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1The Desert Serpent [Nk/Private/Training] Empty The Desert Serpent [Nk/Private/Training] Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:31 pm

Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

Akira continued walking through the ruined village of Sunagakure, while walking with Akisu. He had to admit that he he plans on summoning her often, due to the fact that traveling alone can be less than amazing. He peered over to her signature unamused face, unaware of his glance. Feeling the need to no more about this girl, which he felt obligated to being that she herself is from the Shinigami. “So…Akisu…how did you come across your companions to then take part in dealings of thievery, and illegal debauchery?”

She glanced over with a face that spelled some subtle mixture of annoyance and suspicion. “What’s it to you?” Akira left out a little bit of a chuckle and responded: “No need for hostilities. From here on out, you and I are going to be comrades, so it wouldn’t do any harm in a little chit chat, would it? Besides. I would very much like to become your friend.” His face was being studdied by the smaller female, and a sudden bit of red covering her cheeks appeared, and then disappeared just as quickly. “All of us came from a continent far from this one. It was a wealthy place, and we all came from families of nobbles. All of us. We all went to the academy to learn how to fight, and that’s how we met and became friends.”

“What was the cause of the transition from being nobble warriors to becoming bandits.”

She sighed and closed her eyes. “Well…our small country was attacked by vandals and barbarians. Our warriors’ skills were no match for their sheer numbers. The burned everything to the ground, pillaged, killed…it was horrible. They locked us in at the capital on the shore…we couldn’t retreat. They blocked our ships at the sea, and had all of their men occupying the otter gates for miles and miles on end. We fought our hardest, but we were very much still kids. All of our parents were dead, killed, and almost everyone else in the city. In a last ditch effort, we stole some food from some shops, got on a dingy and snuck past them. Three days later we ended up on this continent. Looking for a means of survival, we took up becoming bandits. And then…well…we started having fun!” Her mood went from somber to cheery within an instant. “At first we felt bad but then we realized how fun it was and-”

Realizing she had left her usual demeanor of being cold and reserved, she instantly reverted back to her usual composure, though a blush on her face. “So yeah…there you go. And this rest is pretty much history.”

Akira smiled. He stopped to look at her. He took each of her hands, a look of surprise and protest appeared on her face, with, once again, a red blush. “I promise I will get you your friends back. I can feel it. The Shinigami wants all of you to be reunited.”
“Look, you don’t need to bring my hopes up if-” Akira clasped her hands tighter, but only slightly so.
“I know it. I can feel it. Your friends are going to come back. I swear it.” After studying Akira’s face, her’s being redder than ever, Akisu snatched her hands away. “Whatever….”

The two continued to walk through the broken village, with Akira holding his good mood.

577 WC

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A man laid down broken upon the glass ground amidst the ruins, his blood splattered across the hard and smooth surface in the form of a beautiful rose. The claking sound of high heels descending upon the glass made him open his eyes, beads of sweat running down his skin with every step which was taken by those heels. In pain and agony, the man tried to get onto his feet again, his bones cracking, his skin tearing and his muscles screaming in pain as he tried to do so. Alas, when he had finally managed to do the nigh impossible task of standing up again, he could feel slender fingers with perfectly manicured nails slathered with glossy black nailpolish slide over his skin with an icy, yet somehow gentle touch.

His blue eyes looked down upon the woman who had been chasing him this entire time, who had managed to find him and follow him, even within these ruins of the former village hidden in the sand. He had tried everything to avoid capture, using traps, skills, weapons and his jutsu, but all seemed to be for nought, as this woman in the end still managed to crack down on him. Like how the tip of an arrow would hit its target, she had simply gone straight for him and he as the target, had no escape from the get go. "Why, how did you manage to get me so easily?" the man asked in desperation, his sunagakure headband glinting in the sun.

The woman grinned slightly, her golden, snakelike eyes with a silver ring around them looking into his blue orbs filled with despair, doubt and defeat. "You simply had to realise from the beginning that no prey will ever escape my sight. Not now, not ever," With a simple flick of her wrist, she snapped the poor man's neck and dropped his lifeless body to the ground, where it slumped down like a sack of potatoes. However, as she did so, she looked up in the distance, hearing the faint sound of chatter and laughter. It appeared someone had entered her domain without any care in the world...which in a way was quite refreshing to say the least. With that in mind, she jumped up and vanished from sight.

A moment later, she landed gently atop one of the few somewhat intact roofs near the couple of young people casually strolling through the village. With her black hair dancing in the soft breeze of the desert, the woman looked upon the two, the silver chains on her black armor glistening in the sun's light and as she made a single step towards the edge of the roof, she let down the high, stilleto heel of one of her boots upon the tiles beneath her feet, allowing a loud, clacking sound to resonate through the deserted ruins of the former glorious hidden village. "My my, what do we have here?" Crossing her arms, the woman jumped down onto the glass-covered ground a few meters away from the pair of young shinobi. "Is it lunchtime already? For what other reason should I find two little mice in my domain so casually strolling about, if not to be food to appease my amusement?"


Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

“...and then we pulled down his pants, just to make sure he wasn’t holding out on us. And well…we had a little surprise. He doesn’t wear underwear.” Akira bursted into laughter. He had simply asked a few stories of her escapades as a bandit with her companions. Akira was able to gauge the connection between them. It was a so much more than friends causing trouble for the establishment. It was a true family. “So…do you know…by any chance…which one of them you can revive?”
“Its going to be Yaki. She was the youngest among you. The Shinigami will provide me with Yaki, I can assure you.”
“But how do you know?”
“You have to have faith, my dear Akisu! Trust in the Shinigami.”
“It seems pretty far fetched to me.”
“And you speak with such skepticism even though you yourself have returned from the grave? Is the irony not lost on you?” She cocked her head back, and then realized her defeat. And as they walked, there was a loud noise, the sound of a clank. The two looked into its direction. Before them was a mysterious woman. “My my, what do we have here.” She let herself fall from the roof, landing on the ground with glass splashing from her feet. Akira went into the position of a ready stance. He looked over to give orders. He looked over to find her arms behind her back and her head tilted. “Wow…she’s pretty.” Akira jumped back by her reaction. But then a look of determination spread across her face. “Too bad I’m going to have to mess it up.” She reached for her black cutlass, and drew it, pointed it at her. “Be careful…something doesn’t sit well with me about her. Stay on guard.”
“Yeah, sure, how about you just stand there twiddling your thumbs, while I handle this myself, mkay? Kay.” Baffled, and visibly angered by her remarks, Akira grew red and began to spew some abuse. Instead he was met with a running Akisu preparing to engage her opponent. “Since I am not in the mood to deal with you, I’ll just use this…” Akisu took a deep breath, and then exhaled while spinning, releasing a huge wave of wind. While The wave headed towards the lady’s direction, she formed the bird hand seal, and shot a torrent of wind needles from her mouth. “…and that for good measure.”


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Mice, insects, pests, disease...a plague, the weak were nothing more than a plague which needed to be put under firm check, under control of a superior being and she...yes, she was a superior being to all those who dared to step within her domain without care, without caution and without courtesy. “Be careful…something doesn’t sit well with me about her. Stay on guard.” The woman's eyes glinted a bit when she looked into the direction of the person who had uttered those words, her golden eyes surrounded by a silver ring looked at the two with a rather puzzled expression on her face. "How is it, that some of these weak creatures managed to survive this world?" Lamya's voice was calm and her bodylanguage showed that she had not a single thought of feeling threatened in this situation. Her left hand rose upwards towards her chin, grinning slightly at the two young children. "Verily, you must truly be out of touch with the world around you, to think that you are allowed to even dare and land a strike upon my being."

As the wave of wind reached her, Lamya stood her ground, unfazed by the torrent of air passing by her and simply grinning softly at the girl who was making her way towards the Desert Snake. "Ugh...really, no questions, no greetings...just blindly attacking a person who you meet for the first time?" The woman lowered her hand slightly, suddenly snapping her fingers, at which point a thin, purple colored barier seemed to cut through the air and absorbed the impact of the incoming blast of air with relative ease before vanishing again. "Like I this how you greet someone or are you just that stubborn to try and kill whoever dares approach you?"

Dusting herself off, the woman turned her attention to the girl closest to her, instantly leaping towards her in a flash, raising two fingers towards the girl's throat with an arrogant smirk on her face. "You kids should really learn some manners, luckily for you I can help you with that," Cocking her other arm backwards, Lamya suddenly reached forwards with the intent to strike with her palm against the girl's stomach without displaying too much of her full force, holding back considerably, but perhaps still not too much to make any of her strength redundant. "Be a good girl and just shut up.

Turning her attention now towards the young male in her presence, the woman smiled gently and let out a swift sigh. "Do you know how pointless it is to brandish a weapon against someone such as myself? Why don't you just put away your little potato-peeler and explain to me what you think you and your annoying little friend are doing here?"


Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

Akira watched as his undead companion’s attacks were completely shrugged off. She only stood there, not so much as a scratch on her. She was unscathed and both unfazed by the first attack. "Ugh...really, no questions, no greetings...just blindly attacking a person who you meet for the first time?" She then snapped her fingers, and a barrier of purple chakra blocked the incoming attacks. Taken aback by her ability to block her strongest Jutsu, Akisu clutched on her sword harder, gritting her teeth. “Do you refer to people who you meet as “Food”? Not your best pickup line lady!”

After she dusted herself off, the pale lady jumped, appearing to disappear and reappear in front of Akisu. “How-”
The lady trailed her index and middle finger to her throat. Her face sported an arrogant smile, one that angered Akisu to the core. "You kids should really learn some manners, luckily for you I can help you with that."

She winded back her arm, her hand stiffened. She swiftly struck Akisu’s stomach. The girl’s eyes widened, her eyebrows slightly knitting. She then suddenly buckled her knees and held her stomach, falling to the ground, winching in pain. She looked back up at her, with a face of sheer anger.“Yo…you aren’t all that. Kisaki was so much faster and stronger…”

And then she turned to Akira. His heart sank. He was not afraid of death. But the her beauty and display of power made his heart throb. His face started to feel hot, and his body stiff.

"Do you know how pointless it is to brandish a weapon against someone such as myself? Why don't you just put away your little potato-peeler and explain to me what you think you and your annoying little friend are doing here?"

Feeling flustered he looked around, before regaining his composure, he spoke in a fluttered voice. “We…I mean…pardon me, we were just stumbling through this area. And forgive us for the violence, but we have been attacked by bandits all day. They pollute these ruins with filth. I am on Suna because my Family and friends were recently killed by raiders, so I came to spread the holy word of Agari, and bring forth a new light to the meaning of death and what it means to die. For when such a life ends begins the next stage of absolute peace and eternal serenity, brought to us by the Shinigami.”

Akisu’s eye's widened, and she got up from the glass covered ground, dusting herself off. “You…you worship the Shinigami!?”
“Of course I do. The Shinigami is the one who has brought you back to life and who will bring your friends back to life. And I believe you need a bit of a rest.” Akisu exploded into a cloud of red mist, completely disappearing.

484 WC

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"Oh dear, you don't even know the full extend to my true power," The woman didn't even look at the girl when she stated that, simply keeping her attention firm on the young man who was standing a bit back. After all, he was most likely the one in charge and that made him more important than this weak excuse for a human that was trying and failing to agitate or challenge Lamya. So when the young man finally spoke up, rather than not granting him the right to explain himself, the Desert Snake simply listened to him in order to decide what to do with the two of them after they had the opportunity to make their arguments.

When she heard that the very reason for being so on edge was due to being attacked by bandits, the woman simply smirked and tilted her head to the side. "Bandits? There are no bandits here," She clenched her fists and smiled, looking down upon those who came to Suanagakure and its nation, looking down upon those who had been once proud shinobi of the sand and certainly looking down upon those who thought to enrich themselves with petty crimes in those times of chaos and disorder. "All you'll find are insects, impudent little critters that have not the slightest idea on the pecking order in this place and thus need to be reeducated for that matter to get through their skulls."

Not sure what the young man meant with this 'Shinigami' thing, the woman chuckled slightly, when she realized that these two apparently had a thing for Death itself. She had heard about people revering and worshipping death itself in one way or another, even the Sealer had a certain knack for that idea, but his was still different from theirs. The Sealer showed respect for Death, while they seemed to simply worship an aspect of it. "Death is boring, especially to those to who it is but a mere moment in their eternity," Lamya got up straight, dusted herself off and looked at how the girl that had dared to attack her suddenly vanished in a puff of red smoke, an occurance which certainly surprised her immensely. "A summon? A human summon...I thought something like that was impossible, or at least not like interesting."

As fast as she could, the Rogue shinobi moved from her position towards the young man, aiming to grab his right hand with the intention of at the very least refraining him from forming any seals, while placing two fingers underneath his chin . "Do tell me, how did you do are you able to summon...humans," It was obvious that this was something interesting and intriguing to her, especially as Lamya's eyes looked rather feverish with obsession. "This is one unique skill you seem to have kid."


Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

“Bandits? There are no bandits here.” Akira began to since a strange energy off her being. One of absolute dominance. Her clenched fist became a symbol of her status to "All you'll find are insects, impudent little critters that have not the slightest idea on the pecking order in this place and thus need to be reeducated for that matter to get through their skulls." Akira backed away a bit, for the first time in a very long time, he was feeling exposed. “Death is boring. Especially to those who is is but a mere moment in their eternity.” Akira angrily turned towards the pale white snake lady ready to give a long, heated, and passionate speech about the aspect of death. But when he looked at her once more, he held is tongue. With her realizing that Akisu had been summoned away, equal parts because she may get hurt and as disciplinary action of going against his orders. “A summon? A human summon…I thought something like that was impossible, or at least not like this…how interesting.”

At that moment she vanished for a split second. She then reappeared once again, but this time in front of Akira. She then reached for his right hand. Akira’s face turned into a very bright red. *She is…too close to my proximity…*

But then she placed two fingers under his chin, the same wa Akisu was. “Do tell me…how did you do that…how are you able to summon…humans.” She maintained eye contact with him. His heart was racing fast and hard. He stared back, enjoying the bliss of her hand touching hand. “I uh…uh…ummm. Its an ability unique only to my Clan, the Nekuro Clan. The Shinigami selects souls that are in His possession and allow us to summon them, because our Chakra are connected to His. With that, it gives us to summon people from beyond the grave.” Akira remained flustered as the woman remained close to him. His eyes went shut. *So this is what its like to be under the spell of a seductress. I will not delay. I must hold my resolve.*

His attempts to combat her natural charm was was a loosing battle. He couldn’t help but feel hotter than he should be in the desert. After finally coming to his senses he eventually tried pulling away from the pail white woman. “Forgive me, I just find you to be quite...intimidating.”

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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Seeing how the young man backed away at first made it abundantly clear that her original show of power had at the very least shown him the difference between them, yet when she stood before him with her fingers tilting his chin slightly upwards. It seemed that her words had a particular effect upon him, but his also had a profound effect upon her. It seemed she had found someone belonging to a clan she did not know and with an ability which seemed far too interesting to pass up the chance of thoroughly investigating and studying it.

"So you summon the spirits of the dead...hmm?" It was something rather intriguing, to know someone was able not to summon a variety of animals and beasts with which a contract had been made, but rather the spirits of fallen humans, literally allowing for something of an incredible advantage in combat, certainly when the summoned spirit was that of a great shinobi of ancient times. "So...your misguided beliefs in something called the Shinigami is probably how your clan explains or rather hides its ability's power. It is rather disappointing that people would go and believe in a death god, while not having seen the other side of this bleak existence," The Deser Snake gave the young man a rather stern and almost cruel look, pitying him for his misguided belief and his obvious ignorance to the fact that the person who stood before him was without a doubt one of the few who had seen the reality of death, only to shrug it off through sheer will or great power of their own. In her case, it was both...she had seen Death when reviving herself from the brink of death due to an extensive injury which had left her incapacitated for quite a while and the second time she watched the memory of a man who had been thought as dead, but somehow returned to the living in an albeit different form. "This shinigami you believe in was most likely once a powerful shinobi of great cunning, ability and renown. Most likely the first to utilize this strange ability of yours and thus earning himself such a grandious nickname."

The woman cared little for the young man's confession, deeply in thought as she was, questioning everything about what she had heard so far and getting more intrigued by the young man's supposed ability with every passing moment. “Forgive me, I just find you to be quite...intimidating.” These words drew her out of her train of thoughts, forcing her to show a soft grin towards the young man, a single corner of her lips curling ever so slightly upward to inform the kid that he had no idea at all how little she had done to intimidate him just yet. "You truly are odd to say the least. Odd, but very will allow you to tell me your name>."


Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

"So you summon the spirits of the dead...hmm?"

Akira nodded. "So...your misguided beliefs in something called the Shinigami is probably how your clan explains or rather hides its ability's power. It is rather disappointing that people would go and believe in a death god, while not  having seen the other side of this bleak existence.”

"This shinigami you believe in was most likely once a powerful shinobi of great cunning, ability and renown. Most likely the first to utilize this strange ability of yours and thus earning himself such a grandiose nickname."

"You truly are odd to say the least. Odd, but very will allow you to tell me your name."

“I assure you, ma'am, that the existence of the Shinigami is real. We obtained our unnatural abilities generations ago from the Reaper Death Seal. He appeared and linked Chakra to us.”

Akira pushed away her hand from under his chin and backed away, brows knitted. Her spell on him has broken, feeling quite offended by her remarks. Akira was especially vexed by her facial expression. The look was nonchalante and cold. He took a step back. The look on her face led Akira to look at the rest of her, a sight to surely behold. His stomach began to flutter again, yet it stopped at the recollection of her being a hard nosed nonbeliever. The belief in the Shinigami he held something he held dear. “The Shinigami appears during the reaper Death Seal. The ritualistic Jutsu was sacred for my people, as it allows us to see the Shinigami. My father was a volunteer sacrifice. He went up in front of people and was sacrificed to the Jutsu, for those who are the target of it. And I can attest, the Shinigami was seen by us, the people who he gifted with this ability, and the user of the Jutsu and the target. The sacrifice.” Akira sighed. But it's fine. “I don't expect nonbelievers to understand. I should be on my way. I will try not to stumble across your territory again.”

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Last edited by Akira Nekuro on Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Lamya's eyebrows started to arch upwards in disbelief. It seemed this young man was either seriously delirious or some sort of deep-seeded religious zealot. It was in a sense almost pitiful to see, if anything...the rogue shinobi had understood that there was no such things as gods, only strong shinobi claiming that title for themselves. If there were a few who were close enough to the very idea of becoming a god, she'd say those were shinobi the likes of Ayakashi, the demon witch of the mist, Hastur the War God and without a doubt her own uncle: Enaka, the Black Serpent of Avarice. "Believing in such fairy tales is nice when you are but a kid," The woman let out a rather chilling sigh, leaning slightly closer, all the while looking straight into the young man's eyes with her own silver-lined, golden snakelike orbs of hers. "Unnatural abilities...perhaps, but you see...I won't go spouting out nonsense that I gained some unnatural abilities from some fictional being in one's past. Not when it's not even unnatural at all, it's simply evolution."

Raising up her arms and snapping her fingers, a surge of chakra welled up through her, turning her skin scaley, growing a two to three meter long tail and her finger nails growing extensively. Laughing a bit and turning all around for a few seconds, she quickly reverted back to her regular appearance again. "All we basically do is channel our chakra and use it to various degrees and shapes," raising a pinger and pointing towards Akira, the woman simply grinned and nodded. "What you are doing is simply a variation on that, you use your chakra in a unique way that is probably secret to only your clan or comes natural due to evolution, yet in the end it is nothing more than that. Interesting, yes...Unique, most definately, but unnatural...hardly. If you truly want something unnatural..."

The Desert snake placed the palms of her hands together and seemingly meditated, when a shimmering film of chakra passed over her body and she opened her eyes again with a devious smile. "Than why don't you kill me once, right here and now...stab me through the heart, slit my throat, blow a hole in my chest. Do that and I'll show you something beyond even your 'Shinigami's"


Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

"Believing in such fairy tales is nice when you are but a kid.” Maikeru was seconds away from turning around and walking away. Mere seconds. But this woman continued to egg him on. "Unnatural abilities...perhaps, but you see...I won't go spouting out nonsense that I gained some unnatural abilities from some fictional being in one's past. Not when it's not even unnatural at all, it's simply evolution." The lady then raised her hand, and snapped her fingers. Her skin turned hard, and patterned into scales. Her fingernails grow longer, and Akira’s eyes grew wide as he aw that she grew a tail.  He felt himself back away slightly. “Umm.”

And with a second snap, she reverted back to her normal self. “All we do is channel our Chakra into various degrees of shapes.” She proceeded to point at Akira, who began to feel even uneasier that he did prior. He looked down at her finger and back up at her. "What you are doing is simply a variation on that, you use your chakra in a unique way that is probably secret to only your clan or comes natural due to evolution, yet in the end it is nothing more than that. Interesting, yes...Unique, most definitely, but unnatural...hardly. If you truly want something unnatural..."

“You are a ridiculous non-believer! You mock my religion, you denounce my gift! You have yet to witness the true power the Shinigami can unleash! The Shinigami’s power was used to revive the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Hokage during the Fourth Great Ninja War. You are proving to be quiet insufferable!”

She then placed her hands together. Something about it seemed methodical. Possibly more methodical than it really was. Akira’s knitted brow, let up a little. "Then why don't you kill me once, right here and now...stab me through the heart, slit my throat, blow a hole in my chest. Do that and I'll show you something beyond even your 'Shinigami's"

Akira clenched his fist. He was being taunted. He yeild back his fist and punched her right in the chest. It was only met with a small pat. Immediately demoralized his body drooped, his fist still connected to her chest. “I uh….as you can see I lack physical athleticism.

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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"As far as I know, it was a single man who summoned those of whome you speak from the realms beyond, with a technique long forgotten...yet very similar to yours indeed, though I remember that it was without flaw, without limit and performed by the will and choice of mortal men," The woman laughed and as her lips curled, she showed the young man a cruel grin, as she felt quite content to rid this child of his ridiculous zealotry and religious nonsense which seemed to spur him even more. Alas, her grin soon vanished, when the young man's physical prowess indeed seemed to be far beneath the meassure of any decent shinobi. Yet, she realized that perhaps it was not entirely the child's fault, her own physique had just grown beyond the regular capacities of an ordinary human and had taken on heights of strength and constitution only a handful of people in the known shinobi world had attained. "Hmm, so much for you showing me the full extend of your power...rather disappointing. However, I guess you are just more of a chakra user and have a distinct lack of physical attributes due to this choice of life."

Her left hand went down to her hip, opening the top of a small sheath and pulling out a deep, black obsidian scalpel, which shimmered with a dark, necrotic aura. The scalpel itself seemed to be doused in the blood of hundreds, the wailing screams of souls to be heard by any who actually would have any connection to the spiritual realm itself. It was a weapon older than its wielder, older than any of the people living these days, dating back to times prior to the shinobi world. With the black scalpel in hand, the Desert Snake looked at the young man and pointed the sharp edge at him, the tip of it only a single inch away from his face, before she suddenly flipped the blade in her hand, having the blade of the scalpel point towards herself.

"I might have learned that I am no god, that I am but a human...however, there is one thing I can tell you," In an instant, she stabbed the blade into her chest, coughing up blood as it pierced through skin and bone, ripped through tissue and muscle to hit the most important muscle of all, the Gate of Death itself: her heart. "I have all the time this world has to obtain a power of a god, nay even beyond a god...heh, no matter how many times it happens, I have yet to find a way to remove the pain when it happens."

The woman fell to her knees, her chest heaving and her breath becoming shallow as the husk that was her body began to become lifeless. Then she fell down, silent and without movement, bar a few twists and twitches.

It took some time, the wind blowing around the corpse and the young man, whipping up sand and forcing it to get into the most hidden crevices of any body within its playing field. Time progressed and it almost seemed that nothing had happened nor would happen. It almost seemed as if Akira had found himself a religious zealot who was more mad about their beliefs than even he seemed to be, but after at least half a minute of the corpse not moving, suddenly the corpse began to discolor, turned slightly gray and began to convulse violently.

Two fingers jutted out of the wound in which the scalpel was still embedded, grabbing the dark weapon in between them, the fingers pried open the wound and out came a full hand, a full arm and even a shoulder. The wound ripped open, the ribs of the husk snapped and cracked while skin and muscle got ripped apart. From out of this gapîng hole, the upper half of what appeared to be a living version of the corpse arose, smiling and glistening with a fluid one would never dare to analyze. "Death is a concept, a mere hurdle to overcome. Now tell me kid, do you think the shinigami you hold in such high regard...would ever get a grasp on someone who has managed to bend death to her will?"

Slowly, the naked form of the woman stepped out of the hollow husk on the ground, her alabaster skin smooth and devoid of any blemishes. The sand felt soft under her feet and the breeze in the air refreshing. With a grin, this woman in peak condition and physical perfection bar the two twisted horns crowning her head, started undressing the prune of a corpse so she could get her own stuff back from it and when she was fully clothed and geared up again, Lamya turned her attention back to Akira, all the while pulling the zipper of her armor upwards towards her chest, halting for a moment to make sure her catsuit wouldn't snag between the zipper. "It's all just chakra, from the way we live, the way we fight to the way we's all just us and the power we hold within ourselves. There is no shinigami, for would a god of death have let me perform such a feat as this, in which I effectively escape death without a single price to pay?" Touching the horns on her head, she frowned for just a moment, before smiling again. "Well...besides these things ofcourse."


Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

"Hmm, so much for you showing me the full extend of your power...rather disappointing. However, I guess you are just more of a chakra user and have a distinct lack of physical attributes due to this choice of life."

Akira, his fist still connected to her chest below her neck and collarbone, sighed. It was quite true. He had normally used chakra to create out of lightning and fire, to practice handling and commanding for when he summoned his actual gifts. He didn’t rely on his own strength or power often, and when he did, it was with the power of his Jutsu. He yanked his fist away when he found that she took out what appeared to be a small knife. One with dried blood on it. But then she turned the small, yet intimidating blade on herself. "I might have learned that I am no god, that I am but a human...however, there is one thing I can tell you..."

To Akira, the woman was beginning to sound insane. But beyond that he was prepared to pray, as she appeared to be committing suicide. He knew the Shinigami would accept her blashphemous self. She shoved the blade into where Akira had punched. She had begun to cut deep into herself, the blade going towards her vital heart. "I have all the time this world has to obtain a power of a god, nay even beyond a god...heh, no matter how many times it happens, I have yet to find a way to remove the pain when it happens."

She then fell down towards her knees. And then she became lifeless. Akira looked at her for a good long time. When he believed she was confirmed dead, he slowly closed his eyes, sighing, and began to pray an internal chant. Then he noticed something. The wound began to sputter. The pile of dead meat would turn grey and spasm violently. The body began to rip apart, as another one would proceed to take its place. Eventually standing in front of Akira was the woman who had died. He took a step back. Only in all her full glory. Akira’s face became red hot, and his nose began to pour blood, unbeknownst to himself. "Death is a concept, a mere hurdle to overcome. Now tell me kid, do you think the shinigami you hold in such high regard...would ever get a grasp on someone who has managed to bend death to her will?"

She then began to take the close off of the disgusting husk. Akira would watch her redress herself, this time blood coming from his other nostril. "It's all just chakra, from the way we live, the way we fight to the way we's all just us and the power we hold within ourselves. There is no shinigami, for would a god of death have let me perform such a feat as this, in which I effectively escape death without a single price to pay?" Touching the horns on her head, she frowned for just a moment, before smiling again. "Well...besides these things of course."

Maikeru didn’t know what to do. This was a situation that greatly confused him. He stared at the lady, up and down, and then at the corpse. He wiped the blood from his nostril, performed a hand seal, and summoned Akisu back. She looked around to see the lady in front of her. “Oh, so back for round tw-...what the hell is that?” She was looking at the deceased body. She took out her scimitar and poked it. “This is kinda disgusting.”

“She took out a little knife and killed herself...but then she reamerged from the body...where she was fully bare, in all her glory...and then she put her clothes back on…”

“Hold on. She killed herself? And then came back? How’s that even possib...oh….maybe I definitely am not in a position to ask such a question like that.” Akira kept staring at the woman in front of him, after seeing such a display. He was in awe. He knew of people coming back to life without the use of the Shinigami, but this was something different. This lady was intriguing. She was powerful. Akira didn’t exactly know what he was dealing with. And he felt the urge to walk away before he gets hurt.


Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

When being finally fully dressed, the horned woman looked at Akira with a devious grin on her face, knowing exactly what he had to be thinking at that point. After all, was this not the most in-your-face proof that she was beyond the Shinigami's approach, having the option to revive herself in such a way that she even transcended the concept of age. Lamya had turned thirty not all too long ago, not a birthday she celebrated, but nonetheless each time she used the shin saisei technique, she simply shaved off the years to the point where her body itself was in peak physical condition, rejuvinated to the best point in the time and thus history of her body's cells. The only drawback to this issue was the fact that she had to adjust to her body for some time after each use of the technique, allowing her to sort of ride her new form for a while to get used to it.

Her grin quickly vanished when the young man in what looked like a moment of insecurity, most likely caused by the obvious signs of his...'hormones' working up after her extraordinarily "revealing" way of revealing her point to the zealous child, suddenly formed a seal and brought back what looked to be the girl which had vanished in a puff of red smoke earlier. Lamya knew that this was yet again a display of his strange summoning ability, which though similar in a sense to the kinjutsu known as Impure World Resurrection, had less flaws in its basic use and less rules to abide by it seemed. However, it seemed that this reemerged child was not entirely prepared for what she was seeing. “Oh, so back for round tw-...what the hell is that?” She was looking at the deceased body. She took out her scimitar and poked it. “This is kinda disgusting.”

Those words rather annoyed the Desert Snake, as she drew closer to the recently resummoned girl and glared at the child in a cold manner. "One does not expect the foolish and the zealosly blinded children of this world to understand the true principles of society and the power within that society," Lamya's words, though veiled with by her intelligence, did not cover up the fact that her mind towards these "believers" of the shinigami had not changed a single bit. "Death is not finite, thus by death not being finite, the grasp and thus the power of your so-called Shinigami is not absolute and thus therefore proven to be flawed."

Waving her hand a bit and yawning, the rogue shinobi suddenly chuckled at her own comment, practically expecting the girl to lash out again. Despite not having any desire to fight or event try to do so, she was still curious about the young man's summoning power and how it truly worked, but she couldn't help herself from dejecting his beliefs either. "Now than, since I've proven your shinigami to be nothing more than an old wives' tale. How about I introduce you to a more...grand world of power and abilities? In exchange, all I desire is to study this remarkable ability of yours and who knows...I might actually help you to become more adept at it."

The desert snake wondered what the young kid would do, but rather than await an answer, she turned around and started moving away, no longer willing to listen to the prattle of a zealot and simply intrigued wether or not said religious fanatic would take her up on her word, if it wasn't now, she doubted he would forget her offer anytime soon anyway. "It's all your choice, but know that I will be waiting and watching as long as you reside in these lands, where I am god," No joke, no threat, just a warning to heed and a piece of advice to hopefully remember till the time came. there would be no blood that day, for Lamya had no reason to hurt or even attack this young man so far.



Last edited by Lamya on Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:31 am; edited 2 times in total

Akira Nekuro

Akira Nekuro

"One does not expect the foolish and the zealosly blinded children of this world to understand the true principles of society and the power within that society." Akira had his eyes only half open. He had begun to believe himself to be beyond this woman’s words. "Death is not finite, thus by death not being finite, the grasp and thus the power of your so-called Shinigami is not absolute and thus therefore proven to be flawed."

Akisu, feeling challenged glared at the woman. “I’ll have you know I don’t partake in Akira’s weird worship or whatever. But there’s no need for you to be a-”

“Akisu!” Akira shouted her name with a bit more force. It caught her off guard, and for a brief moment, she had thought about her actions, and then relented. She noticed how the pale lady wasn’t paying her any attention regardless, which immediately gets under her skin. "Now than, since I've proven your shinigami to be nothing more than an old wives' tale. How about I introduce you to a more...grand world of power and abilities? In exchange, all I desire is to study this remarkable ability of yours and who knows...I might actually help you to become more adept at it."

Akisu’s eyes widened. Akira, unamused by her offer began to open his mouth. Before he could say a word, Akisu grabbed his arm and looked at the woman. “Excuse us for a moment.” Akisu pulled Akira away with much force and urgency to get a respectable distance away from her. “Take the offer.”

Akira was naturally shocked by this. “I thought you had initially found the woman unpleasent.”

“I did. And I do. But one thing that is undeniable is that she is powerful, and she can make you into less of a wimp then you are now.”

“And why on earth would I take her up on that? I could simply gain power through my own means.”

“Akira, please. She’s the quick and easy way. With her, you can summon the others. Pleeeaaase do this. For me?” She began to throw a dramatically saddened face at Akira. The face does nothing for Akira, however, he can not deny her logic. The woman was on an entire different level of strength than he had seen before. If he can master the Gift of the Shinigami, it's through her power, and if he can master it, he can gain more gifts. Akira agreeingly nodded, and began to walk towards the woman, summoning Akisu away. “I will still hold on to my faith in the Shinigami. However, I will partake of your offer. I am willing to become your sibling.” Akira gave a slight bow to her.

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