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1Showdown at High Noon[Maik vs Sato|]  Empty Showdown at High Noon[Maik vs Sato|] Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:09 pm



Maikeru punched at the bag in front of him. Once again, he found himself in the gym. He had an important mission of escorting an anonymous VIP. No name no face, not even if it was male or female. It was extremely secret. He didn't have to leave for another hour so while he waited he took some swings at the punching bag. He had been doing so for a good half hour. It was about time he took a break. He sat on a bench and drank water from his container of water. He looked over to see a mirror and his reflection. The bags were getting pretty heavy. He turned around and took another swig of the water. He looked at the time. And it was about time for him to head out.

It had been a relatively cool week in the Land of Wind. Maikeru currently resided in a Military Camp, where the VIP is held. He was instructed to Rendezvous with him/her at the entrance of the camp. He walked through the camp, looking around. Morale was almost nonexistent. Everyone looked as tired as he was, of not worst. Bandits had gotten rather restless, and really active. And the tension on Kumo put a lot of strain on everyone. And no one was unleashing the power of their full military power, pinning the entire effort on only a handful of Shinobi.

Ending his thought, Maiker had arrived at the entrance. The VIP was wearing a black robe, and a plain mask obscuring their face. Maikeru nodded to the guards and to the escortee, leaving the camp with the clarity of the silent agreement. The two silently paced through the desert. Not even bandits had attacked. It was just silent walking. Not that he didn't mind it.

303 WC



Kirin hated it here, it was too hot and dusty all the time. She always felt like she needed a shower when she walked through the desert sands of the Wind Country. There must have been some sort of mixup with the paperwork or something because Kirin was tasked with an exfil mission. Not something a genin usually woke up to orders for, these these happen when your name is Namikaze however. The name was famous among the village thanks to the pair late Hokage of the clan, Minato and Mitsuhide. Both were war heroes, Minato obviously the more famous of the pair but Mitsuhide was more recent. In fact Kirin knew that all too well, the man was her cousin in fact. Kirin only remembered him in a positive light thanks to the rose coloured glasses of youth. Thankfully for Kirin's lazy nature, it wasn't really too hot today in fact this week had been pretty good weather wise.

Kirin was to extract the VIP by any means necessary, he was a wanted criminal and was likely guarded by a pair of genin or a chunin. Maybe the village wanted to kickstart her, and there was secret backup coming. The reality however was grim, it truly spoke to how much damage the rebels and the other villages were dealing to the Leaf Villages forces in this area that a genin was sent on a mission to retrieve a wanted man, snatching him from the clutches of another village in broad daylight. Surely this was normally a job for ANBU. Kirin was not one to deny orders however so she was obeying orders like a good little soldier.  By all accounts of the intelligence in her dossier, the man was to be escorted from an Iwagakure encampment, one which Kirin was posted outside of waiting for the move to be made. She had a picture of the target and a vague idea of their height and build. The pair left exactly when they were reported to, it seems the other villages weren't doing so hot either if intelligence was so easily and accurately obtained.

Kirin stalked the pair until they were in the open desert and decided to make her move, peaking over the crest of the dune that provided her cover, she touched a skull of an ox flowing some chakra into it at the top of the dune that was serving as a skeletal watcher for the battle about to take place. Kirin created a simple academy clone of herself. Kirin was dressed as a school girl like she commonly was, it was good for cover. The clone of the young woman ran down the dune screaming for help acting as though someone was chasing her. From behind the clone arcing over its shoulder would come three shuriken aimed to hit the chest of the bodyguard from the Stone Village.

485 words.




While walking through the desert in extreme and almost unusual silence, Maikeru began to hear something. It was a cry for help. He turned to investigate the source, and was met with a girl who looked terrified. Maikeru turned. “Hey what’s wro-” Behind the girl he noticed there were incoming shuriken. He pulled out his Kunai, and blocked two of the projectiles, while one had nicked him on the cheek. Maikeru touched the side of his face, feeling s small bit of blood. It was an attack on the VIP. He closed his eyes, and activated Mother Earth’s Eyes. He saw that there was someone not far from the girl. And judging by the vibration, they looked very much alike. Uncannily alike. On top of that, using Mother Earth’s Eyes, he was unable to see the girl who had called for help. But he could sense the one in the farther back. Clones or either genjutsu. Now he was sure this was an ambush. Maikeru had sprung into action, aiming for the clone first.

Maikeru ran at the clone at full speed. He spat into the ground, creating a  glob of mud. Then formed three wolves made of mud. Maikeru pat the head of one of the wolves, and set them off. He had one aim for the presumed clone, and the other two for the one that could actually be sensed. While the wolves would greif her, Maikeru would take his fist and shove it into the sand covered ground. The sand began to split open, If Maikeru’s Tearing Earth Tremor fist hits, he would have her trapped deep in rubble. He’d have her trapped beneath the sand. Maikeru would walk calmly into the ground. “Tell me. What did you expect to happen when going against me? More importantly who are you and who sent you?”

312/615 WC

Chakra 240/300:

Last edited by Maikeru Otsuka on Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total



The sound of metal on metal told Kirin her attack most likely hadn’t landed, and the young woman peeked over for just a moment to see a small streak of red on her opponents cheek. At least one of the shuriken had somewhat met their mark. Kirin reached to her side and inscribed a seal on the ox skull placing a seal that she’d use later on it. The young man spit on the ground and wolves rose from the earth, charging her clone and to her surprise they also charged her. Kirin began her preparation immediately, her right index finger traced out a seal on her left hand a seal would be inscribed on her palm preparing for any incoming chakra attacks. The seal couldn’t have been made at a second sooner, the wolves bounded over the dune directly at her only to be sucked into the seal on her palm once they were within one meter.  As Kirin rose from cover, an arrow knocked in her bow her opponent would see three wolves of her own bounding down the dune ready to charger her. Even though the next jutsu launched at the young woman would be sucked into the seal on her palm, the sound it made before it was still caused the young woman to momentarily lose composure and let out a scream. A humble reminder that she was still a greenhorn, the young woman blushed as she refocused and fired an arrow directly at the young Iwa ninja’s chest.  The arrow even if it miss would more than likely do its true mission, planting the seal that it carried on his stomach preventing him from maintaining fine chakra control. Kirin activated the seal as it flew through the sky, reaching its target in a mere moment.

304 words.


Wind and Waves:



Satoru said to himself as he lay in a dune with his chokuto sword in the sand next to him, his haori top around his waist and a burger half eaten in his hand. He was shocked that he saw his cousin in the middle of his mission. He scouted the sands from the great distance he was from, roughly twenty five meters away from his objective, and about forty meters from his cousin. Satoru’s mission was to accompany an unknown partner in their attempt to subdue their VIP and bring them back to the village. He had already been here for about thirty minutes scouting the VIP and their escort. A strong looking shinobi of Iwagakure had been dispatched to escort the VIP back to their village, which obviously went against Kirin’s objective. Satoru knew he would most likely have to help his cousin dispatch of this shinobi in order to bring the fugitive back to konoha.

Prior to this mission, Sato was so caught up in his work that he hadn’t even realise that his cousin, Kirin, had become a genin as well. More so, he had forgotten that she had even taken the exam to become a genin, he forgot to go ask her how it went. He would have found out that she passed and was now a full fledged ninja. From his location he saw her making a move to close in on the shinobi and the VIP. Satoru stood up, looking down to tree sand below, analyzing her every move and waiting for the best time to strike and stir up whatever conflict that was about to take place. He picked up his sheathed chokuto and stuck it between his rope sash at a horizontal angle behind his back. He put his haori top on but halfway, wearing it in his left side, but leaving the right side of the top at the mercy of the breeze. He left his right arm out of the haori to give it a bit more freedom as this was gonna be his first time using his father’s old sword in combat. He rested his elbow on the handle of it comfortably from the position it was in. “Show me what you’re made of Kirin” he thought to himself as he looked on.

In a moments notice. The fight was already under way and kirin was holding her own but the other shinobi seemed to know what he's doing and isn't holding back at all. Satoru couldn't allow his clansman to fall in battle so began sprinting towards the fight from 30m behind the opponent at a speed he couldve maintained. As he got halway there he weaved the bird hand seal, cupped his mouth with his left hand and fired three air bullets at the opposing shinobi. His right hand had been grasping his sword for the entire time he was running as he can not fight without killing intent.

WC: 503

Satoru's Sword:

Chakra: 235 | 250:



Maikeru saw an arrow coming his way. The projectile was fast, but he was able to dodge the attack by leaning off to the side, and letting it go through. He immediately ran forward to assault his attacker, fueled by his rage. “I don’t have time for this crap!” Maikeru saw that his wolves had melted back into mud. Maikeru sighed. He was going to have to ignore the enemy Mud Wolves to the best of his ability. Until Maikeru started to feel a great deal of pain on his back. It was the feeling of cuts and stings. “Aaaahhrrr.”

Maikeru turned around to see that a Shinobi was headed his way. It was a complete ambush. He had to protect the VIP. Maikeru attempted to calm himself and create a Shadow Clone, filled with explosive clay. He touched it’s shoulder, pouring chakra into it. He nodded to the clone who nodded back, and they both spun around each other to confuse their enemies. One ran straight towards the boy and the other ran towards the girl. The real Maikeru ran towards the girl. He curled his fingers, generating electricity inside of them. Then Maikeru pointed them towards the girl, shooting bullets made of lightning. This was a defensive move as well as it was offensive. If she were to fire anymore arrows that came in his direction, the bullets could knock them off, and/or redirect them. Maikeru reached behind his back, and pulled out Smackeroos, his favorite (and only) gauntlets. Though, when a bullet came upon her, it wasn’t enough to deal damage. Maikeru saw that it was a barrier of some sort, which was why the Tearing Earth Turning Palm didn’t fully complete its mission of trapping her. Maikeru had the clone run away from the boy as possible as he could. The clone would provide as a distraction for the other one in time.

“Nice barrier you got there. It would be a shame if…” Maikeru, now closer to his opponent, stomped his foot into the ground, causing a fast moving serge to move towards her. When it reached the right amount distance to her, being as close to her proximity as possible, Maikeru used the one handed tiger seal, causing the explosion. If, and only if, she was dispatched, Maikeru would run towards the boy, causing the clone to start outright attacking and antagonizing him. When getting close he would yield his fist back, and throw it forward, using his Landmine Fist.

421/1036 WC

Chakra 180/300 Chakra:



This man was strong and fast. He had dodged Kirin's arrow with relative ease, however it still served its twofold purpose: it gave a feel for the abilities of her enemy and it delivered the seal it was meant to bring to the mysterious Iwa ninja. The illusory wolves also managed to do nothing to the man presumably because his senses were honed enough to spot the differences between her minor illusion and the real thing. Suddenly from behind, it was one of Kirin's cousins, Satoru. He seemed just as shocked and surprised to meet her as she was him. Also from behind the fight came jutsu support by way of her cousin, and the bullets had met their mark tearing into the man Kirin was fighting.

Kirin performed a Snake hand seal and beneath her feet a seal was created, Kirin knew trouble was coming after the lightning bullets had weakened her first defensive seal so she prepared another knowing the fight was far from over. The man created a clone of some sort and one of the figures sauntered off into the background towards Sato while the other turned to face her. It was always a mistake to talk to your opponent before you'd already won and this man was a fool. He admitted to knowing about her barrier and announced his attack for her, as his jutsu tore up the sand between them, the seal she'd laid down began to emit a blue vapor that ultimately would break down the lethal chakra headed her way and seal it away beneath her feet. Using this vapor and the sand kicked up from the jutsu as a masking agent Kirin focused inward and changed the battlefield using her illusions. To everyone else, it would appear that Kirin was 3 meters to the right of her true position.

While circling the dune, Kirin formulated a plan. As Kirin knocked two arrows for her next attack, seals would appear on them and the rest of their compatriots in her quiver. A seal would also appear on the young womans left hand matching the ones on her arrows. Having re-positioned to her left, Kirin loose the two arrows she'd had knocked towards his chest then fired the other two at his knees one at a time. The mysterious man would see Kirin fire the arrows but to his dismay, they would come from another angle, Kirin hoped her misdirection was enough to bring this day victory in the name of Konoha.

425 words.




Before he could get within close combat range, Kirin had fired an arrow at their opponent but he was fast and had dodged the projectile with relative ease, offering a few offensive jutsu as his rebuttal. Seeing his cousin hold her own in battle was quite the sight to behold but Satoru didn’t have to the time to congratulate her yet. The Iwa shinobi had created a clone of some sort and had potentially sent it at either Sato or Kirin while the real one goes to the other. Not knowing the nature of the clone, Satoru had to be careful trying to dispose of it.

Satoru made some quick, critical thinking on the spot and came up with a plan to end this quickly. Misdirect of his own would have to suffice, because he had to go take care of his cousin, Kirin, because he knew he didn’t want anything too bad to happen to her. He couldn’t waste time on this potential clone and if it turned out to be the real deal, the shinobi would catch up to him in due time by the time his plan was in motion. While running, Satoru threw up a hand seal and summoned a cloud of smoke and two basic clones. One of the clones, upon reaching close combat range of the shinobi, drew their sword and swung it at the opponent whilst the real Satoru and the other clone ran past him straight, heading towards the other two that were in combat. He also prepared a substitution using the other clone he had summoned, not the one that was left behind as a distraction. That clone would linger about 5m off to side of the opponent  while the real Satoru attempted to get close and grip draw his sword right to the shinobi’s neck while they were focusing on attacking Kirin. The last thing that happened before he drew his sword was some arrows being fired from an unexpected location, Kirin had been working on her genjutsu. This made Satoru briefly smile before yelling “Great Job Kirin! Go secure the objective, I got this.” Having almost reached up on his opponent, he was expecting a counter attack from the capable shinobi and wasn’t underestimating him in the slightest, that's why he prepared the substitutional clone.

If the attack went unsuccessful, Satoru would switch out with the clone and start running towards the VIP with Kirin to take him back to the leaf village. If they both got to him at around the same time, they know they’re combined might will overpower the opposing shinobi. The mission was at stake with all the unnecessary fighting they had been doing and that isn’t what they came for.

WC: 464 | 967

Chakra 220/250:



Maikeru grit his teeth in frustration. Just how many defensive seals did this girl have? He found himself to be stuck between a rock and a hard place, one being this little girl and the one his clone is handling. Maikeru had to get smart. She was using seals to defend herself and attaching them to her arrows, like she did with the seal beforehand. He went into critical thinking mode. He was able to see through her genjutsu. Maikeru looked closer between the wave of sand moving off in opposing directions, and noticed that she had moved from the left to the right. It was a strange occurrence, but he recognizes  the trickery of Genjutsu when he sees it. Maikeru could have used Genjutsu: Kai to have released on himself, but he didn’t need to waste the chakra. He was pretty perceptive, being able to tell where she was. He calculated that she started three meters away side by side. From his front position she had disappeared from left to right. As she began to run around the dune, he used his superior speed to close in on her. But as soon as she reached for her arrows, Maikeru’s eyes widened. Like hell you will! as soon as she reached her hand on her arrows Maikeru had charged up his Chakra. He couldn’t allow her to touch another arrow, her seemingly primary form of attack, let alone allow her putting seals on them like the last one. He immediately charged up the chakra in his body, increasing his physical capabilities to an unbelievable amount,  and raced towards at high speeds, holding out his arms to grab her. If the grab was successful, he would hold on to her, and transform his normal chakra into lightning chakra, leaving her stunned. While sending a large amount of volts to her body, he used his chakra increased strength to squeeze her tight, and crush her bones. As long a Satoru didn’t interrupt, he cracked would be able to violently crack her arms and ribs, and throw her body to the side.

As for the clone, he watched as the Leaf Shinobi approached. And then he turned into four. When one of them came up to the Suicidal Clone, it clone simply punched it, causing it to disperse. But when it realized that all three of them were running past it, the clone knew its purpose could be fulfilled. For a split second, the clone got fatter, and bigger and finally let out an explosion that set off a loud noise. Everyone around, Maikeru included, heard the large boom, becoming deafened.


Chakra 175/300:



Kirin's eyes widened for a moment as the man rushed towards her headlong arms extended. That was until she remembered the ox skull she'd flowed her chakra into. Grinning she prepared to take the hit by once again making the hand seal's for the man's Mud Wolves jutsu but this time she used more chakra in the illusion's creation. He wouldn't be able to ignore them this time. When the man made contact with her she let out a scream before swapping places with the ox skull she'd previously flowed her chakra into. With the wolves distracting him, Kirin would recall three of the arrows she'd fired between her fingers and loose the arrows at the man's back and recall the other two while again drawing back her bow she'd keep it drawn waiting for the result of her volley. Kirin was unsure how much longer she could keep this going, the man was faster and stronger than her by a margin. So far her only saving grace had been her trickery and her help in the form of her cousin Satoru.

This was no place for children that much had become clear. What kind of inefficient leadership sent genin into suicide missions like this one. Her damn last name had continuously betrayed her. The constant paperwork mix ups and jams had led to Kirin taking on deadly missions much sooner than a shinobi would be asked to normally. Such as this one, where she was facing down a much stronger opponent over what? Some … VIP! Kirin figured at the very least she could finish her mission. The orders were dead or alive weren't they? Kirin quickly turned and loosed both arrows at the criminals heart. Kirin grinned “Mission accomplished.” Kirin's attention would turn back to the Iwagakure shinobi while reaching back to again recall the arrows and draw.

321 words, total words 1535


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