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1Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:19 pm



Sanosuke strolled into the sky bar, it was in the morning so not many people were inside the bar. Just a couple of other shinobi who took advantage of the quietness of the bar to rest in the bar and drink before starting their missions. He wanted something to drink and eat before a mission, some chocolate chip muffin with some orange juice would be perfect. Maybe a cinnamon roll as well. It would be quite delicious in Sanosuke's opinion, the sky bar really did hook him up.

Sanosuke sat down at the bartenders table and relished at the tranquility of the bar without having to block out the stupid and chaotic noises of the drunk bar people as well. He smiled and turned to the bartender and ordered his breakfast: a cinnamon roll, 2 chocolate chip muffins and a tall glass of orange juice.

2Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:58 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

[OOC: I don't know if you know but I know that Fiona knows that she knows she knows she's noble.]

Fiona opened her eyes, to see the beautiful picture of a starry night on her ceiling. What time is it? Fiona wondered, and looked through her window, to see that the warm sun was up. It was around 8 AM. Good... I can sleep a bit longer... The thought being thought, Fiona closed her blue eyes, in an attempt to fall back in the beautiful thing people call sleep. Though, not a full minute passed until she started feeling hungry. Dammit. Fiona slowly got up, and put some clothes on. She had a black undershirt with a white kimono on it. Fiona stood in front of her mirror, and brushed her hair. A few minutes passed, before she decided to head in the dining room; she was really in a mood for some pancakes.

Fiona sat at a large table, and shouted.
"Service! Service!"
A pair of woman dressed in blue entered the large room, and started speaking.
"What do you require, dear mistress? "
"Pancakes and some hot chocolate, if I may."
The maids spoke a few words to each other, and the right one then spoke.
"I'm sorry, but we ran out of eggs. And flour, we will go to the market. Will you wait or ask something else."
What? How is this possible? Hmm... I guess I could check out that bar everyone was talking about in the academy... It sounded pretty swell. And I heard they serve pancakes. Yes, they shall serve me plenty of pancakes! A smile appeared on Fiona's face, as she opened her mouth.
"I have thought of a better idea. I shall visit the Sky Bar, please inform my parents when they're up."
That being said, Fiona got up from the chair and left her house. A warm breeze blew on her face, encouraging her to go to the Bar. Fiona would rarely go to such places, as that's somewhere where "normal" people would be. But now, she really wanted; pancakes. And that's the only place she could think of which served them. Fiona walked, and slowly but surely made progress to the bar. Here goes nothing. She thought while opening the door. A loud sound of people arguing instantly reached her ears, and Fiona instantly shut the door. No. No, no I can't. It's just... To loud! Her strong fear of loud noises scared her, but still; her will for pancakes was stronger; Fiona walked in again. She wasn't as surprised this time, so her fear wasn't as strong. Allright, I will do it! Fiona walked up to the bar, and sat. There were some people around her, but she didn't pay any attention to them, just shouted.
"Service! May I get some pancakes? And a cup of hot chocolate as well."

3Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:32 pm



Sanosuke turned to the new arrival of the bar who sat next to him. He had to say she looked pretty classy, a bit too classy to be in a bar like this. The girl was tall for a woman and had long black silky hair that looked as though it was groomed perfectly. She had sparkling yet piercing blue eyes that startled Sanosuke slightly upon looking at them. He was sure that this girl was way too sophisticated to be in this bar. Sanosuke had his expeience with aristocrats. Hell he was one until the incident where he accidently killed his father and ran away from home. It was since then that he was slightly apprehensive of the wealthy. But then Sanosuke was shocked to say the least when he saw she had a kumogakure headband on her.

She was a fellow shinobi like him, this was a shock. The bartender put down his plate of muffins and a cinnamon roll with a tall glass of orange juice. Sanosuke looked at the girl, "Huh, I've never seen you around here. Are you new?" he asked her before taking a bite out of his muffin.

4Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:09 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona was waiting for her order to be delivered, as she heard the person next to here speak.
"Huh, I've never seen you around here. Are you new?"
Fiona was a bit surprised. Why would this person talk to her? He was obviously not wealthy. At least he didn't look like one. The guy looked fairly older than Fiona, at least some 4 years or so; probably more. He had typical tan Kumo skin, and had a scar on his face. Fiona looked at the guy, and decided to speak. She would rarely respond to people asking her question like this; she would simply ignore them. But this guy... He was a Kumo shinobi as well, at least carried the headband.
Yes, this is indeed my first time visiting this location. And if I may ask; who may you be?
Just as Fiona finished her sentence, she got her pancakes and a cup of warm chocolate. Fiona slurped some, as a smile appeared on her face. It tasted heavenly. And the pancakes; even better. These are... Better than the ones my maids make! I have to visit this place more often. Fiona could hardly keep herself from completely stuffing her face; but she somehow did. Loud drunk noises came from somewhere in the corner of the bar; possibly a bar-fight. This made Fiona uncomfortable, but it couldn't really be seen.

5Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:52 pm



Sanosuke watched as the small girl stuff her face with pancakes repeatedly. It was funny it was though she was breathing in the pancakes at such a rapid pace. He took a sip of his orange juice before taking a bite from his cinnamon roll. It was sweet and delicious, just what he can expect from the baker of Kumogakure's Sky Bat.

"My name is Sanosuke Flynt, nice to meet you" He said with a smile "And who might you be?"

6Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:34 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

"My name is Sanosuke Flynt, nice to meet you. And who might you be?"
Fiona turned her head to "Sanosuke", to see that he was smiling. A few moments passed until Fiona chewed all the food in her mouth and swallowed, and then she spoke.
"Fiona of the Kyodara clan, a noble genin of Kumogakure. I'm glad to meet you, Sanosuke Flynt."
That being said, Fiona got back to her eating, one of the pancakes was already inside her. This filled her "lust" for the heavenly goodness, so she got back to her normal self and continued eating in moderate pace, drinking the hot chocolate every once in a while. She just continued eating, had nothing to say to Sanosuke so really; she didn't. The only thing she noticed was that he was eating a cinnamon roll. Those are good...

7Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:53 pm



"Fiona of the Kyodara clan, a noble genin of Kumogakure. I'm glad to meet you, Sanosuke Flynt."
Sanosuke laughed as he heard Fiona talk to Sanosuke as though he was a noble man. "Please call me Sanosuke, is that okay with you 'Fiona of the Kyodara clan'" he said jokingly to the girl who was taking small bites from her pancakes now. The drastic shift from shoveling pancakes in her mouth to politely eating them was hysterical as well.

"You know you can eat your pancakes anyway you see fit you know" Sanosuke said as he took a bite from his muffin and his cinnamon roll respectively before drinking some of his orange juice. "You're in a bar, nobody cares how you eat"

8Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:11 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

"Please call me Sanosuke, is that okay with you 'Fiona of the Kyodara clan'"
Sanosuke started laughing a bit, as he was joking.
"You know you can eat your pancakes anyway you see fit you know. You're in a bar, nobody cares how you eat"
H... How I eat? Why is this stranger talking... Fiona didn't say anything for a couple of second, but finally decided to open her mouth.
"I am well aware of my whereabouts, 'Sanosuke'. I eat how I have been taught to eat since my early age, the 'accident' before... Well, I was hungry."
Fiona got back to her delicioooous pancakes, which she was already about half way done with. Her hot chocolate was slowly, but surely, emptying as well... I don't believe I am such a pig. Will I... Need seconds?

9Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:19 pm



"Wow looks like you were hungry" Sanosuke remarked as he whistled in amazement. There was only one person whom he had seen eaten so much food and that was Okita. Sanosuke signaled to the bartender "Hey get the lady another round of breakfast."

When the food came to the table, Sanosuke paid the bartender the money that was due for the meal. Sanosuke looked at Fiona and smiled, "I hope you can eat this much."

10Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:47 am

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

"Wow looks like you were hungry."
How rude of him! Well, I guess I was...
"Hey get the lady another round of breakfast."
More pancakes? Very good, I was going to order another round, but I didn't bring any more money... The bartender brought the plate, and Sanosuke payed him. How nice of him! This is a good man! He turned to Fiona, smiled and spoke.
"I hope you can eat this much."
"No need to hope. I can eat as many pancakes as I want. Thank you for paying."
Fiona smiled back, and got to her eating. He actually seems nice...

11Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Wed Dec 12, 2012 7:27 am



Sanosuke looked to see Fiona once again eating her pancakes. He turned to his own foos ans took a few bites out of his cinnamon roll so there was only half of it left. He washed down his few bites of food down with his orange juice. Sanosuke let out a sigh after taking his swig of orange juice. "So Fiona besides the nervous breakdown you almost had from entering here, what do gou think of Sky Bar?" Sanosuke asked as he took another bite from his muffin.

12Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:38 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

"So Fiona besides the nervous breakdown you almost had from entering here, what do you think of Sky Bar?"
So, he noticed... Was it that obvious? Fiona talked back.
"This place is... Nice. The food's good, and obviously the company, but ot isn't somewhere I'd usually go to, if you know what I mean. And, about that early, it's a condition I suffer from. Don't really like talking about it."
Fiona got back to her eating; she ate a couple of more bites of her glorious pancakes, and drank some more hot chocolate. She could see Sano did as well. She waited until both of them swallowed,, and spoke again.
"So, do you come here often?"

13Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:30 pm



Sanosuke finished off his feel and burped softly into his hand so it wouldn't be too loud even for a small burp. He leaned on the chair so that although his chair was slightly tipped he was leaning his back against the bar table. The view from the Sky Bar from his seat was pretty good. He could see many people from this point of view. Sanosuke turned his head towards Fiona and waited for her to finish before speaking.

"I come here a lot. If you want me to, I can show you a good spot at Sky Bar" Sanosuke offered to Fiona.

14Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:00 am

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

Sanosuke finihsed his meal, but Fiona was still eating. Only a bit left though. Sano softly burped into his hand, and waited a minute or so for Fiona finished her meal as well, before opening his mouth.
"I come here a lot. If you want me to, I can show you a good spot at Sky Bar"
A good spot? Why not.

15Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:32 pm



Turning his head towards the balcony of the Sky Bar, Sanosuke got himself up from his seat. His feet was falling asleep, the slight feeling of pins and needles trailed up his legs. Sanosuke shook his legs in order to gain feeling back in his legs before he can walk. There were many people in the bar and was getting crowded, it would be hard for him and Fiona to get through without losing each other.

Sanosuke gave Fiona a smile before offering her his hand to help guide her through the crowds to get to the balcony of Kumogakure. "Here take my hand." he said.

16Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:06 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

"Here, take my hand.
What? Why not. He proved to be a good guy. Fiona streched her hand, and took Sano's. The bar was already crowded, everybody was pushing. Would be a good idea to hold hands.
"Come on, let's go.
Her voice was quiet, but friendly. Maybe bit shy.

17Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:46 pm



Upon taking Fiona's hand, he noticed that she smelt really good. The fragrance was most likely from the perfume she was wearing. Sanosuke decided to take his mind off the smell of Fiona to be sure that his face wouldn't blush making Sanosuke look more of an idiot in front of a cute girl. He had to be even more careful of guiding Fiona through the heavy crowds of the Sky bar. A drunk who looked atound the age of 20 came up to the two and made an attempt to touch Fiona inappropriately; but Sanosuke interferred and delivered a quick jab to the drunk causing him to double over. The move was a simple taijutsu technique taught in the academy for self defense purposes. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that made him think that Fiona couldn't handle herself, but as Sanosuke's late father and foster fagher taught him that it was up to the man to ensure the safety of a woman.

Finally reaching the balcony of the Sky bar, Sanosuke helped Fiona get to where he was standing. Although the site was beautiful, Sanosuke didn't want to go here. Making sure there weren't any people that could see was Sanosuke was about to do, Sanosuke smirked and pumped chakra in his legs so he can jump on the roof of the Sky Bar. The roof was low enough for anyone who wanted to attempt jumping it can do it themselves. But considering the fact that Fiona was wearing a kimono, it was 't the greatest ideaest he grts a smack in the face and be accused of being a pervert.

Sanosuke smiled at Fiona and offered her his hand again "Here it is, take my hand one more time" Sanosuke said with a small laugh.

18Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:30 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

Sanosuke guided Fiona in the crowd, whne a drunk guy tried to... Grab her ass! Fiona instantly twitched, but before she knew anything the guy was rolling on floor, and Sanosuke's fist was in the air. Oh my. He is strong indeed.Fiona looked at Sanouske, and smiled like she said "Thank you". She tried not to blush, as she would embarrass herself. Sanosuke looked at least a couple of years older than her. They soon arrived to the balcony, and the view was truly wonderful. The mountains, and the clouds... Kumo looks good even from the ground level, but not this good. Not even close.

Sanosuke then jumped on the low roof, and spoke.
"Here it is, take my hand one more time".
He smiled to Fiona, and laughed a bit. Fiona smiled as well, and took his hand, even if she could get on the roof with no problem at all. His hands were so big... So strong. She then realoized that anybody would be able to see under here Kimono, so she quickly looked around. Luckily, there was nobody else on the balcony. She was safe for now.

19Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:59 pm



Being a gentle as possible, Sanosuke began to hoist up Fiona up to the roof with him. If he pulled too quickly, it could be disasterous for the both of them, but if Sanosuke took his time Fiona would be next to him in no time. She noticed how Fiona looked into Sanosuke's eyes and began to feel himself blush, she really was beautiful though she was younger by just a couple years, Sanosuke particularly didn't care. A cute girl was a cute girl. Before Fiona was up on the roof with him, Sanosuke playfully wagged his finger at her with his free hand. "Okay Fiona of the Kyodara clan before seeing the view of Kumogakure, you have to close your eyes and keep them shut until you're next to me on the roof. Got it?" he asked playfully. It was fun to have someone in Kumogakure that he could have fun with, and although Fiona was from a noble clan like the Kyodara clan, she seemed as though she was enjoying Sanosuke's company.

20Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:03 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

Sanosuke joyfully wagged his finger in front of Fiona's face, saying:
"Okay Fiona of the Kyodara clan before seeing the view of Kumogakure, you have to close your eyes and keep them shut until you're next to me on the roof. Got it?"
Who... Is this man? I shouldn't do it... He could kidnap me... No. He could try kidnap me, and end with an arrow through his head.
"Got it."
Fiona closed here eyes, and felt a pull from Sanosuke. She would soon be on the roof, and enjoy the beautiful view... The little trip to eat a bunch of pancakes turned out to be quite a bunch of fun, really.

21Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:33 pm



When Sanosuke was sure that Fiona was beside him, sitting on top of the roof of Kumogakure's Sky Bar. It was there that they were at the perfect observational view of Kumo. Where they can be high enough to see the sky fully but not too high so you can barely make out any of the buildings of Kumo. It was really breathtaking, the view of here, Sanosuke liked getting to high places where he can think. He hoped Fiona could appreciate its beauty.

"Okay you can open your eyes Fiona" Sanosuke said

22Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:06 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona could feel Sanosuke's strong pull, and in a moment; she was sitting on the roof. She could feel Sanosuke's warm breath, so they were fairly close. She heard his voice.
"Okay, you can open your eyes Fiona"
She opened here eyes. It was really strange how the view from the roof was so much prettier then the one just a meter or so beneath them. The clouds were high, only the tops of some building could be seen. But they were soooo pretty. The view is a lot different from where Fiona lives.
"So, Sano, I should get going now. I have missions to attend to, if you will."
She really enjoyed this pretty morning, but it really was time for her to start doing some missions. After all, she was a kunoichi now.

23Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:14 pm



Sanosuke was enjoying Fiona's company as well, so when she said that she had to leave for missions he felt sad. This girl was beautiful and Sanosuke didn't want her to leave so soon. But then again it was about time for Sanosuke to leave so he can head out to train in chakra flow near the Durian Tree. Sanosuke then came up with an idea, "Well I also have to leave myself for training. How about we do this again sometime, you know as a date" Sanosuke suggested trying not for his face to blush with color, it was all he could come up with at the moment.

24Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Empty Re: Rest Before Work(Fiona/No Kill) Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:09 pm

Fiona Kyodara

Fiona Kyodara

"Well I also have to leave myself for training. How about we do this again sometime, you know as a date"
A... Date? The line really dazzled Fiona, she wasn't expecting something like this. True, she was a bit tall compared to others... It wouldn't be all that bad? I mean, she's close to turning 15. A year and a half or so isn't much of a difference. And he did seem kind of cute... After giving it a second or so of though, Fi replied, now sure about her answer.
"Alright, why not. Could turn out fun!"
As she finished her sentence, she would weave around her hair and proceed to exit the noisy bar with a smile on her face, and some pinky blushness in her cheeks.

---Fi Left The Thread---

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