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1Leeches, Serpents and a Jackal [Private] Empty Leeches, Serpents and a Jackal [Private] Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:35 pm



It really amazed Rokumaru how quickly life could drain away from somewhere, seeming to dwindle further and further every day while at the risk of dying completely, before suddenly flooding the area within a matter of days. He was able to see it happen first hand with Sunagakure, seeing the village continue to stagnate without any considerable wins or advances, it’s admittedly inevitable fall and the short period of inactivity that followed immediately after. Looking back he had thought that would be the final chapter for Kaze no Kuni, that the nation would be forgotten in the wake of the remaining villages’ schemes and exist as a desolate and forsaken land once more.

Apparently this was not the case, as Roku had forgotten to include the inevitable wave of foreigners coming to his home and picking through its corpse for themselves. Or he had wanted to think it wouldn’t happen; either one. It had come regardless, the village shinobi appearing in droves to recruit those who still dwelled here and show their dominance over the fallen Sand. When it would end was anybody’s guess, and how far they various factions would go to carry out their schemes could only be speculated on. No one would risk war over the dwindling resources that still lay within the borders, but having numerous powerful shinobi with agendas in the same place was asking for trouble. Trouble that he could not resolve himself, despite the home-field advantage the desert gave him. Rokumaru was forced to observe the outsiders decide the fate of his home and could do nothing to stop it.

One day, of course, they would all be forced to recognize his authority in this desert when the very sand beneath them could collapse and seal them beneath the surface, or when titanic waves of ochre stretched higher and wider than they could hope to escape from. Only due to his own weakness, stemming from a mixture of the poor mentoring from those within Suna and his own complacency, was he unable to make his voice heard in the discussion of Suna’s fate. Just one more refugee, forced to accept the changes brought about by those who could have kept this whole disaster from happening.

At first the redhead had been extremely upset, impotent rage ruining his days as he watched foreign dogs trample over sacred ground, rifling though the ruins for the belongings of the dead. Now, while not completely over it, Roku tried to feel indifferent towards the fate of this land and its people. He never had a stake in Wind Country itself, only to the village it contained. And the unyielding loyalty he felt toward that glassed graveyard was only due to the fact his heritage and because his loved ones occupied the desert settlement. Without anyone left here to come home to, there was no point fighting. The Daimyo was only important to him when the man was funding the village; whatever he was doing now, Roku felt no obligation to flock to his cause.

There was no one left he actually wanted to support, which was extremely frustrating for someone who felt useless if he could not serve. The villages were all pleased to have a competitor removed from the game and shed no tears despite their empathetic public stances; his ancestors would damn him if he aided those who they had opposed for countless generations. None of them even had anything exciting planned for the desert: Konoha seemed genuine in their recruiting and aid efforts, but that was to get their own share of the plunder. Kumo was being much more active in their plundering, which he respected as the village did not disguise their pragmatic and professional approach to the situation. Kiri and Iwa were wild cards both, but neither were especially inspiring when it came to foreign opinion. So, Rokumaru watched as they all scurried about, deciding this had become a vacation for as long as they villages were offering aid to those in the area.

Thinking about who could possibly still be alive, the redhead had not failed to notice he had not heard a single thing about anyone he had close contact with in the village. His squad was gone, Kazekage was gone, Hayo had moved his family somewhere else, and his own family were corpses buried somewhere in the Sabaku compound. All very discouraging, likely traumatizing if the boy had never been so withdrawn and introverted, but somehow he managed. What helped him considerably was knowing that he had not been the only one to escape the carnage wrought by the Sarutobi and the turncloak. It took him several days after arriving in and adjusting to the harsh dry heat of his homeland, but the redhead eventually remembered not all who he was in contact with before the fall of the village had been killed or fled.

In fact, from the appearance of the settlement the Jackal had raised between two tall dunes of sand just a short distance from the ruins itself, Roku figured the shady man had succeeded in becoming the most influential Suna native around. Sick of the incessant chirping of the Konoha-nin with their recruiting, the redhead had harassed those who encountered him until he had finally been pointed to a spot just a short walk from the ruins of the village itself. Apparantly this was the place the rogue had been hiding out at since the attack, and Roku had heard absolutely nothing about his activity in the area. Even in the face of foreign invasion the Jackal did not involve himself.

Deciding the man had the right idea all along, Rokumaru intended to visit him again after several long months and see how he had fared since their time on their own. He seemed to be doing well as a community had sprung up around the man. The stone dwellings dotting the land between the dunes that had been raised using Doton seemed to be his handiwork, an unusually altruistic gesture from someone he knew so little about, and it spoke well for his character that he had done something to help those displaced by the attack. Stopping at the well that was centrally located in the settlement to refill his own supply, the redhead called out to a group of boys wrestling in the sand, asking them if this was where the Jackal lived.

Their enthusiastic confirmations were amusing to hear, as it seemed the man was well liked by those who resided here. By revealing he had been a Suna-nin and an associate of Myugan’s the boy’s were happy to tell him what they could, and he was curious about what the Jackal had been up to these past few months. Stars in their eyes, he learned that using his influence and skill as a shinobi Myugan has become some sort of tribal leader to these people. Many of the groups who remained in the Land of Wind recognized his authority and gave him tribute, actually making him a pretty effective warlord. Had the Jackal been at his maximum potential strength, Roku was sure a large majority of those who dwelled here would join him outright from fear.

Dressed in his flak jacket that had yet to become soiled since being laundered in Konoha, people were able to see his familiar Suna attire long before his gleaming hitai-ate came into view. He saw no faces he recognized among the people who lived here, but it was almost therapeutic being able to speak with so many former denizens of the Sand. One middle aged woman with horrendous burns marring her back and shoulders shared his lamentation about the destruction of the indoor oasis that had now likely sunk into the sand, and another man who once managed the Mystical Glass Museum appeared rather offended when the boy admitted he never had the chance to tour the building. He had so much in common with these people that he almost felt at home again, and he vowed to never take what little he had for granted again.

Hoping to speak with the Jackal himself, Roku continued to hang around the well that the small settlement was centered around, unusually talkative as he spoke to those that rested from their daily chores with a water break. He would keep an eye out for the man he had come to speak to, trying to remember what exactly Ryu looked like.


Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu was just coming back from a rather important interception of some small supplies. Looted treasures of the sand bound to head to the south into a sea port and likely never to be seen again. Of course he simply could not allow this. Either out of some mistaken sense of pride or perhaps just because he wanted them himself, he had moved to collect them. Perhaps in a way they were his now. He was a part of Suna, the true suna anyway. They were a part of Suna's history and wealth. Thus his reasoning was sound that he hadn't stolen anything but instead retrieved what should be his to begin with. He would smile at that reasoning. His men with him, just two of them had created a couple of nice distractions. What guard had remained had been easy to deal with. Simple looters. Still it was good to have used some tactics. Rumors of someone power housing through an entire bandit caravan would not help him. If anything it might even slap an indicator right on his back. This way he could bury this bunch and only the three of them would even know he had it. Clever he was.

Still he had just crested the top of the dune when he noticed the people gathering around the well and the distant sounds of enjoyment. Odd but not entirely unusual. Ryu stood on top of the dune and considered his options. He could figure out what was going on below and avoid it, Let what good would come of it happen without his interference. Or he could go and investigate. Likely taking over the scene quickly and taking their lack of melancholy away for a moment more. He would sigh before adjusting his turban. His robes and turban the color of the sands around them. Allowing them to blend in if they moved slowly enough or far enough away. His two companions already were sliding down the hill. Removing the bandanna's from around their face as they moved down to celebrate another job well done. There were no Casualties or even injuries on their side this time so it was worth while. Still Ryu would tuck his turban around his face leaving just his one glowing blue eye revealed as he would slide down the dune too. Kicking up a little dust as he did but keeping a low profile.

It would only be a small bit before he was down among the crowd. His steps careful as he kept low. Moving between person to person carefully. Only shifting when the targets gaze was directed else where as he focused on moving around behind him. Soon enough he recognized the kid. A sabaku from some time ago. One who had wished to learn some doton but he had never heard from again. Not until now anyway. A suna shinobi and one who he had not known to be on his side of the law. How interesting that he would happen across him now. Was the timing due to the treasure he just acquired? He hadn't done much to investigate where they were going but perhaps it was someone looking to claim something from a lost home. One thing he knew, Shinobi in the sands were rarely his friends and rarer still his allies. Still he would move to be behind him before suddenly moving full pace through the crowd. Sliding to step up with one hand on his should and the other gloved hand with the palm directed to the small of the kids back as it hummed. A sense of power emenating like a vibration up against his spine as he held the kid there. Leaning forward and whispering into his ear. A gruff voice as the crowd grew quiet.

"What's your business sand slinger? Shinobi don't come ere without somethin in mind. Now fore you think of bein funny, that hummin noise is a suggestion that I am one finger twitch away from puttin you in a chair permanently. Feel me?"




The thin redhead grew more and more impressed with this small settlement and the one who had built it as each minute passed. It felt much more calm and tranquil than the other camps and ruins that Roku had been to since his arrival back in Kaze no Kuni, as it seemed to lack the atmosphere of sorrow and confusion that had gripped what remained of the village. The people here were homogeneously Suna-born and that alone was a comfort; so many foreigners with schemes and ambitions had unexpectedly arrived in his home, but these people simply tried to live their life in peace. Though whether the Jackal wanted the same was another story; the Sabaku had to wonder how the Myugan managed to keep so many people to stay here and support him, though this well was certainly a big draw. Groundwater found in the Land of Wind had a tendency to be a bit, well, sandy if the wells or pipes that drew it from the earth were low quality, but the crisp waters here were pure and refreshing. He hoped no one minded that he had drained three full canteens in the last ten minutes; it was difficult finding non-chakra water in the desert without relying on the charity of the foreigners, and drinking his Suiton techniques only recycled what little fluid he had left.

Rokumaru had been speaking with an older couple after the younger folk coming to see who the stranger in the camp was had returned to their duties when a commotion from atop one of the two high dunes to the sides of the village drew his attention. Some figures garbed in cloth turbans had returned to the camp, sliding down the dune smoothly, but though the older couple had noticed them after following his gaze they did not seem alarmed by the new arrivals; Rokumaru brushed them off as some of the Jackal’s goons returning from some task, and simply waited for someone official to approach him and ask his business. Ignoring the figures who had disappeared from his sight, the teen returned to his conversation with the couple about his brief stay in Konoha.

The sudden crunching of sand very close to his person that Roku, frighteningly enough, would not have heard if not for his chakra-enhanced perception warned the teen that someone had entered his personal space with brisk speed, but this did not meet he could react before a thick hand was gripping his shoulder while a very warm, vibrating presence was rested against the base of his spine. The teen in question was internally thankful that his body had locked up in surprise and fear as he made no sudden movements while a rough voice spoke directly into his ear.

The man identified him as ‘sand slinger’ immediately and because Roku had not worn his gourd openly, the man knew him. It had been months since he spoke with any shinobi from the village and his already poor memory meant he could not identify the voice instantly; his mind was much more focused on whatever the stranger was threatening him with. The masked man demanded to know his business here, as apparantly it was suspicious for a shinobi to be around this area. The voice warned him against doing anything to resist as the humming noise was just the byproduct of something that would paralyze him. This was a sound suggestion to Roku’s ears and he nodded slightly, keeping his hands where they were.

Glad that his thirst had been quenched, his voice was not dry but rather clear and even as he spoke. “This was meant to be a social call, as unlikely as that seems, but had I known the Jackal’s policy towards guests I would have sent a letter.” Rokumaru stopped suddenly, replaying the fact that this stranger knew who he was when so few of the Jackal’s associates could say the same. Taller than he was, a similar build to the one he met that day in the slums. “Wait... Ryu?” The sudden realization that it was the Jackal himself who was threatening the boy with a severed spine was an unexpected turn that he had not anticipated before showing up, and he turned his head to catch the smallest glimpse of the man in his peripheral vision.

A cloth turban obscured his face and the redhead realized one of the recent arrivals had been who he had come to see, but the hostile welcome made Roku wonder what sort of development the Jackal had gone through since the destruction of their home. Oh that’s right, he remembered after a few moments: what else did a powerful shinobi do in an anarchic land besides warlording? Using his skills to steal from the foreigners to give to himself and these people, which likely meant that the man viewed anyone not under his control as a potential threat. Maybe he even thought Roku had joined up with one of the Hidden Villages that swarmed the area, suspecting some plot on the redhead’s part. Well if he did have some plot, Roku certainly wouldn’t have stood around the well guzzling water and making small talk with the locals.

Recovering from his surprise, Rokumaru explained himself. “I don’t intend to interfere with anything going on here, Jackal. I’m a dog off it’s leash without the village and don’t serve anybody, I just returned to Suna after hearing about all these outsiders poking about in the ruins; I’m not here to stop whatever you’re doing. Just wanted to chat.” He desperately hoped the man accepted his offer, or at least let him scurry off with his nervous system intact after declining, as Rokumaru did not doubt the Jackal would feel the grains of sand shifting if he tried to defend himself. They both stood on meters and meters of sand, which the redhead felt tingling in subconscious anxiety as he fought the urge to force the material into sharp spikes beneath the rogue’s feet. Completely at the man’s mercy, Roku simply stood motionless and looked into his reflection in the well as he waited to see what the Jackal would do.

1050 | 2473

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu would listen to the kid before considering his words. He had his doubts but that didn't mean he had to snap the kids spine out of some misguided paranoia. The issue was that he had no way of knowing if he was telling the truth. The moment he lowered his hand he lost his advantage. A Sabaku between two huge sand dunes? It was like asking to simply be buried and over with. Even a genin would be dangerous in their current setting. If he recalled Rokumaru was no genin. Always with a misguided sense of justice though. Chasing criminals he had no business chasing after. Even considering in one conversation eventually bringing Ryu in. Well at the moment Ryu held all the power. In the palm of his hand he held control and reason. Still he wasn't one to maim the innocent. He knew who was to blame for all of it but she was beyond him. Perhaps he was just frustrated at his own lack of ability. His blue eye shifted to the older couple watching expectantly. Eager to see what their leader would choose but worried that this was a darker path than they could follow at their age. He could see fear in their eyes and he did not like it.

For a moment he would grind his teeth considering his options. In the end though he decided he was no evil tyrant. The people need not fear him. Respect was enough for him. Still he would hold back a scoff and instead click his tongue against his front teeth in frustration. Moving His humming hand away from the kids back and releasing his shoulder. If the kid had been there looking for a fight there were more subtle ways. If anything Ryu had to realize when fear was conquering him and push back. Just because the snake witch was on his list didn't mean everyone was. Still he would step around the kid and nod to those around. Sending them on their way before turning and sitting his rump down on the edge of the well. A nifty find for a budding village in the desert indeed. It wasn't a flowing channel yet but all good things in good time. His eye would take in the traveled kid in his warrior garb and he would cross his arms. Speaking his mind as he liked.

"A dog off its leash but still attached to his collar eh? Yeah there are some looters here and there but I handle what I need to of it. Not that anyone is coming back. Either dead or living better lives now. Escaping this shit hole"

Still he would lean back and glance east. He was still smuggling people across the border. People attempting to abandon ship. Suna was a sinking passage way of despair and pain. There was no saving it. Still the hum of his glove would slowly begin to fade like a motor powering down. All this talk of dogs and leashes. Kid sure was funny. Still Ryu would eye him. Trying to force direct eye contact with the kid. He wanted to always know who he was dealing with. It was the eyes that told all. Still he would consider his next words. Still watching for funny movements in the peripherals. He was on edge but he had a right to be. "So you want to chat eh? What about? Who is responsible? What can be done? Its simple. You stand your ground or you run, No one said it gets better. I stood my ground, you ran. So whatchu doing back?"




The reflection across the well water did not reveal what was pressed to his back as Rokumaru obscured most of its surface, so rather than think of a way to deal with whatever was threatening his spinal column the teen waited patiently and hoped his old acqauntaince had not lost his mind. That he even thought the redhead was up to a bit of tomfoolery was absurd and, frankly, insulting. This wasn’t a camp of sweaty foreigners who’ve come to despoil, they were Suna-folk! Unless the Jackal was more concerned about his own well-being and expected Roku to be here to take him in, which actually seemed to be the likely reason he wouldn’t even speak to the boy without leverage. Paralysis was enough leverage for him, and Roku wondered if it was a Taijutsu technique that was making that droning humming noise or some sort of Ninjutsu.

Thankfully the humming noise died down and the Jackal released his grip on the boy, though the redhead did not immediately respond to the movement. The older man sent his people off nonverbally and sat against the edge of the well where Rokumaru was facing, peering at him through the cloth disguise he wore. Myugan acknowledged the outsiders who had come to loot with indifference, stating that he handled them when he saw fit. And he seemed to insinuate that there was no reason to be particularly alarmed at all by them, as he thought that no one would bother to return to the ruins anyway. He had a very dim view of this land now that it had been shattered and described it as a shithole, which was not at all a false observation but still struck Roku as cold nonetheless. Had he expected the Jackal to be warm, to share his disquiet regarding the fallen village and what remained? Youthful naivety, one thing that he could forgive himself for.

The man looked into the distance as he crossed his arms, appearing very guarded and on edge to the redhead, and Rokumaru did not move from his spot in fear of provoking the Jackal further. If he could guess, this life had already taken a toll on the man, for he seemed almost paranoid by the way he treated a former Suna-nin who was really just a boy compared to him. If he had spent these months consolidating power by fighting and raiding then it was likely a habit for the man to be on alert. Roku had hoped for a friendlier reunion but he had not been killed or sent away, so he took what he could get. Hard to complain after all they’d been through this past year.

Myugan questioned the redhead about what brought him here, an ordinary chat seeming far fetched. It appeared he was intent on being dismissive towards Roku, claiming that there was little left to do but run away or stand your ground, and that Roku had been one to run away. Now he was not insinuating insults but speaking them outright, and the redhead turned to look at him with a glare. A single blue eye peeked from behind the cloth, and Rokumaru narrowed his eyes at it.

If you stood your ground then how do you still live? Everyone who stood their ground died in that pyre. If you stood yours then why have they gotten away with massacring our people and destroying our legacy?” Rokumaru turned to face the Jackal entirely, upset by the man’s words when he had been corial and submissive the whole time. “If I ran away, then what have you been doing that absolves you of blame? You did not show up to fight the Sarutobi nor his associates either, so don’t begin to implicate me as a coward.

The man likely viewed his warmongering as ‘standing his ground’, what exactly did he expect Rokumaru to do? What was he running away from besides a glass graveyard, an increasingly forgotten corner of the world that no longer mattered? Crossing his arms, the redhead looked around at the settlement he stood in. “I ran away from the attack because I wasn’t going to become a corpse to retain my honor. I wasn’t strong enough to do anything, but neither were you. Let’s not speak about who ran away or who hid like a meek pup.

Feeling he had indulged his insolence enough, Roku turned again to the Jackal and gestured at one of the stone buildings that surrounded them. “I’ve actually come to see how you’ve been since the fall of Suna, and to see a familiar face. You are regarded as the most influential native that still inhabits the area, so I suppose I should be paying my respects as well.” That part may have been overlooked on account of the welcome he received, but it was initially the goal. “You have done better than I could have at keeping this group supplied and safe, and the altruism of the whole thing is something I did not expect to see from you.

Uncrossing his arms, Roku hesitated before continuing. “What exactly do you plan to do now? I doubt someone as enigmatic as you would be content to lord over this chunk of the desert for the rest of his life. My ambitions lead me to foreign lands, but what keeps you here? Surely it can’t be some newfound pride for your place of birth.

923 | 3396

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

“If you stood your ground then how do you still live? Everyone who stood their ground died in that pyre. If you stood yours then why have they gotten away with massacring our people and destroying our legacy?” Rokumaru took the initiative then and turned to face the Jackal entirely, clearly he was upset by the man’s words when he had been cordial and submissive the whole time. “If I ran away, then what have you been doing that absolves you of blame? You did not show up to fight the Sarutobi nor his associates either, so don’t begin to implicate me as a coward.”

Calmly Ryu would glance at him with that blue eye before slowly he would take off his turban. Letting the dark hair fall out of it to about waist length. His eye patch with the Jackal symbol on it still clearly designed. A couple new scars here and there but he didn't seem to pay it any mind. Going about collecting a bucket of water as the boy continued. “I ran away from the attack because I wasn’t going to become a corpse to retain my honor. I wasn’t strong enough to do anything, but neither were you. Let’s not speak about who ran away or who hid like a meek pup.” Roku turned again to the Jackal and gestured in some way at one of the stone buildings that surrounded them. Though to be honest the Jackal seemed to only glance up a moment to look as he continued to soak his turban. “I’ve actually come to see how you’ve been since the fall of Suna, and to see a familiar face. You are regarded as the most influential native that still inhabits the area, so I suppose I should be paying my respects as well.You have done better than I could have at keeping this group supplied and safe, and the altruism of the whole thing is something I did not expect to see from you.”

The boy would uncross his arms and seem a little hesitant now that his outburst was done. “What exactly do you plan to do now? I doubt someone as enigmatic as you would be content to lord over this chunk of the desert for the rest of his life. My ambitions lead me to foreign lands, but what keeps you here? Surely it can’t be some newfound pride for your place of birth.” As he finished Ryu would quietly finish ringing out his turban before wiping his face with the cool and wet cloth. Letting it cool him a moment before tilting his head. Not once did he frown or growl, he didn't glare or speak back. He was silent for the tantrum. Of course his temper was not. He was not a reasonable man after a point. While Rokumaru had some points in his side of the argument, Ryu had been listening more to the tone. As the boy finished with a question Ryu would look down at the heavy, wet turban and suddenly he would move. The cloth snapping out between Rokumaru's eyes to try and cause a flinch before suddenly it was open and flying over his head. An item used to block his vision and then attempt to capture his head. It would be wet and thick. Hard to breath through at the very least. The open handed smack that followed was meant to be strong enough to take him to the ground. If he succeeded Ryu would crouch next to the kid. Knee's bent so he was almost sitting on his ankles as he rested his hands on his knees. Casually tilting his head as he spoke his turn. His voice cold but not filled with rage. Simply teaching a pup out of its place.

"Now, lets be clear about somethin here. I went out of my way to save everyone in my path. I may not have fought and died against the source but I made sure Suna lived on. It ain't the village see, its the people. Now if that doesn't earn me a status above mutt, we can have words. As for why I stay thats my business. You wanna do business I can do that, But I ain't all hugs and kisses these days. Other nations are stompin round my land, and I intend to do shit bout it. So step up or, stay the night, eat a meal and drink, then be on your way in the mornin. I won't have someone spreading dismay over lost dirt and blood to people that are fine without it."




His memory of what the Jackal had been like was vague and unclear yet distant from his mind as Rokumaru snapped back verbally at the man when called a coward, but he remembered enough about their encounter that day to be uneasy about how patient and calm the man was in spite of his barbed words. Rather than become upset when the redhead disputed any claim that Ryu had stood his ground, or when he insinuated that the man had cowered from the ones who had laid waste to their village, he simply unwrapped the cloth wrap from his head to reveal the familiar dark locks of his hair and listened as his younger guest rambled on. The life of a warlord seemed to be taking its toll, as his face was marred by dark scars that had definitely not been there months ago when they had first met.

The Jackal collected water from the well they stood beside passively, and his lack of a reaction eventually bolstered his younger counterpart’s confidence; obviously Rokumaru had struck a nerve by reversing the man’s accusations of cowardice back onto him, for he could say nothing to defend himself. Nor should he. What right did he have to scold a mere Chuunin for failing to stop the attack that had ended the lives of hundreds of his superiors? Doing anything besides what he had done would have resulted in another corpse buried beneath glass and sand, though a more handsome corpse than the average. Trying to cast the blame on anyone was simply provoking an argument and Rokumaru felt justified in snapping at the man verbally while he soaked the cloth turban he had worn in the well water and wringed the water out.

Trying to steer the conversation to a less controversial topic Rokumaru stated the reason for his visit was both to see how the man had fared since their last meeting as well as to satisfy his curiosity. He then questioned what kept the Jackal here in the desert when there was so little left staying for, and expressed his doubt that it was because of any attachment to their former home. Said Jackal did not immediately answer the boy’s questions and instead methodically wiped his face with the wet turban, cleaning the dried sweat from his skin. He had to be in thought after what Roku had said and was likely choosing his words carefully, so the redhead stood by silently and patiently for the man to respond.

Ryu looked down at the wet cloth in his hands, Rokumaru doing the same absent-mindedly. His mind was not absent enough to miss the sudden movement Ryu made as he lashed the turban at the redhead’s face, causing the teen to stumble back in surprise at the unexpectedly aggressive movement. The Jackal advanced on him and forced the saturated cloth over Roku’s face which stole his breath; the redhead had recovered enough from his surprise to accept that the Jackal was attacking him and released the grip he had on the man’s thick forearm to gesture his sand into a spike to defend himself. An unseen blow from the man’s open hand across his face slapped the thought from his mind and sent him tumbling to his knees.

The boy recovered his balance before reaching up to tear the wet turban from his face and breathed deeply after doing so before coughing out inhaled water, crumpling the cloth in his hand as he realized the Jackal was speaking to him. Through the ringing in his left ear he heard the Myugan set the record straight about his supposed cowardice, instead pointing out that though he had not defeated the source of the attack, he continued to do what he could to keep the Sand alive. That though he could not save the village, he had saved the lives of these people, and that his reasons for staying were private. In his own words the Jackal said he was no longer willing to play nice, at least not while there were foreign nations who encroached upon his land, and that he would not let such inteference go unpunished. Though his cheek ached and the water he had sucked into his lungs was not fully expelled, Rokumaru felt that those words were more in line with the heavy-handed rogue he had been expecting. The redhead returned to his feet, upset about being struck but having the sense to know it was deserved, and tossed the wet turban that had been wrapped around his face back at it’s owner’s chest.

The Jackal was apparantly finished speaking about the topic, as he ordered the boy to either step up and help or enjoy his stay while he could before shoving off. He made it clear that Roku’s morose lamenting of their fallen village to the people here was unwelcome as they were perfectly content to live with its absence. It seemed harsh, but the man said himself that the times had caused him to take a harder approach to life, so Roku did not express the frustration he felt at having his woes dismissed. The prospect of a bit of food and drink sounded rather appealing to him as well, and he did not want to draw his acquaintance’s ire and get himself booted from the camp. Rubbing the cheek that was only barely throbbing now, though darkening with a shallow bruise, he nodded and looked back at the well.

As long as you’re unhappy with foreign dogs in our lands like I am, I’m satisfied.” Dropping his hand and folding his arms across his chest, Rokumaru continued. “And I won’t turn down a meal if you’re offering. I might even tell you about my brief stay in Konoha and a man I met there, if you keep those hands away from my face.” Trying to lighten the mood, though sincerely hoping that was the end of the abuse that came his way, Rokumaru tried to weasel the Jackal into sharing a meal and talking even further. “I can guarantee all the insolence has been slapped out of me.

1041 | 4437

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

His series of assaults had landed their mark effectively. It was a cheap move but he took every advantage he could. Had he been aiming to kill him that strike to the head would of been a dagger to the throat or with his gauntlet to the temple. Neither were good ways to die. Still he watched the young man sputter and prepared a little doton energy to throw up a defense. Typically people were pissed when put into a more humble place. No one wanted to go there. So Ryu would watch carefully with his one shining blue eye. The kid had fucked around and found out. That was the point. Still the kid would cough and Ryu would tilt his head. That attack had been effective. It was satisfying. Still the kid would rise to his feet nursing his pride and his face. Ryu wasn't unaware of the dangers of a Sabaku in the desert though. If a fool wished to die he would ignore that fact. Still Ryu would straighten to his feet as the kid did. Brushing himself off as Ryu watched him closely for any hint of attack heading his way. Not many people remained calm after getting slapped after all.

Still Ryu would listen with an attentive ear as the kid spoke in a light hearted tone. “As long as you’re unhappy with foreign dogs in our lands like I am, I’m satisfied.” Dropping his hand and folding his arms across his chest, Rokumaru continued. “And I won’t turn down a meal if you’re offering. I might even tell you about my brief stay in Konoha and a man I met there, if you keep those hands away from my face.I can guarantee all the insolence has been slapped out of me.” Folded arms and a lack of insolent tone in his voice. Ryu was fairly satisfied. His tense muscles relaxed as he forced himself to be calm. Even an admittance to his wrongdoing. Hell this turned out better than he had imagined. Still he would nod before reaching up casually and placing a firm hand on the boys shoulder. Turning him with a few words. "To my dome than. Got some dried meats and a special kind of cactus water there. You'll see." With that Ryu would direct him towards his dome if allowed. Always keeping within contact and reach. Not trusting letting a ninjutsu specialist out of his reach but seemingly a friendly gesture.

Ryu would shift the flap to his dome to the side and step in. Letting the young man see his living space. Furs littered the floor everywhere but there seemed to be some sort of chakra powered lamps within. As soon as any of them would step inside the lamps would dimly light just from their passive power output. As Soon as Ryu would enter though they would brighten up as he actually focused on them slightly. The flap falling behind him before he walked passed them. As he walked from under the furs two stone stools with backs would rise up from the furs. Keeping the fur on them for padding. Ryu would settle back on one before reaching into a chest. Within was some dried meat and bread. He would collect a couple loafs. Tossing one to Rokumaru along with an equal sized chunk of mystery meat. Though it smelled nice. The peppered seasoning made it salivatingly good. Still Ryu would rip open his own bread and tuck the jerky into it. Grabbing a glass bottle filled with a white liquid before chugging a sip and then capping it. Biting into his sandwich before tossing the drink to Rokumaru. The smell of vodka heavy in it.

"So? Where you been? Whatchu been doin?"




The Jackal seemed pacified by the lack of any visible hostility or distress as a result of Rokumaru taking a waterlogged shirt and open palm to the face, and the redhead stomped down any malicious feelings that were brewing in his subconscious. He should have known better to irritate the man who spent the last several months in this barren wasteland fighting off rivals to consolidate power; Ryu likely would not have the patience to put up with Roku’s usual brand of backtalk and playful hostility. That he was indulging the teen at all was something to be thankful for, and provoking him was the worst possible option at the moment. The man still eyed him with intensity but that seemed to be normal behavior for him, so the redhead did not take any more offence to it than he had with the hostile greeting.

Ryu nodded at his younger counterpart’s words, reaching over to grasp the redhead’s shoulder amicably. In his now expected direct and curt manner of speaking the Jackal invited the boy into his dome to satisfy their hunger while they continued speaking, pushing Rokumaru along by his shoulder even before receiving a reply. Rokumaru, for his part, intended to agree regardless and allowed himself to be lead off to one of the earth structures by the firm grip pushing him along. He did think for a moment that he could handle the short walk off to the Jackal’s den by himself just fine, but did not pull his shoulder away; he had defaulted to the behavior of doing as he was bid silently while waiting to speak only after spoken to. Behavior that was deeply entrenched in his mind from his time as a village-nin, and it brought back memories of the fonder times when he allowed others to order him around mine this. The two men walked in silence to the earth dome where the Jackal resided.

Ryu pushed aside the flap that hung over the entrance to his dome and stepped inside, his redheaded acquaintance following close behind. The dome had various rugs and mats made from animal fur scattered around the sandy ground to make the place more comfortable, and several dim lamps illuminated the room despite the lack of any visible electrical wiring. They flared in brightness in the face of the Jackal’s focus, and Roku understood they were powered by chakra. A bit ominous was the stone furniture that seemed to rise from the very earth, something the redhead couldn’t help but watch slowly emerge from the ground with a puzzled look, but he took a seat on one after Ryu reclined on the other. Overall it did not have the decadent and extravagant furnishings that Rokumaru expected to find in the abode of a village leader; the spartan approach to decoration seemed fitting in such a simple settlement, and likely reflected the cold professional approach to life the Jackal seemed to have. Or maybe they just had different requirements to be comfortable, with the older man being easier to satisfy than his neurotic young counterpart

From a chest nestled against the wall of the dome the Myugan retrieved several bundles of food, bread and what smelled like a spiced, dried meat before tossing one of each to his guest. Rokumaru caught both and nodded appreciatively to Ryu, internally planning to bring an offering of his own next time he sought out the Jackal. What did the man enjoy, he had to wonder. Probably a good brawl, maybe being asked for mercy or washing someone’s blood from his knuckles. But the more mundane interests that everyone had were not so apparent in the bronze-skinned man who he sat beside. Surely he had creature comforts that Rokumaru could exploit. The redhead followed the darker one’s example and placed the meat inside the bread before consuming it, immediately appreciating the flavor of spiced meat that was leagues better than the dried snake scraps he more or less survived off of.

Ryu reached for a clear glass bottle of some liquid and took a long drink, capping the bottle when he was finished. He tossed the container to the slim teen who had been distracted by his lunch, Roku noticing the object in his peripheral vision and barely catching it before it sailed into the sand, and the redhead examined the liquid in his hand while the Jackal asked him about his business. The half-eaten loaf of bread was rested on his thigh while Rokumaru uncapped the bottle. “After the attack I hid out in the ruins of the clan compounds while I grieved,” he explained. “I thought everyone would come back and try to rebuild things and clean the glass out, but it didn’t happen.

The teen could smell the burning aroma of the alcohol in the bottle and wrinkled his nose at the scent, taking another look at the beverage in his hand. Maybe the Jackal enjoyed the stuff and kept a supply of it. Now that he thought of it the man had said he once owned a bar, so maybe Ryu did have a creature comfort after all. Not one that Rokumaru shared, unfortunately, but the redhead politely drank a small gulp of the alcohol anyway since it had been offered. The taste was unapologetically strong and it took actual willpower to not cough it up. He sealed the container and gently tossed it back to its owner, able to enjoy the faint burning in his throat and stomach.

Trying to return to his previous train of thought Roku took a few seconds to remember where he left off, taking a large bite of his food to chase the taste of ethanol from his mouth. The man knew the stuff was technically a poison, right? One of the few nuances of the Jackal was his habit of drinking booze, and he had to comment on it. “Do you actually like alcohol, Jackal? I can see the appeal of a nice buzz but it’s hardly afternoon yet.” That did not mean he would decline the bottle if it was tossed his way again, but surely the man would prefer a nice brewed tea to relax after warlording through the desert.

Again he tried to return to his previous train of thought, and after finishing off his sandwich in one large bite Roku wiped his hands free of crumbs and continued. “Anyway, I just returned from the Leaf. Have you been there?” Pausing to see if he answered, Roku continued. “I met a Hyuga man there that claims to have a history with the Sarutobi. After I revealed that I was seeking to kill the man, foolishly enough, he offered to train me and teach me about the one who destroyed our village. Then I heard that there was a huge influx of foreign shinobi who had swept into the desert and I hurried back, then spent a bit of time bothering them. Now, here I am.” That was as simple as he could make it, leaving out the inconsequential encounters along the way that had no relevancy.

Finished with his recounting of his activities Rokumaru retrieved the flask of water he had refilled at the wall, enjoying the refreshing quality of the crisp cool liquid. Looking at the Jackal for his thoughts, the redhead cleared his throat. “I thought it would be impolite to mess around the desert without at least stopping to say hello, and see how you’ve been faring. How have things been, if you don’t mind me asking?” Certainly the toll exacted by the past few stressful months had not escaped even the stoic Jackal, surely. And if it hadn’t, what was he up to these days? What was next for him?

1310 | 5747

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu would watch the kid force down a drink without enjoyment and lift a hand to brush hair out of his face passively. As if waving the thought off. So the kids wasn't a drinker really. That was fine. Many weren't. Some let it go to far but it appeared this kid wouldn't be one of them. Besides lots of fancy ideals were made and acted upon due to alcohol. Shit just got done with it. Shit got fucked up too but he didn't mind that as much. It was part of his trade and it made money even in a war like area. War like? No. This was a straight up war zone. He needed to accept that. Still the other would exclaim a curiosity on if Ryu actually enjoyed drinking the liquid. To Ryu it seemed like a silly question. However at the same time he had two answers for it that each indicated either way with the same statement. He would glance to the liquid in the boys hand being tossed back to him. He would catch it before taking the cap off and taking another swig. It burned but the taste was sweet. He would however cap it this time and set it down.

"I am a Myugan. We like it because its an ancient trade craft of our clan and at the same time it does nothing for us. Used to be that people would cross borders to gain a bottle of our chakra infused spirits."

As he spoke Rokumaru would finish his sandwich in one large bite before brushing his hands off. Ryu would watch quietly as he picked at a piece of meat of his own and chewed on the jerky. Listening as Rokumaru cleared his mouth and spoke again. Answering his question. “Anyway, I just returned from the Leaf. Have you been there?” Pausing to see if he answered, Roku continued. “I met a Hyuga man there that claims to have a history with the Sarutobi. After I revealed that I was seeking to kill the man, foolishly enough, he offered to train me and teach me about the one who destroyed our village. Then I heard that there was a huge influx of foreign shinobi who had swept into the desert and I hurried back, then spent a bit of time bothering them. Now, here I am.” Simple and yet to the point. Ryu didn't bother answering if he had been to Konoha at any point but instead continued to chew on the dried meat. Listening to the short tale and reasoning behind it all.

Still Ryu would pause as the kid inquired about what he had been up to. Taking a drink of his water before Ryu would nod slightly and lean back. The ground shifting again to give him back support before he could fall over. Halfway up his back the stone slab moved still covered in furs. His arm would rest on top of it as he would shrug his shoulders slightly. He had been busy but there was little to be gained by praising himself and his profits. Likely the other wouldn't approve. So he kept it rather simple in response. His blue eye looking down at the meat as he tore off another chunk. "Mostly just been keeping to myself. These people need resources and thats its own task. More come every week looking for an easy shot at survival. That takes up most of my time. So I ain't got much ta do with ya alls war. They stay out my face I stay out theirs."




The Jackal caught the bottle of liquor that had been tossed to him, taking a long drink after uncapping the top and seeming to think over the redhead’s remark about him enjoying the alcohol. Rokumaru could understand why some people chose to drink it, mainly for a few hours of forced relaxation, but no one would be sipping the stuff leisurely while in the dry, sweltering desert heat unless they truly enjoyed it. Maybe Ryu just had a lot on his mind that needed drowning out.

The Jackal put the boy’s speculation about his tastes to rest by revealing that his clan, the obscure Myugan that Roku knew very little about, had a long history with alcohol and it’s consumption. Apparently they had once been renowned for the alcohol that they produced as Ryu claimed it was an item many would travel for weeks to get a bottle, but that it also did nothing to them. Rokumaru took this to mean the Myugan had an unnaturally high level of tolerance for alcohol and required high amounts of the liquid to begin feeling the more serious symptoms of intoxication, such as nausea, migraines or dehydration. The Jackal did not say any of this but the idea of a shinobi clan composed solely of alcoholics was rather humorous to imagine. Reality did have the tendency to be more unpleasant than fantasy, however, and he could see the dangers of giving trained killers the ability to completely shrug off alcohol that would leave their targets in a euphoric, piss-soaked stupor. But the Jackal was the sole Myugan that Rokumaru had encountered and it seemed like there was no group of Myugan in the Hidden Villages who were recognized as the authority for the clan; the clan must have been scattered to the winds long ago and spread throughout the nations sparsely, the same fate his own beloved Sabaku would have.

Rokumaru nodded once the Jackal had finished explaining his heritage and swallowed the large mouthful of food he had cleansed the alcohol taste with, vindicated to have learned another piece of the puzzle that made up the shinobi who followed his own path. “Well I envy you, that stuff is abhorrent if you lack the kekkei genkai that dilutes it. Or however that works,” the redhead admitted with a nod at the bottle of vodka his counterpart had set down.

The teen continued on after the interesting reveal of the Myugan’s ability, mentioning his recent visit to Konohagakure and questioning the Jackal about if he had ever been there. The man did not respond, simply waiting for Rokumaru to continue with whatever story he wanted to tell, but the teen did not give it a second thought as he did not find the Jackal keeping secrets/knowledge from him to be concerning. He’d been the one to accost the man for a conversation, he wouldn’t force him to participate any more than he was already. Roku mentioned his encounter with the Hyūga man and the offer that had come from the meeting, then of his quick return to Kaze no Kuni after learning of the mass mobilization of the various villages into the land. It was more or less everything he had done between now and the attack.

Pulling his flask from a pocket of his flak jacket Rokumaru sipped from it as he watched the rogue recline back further on his stone seat, the hard rock raising slightly to keep him upright as he leaned back. The man continued to finish his meal as Rokumaru turned the conversation to the Myugan and asked how the man had been faring since their last encounter, admitting that he thought it impolite to ignore the Jackal while here in Suna again. The flask of water was capped and stowed back into his pocket.

The Myugan responded modestly that he had been keeping to himself in this little corner of the desert, and that keeping these people supplied and alive occupied his time. Apparently his flock grew with each week that passed as others came in search of an easier life than they would find elsewhere in the barren region. And that he had no stake in what he called ‘you’re war’, as though the various villages rifling through the dunes had no effect on him. It seemed he really was content to continue his life here as a small-time village leader.

But surely the man did not think he could escape the plots and schemes of the other villages, right? If people like those in Kumogakure had their way then this whole desert would fall beneath the banner of the Cloud, and Rokumaru very much doubted they would allow someone like Ryu Myugan free reign to do as he pleased while here. The Land of Wind was lawless for the moment but it was vacuums such as these that attracted outside forces that would put an end to the stalemate. The only questions were about who would emerge victorious, and how long it would take. He felt the need to voice such worries out loud. “Don’t you think you’ll have to deal with the outsiders at some point? Kumo and Kiri might not permit someone like you to exist outside of their control, if they manage to take this whole place over.

He would listen to what the Jackal had to say in response to that, expecting the man to be dismissive towards the foreigners as well as Rokumaru’s concerns. It was at this point that the redhead had no more to say or ask, having gotten his taste of the Jackal’s little settlement and even managed to dig a bit further into the man’s business. The revelation that the Myugan were a clan of alcoholics was by itself quite the catch, as it eliminated the possibility of the Jackal possessing a dangerous kekkei genkai that Roku did not know about. He had gotten what he came for, more or less, and the Jackal likely had much to do in his duties as the leader of this settlement. It would not do for the redhead to hang around longer than necessary and make a pest of himself.

Rokumaru would rise to his feet and brush the breadcrumbs from his lap, ready to take his leave. “Thank you for the meal, Jackal, and thank you for taking the time to speak with me. And thank you for not leaving me crippled in the sand out there.” The redhead smirked, feeling amused at that bit now that it was in the past, and continued. “I should let you return to your business. I wish you well on this mess you’re dealing with here, but I’ve my own to take care of. I do hope we meet again, Myugan.

Giving the older man a nod, stopping to see if he said anything in farewell, Rokumaru zipped up his flak jacket’s pockets and channeled his chakra throughout his body. A unique interaction with his kekkei genkai, his legs began to lose shape and collapse as the skin broke open to reveal streams of sand pouring to the ground. From his feet to his head Rokumaru henged his entire body into solid, corporeal sand that fell into a heap as his body seemed to sink into the sand beneath him, creating a slowly-growing pile of the material on the ground where he had stood. Within seconds the dark red locks of hair on his head broke apart into grains of granulated rock, and all that remained of Rokumaru was a solid mass of chakra within the sand. Like a ghost the inanimate Suna-nin flowed beneath the sand that the Doton structure stood upon and the redhead was forced to recreate himself on the other side in tha blazing sunlight. Rokumaru pulled himself from the sand, shaking it from his hair and ignoring the puzzled look of a little boy who had climbed atop the Jackal’s dome, he hoped that was a sufficient exit to impress the man. Stopping at the well to refill his container of the crisp, refreshing liquid, Rokumaru left the settlement to return to the ruins of Suna.

1382 | 7129

Chakra - 285/300:

Last edited by Rokumaru on Sat Dec 22, 2018 5:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ryu Myugan

Ryu Myugan

Ryu would tilt his head as he listened to the other in the dome with him. Commenting on how he found the liquid to be fowl. It brought a frown to the mans lips. A craft of his own being called foul? Perhaps this boy didn't realize how pitifully close he was to getting another beating. Still Ryu would take some effort to calm himself. There was no way this guy knew that Ryu tended to make these drinks himself. He could be excused for the oversight for the time being. Even so he felt so residual anger towards it all. However at this point the kid was trying to be polite and not come across as a threat. Perhaps Ryu had even been harsh to begin with. However he had an issue trusting shinobi from anywhere. He would take another swig as he didn't bother replying to the rhetorical statement. Still as he lowered the bottle the kid would speak again. This time with actual concern in his voice. He spoke words that gave Ryu pause as he glanced over the bottle with one blue eye. Studying the kid. If he was a spy this would be valuable information. Still Ryu would listen a moment.

. “Don’t you think you’ll have to deal with the outsiders at some point? Kumo and Kiri might not permit someone like you to exist outside of their control, if they manage to take this whole place over.” It was an interesting statement true enough. Ryu would watch him for some time before sitting forward Grasping at some sand piled up just from people coming and going. Picking it up and letting it fall from his hand in a slow trail. It was everywhere but he was accustomed to it. Still he seemed to stare at it as he spoke in return. His own words carrying softly so as not to be overheard. "It ain't in me to bow kid. Yeah, that means they will eventually try and break me. Can't have a rebel on their hands. That's alright though. They ain't from round here. Out of all the nations our climate is the harshest. I was born in the sands. I will hit them where it hurts when it hurts the most. A standing force needs its supplies in an environment like this. No local government is in place to supply them see, so they has ta use their own supply routes. Starve out their forces and they got no choice but to leave my chunk of sand be."

With that he would finish the last of the bottle. Enjoying the burn and the flavor of it. He didn't know what the kid found wrong with it but he liked it. Still the kid would thank him for the meal and his time. Ryu would simply nod before witnessing the kids own prowess over the sand. He had grown since the times when he asked about learning doton jutsu. TO have mastered the sands enough to have become a part of them was an accomplishment even for a member of his clan. He could feel the chakra move from the dome and head outside. He would wait for the kid to finish his preparations and leave camp. Only once his aura had faded significantly would the wall shift. From the wall a face would stick out halfway between earth and skin. A movement technique very similar to Rokumaru's. The face would look to Ryu wordlessly before Ryu would glance in the direction Rokumaru had gone. Speaking up. "Follow him just within your sensory distance. No closer or he might sense you. My aura covers you here but not out there. Report back with which camp he goes to if he goes to any." The face would nod and sink back into the earth to do as they were told. Ryu would pick a cigarette out of his shirt pocket and stick it between his lips. Lighting it with a flash of raiton. Damn he was on edge lately.

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