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1Kasai - Tavern Brawl [Mission | Solo] Empty Kasai - Tavern Brawl [Mission | Solo] Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:12 am

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Kasai - Tavern Brawl [Mission | Solo] YKYfyYd

Kasai is a large town-city located at the southwestern sea border of the Fire Country in the Taika Province. It is the second most populous town after Teichaku, not counting Konohagakure. Kasai’s economy is currently suffering a recession due to a lack of ability to export their goods via boat as a result of an increase in piracy. Their poor economy has left them unable to afford the same protection that the vastly more successful Teichaku manages.

The architecture of Kasai is modern, typically employing the usage of wood, stone, and plaster. The majority of the population are general labourers and seafarers such as fishermen or naval tradesmen.

Population: 240,000
Population Density: 2,666/km²
Land Area: 90/km²

Economy: Recession, stagnated
Relationship with Konohagakure: Poor
Relationship with Akagahara: Poor

Mission name: Drunk and Disorderly
Mission rank: D
Objective: Arrest or Escort the two patrons home.
Location: Shushaya pub
Reward: 150 ryo
Mission description: A call of dispute between two patrons at a local bar has the customers feeling uneasy. Settle the matter between the two patrons as a fight may erupt at any time.
Mission details: 750 wc
A fight has erupted between two locals who possess a feud with one another have added alcohol to the concoction, the two eventually decide to settle this with brawn over brains.

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga


Late night in Kasai on a friday's evening. What could go wrong when a bratty Hyuga with one drink too much roams about from tavern to tavern in a self-imposed scouting mission? Stumbling about drunkenly, almost smashing into walls on several occasions, tripping over the street borders a few times, the whole world a blur of colours and figures of which some feel a need to mumble something incoherently. It isn't easy being a drunk. But it sure helps when using Zui Quan. Wandering about in search of the next tavern, Alexa wondered how she had picked up the Drunken Fist again. Did the Drunk come first? Or was it the Fist? A difficult line of thought if she ever met one.

The point was, she was supposed to take in a certain man as part of her mission today. A sailor belonging to the crew of "The Naiad". No particular reason given other than him being part of an elusive smuggler's gang and the Konoha forces wanting him to be taken out. Somehow. The man was a notorious brawler, Alexa a notorious drunk (it's hard to determine if Konoha is serious about that or just joking around). The plan was so simple and idiotic that some considered it genius, others were certain it wouldn't work - throw the two together and a tavern brawl was sure to break out. Simple and solid, if you asked Alexa. Nothing that couldn't be achieved with a Henge no Jutsu and a good drunken punches, broken bottles and tables, music created by broken jaws, dull thugs and loose teeth flying out of their mouth. The perfect orchestra for a Friday eve.

Finding that guy was a different story though. She had stumbled into the most popular tavern and had to realise, after a few mugs, he didn't ever set foot inside due to some shifty story about him going awry with the tavern keep's now ex-wife. Her being an ex having nothing to do with their affair but with her once having spit into the meal of a customer which led to his brother beating up his face and almost ruining the place. The question if this was the actual truth of the tale was one better left unasked, but it had brought in a mug or two of ale as she collected necessary information. Since 'Nefarious Ned' (that name is a story of its own) didn't come there, Alexa had moved over to a different tavern in the 'hood.

The same situation would repeat itself. She'd be sitting there, talking smack like every other sailor would, drinking the sorrows of adventure away. Unlike all those men and women that were about a decade older than her, she would be questioned about her age and her attitude, not understanding why her parents allowed her to be here, and more of that sort of patronising nonsense. As if her parents weren't enough. Of course, she'd retaliate with a swear fest that made quite a few of them blanch away, some of them involving but not being restricted to 'private parts' and 'fleas', causing her to see the daylight on the streets soon after. Huh. To think there were port taverns with a modicum of decorum... Who would have imagined that?

It mattered little. The guy she had to take out wasn't here anyway so her rough exit would be the signal to find out about the third tavern waiting all by its own far on the reaches of the docks. The walk towards it under the salt-scented winds would do her good, her mind thinking about the locations of other taverns both popular and hidden. She could come up with five others in the vicinity, not further than a couple of streets apart, but going through all of those - and their drinks - would take some time.

Two taverns later with double the drinks down the throat, Alexa stumbled into the most inconspicuous tavern in Kasai. The outside of the building had looked much like a simple house, the name of the tavern - Sailor's - being a simple yet elegant iron forging attached above the door, making it seem the inhabitant had simply given a name to his house. Thick curtains hung before the single, large window, hiding any activity happening inside from prying eyes and daylight alike. Had she not seen a sailor step inside without knocking, Alexa would never have found identified it as a bar.

About to step inside, her advance was halted by a parrot meekly flying through the air, half a wing numbed by fatigue, its beak seemingly not of a mind to be defeated just yet. With a crass cawing, the "Make way, pox-laden mollusc" would be all too well received by the Hyuga who, instantly triggered, pointed her finger at the bird. Ready to retort in kind, her words would be muffled as the old bird flew straight into her face without the slightest of pardons and had the girl tumbling over and backwards in the street as she tripped over a protruding cobblestone and lost her balance in the process. Swearing the life out of the bird, she would find herself rising up with a 'heavy' weight of a full 30 pound on her stomach. The bird, completely flustered, swayed on its two little legs, eyes bewildered, wings too tired to be lifted decently.

"Oi! You colourised seagull, what's yer problem? Can't ye smack someone else's face?"
"Murder! Murder!"
"Ye bet I'll be murderin' you. Make ye eat yer feathers, stuffed piece o' poultry."
"Arrchibald is murdered!"
"I dun' care wh- what?"
"Arrchibald is dead, nails-for-brains."

Alexa would fall silent for a moment. Arrchibald was a known smuggler, aye, but not the worst. Even among the Leafies, he was considered 'ok' since he knew a thing or two that even their spying eyes couldn't figure out. He was somewhat of a Konoha anti-hero, the rebel refusing to walk in line with the rest yet never lifting a crooked finger to Konoha's peeps. 'All he did' was just smuggle goods across borders and trade them on the black market, get stinking rich, take out a couple of loser ships sailing under some loser's flag or start a fight with whoever he felt like picking a fight with when drunk. Alexa's perfect example. But he had become an old man and success turned him decadent. Careless. Talent had crumbled down to sheer raw power fuelled by hubris. True, his reputation would forever live on among the sailors after his death. But what would become of his treasures...?

"Who croaked 'im, buckbeak?"
"An ugly wench did, aye"
"Be more specific?"
"As ugly as you arrr, aye"

She'd knock the bird on the head, vein twitching in anger.

"That's not what I meant! Describe tha' wench, wadlad."
"Abuse! Murder!"
"Oh shush."

The door to the hidden tavern would open again, some sailor stepping out, tapping a hat he wasn't wearing in greeting and waddled on mumbling a sea shanty between his teeth. Realising she was still sitting half on the street, Alexa would stand up, seeing the bird fall off her stomach in the process, flapping its wings to land safely on the floor. Arrchibald's death were sorrows for the morning sun.

"Yo, bird. Come with me."
"Nice panties."

One second later, the bird learned to fly without any wings as her foot kicked the perverted bird up high. For a moment, she put her hands on her hips, boldly looking up and expecting him to crash down again but instead the bird flew down gently, panting as he landed on the window pain.

"Time out. Crackers, I need crackers or I'll be dead."
"You ain't gettin' any 'fore you apologise"
"I'm sorry I ain't sorry. Got crackers?", he'd caw real fast, holding his leg up to receive something to bite.
"Wise guy. I'll give you crackers on one condition."
"'n that is?"
"Make that two conditions."
"Done. And those are?"
"Firstly, since Arrchibald is dead and you found me, that makes me your new cap'n now."

His old eyes would look her up and down.

"Do you even ship, lass?"
"I'll ship ye my fist, parrot."
"Aye, skipper. Next condition?"
"I 'ave business in this tavern 'ere. Help me out, and ye get ye bag full o' crackers."
"Two. Two bags o' crackers or no deal."
"You drive a hard bargain, Arrchiburd, but okay."

She'd stretch out her hands. He would fly up and close his paw briefly around her finger to seal the deal. Then, Arrchiburd would settle on her shoulder, marking his new captain with a gnaw in her ear and instantly getting smacked off as reply. Knocked off her left shoulder, he'd flap to her right, eyeing her with one eye and a click of his tongue as he landed, as if he meant to snicker. Using Henge no jutsu, Alexa would alter her appearance sufficiently to not be recognised as the Konoha-nin and step inside the tavern.

Just in time, it seemed. A brawl was going as a handful of men were going at it, fists flailing. It didn't take long before one of them found Alexa's face and punched her right onto an occupied table. Slightly dazed from the smack, the parrot would find safety on the chandelier hanging down from the roof, bobbing its head enthusiastically as it screamed, "Fight, fight, fight!", with a sharp caw. Standing back up, she'd crack her neck, ball her fists and run in to return the favour. As the patrons of the bar beat up each other a merry good time, the bar keep seemed unfazed by the whole spectacle, dutifully continuing to clean the glasses as his eyes kept track of what was happening. His peace would briefly be disturbed as a patron was smacked on the bar itself, then pushed off by the bar keep's colossal hands. The soft thud of the knocked out man would not be heard in the chaos of the tavern brawl.

Alexa was having the time of her life. Already heavily influenced by previous savoured drinks, the Zui Quan came easily, its unpredictable movement making sure most of the attacks aimed at her were strangely dodged before retaliation was served. Despite the drunken state she was in, the Hyuga's Gentle Fist would shimmer through, at times oddly specific in its striking which caused one of the patrons to seemingly 'fall asleep' mid-fight and be crushed into the ground by another less-than-gentle sailor's body slam. Despite the fun of the fight, she had not lost sight of the target she was to take out. Dancing and stumbling about as fist and feet directed the flow, she would eventually get close to her target for a couple of random strikes that knocked him out cold. Her assault would not go unpunished as moments after, a left hook send her flying into a bench. Again, the smack having come across rather hard, she'd need a moment to regain composure, glossy eyes watching how the whole brawl would end sooner than she had anticipated.

A satisfied peace would settle and Alexa stood up, unsteady on her legs and waggling over to the target in question. She'd drag his unconscious body out of the tavern, comically as it could be to see a 16-year old girl with a parrot drag around a sturdy lump of a man, and through halfway the streets before two Konoha shinobi wearing a mask would flicker into existence. With a blue eye, thick cheek and a bleeding lip, she'd deliver the man to the forces, happy she got rid of that weight.

"Aye, 'n be informed. Arrchibald be dead."

The two would look at each other briefly, equally surprised, then nod at Alexa in comprehension before they vanished and left her alone with the old parrot in Kasai.

"Time to pay up."
"I dinnae see ya help."
"I cheered for ye, thankless whale."

She felt the urge to knock the bird's head again, but too tired from the brawl Alexa could only sigh. In all fairness, she didn't specify how he had to help.

"Let's go home. Ye'll get biscuits there."

And so another mission had been finished successfully, the sailor-nin finding an unlikely companion in the process.

-750 | mission
-300 | extra pay (+75 ryo)
-1000 | C rank, "Siren of the Deep"
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