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1Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Empty Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Mon May 21, 2018 3:20 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

In a lush green area within the land of rolling hills, not far outside of the village of konoha, there was a boy. He just lay there sleeping as time was passing by, the small little sounds of grass swaying, the soft sounds of the streams flow as the gentle breeze passes by to take away your worries like the hakuna of matatas.

The time was moving so slowly as Miku thought to himself, that soon the time will come for him to get back to his new training menu, to gather herbs, to learn, to exercise and eventually explode with his new fiery technique.

With a twitch of his kitty ears and the sway of his kitty tail, he felt like someone was approaching. However was it an animal, was it a beast, was it a bandit, or a gentle lady, was it a man of steel or a woman of leaves. Who knew in this world that revolved around the shinobi will of fire as his own fire deep down inside began to explode in all directions as he opened his eyes and prepared himself for what lies ahead. This was the story of one small red haired shinobi boy and his meeting with those who also needed time to rest from the woes of hard days.


2Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Empty Re: Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Sat May 26, 2018 1:25 pm



The rolling hillsides were a light intermission between his shrine, and the Village. Unfortunately, he'd have to make a second trip, as he forgot an offering for his Altar of Flame.

It was daunting, yes. But the winds were strong today, and the sun did not brook it's hot gaze or the harmattan. Had it not been for his other obligations, this'd be perfect lounging weather. No grass seemed greener, and no sun seemed brighter in the sky as it were in The Land of Fire. The grace of Sol rang true as it sat in the sky.

Honnari came to a side of the hill, swathed in freshly fallen leaves. His white garb greatly contrasted the greenery, and the wind tassled and distressed it. The grass glazed as a gust of wind ran through it, combing just where the the end of the hill and horizon met. Honnari had seen many beautiful days, but none that made as simple a gaze at the sky allude to such a closeness with god. Their grace made the stern sun radiate, and the humble, moon shine down.

As he promenaded with his thoughts, a figure came into view just above the hill's crest. Upon closer inspection, the silhouette against the horizon appeared to be someone small, perhaps very young. They'd taken to a repose; one that was stretched and peaceful--like a cat.

Out in the open was strange yes, but with a day like this, it wasn't hard to find the appeal. He baited closer. Out of curiosity, and just how peculiar he seemed. Not only for the boy's quaint, feline extremities, but because he was not used to seeing another person out this far in the wilderness.

If he were to have his way, he would just continue on his task. However pondering from afar, he stumbled on the one single dead leaf. And he just so happened to step on it. And amidst the silence, save for the strands of grass, the boy surely would have heard it crunch.

WC: 347/347

3Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Empty Re: Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Mon May 28, 2018 12:21 am

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

A sound that would never escape the wonderful cat ears of Miku as he opened his eyes a bit to look towards the one approaching him. He did hear footsteps earlier, but that crunch just could not be ignored as he looked towards the other boy blinking a few times. He then began to dash towards the stranger carefully and then circling around him for a bit before stopping as if he was busy playing as he yawned a bit.

"who are you?" as he tilted his head like a confused cat of sorts as his tail swayed from side to side and his ears twitched a bit. This guy or was it a girl, looked rather weirdly dressed as he looked on with curiosity in his eyes, was this a maiden of some shrine, or a man of the cloth or some form of royalty. It was not like he could tell which is why he asked who the strange person was as he kept his eyes and ears wide open. His ears twitching to all the sounds of the hills grass and the leaves that were sometimes rustled with the wind.

He remembered being told that in most cases when meeting an unknown stranger you need to learn if they are from the village or not, as well as whether they are a danger as he kept his distance still as he seemed prepared to attack or run away depending on the situation. Though he was a bit curious why there were others here as he was also guarding the herbs in this area since people seemed to get careless with that.


4Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Empty Re: Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Tue May 29, 2018 11:12 pm



His eyes shadowed the roaming feline-esque. His agility mirrored the likeness of a cat. It must have been his niche. The focal point of his person. Picturesque perhaps, yet better still bizarre more than whimsical. Was he some cat like deity? Perhaps a simple boy? Or--a boy, but not so simple.

Honnari was curious, but the distance from here to the shrine was a bit too close for comfort. Leaving him weary of his private shrine more than anything else. Could that be the reason why he was out here? To desecrate his holy land?

"I am--an apostle of the Sun and Moon." He crooned, barely trilling the air. "If you are not, then you need not venture further. Tarnished by the gaze of men the shrine will not be!" Even after his soft protest, he assessed himself.  How out of turn, to speak to someone who therein, was not warranted such a thing? Did he have no cordiality? Civility? If the boy's motives were not, he'd surely been awakened to it now.

As if backtracking, Honnari whispers,"I am, just--a simple maiden. Who might you be that you wander out here so far, little one?" Despite his fit of pique, he dithered for a bit in the grass. It was his best form of sincerity he could bare.  Looks could be decieving, this he knew. Perhaps he was barking up the wrong tree. A bandit out for leisure, or a spiteful Jonin who might not take his remarks for the grain of sand they were worth. The opportunity costs were stacked.

Looking at the boy, truth be told, he did not look like much. A(n) countenance that was big eyed, baby-faced, and quite literally bushy-tailed. He looked quite young; he'd mostly certainly never seen a day past the age of thirteen, and his height looked typical for his age. With more scrutiny, now that Honnari had sized him up, he wondered why someone like him, could be so at ease out in the wilderness.

WC: 345/692

5Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Empty Re: Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:09 pm

Akito Miku

Akito Miku

Konoha's resident chuunin kitty boy listened to the guy or was it lady, he was not able to figure it out as he listened to the person mention that they were an apostle of the Sun and the moon. The voice seemed to have a gentleness that he was not used to, or more like a politeness that seemed out of place in this rash shinobi world. He began to wonder if this strangely dressed man was some kind of noble of sorts, as he tilted his head to the other side as the hair sway in front of his face, his cat like ears now twitching a bit before aiming themselves so that they could listen more to the man.

The man said if he was not an apostle himself he could not venture any further as he felt a bit confused as he blinked a few times, uncertainty deep within the heart of Miku as he wondered what the man was going on about. Tarnished by the gaze of men, was he considered a man now as he felt a bit more confused. Miku did not really understand what man a boy a man, since he went from boy to cat and boy as he was still not sure how to describe what he was.

Miku felt even more confused now as the man then whispered that he was a simple maiden, so was this actually a woman instead as his mind got lost in a new delusion. The apostle asked who he might be to be wondering out this far as he thought to himself and decided to answer the strange apostle.

"I am Akito Miku, a shinobi of Konoha"
as he said it softly, but within audible range so that it could still be heard. The apostles whispers were rather clear to Miku who had rather sensitive hearing and could pin point locations on sound alone. He then continued with answering the second question as honestly as he could, as his tail swayed from side to side.

"I came here to rest, this place is nice" as the wind blew through his hair as it flowed to the side as his kitty ears twitched and the grass seemed to sway as well. Here stood a maiden apostle of the sun and the moon, and a little cat boy shinobi of the village of the leaf. Where the sun and moon meet, so do the winds of change and the will of fire as Miku had no real fear in giving out his identity since he was not doing any spy work or much other then a lot more herb gathering it seemed. He waited patiently for a reply from the apostle as he seemed to not care too much about the world, but his uncaring nature was just people misunderstanding how much he actually cared as he missed his family so much at that time.


6Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Empty Re: Resting by the hillside (Open/NK) Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:30 pm



It was as if the breeze carried their spirit and gentle ways. A small way further up the rolling hills, a flurry of leaves became free of their boughs and fluttered down in their unhurried way, tumbling to join their sisters on the earth. Together they made such a carpet of vibrancy and texture. Each footfall brought a crunch.

Honnari smiled and folded his hands. "You are so small. You're like a little bird." Shinobi of the leaf seeking a period of intermission. Their was no harm in that. 

Wondering after the boy, the autumn breeze tousled his hair and pinked his cheeks. The warmth that had been in the wind just recently had either evaporated into the sky or leached into the earth. It gave life to the long grass on the hills, still yellowing from the high August sun. The strands swayed out of time with the gusts brought on by the traffic, a postage stamp echo of the prairie wheat fields in the distant praires.

The cold crisp air blew through him, rustling his hair and chilling his bones. Leaves of red and brown flew past in a whirl of motion signifying the darkness that was to come. Near a tall hills crest, the trees were pushed away and shivering as gales of wind were blowing through the valley.

Honnari's veil whipped into his eyes carried by the brisk  breeze. Winds like this never failed to amaze him; a chilly blend of earth scents and warm spices, carried by whispers of warm winter fires yet to come. Leaves rained down throughout ; warm blends of red and orange that softened the hard edges of the coming cold season into a picturesque transition. He shivered, deep inside his ethereal, off-white regalia. Everything seemed to be that shade of green these days; the trucks that barrelled by, carrying supplies and even Jonin off to blighted Suna-even the food was wrapped in neutral-green packages and given out in rations.

"This place is nice." Honnari agreed, charmed by the innocence of the young man. "Just as a god, so beautiful, were to create."

WC: 356/1048

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