white, she had a queen sized bed in her bedroom just down the hall, which was an upgrade she made on her own. In the small den area that greeted one upon opening the door there was a small sofa and a coffee table. A small bar partly separated the kitchen from the living area. It was a very lovely apartment at least by Ting’s standards.

Make yourself at home, I’ll go get cleaned up and put on my dress. No sneak peaks! I want to see your initial reaction in true form!” With that said, she would rush into her bedroom and begin to do the basic necessities for tidying up and getting dressed. Very excited for a break from her duties, Ting would pull on black fishnets before slipping into a crimson cocktail dress with a black and gold butterfly print going just up the side. She applied a very nice Lavendar perfume, which happened to be her very favorite scent. The final touch was a pair of nice black heels.

Somewhere between nervous and excited, Ting would come out of her room and walk just around the corner to where Xiang could be found.

Ta daaah!

651 | 4357

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

Despite feeling so vulnerable in her post comatose state, the company of Ting had kept Xiang from going stir crazy and upset. She was helping her around, hand in hand, and seemed to had a watchful eye on every corner of the village, wherever they passed, making her feel safe. It almost felt like she was just a young child again, walking with her parents in the middle of the night, afraid of the dark but comforted by the touch of her guardians. For a moment, she couldn't help but wonder if Ting might make a good mother one day, and if Xiang might have a child as well. That being said, she wasn't too interested in such a concept in this point of her life. Due to her fighting nature and being so active, she didn't believe being hindered by a child would be in her best interest. It wasn't really the time or place to be thinking this, though, so she was ripped out of lala land when they stopped at Ting's birth home.

It was definitely shoddily made and depressing compared to where she herself had grown up. The more of the true world she saw, the more she started to regret on being closed off from her family. She was pretty lucky, so she should take extra care to spend as much time with them as possible. They wouldn't be around for her forever, after all, and yet she also needed to help out to prevent sights such as this in her lovely village. When Ting mentioned she wished to leave, the Hyuga woman nodded in understanding, following her out.

Eventually they made it to the Kimura clan, a family of which she herself wasn't awfully familiar with. Even if she did, any confusion she had would have been disregarded as her blue haired friend explained herself and the situation she was in. While she was curious as to what sort of dangerous path this friendly, young lady had gone down after graduation, she decided to keep her mouth shut about that as well. It had to be some heavy baggage, so bringing it up would probably hinder any progress they made up until now. When Ting was ready to, however, Xiang was ready to be unloaded upon. That being said, as they entered the apartment, she smiled at the tidiness and pristine nature of this personal home, finding it a nice change of pace from her adventures lately. She simply nodded as Ting told her to stay there and not take any peeks, before taking a rest on her little sofa.

As she sat there, she relaxed in the warmth of this cozy home, her delicate hands running along the fabric. She could only wonder how beautiful her friend would be in this dress she was so excited about, with the thought making her smile just a tad more. It felt nice that she at least had something in common with another girl, even though they most likely came from completely different walks of life. They had to be opposites in many areas, from fighting style to lifestyle, yet they shared a bond that has grown so quickly it's unimaginable. This was, of course, expressed vividly when Ting exposed herself in that gorgeous crimson cocktail dress, and made her light up pleasantly.

"Wow, that's really pretty! Very colorful, too...even my best dresses don't stand out as much as that one. You rock it well!"

[Current WC: 590 + 3170 = 3760]



Ever so anxious about what Xiang might think of her in the never before worn dress, Ting would blush just a bit at the compliment the Hyūga girl shared toward her. It had been a strange affair, living all of these last few years in a perpetual haze and really not taking any time to explore new friendships and experiences. It was against human nature to spend such an amount of time alone. For Hut a moment Ting would recall her childhood friend and crush, Yuna. The pink-haired genius medic who had swept the academy with flying colors and had likely gone on to do tremendous things with her life since Ting had last seen her. It was the sort of friendship that was doomed to fail, as Ting never saw herself as an equal to Yuna despite the fact that Yuna saw Ting as such. Low self-esteem would play a major role in self defeating behavior the blue haired medic would engage in for those years of her life. Had she just stayed next to Yuna, her life as a whole would have been so incredibly different.

Th-Thank you! We should get over to your place quickly while the night is still young. We have to be sure we’ve got all the time we need to do this thing!” Ting would hurry the two of them along, snapping herself out of the sad remembrance she had just been stuck within. She would turn out each light from room to room before walking with Xiang out of the front door onto the little balcony which held the second floor of apartments. She would then allow her snow-haired Hyūga friend to lead the way. The Hyūga compound was not actually too far from that of the Kimura, all things considered. Looking to shoulder some of the burden of her weakened friend, Ting would allow her to hold on in any way she felt necessary. As they walked through the streets, Ting would immediately notice how the scale of the properties and the social status of the area they were in seemed to rise exponentially the closer they came to the legendary home of the bearers of the powerful Byakugan. It made a great deal of sense, as these people were historically significant and had a large amount of political pull within Konohagakure. Ting began to wonder to herself why the Uchiha had been such a source of controversy while the Hyūga had remained so quite and conservative with their dealings.

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen houses this big before, Xiang. There was never a reason for a girl like me to be wandering around the outskirts of the Hyūga compound. How did these people become so wealthy? Are they even part of the clan, living outside of the compound this way?” She would look down toward the ground, realizing she sounded like an excited child of poverty. She had never known the belonging or power associated with such a potent shared bloodline. The only Kekkei genkai she had inherited was was a pre-disposition for substance abuse and worthlessness. As she continued to follow Xiang, she would react in awe at the site of the massive compound, hoping to get a proper explanation of what was what as they made their way toward the now awakened Hyūga’s home. Her mind would wonder what sort of parents Xiang had, or whether she had siblings. What sort of food was she used to eating? Full of ideas and guesses, Ting would stand next to her friend as they prepared to brave her home.

615 | 4972

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

The bright, beautiful smile Ting would give to Xiang's response to the cocktail dress brought a pleasant warmth to her heart. She couldn't have known anything that the blue haired girl had gone through, or what she thought of herself, but at the very least knew that her self esteem probably increased when she said what she did. It brought on her own smile, slowly standing up to meet with her friend and give her a hug via the waist. How nice it was to see her so happy and looking so adorable in that lovely crimson red dress! That being said, it was now time to go, as Ting had stated, with the sun just barely dipping below to allow for the moon to rise. With a resigned sigh, she nodded in agreement, then, hand in hand, began to lead them to her clan's compound.

As Ting probably already saw, the Clan's compound was much more massive and expensive than many of the other's in the village. Being one of the Four Noble Clans of Konoha, even with the feats of the others being recognized, their families, of course, usually had better treatment. Their abilities being coveted even around the globe, along with their contributions to the creation of Konoagakure itself, it was no surprise why they were so wealthy and considered noble. That being said, this was not without its drawbacks. In reply, though, Xiang simply said, as in a small, uninterested voice, "Well, for the people not in the compound, but so close to us, I'm pretty sure it's because they've contributed to us in some way. Otherwise, they worked their way up, just like any of us have to. At least...most people. Sometimes, I kind of wish I wasn't born into money. But the circumstances of our births, in my opinion, shouldn't decide how we'll be as individuals. It's just an added bonus if you have money from the start."

By the time they got to Xiang's home, it was pretty dark outside, with the moon shining overhead, gracing their eyes with the home's uttermost best. It was beautiful, how it shaded the landscape, with the trees beside their near mansion-like homestead swaying and casting its shadow on all. No lights were currently lit in it, so that had meant no one was awake, presumably. Noticing that, Xiang turned around to her best friend, putting hands on her shoulders and smiling a bit, before saying in a strained voice, "I think they're asleep by now. It's probably better I go in alone from here. Wait by that hammock over there, alright? That's where I go to sleep during training, so it's comfy enough and has a blanket. I won't take that long, promise." Xiang pointed towards the cozy, makeshift bed, hung between two trees, so Ting knew where to go, before striding towards her front door. With a deep breath, she unlocked it, then stepped in, intent on making it to her room and out in around five minutes. That, however, is not what happened.

As she stepped in, a lamp had been lit in the living room, revealing a tall, middle aged man with jet black hair that reached his neck, dressed in a green and white sleeping robe and with sandals on. He had been waiting for Xiang, though not for malevolent reasons. That was because this man was her father. With his expression seemingly stern and full of business, he considered his daughter for a brief moment, before nodding firmly and speaking up. "...You've...woken up...?" At first, the two of them stared each other down, a slight frown crossing Xiang's face, disappointed that was all he could say. The least he could have done was say that he was glad to see her alive...well...apparently, he was about to more than that, as, surprising the young girl, he put down the light source, then suddenly lunged at her, trapping her in a tight hug, pressing her face against his chest, and starting to sob a bit. "M-my baby girl's going to be okay...!"

Xiang's eyes had widened from this out of nowhere display of affection and love, looking up at her weeping father in disbelief. So he had to have visited, then, and he had to have cared, maybe all of this time, or just because he realized that she could have died...which brought on more revelations. Of course her father cared for her! How could she have ever thought otherwise? Only a selfish, ungrateful girl would think like that, and that's not what she thought she was, nor wanted to be. Yet because of on painful incident that happened, she ignored her father like he was the worst in the world. But he gave her that space, respected her wishes, even though it most likely hurt him to do so. Now, with all of that neglect and cruelty she had laid upon her dad rushing back to her, she too started to sob, gripping him tight and letting herself be his little girl again, as she let her stress and sadness stream like a heavy current within a river. Xiang wouldn't let herself act that way anymore, never. Not in a million years. It was disgraceful of her to, and she loved her dad as much as her mom. She would make sure from now on to show that.

"I-I'm sorry for being so mean and pushy to you, father...I was just hurt by how it was back then, when you almost took out that eye, and never got over it, despite how much it hurt us both...I should have considered your feelings. A real parent would never have treated me so poorly without regretting it, especially if it was an accident. I know you love me now...I just wish it didn't take a coma to help us fix this mess I made."

After a few more moments of consoling each other with an embrace and crying it out, they eventually broke, both wiping their tears away with their sleeves. Xiang gave her dad a small smile, tilting her head to the side, while he did too, reaching over to pat her head and rustle her silvery hair. Then, with a more relaxed, albeit still being recovered voice, he spoke, "It wasn't just your fault, Xiang. I should have done more to help and fix it. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard, either. Maybe even took you around on a trip in the town, cause we both needed it. Seeing as we've grown the way we have, a change of perspective would have helped...but in the end, I'm glad we can make it up to each other, darling. Now, go on, go get dressed and go out with your little friend. We can hang out a family." Xiang agreeing to these terms, she nodded excitedly, then reached over to give him a peck on the cheek, before rushing upstairs to her room, closing the door behind. With that weight off her shoulders, it was going to be a snap putting that dress on. Hopefully too much time hadn't passed.

As she opened up her closet and dug through her clothes, she eventually found what she wanted to show off and wear for Ting; a short, glittering dress with a color gradation of blue to pale blue at the hem, a sweetheart neckline, and a white, tulle petticoat. A white ribbon is wrapped multiple times around her waist, and over the outfit is worn a slightly sheer long-sleeved blue shrug fastened at the collar with a large, flawless sapphire broach that has three pendants dangling from it. Printed on the back of the shrug is the Hyuga Crest. Completing her attire are dark blue wedge heels and sapphire drop earrings. As an added bonus, she then applied a bit of touch up makeup after cleaning herself, then put on some light blue lip gloss. Now, the outfit was complete. This was to be the dress she showed off after the Chunin Exams, but hey, she deserved to let loose for once and show off her own beauty.

As she dressed in this flashy, princess-like attire, Xiang thought about what would happen once they all started in the competition. How far was she going to get? Was she to be one of the unlucky sods that got eliminated first? Would she be the winner? Maybe at the middle, in the semi-finals? Would she have to fight Ting? Or Sachi? Maybe Yoshi? Maybe all of them would be much stronger, too. There was little that held her back, but she wanted to be able to face strong opponents that challenged her strength as much as she did there's. Otherwise, fights like that were no fun, and there was no point in fights that went to one side completely. Fights like those were not what she wanted to be known for.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, Xiang would exit her house, the heels she had on clicking lightly upon the grey concrete as she approached Ting, her eyes sparkling in the light of the moon. There was a slight doubt in her brewing, conflicted mind that felt like her friend might not like it, but she also hoped that maybe she could love it as much as she did. What's the point of dressing pretty if no one else thinks you are, after all? With a light blush on her face, she'd consider on whatever her friend was doing, before clearing her throat, and saying, "S-sorry about the wait...I ended up running into my dad. But hey, I'm here now...what do you think of the dress? I was going to wear this the day I became a Chunin, but, I figured since I had that coma, that I'd show it off to you, it's pretty good dinner attire, don't you think? Well, let's go ahead and go to the place you mentioned now. I'm ready to stuff ourselves with meat and rice."

"This is the beginning of a new life, Ting. Let us make the best of it!"

[Current WC: 1746 + 3760 = 5506]



The idea that some of the people who lived just around the perimeter of the Hyūga compound had worked their way up in society from scratch was a pleasant idea. Ting liked to believe maybe some people didn’t have things handed to them on a silver platter. Xiang’s idea that ones circumstances of birth ought not have any impact on what they can make of themselves was also a very reassuring glimmer of hope. By now the young Hyūga would have realized that Ting didn’t come from much at all. Walking through the fall evening in her red dress brought quite a bit of attention, unfortunately much of it was brought to her by the whistling and cat-calling of random men in the side of the streets. It dimmed down intensely as the two young women entered into the compound. Still red in the face with some frustration and embarrassment toward the strange men in the streets, Ting would listen carefully to Xiang as she pointed out the hammock and expressed that she ought to enter her home alone to avoid waking her parents. Respecting her wishes, Ting would wait patiently for Xiang to enter her home before looking over at the comfortable looking hammock supported by rather sturdy looking trees.

To be frank, she had never seen a hammock before in her entire life. They looked scary to her, as if one wrong move would place one face down in the dirt. As Ting looked all around to make sure nobody was watching, she would slowly lower her bottom into the comfortable thing, adjusting herself to a comfortable sitting position. Balancing herself upon the thing was not hard at all, making her wonder why she had spent so many years terrified of the idea of them. Careful not to expose herself unnecessarily, Ting would raise one leg onto the hammock, stabilize herself, and then bring up the other. Now steady and comfortable, she would lay her head back and let out a deep sigh as her head nestled into the pillow beneath her. She wondered about what sort of conversations and excitement they were having inside the very nice looking house. If her parents were even half as pleased as Ting had been, it would be quite a sight to see. the only sight Ting would be seeing for next several minutes, however, was the back of her eyelids. Complete comfort and solace, cradled by the suspended bed. She was at peace with herself, like some sort of wise old sage smiling to herself in slumber. Dreams of all manner of antler possessing creatures would pass through her tired mind like a high speed slideshow until only one remained. A powerful looking elk looked upon her with glossy red eyes. His antlers were impressive, and his fur was entirely white. The albino elk would flee the scene as Ting jolted to consciousness and sat up to see her friend, dressed in an elegant glittering blue dress adorned with delightful white ribbon.

Oh my god, you look absolutely stunning. Are you some sort of princess?” Ting would say with a geniune smile, rushing over to Xiang to observe more closely. It was the sort of dress that one would expect to see an ambassador at a high aclass ball wearing. The blue haired girl could only gaze over it in awe, having never seen anything quite as lovely as Xiang in that dress.

Come now, my fair lady. We must reach the royal teriyaki lounge posthaste!” Ting would playfully take Xiang by the hand and lead her out of the compound, back toward the destination they had been preparing for the last hour or so. The young medic’s stomach grumbled and growled periodically as the two overly dressed women walked through the evening streets of Konoha like queens. When they finally did make their arrival at the little restaurant, they’d find it completely empty aside from the two of them. The staff would treat them with exemplary service and the food was that sort of quickly prepared, delicious sort that would could only get from a place as tucked away as this one. The two young women would enjoy a night of laughter and pleasantries, leading deep into the night before they would consider departing.

[Exit Thread]

723 | 5695

Stat Training

  • Strength: D-1 ~> D-3 (850)
  • Speed: D-0 ~> D-3 (1175)
  • Endurance: D-0 ~> D-3 (1175)
  • Perception: D-0 ~> D-3 (1175)
  • Reaction Time: D-0 ~> D-3 (1175)

Total WC Needed: 5695/5550

WC Discarded: 145

Xiang Hyuga

Xiang Hyuga

The response she ended up getting from Ting was more than just acceptable, for damn sure. Though the crimson blush on her face ended up intensifying from her friend's compliments, she was still definitely happy with it, even twirling for her as well just to show off a bit more. It did occur to her that she may or may not be going a little overboard, but at the same time, she felt like she didn't care at this point. Right now, all she wanted to do was have a fun night out with her girl friend, eat a crap ton of food, then regret it in the morning because of tummy aches. This was a time to celebrate before her eventual recuperation, in time for the Chunin Exams. There were many surprises in store for her, but she also held some herself, and she was ready to cause the audience to gasp in awe of her skill. Hopefully, one day, she'd even be praised as the greatest swordswoman in history. Until then, however, the little things were what mattered. Anyway, as a reaction to Ting's exclamation, she gasped, "P-Princess? Well, I never would consider myself as that...heh...I'm not from the major loyal line of our Clan. That being said, I appreciate your words..."

Xiang brought in Ting for a hug, though was quickly interrupted by being held by the hand and dragged away. They seemed to be going with the princess theme, so she decided to stick with it anyway. Being the royal one, she of course stepped with as much grace as she could muster, considering she was still somewhat weak. Yet every step she took towards that teriyaki goodness seemed to give her strength. Nothing was going to stop them from eating the holy grail of foods! Well, it was kind of special considering it was coma wake up food.

Throughout the night, of course, they had a swell time. While Ting got her craving for teriyaki sated, Xiang herself decided to get a plate that was full of spicy honey sauce goodness. From there she even challenged her friend to a spice tolerance competition. Whoever won was up to debate, but both probably left that night with a flow of discontent in their bottoms. That's just kinda what happens when you eat too much spicy foods. At least it was fun! And when they had finally gotten each other home, Xiang decided to go to bed for once rather than train for the rest for the night. She needed the rest, and it's not like she should have done much anyway. If she was to be ready for the exams, what she truly needed to do now was simply relax, and that's it. So, with her heart unburdened, stress relieved, and a full belly, she fell asleep soundly, content with dreams of the Chunin Exams filling up her little head. Such a good night for her!


[Current WC: 501 + 5506 = 6007]

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