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1In Soma (inv) Empty In Soma (inv) Tue May 01, 2018 7:02 am



The moments after sunset were the time of day Yōsei most appreciated. When the heat just started to leave the sands, replaced in turn by fresh winds but not chilly enough to remind the Sealer of Naraka's icy grip. He closed his eyes, drawing breath in through his nose, deep enough to feel his chest expand, and then he exhaled slowly from his mouth. Even after months returned to the realm of the living, Yōsei treasured these small miracles. Each touch of soft wind against his skin, even through the folds of his cloak and thick white mask, made him delighted merely to live. Such a privilege of returning from death was not one to be taken lightly, and the Sealer paid his respects with each action, showing fate his gratitude for allowing him this life.

In the aftermath of the battle, Yōsei let Tenjin rest his weary body while approaching him slowly, spiraling around the perimeter on the lookout for anything sinister that may have been drawn by the earlier ruckus. He used this time to ponder the boy who lay in the sand, and his place in all of this. The concordance of fate was a strange thing; it brought these figures into one another's lives for a reason, much the same as it had bound Hika and him together. Though similar in theme, the events that led to this auspicious meeting were nothing like those which lay in wait for Yōsei's partner, but the boy here would provide a worthy ally. The Sealer would not easily mistake another shinobi, even barely sparing the lad a glance during the fight, Yōsei ascertained his formal training and polished fighting style. Somewhat of a late bloomer but a potential prodigy he was, and Yōsei scouted him with great interest. If the Nukenin could draft such young minds into his ranks, mold them into his way of thinking and one day have them become as he was: free and alive.

Yōsei made no secret of his approach, expended no effort to conceal his footsteps or shroud himself in chakra. If it had been his choosing, the master of stealth could have effortlessly ceased to be. In contrast, neither did he make his entrance with pomp or fanfare, for the Sealer who came to stand on the cusp of a dune's curve, looking down from across the dip in the sand, was a phantasm. The Nukenin stood for a moment, watching Tenjin whether he would still be laying on the ground or had gotten up by now. Eerie mask stared out from the thick folds of Yōsei's cloak, the shimmering gossamer tatters holding within them sheets of subtle color and the patterns of stars shifting with the thread. The Sealer embodied his namesake well; bewitching and surreal, the tall figure's humanoid features were consumed utterly by that living cloak writhing around his form and whipping off into the distance with every gust of wind.

"You have fought well enough."

It would likely take the boy some time to get used to Yōsei's method of speech; the spiritual way that the world itself lent gravity to his words. Instead of from his mouth, or even the direction of his otherworldly visage, the words came from the gusts of wind and kicked up dust, they carried through the clouds and spelled themselves out in connections between the stars. Such affinity with nature came only from a lifetime dedicated to spiritual refinement; a rare gift was one so beloved by the world.

"The desert is unforgiving. Whatever you seek in this desecrated Holy Land lies now in ruins. Turn back, short-lived shinobi, return to the time before all this. I have watched your kind venture here in search of salvation, of power, of vengeance, and of mere curiosity. Inevitably, those few pilgrims who survive the life you have chosen come to rest here. Do you understand now where you have journeyed? This land is a lost place at the end of all things, filled with monsters and ghosts. Those who come here seek only to slip quietly from existence.  If this is your wish, to be laid down into the sand, returned to the dust of this desert, then forge a contract with me and I will strike you down with mercy."

The boy would never entertain such an accord, Yōsei knew this to be true. A shinobi would never willingly accept death until they had reached the pinnacle of power. Within the boy who was before him, the Sealer saw the ambition of growing power not yet ready but on the cusp of real strength, not merely unwilling but utterly incapable of accepting less. The drive to be great caused men throughout the centuries to step over one another in the pursuit toward that mountaintop. Few came to be there but before Tenjin was one such survivor; no longer called Shinobi for he was not but a man who had lived long enough to accumulate secrets which held power beyond that of any jutsu. More accurately he may have been thought of as a Sage, one who had attained such vast wisdom that even while performing the ninja arts, he somehow transcended them. Whatever he was, it was irrelevant now. Yōsei studied Tenjin, watching his movements carefully, taking in the body language and whenever he would reply, the Sealer would pay particular attention to how he spoke. The Nukenin sought to pick out any hesitation in this young ninja, the slightest tremble or stutter would give away any of his latent insecurities, Masked and cloaked as the other shinobi was, mirroring Yōsei in some ways, he would not be able to hide anything from the Sealer's perception.

"Tell me, what do you seek?"


2In Soma (inv) Empty Re: In Soma (inv) Sat May 05, 2018 5:24 am



So begins the dream sequence...

Tenjin didn't remember how he arrived to this area, and he did his best to still his rapid breathing as he waited for a sign of his enemy. He remembers vaguely being in a battle that nearly took his life in Sunagakure some hours ago and since then a shinobi had followed Tenjin up the mountain, tailing his path for many miles. Finally Tenjin had enough running and stopped when he found an appropriate spot to hold him off. The mountain path leveled off here, but only enough for the walking path up the mountain that was 5 meters across at this point, and the large pond that averaged about 20 meters across. Tenjin had not even stopped to rest before he started planting explosion tags at varying heights on all the trees just before the path narrowed. Each of the tags was on the north west side of the trees, the side facing away from the approaching enemy ninja.

Tenjin began his breathing exercises to calm himself, realizing he would give himself away if the enemy was near. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, and for what seemed like forever. Maybe his excitement made the delay go by much more slowly, or perhaps the enemy had fallen further behind than Tenjin had realized, but he knew he had to be coming. This was the only path on the south side of the mountain that lead towards the village of Iwagakure no sato, so the enemy knew he was headed this way, and he wasn’t nearly close enough to the village for them to give up the chase. So he waited and he listened for his queue.

Eventually, Tenjin was shocked out of his focused breathing and listening by the sound of a male voice, older than Tenjin for sure if the crack in his steady voice was anything to judge by, the tone of his voice spoke of volumes of experience. Tenjin had to take a moment to calm himself again, as he considered the fact that he was a shinobi in full, a true warrior and killer. There was a moment’s bickering in Tenjins mind, should he continue to run, or stay and fight? and as Tenjin listened to the voices in his head, Tenjin waited until he was certain that the shinobi was standing in the middle of the rigged trees, then focused his chakra and blew a large portion of the explosive tags. Tenjin quickly looked around the tree just as he did this to see the man trying and failing to ride a falling tree down. It seemed as though he would be buried by them, but he was much quicker and managed to get past the blasts, and was now looking back at the devastation but was standing on the pond... just as Tenjin had hoped he would.

While the ninja was descending from his life saving jump, Tenjing pointed at the shinobi with the palm of his hands and utilize the repulsion technique as he and timed it so that the jutsu hit the target just as the shinobi landed on the water. The old man had just enough time to register what was going on before he landed and felt the full force of the force that Tenjin had sent his way.

The man easily dodged the technique and when Tenjin saw his face, he noticed the ninja wearing a mask. Tenjins body felt as if it turned white starting from his feet and travelling up to his head. Tenjin knew this shinobi from somewhere, but he couldn't remember where. He was in a rage because of this fear that this shinobi emitted from Tenjin and, regretfully enough, he was not the most accomplished taijutsu user compared to this hidden figure. Tenjin tried dodging this shinobis strikes for a few moments, but he was faster than Tenjin by a lot. His hits were overly effective, and enough of them would have been a serious issue for the young shinobi. With one strike, the shinobis fist sank into Tenjin’s clenched gut, but no sooner had it made contact than Tenjin used his defensive repulsion technique, which sent a protective force pushing outward from Tenjin’s stomach, which the shinobi punched through with relative ease.

After being tossed back, Tenjin started to rub the pain away from his gut, then a tree that had fallen during the explosions blew in half. Out of the smoke, the shinobi came charging at Tenjin, who had, from the looks of it, just destroyed that tree with his hands alone. Tenjin sighed, knowing this would be a problem. Nevertheless, he immediately sent what he hoped would be the only needed jutsu, his repulsion technique. The force streaked out at the shinobi, looking to make quick work of him, but he met the force of chakra with what could only be called a counter punch. The force simple appeared to have disintegrated at the end of his fist.

This unnerved Tenjin more than knowing the shinobi had blown the tree apart as he had. He had never heard of anyone that could take an attack such as he had launched with such impunity. Then the shinobi started to run faster at Tenjin and he had to put his fears away. The shinobi was extremely fast, and one good hit and Tenjin knew it would be his end. Endlessly, it seemed, Tenjin went on dodging, under, side to side. Tenjin kicked the shinobi in the side of the head in the midst of dodging one of the strikes, but he seemed not to have noticed, even with the extra added damage of the repulsive force technique. Tenjin still couldn’t believe the sheer toughness this shinobi had, but he power had lost it’s mystery for him. The shinobi is the definition of a power house, this made Tenjin remember where he met this shinobi. He was the mystery figure that saved him from bandits in the ruins of Sunagakure. But why was he attacking Tenjin now, the young chunin thought. Tenjin was contemplating how they became enemies, when a roundhouse punch came particularly close. Tenjin was forced to crouch under the blow, but when he tried to regain his balance he was met by one of the shinobi’s massive elbows crashing into him, throwing him backwards. Tenjin skidded along the ground for several feet, only coming to a stop when he hit a tree. He got up as quick as he could with the help of the tree, then looked at the incoming shinobi. He looked ruthless as he ran toward Tenjin, thinking he was going to finish Tenjin. As bad as Tenjin felt in that moment, Tenjin feigned worse, and waited. He waited until the shinibi’s expected punch was on it’s way until twisting down and to his right and detonating the explosion tag he had seen of the tree as he used it as a prop. Tenjin caught some of the blast of he felt his clothes singe and splints buried themselves into his skin, but the shinobi caught it so much worse. Flying into the pond, Tenjin noticed that the shinobis thumb was completely blown off and the rest of his hand was either missing flesh. His eyes and face didn’t fare much better. Tenjin took no pity on the enemy for his injuries though as he was coming at Tenjin to kill, and as he turned back towards the shinobi, Tenjin saw himself with a rasengan rising straight for his face. Tenjin was confused and had never been hit that hard, as the doppelganger sent his body flying towards the pond. Tenjin quietly sat down on the pond, acknowledging defeat as the fight had take a good deal out of him. Much more than he had expected. "With that," he thought, " his life was as good as over.

Tenjin then closed his eyes to take a moment to calm himself again, to breath out in these last moments of the fight. As he did, a large, hand shaped object reached out from the pond and grabbed him, pulled him under the water, and began to strangle him. Tenjin fought back as hard as he could, but he had no way to win. Tenjin looked up while under the water and saw the mystery shinobi that he was just fighting reach under water with his hands stretched out toward the young chunin, and as he grabbed it, he was pulled up and noticed that his doppelganger self was standing beside this shinobi as he said, "You have fought well enough."

The low monotone voice woke Tenjin up, as he was shocked to see that he was sleeping after the battle in literally the middle of nowhere as far as he is concerned. Tenjin could have been killed and nobody would have batted an eye, which concerned the young shinobi but knowing that this mystery figure could have killed Tenjin whenever as he slept, he accepted the fact that this man was not somebody he should be overtly worried about. Tenjin sat up to hear this man speak to him, and was able to respond. “No need to strike me down. When you categorize reasonings for coming, I guess my trek is defined by curiosity and a search for more power.” Tenjin took off his mask, and showed this shinobi his face. “I am Tenjin, a shinobi from Iwagakure.” The young shinobi then looked out into the abyss and said, “Truthfully speaking, I seek a master to train under. My village is preparing for a war that might or might no happen, and I take it upon myself to be a guardian for that place.” Tenjin then stood up and dusted himself off while saying, “thanks for saving me back there. You seem far too powerful to have let your village be destroyed. You must not be from around here originally. Who are you?” Tenjin didnt know if he would get an answer, but it was certainly worth the try to ask.

TWC 1,676

3In Soma (inv) Empty Re: In Soma (inv) Sun May 06, 2018 9:17 pm



Framed by strands of lost light, Yōsei approached the sleeping figure, observing him through the thin eyes of his ivory mask. Healthy, and well-trained, this shinobi who lay before him was a child, reminiscent of Yōsei's own upbringing at the hands of the Leaf's war machine. In his youth, the shadow embraced shinobi traditions, becoming the model of a prodigious, young genius. In Tenjin, the Sealer saw the potential for another life down the same path, and his chance to divert it to a better end. The position Yōsei found himself, lord of this mortal world with few could stand with him at the summit of this fading kingdom, lent itself to deeds of great upheaval. The Sealer clenched his fist, a rush of icy chill running through his digits as it often did to remind him of Naraka's curse.

Tenjin awoke while Yōsei uttered his words, speaking through the world as he often did, not in an effort to intimidate or show off his power but because this was the flow of things. A natural attunement to the chakra flow of the environment gave the Sealer's words power over the landscape, which rose and fell with motes of dust around Tenjin while he spoke. The boy studied him for a moment, silently judging him while rising to remove his mask, a daring gambit thought the Sealer. Yōsei finished his sentence, offering one of many contracts to the weary traveler before awaiting a response. Predictably, the quest for greater heights brought this pilgrim so far from home; what other cause could be so noble for a shinobi as to brave the elements and treachery of a nation burned to ashes? It was no wonder then that Tenjin sought to prove himself in this crucible, to find worth among monsters who feast on the corpse of this dreaded behemoth. The Sealer smiled warmly beneath his mask, which would not betray anything to the boy and would not be removed in kind. Such secrets were not for the Iwagakure ninja to know.

Yōsei pitied Tenjin for a moment, knowing the inevitable horrors of war that the boy had not seen in his young life which would soon descend upon his homeland. The Sealer himself, set his gaze on the rock village, allowed it to become part of his higher plan, a necessary catalyst to engage his foes and bring them tumbling to their knees. It was his prerogative to leave Iwa intact, to hand it over to his partner and allow the Queen of Serpents to swallow the deserts and the mountains alike. Yōsei, meanwhile, would continue east and cut a swathe of blood and fire until he reached the Cloud. The Sealer wondered who he met between now and then would still be alive to stand with him when the time came; would even he live to see the end of war? Following with a question of his own, Tenjin stared away into the desert and Yōsei followed his gaze to watch the twirling sands in the distant horizon. The Sealer let Tenjin's question linger there and gather weight before finally, he responded.

"Iwagakure is a beautiful nation full of strong shinobi; you should be proud to call it your homeland. The journey toward power is long and filled with pain, to have sought out a desolate place such as this you must have significant resolve. Unto you, I offer this, the advice of a weary servant of death; turn back. Turn away from the life you have set down before you walk too far. To be a shinobi is not a proud profession; killing in the dark, washing clean the woeful sins of this world is a thankless, soul-killing task. Consider your answer carefully, the words we use become a contract with the world; promises even to ourselves have a power of their own. Do you wish this struggle to be your existence? Do you wish to redefine your worth solely by your strength? This tragedy is the shared fate of all ninja."

For the first part of his response, Yōsei left the questions of his homeland unanswered. It was important for the boy to understand the weight of this moment and not treat it with indifference; where he sat now served as the stage where he would form a treaty with himself. Whether Tenjin would comprehend the severity of Yōsei's words mattered little, the Sealer would turn to the horizon and take a step forward. Around the pair, sand would flow upwards in twisting shapes to swallow the bodies of the bandits they had slain. Beneath the rolling dust, the corpses would become one with the earth and return to it. From Yōsei's lips escaped a barely audible prayer; last rites for the prematurely departed. These symbolic gestures were the Sealer's way of maintaining tradition, something he had forsaken throughout much of his life.

"You are correct. The Land of Wind is not my home. My name is Yōsei; I have traveled here from a forgotten valley deep in the World's heart. I haunt these lands in search of ghosts with whom I may forge a contract. At the edge of things, sinister forces stir into the world, I have seen them. Iwagakure teeters on the precipice of war; you are right to prepare yourself."


4In Soma (inv) Empty Re: In Soma (inv) Mon May 14, 2018 10:24 pm



Tenjin was more than rather appreciative for all of the help provided to him by the mystery shinobi, and as this shinobi spoke, Tenjin listened with all attention put forth on this figure. It is true, that Iwagakure is a beautiful place, the area, although rocky, its mountain ranges can provide a person much needed solitude and tranquility. The journey to power is certainly drowned in sorrow and pain, but Tenjin doesn’t have a first hand experience of this journey and thus he seeks to create his own, and trailblaze a journey for his own sake of attaining true power. When Tenjin heard the mystery shinobi warning him to turn back, Tenjin got a tad bit aggravated with the request. Tenjin grabbed his mask once hearing this, and when the shinobi kept speaking about turning around and not finishing his journey, Tenjin stood up, appearing to almost want to leave. The discussion led to the mystery shinobi speaking about the profession of being a shinobi, and although there is a lot of truth in the words uttered by this man in regards to ‘killing in the dark, washing clean the woeful sins of this world as a thankless, soul-killing task,’ Tenjin knew that he was still proud of being part of the grandiose village of Iwagakure no sato. Tenjin then became more intrigued with the mans words as it appeared to hit a turning point, and instead of warning Tenjin to leave, this man had a question or two that needed an answer. ‘Do I wish this struggle to be my existence? Do I wish to redefine my worth solely by my strength?’ Tenjin thought, and if this tragedy is the shared fate of all ninja, then Tenjin must accept these criterias as this is certainly the life he chose to live after graduating from the Diamond Heights University.

Tenjin pondered the pair of questions when he noticed this mystery shinobi step forward into the horizon and what followed surprised the young shinobi, as the earth itself appeared to eat the bandits that the pair just took down. Tenjin didnt know this shinobi at all, but considering the delicacy in which he treated these dead bodies gave this man a newfound respect in Tenjins eyes. The young chunin himself has respect for all peoples of this world, and it appears as if this man wasn’t going to let their bodies be disrespected by time and other weary bandits seeking to rob or dismember these decomposing bodies. Tenjin while distracted with the actions was surprised to hear the mystery shinobi speak again, this time, telling Tenjin more about himself. Tenjin was confused as to what contract this man was speaking of forging with ghosts, but considering the skills Tenjin witnessed, he does not doubt that he is truthfully haunting these lands as he doesnt know anybody in Iwagakure with such an abundance of power, and that is even including the newly instated Tsuchikages capabilities. Something then caught the young shinobis attention, the talk of sinister forces intrigued Tenjin as he himself has only heard of the criminals who are stirring things up in the shinobi world, leading to a potential wartorn world. Tenjin then made a fist when hearing this mystery shinobis last sentence. ‘Iwagakure teeters on the precipice of war; you are right to prepare yourself.’

Tenjin, with determination in his eyes worl begin to speak. “I do wish to become a shinobi. The struggle that comes with the profession is nothing compared to the pain that one might endure with knowing that they ‘could have been,’ and with the war looming over Iwagakures head, I see no need to turn back on my path. What would be the point of fearing death, when the potential outcome of not attaining power is the result of one’s village appearing like this sea of glass that was once a proud nation in the shinobi world. I need to protect my land.” Tenjin would make a fist while saying this and place it on his chest before repeating, “I need…” With an awkward pause seeing that Tenjin had never seen himself in a submissive role, and even though this journey meant that he might one day find a sensai, he was never prepared for such a meeting or even interaction for that matter. Tenjin then fell on his knees as a sign of humility and more so respect, to say, “I need a sensai.”

While looking at the ground, tenjin knew that this could go multiple ways, one being that Tenjin could be denied the request, even killed on the spot, but Tenjin was strongly in favor for Yosei to accept him as his pupil so that this all powerful shinobi can be his master. Tenjin was in a high risk position now, but in order to reach the top, one must face some tricky obstacles and being without an ally for miles away meant that Tenjin was sacrificing it all for the sake of possibly finding a teacher to show him the way. Tenjin was still fixated in keeping his posture, as he has never been in a position of asking for help and this felt awkward enough, so he decided not to look up at Yosei. Tenjin knew that if Yosei agreed to be his mentor, then the sky is the limit for what Tenjin could be able to accomplish, but if he rejects the offer, there is a high probability that Tenjin will not find another shinobi with equal or greater strength than that of Yosei. This is the chance of a lifetime, and with the power gathered by their training, Tenjin would be able to go back to Iwagakure and find himself being a great defender of the land. Tenjins mind was running wild, not knowing what was going to happen next, but one thing is for certain whatever will happen in the next few sec. will surely define the young chunins career as a shinobi and even change his life for the better, one hopes, but probably even the worse. Only time would tell now, and only Yosei knows what he is going to do with this Chunin at this point.

WC 1,033
TWC 2,709

5In Soma (inv) Empty Re: In Soma (inv) Mon May 21, 2018 7:33 pm



Fading light gave the Sealer's cloak its hidden properties, capturing the last sparkles within its folds and snuffing them to naught, repurposing the shimmer for its endless flow into the warm breeze. The creatures moving with the oncoming night scurried toward Ryujin's dying heart, still hoping the ambitious project, which had begun to crumble under its own weight, could still hold the key to survival. Snakes, insects, and small rodents all made their hurried path to the monstrous excavation sites, which unearthed minerals, disturbed the nests of insects and brought with them irrigation. All these things meant food for all levels of the food chain, breathing life into a new savanna in the skeleton of Sunakagkure's ruins. Yōsei would be sad to see it fade to dust but pleased to be rid of this cursed land and onto endeavors more worthy of his time; the Wanderer pondered the luck which had brought an Iwagakure shinobi into his midst, and the opportunity it presented.

Yōsei could sense the apprehension in the boy's movements, his body tense, reacting subtly to the Sealer's words as he processed them internally. Such things made Yōsei able to discern his emotions effortlessly; it was unlikely any conscious effort made by the boy could conceal anything from the Sealer and reacting emotionally made the man appreciate the sincerity with which this Stone ninja sought to improve. In ways, Tenjin reminded Yōsei of the many with whom he had shared his prodigious academy class, many of whom had gone on to become great, and in some ways, terrible shinobi in their own rights. Three Hokage among them, the proud year of noble families was a prosperous time for the Leaf which now lay lifeless, vassalized by Kiri's icy grip. Solstice's face lingered in Yōsei's mind, supplanted over the Fire Nation skyline with her distant warrior's stare. The Shadow still considered her his brother-in-arms, a worthy foe with whom he would soon do battle. The oncoming trial would serve as Ayakashi's crucible, testing her for what was to come. With Tenjin's resolve asserted in response, the boy questioned the worth of any other path, calling into scrutiny the value of a life lived to less than its full potential. Yōsei nodded slowly, acknowledging the ninja's decision and regarding him as kin.

"In the Village, they teach young shinobi how to learn from their masters, replicate techniques, and demonstrate their knowledge through observed field work. You will find no such methods in this desert, Stone ninja. I will not teach you. Instead, you may accompany me throughout this place until we reach the city which once stood in the nation's heart. There lies a place where you may rest your weary body, but it is days away, so we had best make haste throughout the night. If your legs can carry you, there is no excuse for waiting."

Yōsei pushed forward, the sand moving beneath his feet without command and propelling his feet into a steady stride. While he walked, the grains surrounding his feet would mirror the cadence of his movement, rising and thumping in time with his footsteps. It would be evident to Tenjin, Yōsei's connection to the world, as his actions and voice carried with them the weight to cause nature itself to contort in turn and pulsate with life gifted by the Sealer's passage. To the horizon, the pair would see the endless dunes stretch out, threatening to swallow the planet whole, with no landmarks with which to navigate, the expanse gave the appearance of a hungry crucible, ready to temper those who crossed it against its hardship. Without delay, Yōsei could merely have willed them across the land to the city of which he spoke, placed a hand on Tenjin's shoulder and skipped instantly through space, but this would be the Sealer's gift, a journey together where he would impart what he could on the boy. The Wanderer pondered how fortunate it was to be presented with such a pupil; the boy would serve as a keen gateway into the Village of Stone in the coming months, perhaps even as Yōsei's main contact while still, he had to lurk in the shadows.

"Our road to the Lost City is long, it will be days before we see its crystal gardens in the distance, so there is much time to discuss. Tell me what gives you the confidence that your strength is enough to justify this life. How can you know the you who lives his life in the service of warfare gives more to the world than the you who dedicates his life to business, construction, or scientific pursuit? Tell me of your life in the Land of Stone, of your family, your dreams and your accomplishments. Tell me of the person you long to one day be. Tell me does your heart long for war?"

Throughout the night, Yōsei would press on as long as Tenjin was capable, willing to discuss and continue with the flow of conversation at the boy's leisure, affording him plenty of opportunity for questioning the Sealer in the manner he may ask a village sensei. In the clear night, the sand would radiate the warmth collected through the day, tapering off the brisk desert winds and allowing the pair to remain comfortable as they walked deep into the nighttime. Yōsei's intrinsic connection to nature permitted his internal compass to function effortlessly, and yet he did not lead them in a straight line toward the city, favoring a curve which would position their route in such a way they would intersect with pockets of known resistance, rogue ninjas and the like. The Sealer would intend to provide a series of trials for the young shinobi, aimed at delivering to him the knowledge he would need to understand; the life he had chosen would not wait for him to be ready, and he must face death without fear.

3000 trains kkg

Last edited by Yōsei on Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:05 pm; edited 3 times in total

6In Soma (inv) Empty Re: In Soma (inv) Thu May 24, 2018 10:49 pm



Tenjin agreed to the restrictions given to the title of Master of the young shinobi, “You will be my mentor then.” Tenjin would say closing his eyes once more seeing an outline of Yosei clearly even with his eyes closed. So, it's not just me seeing him that's doing this, it was an afterimage effect, which made Tenjin ponder about a technique that can replicate the same physical properties as this phenomena. So while looking at Yosei, he couldn’t help but notice an outline about him as if he were a character drawn into the world like an animated series. Even now with all the shades and colors of Yoseis clothes, and skin tattooed, he could watch the outline move as Yosei moved when he spoke.

When asked who he wanted to be, and whether his hearts ached for war, Tenjin felt the need to respond with all seriousness as he walked behind Yosei, who leads the way, “When the Tsuchikage disapeared, Fate, at least in one respect, had made its decisions. In the next couple of days after his departure, I had gone to to the administration office to take the entrance examination for the Academy. I had set out after a short life strictly focused on academic endeavours to join the shinobi ranks despite my late start I was convinced that, despite my lack of ninja training, passing the academy would be child's play especially in regards to how quickly I graduated from the Diamond Heights University. At the Academy, I had been by far the best in my class at working hard, and since then my ability had developed amazingly; my own satisfaction caused me to take a joyful pride in hoping for the best. Yet sometimes a drop of bitterness was shown in its appearance as I did not graduate at the top of my class. Nevertheless, as a genin, my talent for taijutsu seemed to be excelled, only by my talent for ninjutsu, especially in almost all fields of elemental manipulation. At the same time my interest in being a shinobi as such increased steadily, and this development was accelerated after the couple weeks' trip to Kumogakure for the chunin exams which I saw but did not participate in when only a couple of days removed from becoming a genin. The purpose of my trip was to study the culture in Kumogakure as well as their architecture, but I had eyes for scarcely anything that may help me out for war times. From morning until late at night, I ran from one object of interest to another, but it was always the buildings, and the clans of Kumogakure which held my primary interest. For hours I could stand in front of the administration building in Kumogakure, and for hours I could gaze at their shinobi lifestyle; the whole chunin exams seemed to me like an enchantment out of storybook.” He would say opening his eyes back up before he spoke, he didn’t keep them closed long, merely longer than one could blink.

“Now, you ask me if I long for war…” after a short pause, Tenjin would continue, “I seek to defend my fair village with everything I got, waiting with burning impatience for my time to contribute to the greater good, but also with confident self-assurance, for the results that I am capable of achieving. I am so convinced that I will be successful that when War was considered a possibility, it struck me as a bolt from the blue, how joyous it has made me. It was a rather cynical experience as I have never felt glee for the sake of war, I only which that I do not become a masochist. Yet that is what happened, for the first time in my young life, I was at odds with myself. For what I had just heard about war seemed like a lightning flash, suddenly revealing a conflict with which I had long been afflicted, although until then I had no clear conception of its why and wherefore. In a few days I myself knew that I should someday become a soldier for my village in war.”

Tenjin would walk after a short moment of silence just to begin his talking points once more, “As for the person I long to be, there are some truths which are so obvious that for this very reason they are not seen or at least not recognized by ordinary people. They sometimes pass by such truisms as though blind and are most astonished when someone suddenly discovers what everyone really ought to know. Shinobis come and go by the hundreds of thousands, but shinobi world leaders, whether a Kage or a Sannin are met with less frequency. Thus men without exception wander about in the garden of Nature, they imagine that they know practically everything and yet with few exceptions pass blindly by one of the most patent principles of Nature's rule: the shinobi world is construed as being the type in which survival is meant for the fittest, and only the strong survive. I long to be a force of nature if that’s understandable, if only for the sake of my village and its inhabitants.” Tenjin looked up at the night sky as he continued his walk alongside Yosei. Thinking about the physics of cosmology the young shinobi then decided to gallontly ask his master a question that seemed to encompass everything he doesn't know of Yosei.

Looking up at the mysterious shinobi, Tenjin would begin by sharing some common astronomical knowledge gathered in his University courses in particle physics, “Did you know that it takes the sunlight 8 minutes to reach the earth. Meaning that if the sun ever shuts off, we will only get wind of it 8 minutes afters its cause. This seems like a strange concept, but the stars in the sky, how long do you think the photons take to be emitted from those stars, as they travel through the vacuum of space to reach our eyes?” Tenjin awaited for an answer to his rhetorical question as he has a larger point to make finishing off by saying, “It’ll take years from some stars, centuries even from others, and a lot more for the rest. So if the origin of that light ever stopped shining, we wouldn’t know until the proper time elapsed. Meaning…” Tenjin would look up once again, “When we look at the stars, we could possibly be looking at ghosts. Suns who one day housed habitable worlds, but have now been dead for years, and centuries even.” The young shinobi then looked at the ghost who stood in front of him, “Every array of light travels at the constant speed of light with an immeasurable story to tell, simply waiting for an object to absorb its properties. Now, tell me more about yourself, and why you chose this lifestyle? Im sure any village would love to have you as their Kage and consequently any Kage would love to have a soldier like you within their borders. Why give all of that up?” Tenjin thought as he continued on the path with his new mentor. It was a strange turn considering that Tenjin was used to being in Iwagakure no sato, but this felt right. It felt as if he was making the right choice in order to become a prominent shinobi in the ninja world. Tenjin thought about his training, and how much more powerful he should become by the time he returns back home. The goal of protecting Iwa threw thick and thin was becoming a closer reality with the young chunins intense training session, and coming here ahead of the Iwa onvoy was beneficial at best as Tenjin was able to clear the zone for Iwagakure to be able to settle camps for a Sunagakure relief effort.


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