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1Intro Empty Intro Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:18 am



Hey everyone,

Recently discovered this place out of a random thought to hop back into the RP genre. I’ve been on some sites before this, and have a general sense of the common things so hopefully I won’t give the lemons around here too hard a time 😛

Nonetheless, it’s great to hop into this, and (eventually) write my character application after I dust off some more reading. Anyways, I had a question for you guys. How do real young characters go in these parts? Could I start with a character with some traits, but without any discovered element/specialization/clan? I personally have always enjoyed building a single character from nothing and riding his entire journey out alongside him, without fully any idea of what he could become, or what he can find himself capable of doing, but only knowing who he is.

A pleasure meeting you all, I look forward to the RP!

2Intro Empty Re: Intro Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:44 am



welcome to saga have fun and enjoy your stay

3Intro Empty Re: Intro Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:22 am



Welcome to Saga~

4Intro Empty Re: Intro Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:48 am



Hey there and welcome to Saga :)
I hope you will enjoy your stay here, don't be afraid to ask anything you need help with. Feel free to ask me any question if you got one. I also encourage you to join our discord server if you haven't already. We're very friendly and most people are really willing to help one another out.

Now to address your questions. There is no real guideline on how to play a young character. If you want them to have their specializations and elements that's fine, if you don't want that, that's also fine. No one forces you to take all specializations and elements at the start, it's just more convenient to do so, because it requires less training. As for a clan option, I recommend this clan: The Undiscovered. The perfect clan for people who don't know what they want to be at the beginning or don't want to start out as their desired clan for role play purposes.

I hope that answered your question and hope to see you around,

5Intro Empty Re: Intro Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:06 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Hey and welcome to Saga, Aratana :]

As Fuyuko mentioned, the Undiscovered is the ideal clan to start as a well... shinobi with undiscovered talents. You're always free to start with lower than what you have, if you're up for that challenge. Perhaps we'll see our first 'academy student' here among the genin? I wish you good luck with your story

6Intro Empty Re: Intro Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:34 pm



Welcome to Saga – you are definitely going to love it here :)

7Intro Empty Re: Intro Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:00 pm



Welcome to the Saga, hope to see you around

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