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1Zhinü [D rank pet] Empty Zhinü [D rank pet] Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:12 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Zhinü [D rank pet] Gray_hawk_2_-_01112017_tortuguero_

Name: Zhinü
Species: Hawk, Grey
Rank: B
Specializations: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Elements: Fuuton

Appearance: As picture
Size (head to toe) & Weight Chart

D Rank: 22 inch (55~ cm), 1.00 lbs (0.475~ kg)
C Rank: 39 inch (100~ cm), 2.00 lbs (0.90~ kg)
B Rank: 55 inch (140~ cm), 3.00 lbs (1.36~ kg)
A Rank: 69 inch (175~ cm), 4.00 lbs (1.84~ kg)
S Rank: 81 inch (205~ cm), 5.00 lbs (2.27~ kg)
Bird of Prey: Zhinü has +2 Perception and +1 Speed
Airborne Majesty: Zhinü has -2 strength and -1 endurance

Personality: Zhinü is a hawk of selective taste, rarely allowing the touch of anyone else but those she deems worthy, and not afraid of biting to make her displeasure well-known. A bit of a temper, she expects to regularly soar the skies or will turn to show her back and glare with something akin of an offended pout. More vocal than most of her species, Zhinü has been trained to quickly reply both in positive and negative manners to Mizuki.

Techniques: With the exception of the Body Flicker Technique taught early on in its life, Zhinü knows no other techniques. Mostly still being in training, the bird serves as an additional pair of eyes and a messenger to Mizuki, and while not intended for combat the hawk's natural weapons can still cause minor wounds.

Beak and Claws:

D Rank: Zhinü's claws rake and pierce up to 3/4-inch deep.
C Rank: With a better grasp, her claws rake and pierce up to 1 inch deep.
B Rank: Trained to wound at this point, Zhinü can deliver 1.5-inch cuts and pierces. with claw and beak alike.
A Rank: Further strengthened by her growth, Zhinü's natural weapons leave even greater wounds. 2.25-inch wounds and can crack but not fully break bones.
S Rank: At this point, Zhinü's claws and beak are able to deliver 3-inch deep wounds and snap bones.

Last edited by Raiu Mizuki on Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:48 am; edited 7 times in total

2Zhinü [D rank pet] Empty Re: Zhinü [D rank pet] Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:23 am



Raiu Mizuki wrote:Name: Zhinü
Species: Hawk, Grey
Rank: D
Specializations: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Elements: Fuuton
Appearance: [x]
22 inch (55 cm), 1.04 lbs (475 g)
Personality: Zhinü is a hawk of selective taste, rarely allowing the touch of anyone else but those she deems worthy, and not afraid of biting to make her displeasure well-known. A bit of a temper, she expects to regularly soar the skies or will turn to show her back and glare with something akin of an offended pout. More vocal than most of her species, Zhinü has been trained to quickly reply both in positive and negative manners to Mizuki.
Read The Wind:

Approved!~ For 2000 Ryo

3Zhinü [D rank pet] Empty Re: Zhinü [D rank pet] Sun Mar 11, 2018 7:31 pm



Mitsuo wrote:
Raiu Mizuki wrote:Name: Zhinü
Species: Hawk, Grey
Rank: D
Specializations: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Elements: Fuuton
Appearance: [x]
22 inch (55 cm), 1.04 lbs (475 g)
Personality: Zhinü is a hawk of selective taste, rarely allowing the touch of anyone else but those she deems worthy, and not afraid of biting to make her displeasure well-known. A bit of a temper, she expects to regularly soar the skies or will turn to show her back and glare with something akin of an offended pout. More vocal than most of her species, Zhinü has been trained to quickly reply both in positive and negative manners to Mizuki.
Read The Wind:

Approved!~ For 2000 Ryo


4Zhinü [D rank pet] Empty Re: Zhinü [D rank pet] Sat Jun 16, 2018 3:46 pm



Raiu Mizuki wrote:
Zhinü [D rank pet] Gray_hawk_2_-_01112017_tortuguero_

Name: Zhinü
Species: Hawk, Grey
Rank: D
Specializations: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Elements: Fuuton

Appearance: As picture
Size (head to toe) & Weight Chart

D Rank: 22 inch (55~ cm), 1.00 lbs (0.475~ kg)
C Rank: 39 inch (100~ cm), 2.00 lbs (0.90~ kg)
B Rank: 55 inch (140~ cm), 3.00 lbs (1.36~ kg)
A Rank: 69 inch (175~ cm), 4.00 lbs (1.84~ kg)
S Rank: 81 inch (205~ cm), 5.00 lbs (2.27~ kg)
Bird of Prey: Zhinü has +2 Perception and +1 Speed
Airborne Majesty: Zhinü has -2 strength and -1 endurance

Personality: Zhinü is a hawk of selective taste, rarely allowing the touch of anyone else but those she deems worthy, and not afraid of biting to make her displeasure well-known. A bit of a temper, she expects to regularly soar the skies or will turn to show her back and glare with something akin of an offended pout. More vocal than most of her species, Zhinü has been trained to quickly reply both in positive and negative manners to Mizuki.

Techniques: With the exception of the Body Flicker Technique taught early on in its life, Zhinü knows no other techniques. Mostly still being in training, the bird serves as an additional pair of eyes and a messenger to Mizuki, and while not intended for combat the hawk's natural weapons can still cause minor wounds.

Beak and Claws:

D Rank: Zhinü's claws rake and pierce up to 3/4-inch deep.
C Rank: With a better grasp, her claws rake and pierce up to 1 inch deep.
B Rank: Trained to wound at this point, Zhinü can deliver 1.5-inch cuts and pierces. with claw and beak alike.
A Rank: Further strengthened by her growth, Zhinü's natural weapons leave even greater wounds. 2.25-inch wounds and can crack but not fully break bones.
S Rank: At this point, Zhinü's claws and beak are able to deliver 3-inch deep wounds and snap bones.


Reapping my pet with updated appearance & damage. Zhinu hasn't ranked yet, but I wanted to get all things done in one go.
- Pet damage chart copied from Aya's alt here [x]
- I wasn't aware stat alterations were a possibility as they are not covered in the Pet guideline. I noticed the possibility in Aya's pet app. Hope my alterations can still get approved?
- Pet Body Flicker Technique approved here: [x]

Seems legit. Approved.

5Zhinü [D rank pet] Empty Re: Zhinü [D rank pet] Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:43 pm

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

[x] Training Pet from D to B rank

6Zhinü [D rank pet] Empty Re: Zhinü [D rank pet] Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:47 pm



Raiu Mizuki wrote:[x] Training Pet from D to B rank

Training is approved.

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