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1Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Empty Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:10 pm



Each and every one of the hidden villages within the Five Great Shinobi Countries received their names roughly based upon the geographical features and climate they were subject to. Sunagakure for the expansive deserts that surround it, Iwakgaure for the mountains which provide a natural stronghold, Kirigakure for the thick mist which seems to rise from the sea to obscure it from vision, Kumogakure for the fact that it is build upon tall mountains, allowing the clouds themselves to disguise it. That leaves Konohagakure. The immense forestry which surrounds the Hidden Leaf village is what earned it such a name. Rumored often to be easy to become lost within and filled with danger, young children are forbidden from entering at all, and even adult civilians are not encouraged to do so. Whether it be the larger than life wildlife or the bandits searching for an easy living, it is quite a shame that such a beautiful place would be home to so much malice.

For an Uchiha boy, just on the precipice of formal adulthood, the dense forest through which the Naka River flowed was a danger and a risk he was always willing to take. Masao found a great deal of peace and serenity within the shadows of the trees near that flowing river. There was no better place to retreat from the noise and stress of inner Konoha. Working a job in the marketplace while he went through the process of being cleared to do missions was the way Masao made ends meet. Working within a bookshop was of course something of a dream job for the avid reader, but evenso, work was always a tiresome endeavor and days off we’re best spent on leisure. Laying next to the river and reading a book with a picnic made up for himself was the way Masao chose to relax, and so as his eyes opened up to the early morning sun streaming in and caressing his eyelids he felt nothing but joy. A steaming shower would drizzle across his form as he faced away from it in order to brush his teeth without having his face assaulted by the scalding hot liquid. He was a member of the strange demographic who choose to brush their teeth in the shower rather than allotting a separate time in front of the sink to do so.

There were plenty of small quirks like that about Masao, but for the most part he was just a normal guy. The smell of green tea and mint would invade his nostrils and carry with the steam that had gathered and accumulated all throughout his home due to the temperature of his shower. Tea tree shampoo was a luxury he afforded for himself no matter what. It was one of those small pleasures that brought him great happiness. As the suds washed away with the spray of the shower head, Masao leaned forward to begin twisting the knob to shut off the water, accidentally turning off the hot first and getting a chilling shock for a moment as he let out a girlish squeal - frantically twisting at the cold knob while simultaneously stepping out of the water’s path. After a brief tango with the shower curtains he would grasp his towel and rough up his own hair before working his way down, drying as much of his body as he could before securing the towel around his waist and walking into his kitchen.

The night before, he had left his picnic basket upon the countertop as a reminder to himself to pack for the leisurely excursion to the river on this lovely Saturday. As he walked through his kitchen, dripping still just a bit upon the tile flooring, he rummaged through his fridge and skillfully prepared himself a turkey sandwich, tossed in a bottle of water, some potato chips, and a can of soda. He was not above having an unhealthy feast. Soda was an inescapable guilty pleasure of the young shinobi. It certainly lead to the extra mile of cardio each day at the training grounds, but to him it was more than worth the delicious bubbly liquid cooling his throat. As he sealed up his basket and turned to walk back to his room to get properly clothed, he slid across the slick tile that he had wetted earlier. He flailed his arms out and slid every which way, a comical display of unnecessary athleticism as he overdramtically did planted his feet against the wall and the counter to stop his fall, forming a split.

The journey to his room was one of frustration, feeling the world today was attacking him in only the most minute ways to stall his excursion. He shook it off and dressed himself. A red and grey polo shirt bearing the Uchiha Clan symbol embroidered on the back along with a pair of matching grey cargo pants suited the slender young man well. As he tied his long black hair back into a low ponytail, it was time to depart.

Even with the fact that his clan was known to be powerful and proud, the history they had lead to some distrust within Konoha. As Masao passed through the streets bearing his clansign with pride, he could still sometimes hear the whispers around him. He tried not to let them bother him in any way, it was better if he focused on proving that sort of thinking incorrect. And just as it were, he passed through the gates and into the thick of the woods where he would begin the search for a new relaxation place alongside the river. It was never too difficult, particularly at this time of early morning when the sun streamed through the trees as if to specifically point out ideal locations for a hungry bookworm.

At long last, walking alongside the slightly noisy Naka, Masao found himself a lovely clearing along the banks. It was far enough from the river to muffle its noise, but it was close enough to silk enjoy the scenery. The trees above provided shade in which to stay cool, but enough sunlight to read. Nearby, a few deer took advantage of the banks, drinking with confidence that no predators might be upon them. They were beautiful and gentle creatures, skittish as all hell, though. Masao would remain still as he enjoyed the rare treat of being so close to them. It was creatures like the deer, peaceful and free of malice, that reminded Masao of his goals. Such animals carried out their lives without intent to harm another living being. They had not become a common game animal because they wanted to be. They simply desired to live, as all things do. The Uchiha’s black eyes would meet with the male among them with the largest set of antlers. A silent meeting of eyes as if to acknowledge the harmlessness of the other. They were not so different.


2Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Empty Re: Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:28 am



The early morning sunlight poked through thin curtains casting a veil over the empty bed. Koharu was always an early riser, getting up before the sun illuminated the forest. Upon waking up the first thing she found herself doing was series of odd looking stretches before she dangled her legs off of the edge of her bed for a few seconds before standing to her feet. Her furry white companion lay sprawled at the foot of the bed. Tsukiya always loved to sleep in.

The young woman wouldn't face herself in the mirror yet, instead, she would go downstairs and begin making a simple breakfast. Sometimes Koharu found how her life had changed funny. If she had never found this cabin, she and Tsukiya would still be running around the woods and sleeping in caves. Nowadays she found herself doing some of the training exercises she had only read about in books. She also would've never met humans before. Though she still didn't quite like too many of them, it was the experience she was thankful for. Especially since the old couple is allowing her and Tsukiya to stay in their cabin.

The loud pop of the toaster caught Koharu off guard causing her to jump quite comically. She grabbed the browned bread and slathered some jam onto it before stepping onto her porch to enjoy her breakfast and the weather briefly. The morning sun was just peeking through the trees and the sky was a beautiful melt of lavender and blue. It felt cool now but it would only be a few hours before the sun beat down on the earth spreading its warmth all over the forests of Konoha. Koharu briefly went over her to do list in her head. Today was a fairly simple and easy day. She had to check the progress of her garden and see what crops could be pulled. She also had to begin to prepare for colder weather. Though it wouldn't seem that it would be happening anytime soon autumn was just around the corner. This meant sewing warmer clothes and stocking up on firewood, but most importantly, it meant stocking up on as much meat as possible. Tsukiya and her would have their work cut out for them this week.

The beasts seemed to appear as soon as Koharu thought of him. He made quick work of snatching the young girl's toast straight from her hands and swallowing it quickly. Koharu slapped the dog's flank in irritation and shot a dirty look at him. Tsukiya could only reply with what seemed like amusement. Koharu rolled her eyes and walked back into the house to put on some more toast for him before deciding to get ready for the day.

She glanced briefly at herself in the mirror. Her chocolate brown hair was wild as it always was and she felt barren without her red war paint. She turned on the shower and entered the stream without waiting for it to heat up. Koharu wasn't necessarily obsessed with her appearance. She just liked to feel nice and she quite enjoyed shaving her legs so she did. Once done she would scrub her entire vigorously and then rinse her hair before carefully combing out its knots. She'd then step on to the bathroom floor careful to find the fluffy bath mat rather than the cold floor. There wasn't much of a need to think about her outfit. It was generally the same thing every day. Loose tunic, shorts, no shoes were her classic summer combination.

After Koharu had sufficiently dried off and put on clothes she applied her war paint and found her way back downstairs to Tsukiya sprawled out on the couch. She would run over and plop beside the large dog, jostling the cushions and causing him to let off a warning growl. Koharu pretended she didn't hear it and explained the events she had planned for the day, laughing when Tsukiya's ears perked up at the sound of hunting.

Before she even set out to her hunting grounds though Koharu decided to check on her summer crops first. This would probably be her last reaping for the season so she hoped for a bountiful harvest. Though she liked summer vegetables just fine, she couldn't deny she much preferred those the fall season bared much more. She sauntered over to her large garden to inspect her earnings. To her delight, a lot of her crops had bared plentifully. She was able to collect a fair amount of hot peppers, cucumbers, and her blueberries which hadn't seemed to be doing as well even offered a bit as well. She brought her harvest inside and sorted it properly inside of the fridge.

She whistled to grab Tsukiya's attention and then went to hunt down her spear which she held to her back with a simple string sling. Tsukiya bounded up to her seeming very excited to leave the house so Koharu indulged him and the pair exited the cabin. Typically they checked a few areas first to catch the start of a trail before tracking deer but Tsukiya seemed to pick up a trail rather easily. The dog broke into a steady trot with his nose to the ground smelling deeply. Koharu kept up easily keeping her eyes open and peering through the thick brush looking for an easy prey they could catch on the way. The forest seemed awfully quiet which should've provided Koharu with some solace but instead only worried her. She tapped Tsukiya on his flank to warn him but the large dog ignored her. Koharu kept her guard up regardless and slowed her pace a bit to check all around them. Suddenly she felt a wet nose on her palm. Tsukiya nodded his large head towards the river where they visited often. A group of deer drank peacefully from the water.

It wasn't hard to spot the largest among them. A fully grown buck with a large rack of antlers. It met Koharu's fickle requirements for hunting. She wouldn't hunt a doe for fear it would have young fawns and she wouldn't hunt underdeveloped deer as they provided little to use and haven't had the chance to reproduce yet. It would feel as though she were stealing. So this large buck was the prime pick of the bunch and he seemed awfully distracted by something. Koharu readied her spear and stuck an arm out to keep Tsukiya from charging the heard. For some reason, she really wanted this kill to herself. She crept forward slowly spear in hand lining her shot up to perfection. A quick painless death is what she wished for the magnificent beast. It wasn't personal only survival. Before the creature could react Koharu launched her spear directly into its skull. This sent the herd into a panicked flurry to which Tsukiya raced off to poach a buck that was smaller in size. Koharu raced to her prize to ensure its death when she noticed just across the river. There was another person present.


3Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Empty Re: Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:43 am



The source of the power within each and every Uchiha comes from an unfortunate source and at a high cost. The sharingan, famed Dōjutsu of the Uchiha Clan is a crimson eye withstand progressing amount of designs within depending on its level of progression. The members typically have dark eyes at birth, which remain dark anytime the sharingan is not active. In order to awaken the first stage and gain access to its power, the individual must experience extreme mental and emotional duress. A moment which remains with them, like a wound. The sharingan itself a memoir, and each additional tomoe, a new scar. The circumstances for developing such a thing are always different for each person, and can be more or less traumatic depending on how compassionate and empathetic the individual in question is.

Masao of the Uchiha Clan has always been an exceptionally compassionate person. He feels greatly for every person or animal around him. Whether that creature is hostile or not, Masao cannot help but wonder what it might be going through and how he might relate to it. In this particular instance, Masao could not have possibly been more unprepared for what would unfold before him in those few moments. As he stared into the glassy black eye of that deer, even if just for a moment he had connected with that creature in a strange way. The harrowing sight of a spear making its mark directly through the creatures skull and partially out of its eye would torment Masao beyond measure. As the creature stood still for a moment, shuddering slightly as the others fled with haste to escape the predator that took the large male while Masao watched him die. A rather hefty white hound that looked more like a wolf would chase after the fleeing creatures. The skewered deer fell to the ground with a heavy thud and Masao stared up at the figure who had arrived to claim her quarry. He would not have known anything had changed. But only just a glance down into his eyes would have revealed their new form. The awakened form of the sharingan. A crimson eye with a single tomoe within. Masao clenched his fist, feeling an anger within him at the loss of life before him, but just as it reached a boil it fell back down to understanding. This was the cycle of life. The woman before him appeared to be a huntress.

As he looked over the girl, he would be careful not to make her uncomfortable. Her brown hair framed a face that seemed to be surprised to see Masao out. The loose tunic and shorts she wore were not out of the ordinary but her choice to hunt barefoot was an interesting quality. Another unique thing about her would be the red paint she war on her face, two streaks of red beneath hazel eyes. The only thing Masao could muster to say in his shock and distress that seemed even remotely conversational was “Do you think he was a father?” What an odd thing that was to ask of a beast laying dead upon the ground, and an even stranger set of first words. On all ends it was a bad first impression for everyone involved.

It wasn’t as though Masao had not seen or dealt with livestock being put down for consumption. Most of his life was spent on a farm before his family chose to relocate to the markets of Konoha. He should have been okay in this circumstance, but unfortunately he was not. Whether it was a blessing or a curse that this was the incident that marked the birth of his inherited power would remain to be seen. The startled teen would reach up to his face and wipe the few specks of blood from his cheek which had gathered upon him when the spear landed. The moment was gone now, but why did he feel so much dread within? He would look up from his spot on the ground before rising to his feet, leaving his book and picnic basket on the ground as he looked back up to the girl with his hand extended “My name is Uchiha, Masao. Is there anything I can do to help you with the...” his sentence would trail off there as his still red eyes would motion in the direction of the huntresses quarry.

Regardless of that situation, Masao was a kind and considerate man. The deer was gone as the natural order would have it. Now, he saw a new opportunity to make a friend as he looked back at the place he had intended to have his solo picnic and wondered if it could have been rearranged into a campfire and spit for cooking up the deer and honoring its death with a proper, hardy meal. Masao enjoyed new friends, and even as he still shivered slightly from his riveting, emotional rollercoaster, he wanted to help this huntress in any way he could. “This clearing was my favorite of anything I could find north of here from the village’s east gate. There is more than enough space here for you if you’d like to join me! I have never met someone with an arm for a spear like yours. I brought a sandwich, some chips, a soda, and some water.

898 | 2060

4Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Empty Re: Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:40 pm



Her kill fell forward slowly its decorated head landing slightly into the river. Koharu pulled her prey out of the rushing water and checked to make sure it had died. Her spear had made its way through the creatures head and out of the other eye. The young huntress removed the spear from the buck's eye and rinsed it in the running river. She then closed the remaining eye and averted her attention to the person who had witnessed her.

From the way he stood and the lack of breasts, Koharu assumed that the person was male. The ponytail was a bit betraying but, not too unusual. Something was wrong with this strange man standing in the clearing on the opposite side of the river from her. His eyes, they were as red as blood. Was he diseased? Koharu stood hunched down over her kill with her teeth bared as a warning to this stranger. She was not afraid of some strange diseased man with a ponytail. If he were smart he wouldn't dare approach her. As she whistled for Tsukiya to make his way back, the man spoke to her. Amongst the rushing river, she could hear him ask if the buck was a father. What? Koharu just stared at the strange man in confusion before pulling her kill as much as she could off of the river bank and onto the forest floor. He was obviously a little off and as soon as Tsukiya was back they'd carry their prize to the cabin and continue to hunt far far away from here.

Koharu hastily began to drag the carcass from the river bank. It was quite heavy and she would have to drop it off at the cabin before continuing her hunt. The buck was so large though she feared she wouldn't even be able to take it back to the cabin by herself at all. She struggled even getting it out of the water. It was then that she heard the man speak again. This time he had introduced himself. Uchiha, Masao A strange name for a strange man. He continued on to ask if she needed his assistance with transporting her kill. In her head, Koharu scoffed as if she would lead a stranger with pink eye back to her cabin. She looked back at the man with her lips pursed tight and bared her teeth at him again. Another warning to leave her alone. He was being kind and Koharu new this but he was asking strange questions and was in the woods doing what exactly? She didn't want to know.

Koharu whistled again for Tsukiya, this time with more urgency. The stupid hound was probably too caught up in the chase to realize she was even calling for him. The man spoke again attracting Koharu's attention with this statement. She had been up and down this river numerous times. Noone ever visited here. How did he find this place? The huntress let go of her kill completely and stood up straight to observe the man a little more carefully. She was safe at this distance from him. She could flea if she'd like but it didn't seem like she would have to. The stranger was being consistently nice. He'd offer her food this time even. So she would try to be a little bit more polite to him as it became apparent he was not trying to take her prize.

Koharu also then noticed the basket, a blanket, and what looked like books by him. So his intentions were just to eat she guessed. Toying with the idea of actually speaking to him was a difficult process for Koharu. She decided to at least warn him about his eyes and satisfy at least one of her curiosities.

"Your eyes are very red, I think you should see a medic about that. Also, what is soda?"

It was then that Tsukiya would come bounding back towards her dragging a smaller buck in his mouth. Now with the option to leave with her kill, Koharu felt relieved. She didn't depart just yet though. She wanted to know what soda was.


5Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Empty Re: Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:40 pm



Masao could not have possible knew of the feral habitable of the girl before him, and so when she seemingly snarled at him while crouched over her fallen prize, he would reach up and scratch the back of his head with a bit of confusion. The way she handled the carcass was rough and with purpose. She was not a greenhorn in the art of hunting, and she was strong for her size. She whistled, which Masao assumed to be for her dog to return to her. There was no real result. Additionally, no change in her demeanor came from Masao’s additional dialogue at first. She provided no answers or responses to the first few things he said, continuing to whistle for her dog and do the animalistic snarling and teeth barring. Masao wondered for but a moment of the girl was truly alright. Perhaps she was uncivilized? That could not have been an easy way to live, though. Besides that, she wore clothing. None of his working theories seemed to gain any traction or confirmation as he stood, looking over at her.

It was at that time, after he set forth his proposition for sharing his lunch, that the girl would finally grace him with some words. What she said to him was alarming, but quickly the young Uchiha, who’s look would have gave away his surprise as his left hand rose up to touch just below his left eye, would realize what had occurred and chuckle to himself. Something as silly as this, huh? Most Uchiha we’re made aware of the nature of their sharingan before they ever experience the sudden change. Masao was no exception to that. Hisbparents had told him everything he needed to know about his heritage. He had taken the liberty of teaching himself the rest. He would ignore the question about soda for but a moment, walking to the river’s edge and looking over into it. The ripples reflection of his crimson eyes looked back at him.

He stood up and dusted off his pants, turning back toward his picnic and making his way to the basket. Inside was a caffeinated cola. The most basic of soda. He pulled out the cold can and handed it over to the girl, his eyes changing back to their original dark color. “It is nothing to worry about the color change of my eyes. It is...a wonderful thing which happened just then, when you took down your prey. It is a clan inheritance called the Sharingan, which becomes awakened in the face of great stress.” he would smile over at her as he hoped she would take the fan from him. Most shinobi were distrusting and would not have wanted to share clan secrets or directly confirm their identity to strangers, but Masao was cut of a different fabric.

Soda is a drink. One of the greatest things invented by mankind. Have a drink! It is safe! If you have any worries I will drink some first.” He meant what he said, still looking cheerful and giving off that air of genuine kindness.

[Exit Thread]

522 | 2582

2000/2000 Sharingan Awakened!
225/225 Reaction Time: E-0 -> E-2
225/225 Perception: E-0-> E-2
75/75 Speed: E-0 -> E-1

Last edited by Masao on Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Empty Re: Game [Private | Koharu | Social] Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:18 pm



Koharu pat Tsukiya on his head and gave him a nod. He was to stay back unless she stated otherwise. The white dog looked at her in confusion. This was a bit out of character for the young huntress and Tsukiya seemed to realize this as well. Meeting a new person and accepting a strange food from them. Not to mention what he called his Sharingan. She had never seen anything like it before. She may have to do a bit more reading about the clans of Konoha.

She took a tentative step down into the river and looked again at Masao before leaping across it in one fluid movement. She landed with a small stumble on the edge of the bank on the opposite side. She glanced back at Tsukiya to see him waiting ready to intervene on the opposite side of the bank with his two front paws dipped in the water. Koharu noticed that up close, he didn't look as scary. His brown hair was tied into a neat ponytail and his eyes were no longer that worrying shade of red. They were instead black, like coal.

Koharu picked up the canned drink and eyed the Uchiha warily before speaking. "Why would I want your spit on my drink? If this is poisoned Tsukiya will kill you for me."

She fiddled with the lid for a second before popping it off and allowing a loud hiss to sound off from the can. She peeked into the container and against all better judgment before taking a sip. Shocked at the feeling of the weird drink she immediately pulled it away from herself spilling some of it out and onto the ground. She grimaced at it and handed it back to Masao.

"Thank you? It tickled and I hated it." Koharu gave a small nod in his direction before hurrying back across the river. She allowed Tsukiya to get the buck onto his back for transport and pulled the smaller one he captured over her shoulder before taking off towards the cabin without a second glance at the strange man and his weird tickling drink.

[Exit Thread]

WC: 363
TWC: 2,266

Strength E-0 ~> E-3 450
Speed E-0 ~> E-3 450
Endurance E-0 ~> 450
Perception E-0 ~ E-3 450
Reaction E-0 ~> E-3 450

16 words

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