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1Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Empty Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:01 pm



Name: Water Release: Water Prison Technique (水遁・水牢の術 ~ Suiton: Suirō no Jutsu)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Suiton/Water
Range: 3m
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 4 posts
Cooldown: 7 posts
Description: The user expels water from his or her mouth in order to trap an opponent for a certain amount of time. However, once the target is trapped, the user must maintain close physical contact with the sphere, meaning that he or she must also remain in place. Once the contact is broken, the jutsu is completely dissolved. The person within the prison is unable to escape unless he or she makes the user break contact with the sphere. This can be done by use of any raiton technique, since contact with water would electrocute the user, or any technique B rank or higher.  The user cannot use another technique while this one is in play. Techniques that have been previously set, however, are not cancelled, provided that they do not require the user's attention and constant control.

Once upon a time there once lived a little fairy girl inside a hillside. With rainbow hair and a smile always on her face, she was the sweetest little fairy to be found. However being sweet and kind, especially to oneself, doesn’t attain dreams and ambitions. So the sweet little fairy was due to turn from her fairytale home to the cold and miserable lands for training from self-worthll push her demeanor and self worth to their limits - even if it stole the shine from her soul.

So the sweet little fairy, Meiyo is her name, was determined to become stronger than she had ever become before. According to her strict regimen of exercise and daily expectations, her calender expected nothing less than a better Meiyo. It was time to not just give 110% but 200% of all Meiyo, all day; and well all night if it meant. Her alarm awoke her at four am on the dot. The sun hadn’t even touched the horizon yet and she was wide awake. She brushed her hair, brushed her teeth, and slipped into some clothes. She chose to wrap her necessities in black wrap three times over, practically mummifying her arms, legs and chest. She then pulled on a long sleeve, breathable dress in plum purple that crossed in the front and tied in the back into a thick bow that she double knotted. She slipped into her black sandals and attached her standard weapons pouch to her right thigh as well pulled on old leather brown backpack that was worn from many trips like these before. Adorned with her shinobi headband atop her head to keep her bangs out of her face, she clasped her hands together and left a silent morning prayer to the candle at the base of the tree carved into the wall and all the names adorned there. With a deep breath, she was ready to go.

Out the door she went from the small hill she lived in and across the field towards the training grounds that were basking in bright silver moonlight. Nothing stirred this early in the morning, save a few messenger birds quietly soaring back and forth from their posts. It was the hour all predator and prey were resting and she had the primest opportunity for a sweet spot on the grounds. As luck would have it, she found one. A small clearing with plenty of strong, tall trees with a small pond only a few meters wide. Heavy boulders and small holes beyond the pond indicated an earth shinobi may have practiced recently. But that only made the atmosphere more special. The moon danced in the waters refraction to almost crown it as such. There wasn’t a soul for miles out here so she was sure not to be disturbed. Though quite the social butterfly on any normal day, this day and the week to follow required the utmost concentration and dedication. The young girl settled her back pack against a stump along the edge of the tree line, a few feet from the waters edge. She was careful to nestle it at an angle that it’s weight would not have it fall nor would it disturb the patches of moss and mushroom that grew from the bark. For now the contents of the bag were not needed and so she moved towards the center of the small clearing. She settled down to sit on her knees and the hems of her dress. Long rainbow hair settled in small curls on the ground, mixing with the grass. She pulled her palms together as if to pray and closed her eyes, however instead of a quiet prayer for the souls she’s lost she quieted and cleared her thoughts. Slowly her mind came at ease from the excitement that surrounded her. From within she worked to peel away the layers of anticipation and worked through the more unsatisfying layers of sadness and fears. These would have burned her alive if they had been real, and even within her head it almost felt like a battle to the death to hush and shove away the demons of her past that ran rampant. She thanked the universe everyday she didn’t have an affinity for the fire element. For now though, she needed the strength to balance herself. Carefully she found it. Forcibly she slammed the demons into a temporary cage. It wouldn’t hold them long, but it would have to be enough.

Peace. Peace and tranquility was all that was left. These feelings of calm were intoxifying. Rarely she was allowed the feelings. Either she was running from her nightmares or tormented by them. Either way, it was nice.

She found within herself the affinity she did have, that of the water element. It was a precious element that in nature expressed nurturing behaviors, but could also be the destructive and deadly power a shinobi could use. The goal this morning was to accomplish that of the latter. It shook her soul to perform tasks that threatened her sense of morale. In this the day of peace though, one must always be prepared for war. She’d have to swallow her heart and carry forward.

Swiftly she worked through the hand signs. Her chakra hummed to her call, radiating warmth beneath her skin. She guided it to travel up past her aching heart towards her mouth. With the right balance she pressed her lips until she felt the pressure. At the right moment she expelled water from her mouth in a fluid rush like a hose. Carefully she guided this chakra water to swirl around into a sphere, growing and growing. More and more she filled it with water until it was that of a small beach ball. She slipped her left hand into it, feeling the coolness and that of the steady chakra that wrapped and guided it so. She continued to allow it to swell and fill with water. It grew to the size of her. Then it grew to the size of a large man. She pushed it to her limit when no more water would come. Opening her eyes she found herself playing a balancing act with the sphere. It wobbled about itself but hung sturdy in the air. Her gold eyes shown proudly at her work on the first try. Carefully she tried to pull her hand out, and suddenly she lost her balance and the water dispersed, soaking the ground.

Muddy and wet she took a deep breath to wave away the surprise and frustration that pulsed. The young fairy girl rolled each shoulder and cracked her neck. Stretching out her fingers she cracked those to. You got this. Focus.

Meiyo reached inside herself and focused her chakra again. Much faster than the first time, she flipped through the hand signs and opened her mouth. Water spewed out like a fast river flowing and bending itself to her will. It formed a sphere and she slipped her hand inside to control the balance of element and chakra formation. More and more water expelled until she met her limit of a three meter ball of water. This time it was steady, not teetering. It held strong, for a liquid. She looked it over very carefully. There could be no flaw, no rashness to this technique. Glaring at her slight reflection she released the jutsu.

Not fast enough, again.

Again and again she performed the jutsu. Each time she gained momentum and even more control. She polished the jutsu in speed and in detail. It was her intention to open this week with strength and accomplishment and she wouldn’t take anything less. Perfection or die. Train or die. Master it or die.

Tired and worn with the high noon sun baking her back and curling her wet hair, she breathed heavily. Before her stood the perfect Water Prison. Finally, after so many tries, she had done. Caked in mud she stood with the jutsu, marveling at her first accomplishment. She’d worn her chakra to the bare bones. She had only enough to stay awake and stand, but pride, pride carried her on. Slowly she released the jutsu. Water flooded the meadow even more. The entire space had become drenched. Looking up with tired gold eyes she hoped the sun would dry much of it. For now, she was going to rest, it would be a long day.

Carefully she walked over to the nearest tree, grabbing her bag along the way. She hung it on a branch and pulled a thin blanket out. She hung this up on a longer branch, untied her dressed and came to the water. She washed it carefully and hung it in the sun to dry. Now in nothing but wraps she grabbed her blanket, climbed up the tree and snuggled herself on a wide branch to rest. Her long hair hung long like a flag of triumph and the last to be heard were quiet snores of an exhausted fairy.

WC 1509
Needed WC 1000
Balance +509

Last edited by Meiyo on Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Empty Re: Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:01 pm



Name: Taijutsu: Strength Boost
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: None
Range: Contact
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Maintainable with -5 chakra each additional post
Cooldown: Duration +2 Post
Description: The user draws chakra to up to two limbs that give a +1 to strength and -1 to speed when used against an opponent with their hit/kick. This jutsu is maintainable with a -5 chakra per post.

The young girl awoke from the sun peaking through the branches and poking at her eyes. Drowsily she yawned, reaching up and rubbing a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth. She stretched her arms high above her hair that looked more like a birds nest - leaves and twigs to match. Looking about she found she was still the only one in her sweet little neck of the woods. Still half asleep she lifted the blanket, wrapped it around her shoulders and kind of just slid off the branch. Landing in a half done crouch, the cold of the ground was still a great reminder of what she had accomplished so far. Though there was much to be done. Still hung where she left it, she pulled on her dress. It clung stiffly to her body. Without a proper washing it still itches with grains of dirt and was damp in a few places. She tried to put it out of her mind as she walked over to the pond’s edge.

With a splash of water on her face she felt more or less refreshed enough to face the day. Given from the sun’s angle she’d had a long enough rest. For a nap it had been decent as well. Not a nightmare in sight this moment. Either she was winning her battles or she had exhausted herself enough. Regardless she was content. With a determined look in her gold eyes, she tightened her head band and tied up her long mess of hair into a bun with a twig from the mud.

She crossed the meadow to the thickest of trees on the western side. She wasn’t sure what type they were but they were broad and looked strong and ready for a beating. The little fairy stretched her fingers, rolled her shoulders, neck and jogged a bit. Warm ups were important, stretching too. She crossed her arms across her chest and then her back. She stretched her legs high against the tree and low into squats. For fun she stretched her limbs and played with her strength in a handstand before flipping back over and standing at the ready within arms reach of the tree at her mercy. With a crack of knuckles in her right fist she drew from the strength within her belly. Her chakra warmed and came to her call. Pulling her arm back she threw it towards the center of the tree with the full forces of chakra in her hand. Before this trip she had been reading that chakra not only could be applied through elemental varieties but also as a reinforcement to limbs. With the right application she theorized that she could grow in strength and force just from chakra alone, if only for a short period. This would allow her the advantage of gaining a little on stronger foes or shortening a fight. In all this it was enough motivation the moment she read strength.

She drew chakra to her left fist as she alternated hands. Throwing a punch into the tree a bit of bark chipped. Neither strikes had the full force she had expected of herself with this jutsu. These were showing merely the strength she already carried, maybe a point or two more but not enough. Gritting her teeth she tried again with her right. The same effect, only a bit of bark. She rotated through her fists until the bark shattered and a mark began to be crack into the wood. Perspiring and panting she worked her arms until they tired. When they were heavy, worn and of no use she moved to her foot work. Her legs struck the trees hard until they cracked. She bore no mercy upon them. She fought for the need to be stronger, to be faster, to be more of herself. She trained to be enough for her village, to protect all she loved and held dear. She worked, rotating her limbs until the trees broke under her force more easily than from when she began. She strained until they cracked from every blow.

With the sun on her back and trees in shatters, she believed she had accomplished her task. She had tired herself and was gasping for air. She stood bent over with hair sticking out from all ends and dirt and bark sticking to her limbs from her very own sweat- but a smile still showed on the little determined fairy. Never how hard a task was would she falter. Where others gave in, she would shine.

With heavy limbs she turned towards the pond and drank from its clean waters. The cold water was quite refreshing, she didn’t want to stop drinking or splashing on her face. It was important, however, to remember there were other things to attend to. Meiyo crossed the meadow slowly, her feet dragging against her fiery will to move. Her backpack would fulfil another important task she had forgotten about. Within it were apples and nuts she had collected preparing for this trip. A snack break would provide more than enough for her to carry on.

The little kunoichi leaned and slid down the side of her sleeping tree. She still panted but worked to breathe deeply and bring her heart rate back down. From the shade of this tree and the sweet air and the cool mud beneath her, she had all she needed to gain a short rest. Filling her belly with an apply and handful of nuts, she regained some strength to carry onward. The needs of her body were met, and now it was to battle the mind. Carefully with aching limbs she stood back up to her feet again and crossed towards her shambles of woods. There were still some standing in this corner. She picked one and didn’t hesitate to draw her chakra and let a fist fly.

Fist after fist and leg after leg, she struck the trees again and again. Before she was training to gain momentum on the task, now she was training to affirm her understanding. Mastery only came through repetition she had read. So she repeated her task again and again until the sun hit the horizon. Her limbs on fire and her chakra low, she smiled wildly at the madness before her. Looking to her hands she knew. Underneath the torn wraps and bloody scrapes, she had done it. She had mastered her new jutsu.

WC 1080
Needed WC 1000
Balance +80

Last edited by Meiyo on Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Empty Re: Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:02 pm



Name: Wind Release: Slash (Fūton: Kiritateru ~ 風遁・切り立てる)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Fūton
Range: 15 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: The user waves his hand and creates multiple blades of wind from the fingertips, which combine to form a single, large blade of air. Measuring 2 meters in length, the blade travels at a speed of 10 m/s; it can cut 1½ inches at 5m or less, and 1-inch at 6m or more. The blade can also launch foes away up to 2m, and can stop even large objects (up to 250 lb) to delay their movement for the briefest of moments.

Meiyo rested for a long period at the bottom of the tree. She hadn’t even bothered to shake the bark and dirt from her dress and instead just laid in her filth of accomplishment. She’d exhausted herself from her previous training to the point that she was out cold, snoring and snoozing beneath the full moon. The corner of trees she had been training with were in shambles, but from the light of the moon, it was still a magical little place. A cozy neck of the woods one could say.

The cool of the air was nippy and in a few hours time it became too freezing. She groaned, irritated she had to awaken. Drowsily she contemplated grabbing her blanket and sleeping till dawn. However she knew herself better. There was much to do and little time to do it. Plus, if she got it done now, she could nap when it was warmer.

Shivering from her dirty clothes settled with dew, she arose, rubbing the freeze from her arms. The moonlight guided her way to the pond’s edge. With a splash of icy waters her blood started pumping, her heart jolted into a jog and adrenaline was at the ready. She could pull through. She could. She just had to keep telling herself it would all be worth it.

Without even a glance at what she must look like, she walked over to the next line of strong trees. From her taijutsu skills she new a focus way to hone her chakra and focus it over a smaller area. From previous jutsu she was skilled enough to handle her element. It was all a matter of will and focus. A yawn broke across her lips. No,no no! Focus! A crack in the night startle birds nesting nearby. Her face on one cheek pulsed red. Stay awake! Stay awake! Stay AWAKE!

“I can do this.” She huffed. Fighting another curl of a yawn from her chest. She held up her right arm and focused. She drew her chakra towards her arm. From the shake and wiggles she felt within, her chakra wasn’t as boastful as her spirit. She’d have to do this with a handicap. Neh, I work better under pressure. She theorized that she would only have four or five tries to get this done before she’d pass out or, well die. Chakra was a funny thing. Just like blood, loose a too much and that was the end of it. The curtain closes. For Meiyo though, pushing it to the limit was the only time it really got exciting.

She grit her teeth and focused her gold eyes at the tree ahead of her. She was determined to do this. She knew she could and she would. Slowly she played the balance between chakra and her element - wind. It was a great feeling. Neither hot, nor cold, yet you knew it was there. It was a part of every creature and when used it was a power that could persuade you, tantalize you. It was almost like magic. Though, not a kids show. She was always curious though what it had been like to find chakra out for the first time. Shaking her head aggressively, she fought against the straying thoughts. Focus! FOCUS! FOCUS!

A huff of breath slipped her lips. A curl of vapor twisted in the air. It was quite chill out. She focused her chakra to her fingertips. She stretched it out from her tips to extend in the air. They slowly lengthened like knives pulling from their sheaves. These were thin, however. Like senbon stretching from her fingers. Handy, but not what she was going for. She needed more control. And from the look of things, she was missing the special element that would pull it all together in the first place. A yawn slipped passed her guard. She broke the chakra and rubbed her left eye with the palm of her hand. “I just need to wake up and focus.” She chided herself. “Sleepy or not, this is getting done within the hour.”

And when Meiyo made a promise, a promise was kept or her death would foot the bill.

Again she brought chakra to her fingertips. This time they were thick and trembled with against the bracing strength of her wind element. Seeing the quiver was satisfying. She was headed for the right direction. Carefully she guided the extended chakra to lengthen and then snap together. It thickened and became strong like  a blade and stood at two whole meters of length. It was transparent but she could feel its strength boiling beneath her control. She looked about herself. Which would be the better target this time? She found a strong tree and positioned herself carefully in a low lung. With her right arm carrying the extended blade, she honed her focus and then released her arm with a long arched slash. The blade dug into the tree exceptionally well for the first try. The jutsu released itself as well. A one time stroke that was wound up only to strike carefully. A real weapon, like an actual katana would be repeatable. A small downside. She was a weapons person though. So she took great satisfaction from her work.

The tree bore cracked bark and an exposed wound of an inch deep. A tree though was stronger than flesh. She tried not to imagine what the effects would be to a body. Against her own will a flash of a blue eye and the burnt body of a small girl took the shape of the tree from view. The smell of burning flesh and smoke stung her lungs. Like a flash of lightning, the vision was gone. And she was left choking on nothing but clean air. Sweating and gripping the scars on the back of her neck, she stepped back rapidly from the tree. She blinked, then again, and again. The haunting vision didn’t return. “It’s not real.” She told herself breathlessly. Did she believe in spirits? Not exactly. Of a realm beyond the living? She wasn’t sure. But these visions haunted her dreams and chased her in the night. They were real as real could torture the mind.

WC 1048/3637
Jutsu Needed WC: 1000
Balance for this jutsu: 48

Last edited by Meiyo on Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Empty Re: Determined [Training Jutsu - Closed] Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:02 pm



Name: Wind Release: Dome Defense
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Defensive
Element: Wind
Range: Diameter of 3 meters dome
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: Three posts
Description: The user draws the air around them, maintaining a steady stream of chakra that allows the air to tightly swirl and press closely around them into a dome of 3 meters diameter or smaller. Within the dome, the air is still, but without there is wind spinning in and out of itself creating a barrier. B-Rank jutsu would break through the defense and hit at -2 ranks of damage., but the dome can withstand two C rank or three D rank attacks.

Shaken from the vision of the blue eyed girl, her throat stinging from burns that were non-existent, she trembled as she crossed to the center of the field. Once confident, though sleepy, she was now hulked over holding her arms around herself in fear of her nightmares that did nothing but torture her existence. Was she never to escape these demons? It was hard to tell. All she knew was fear was a part of who she was, maybe more than she cared to mention and she had to, one day, learn to live with it. Her strongest strategy was to bear the truth of her fears, swallow them and push on. Even through the suffering, she had to push on.

“I wasn’t able to protect you then,” she mumbled, trembling from more than the cold in the air. “But I have to grow strong enough to protect others now. So please, back to your cages.” her voice faltered to a mere whimper. A hot tear rolled down her cheek, stinging like acidic guilt. In her mind’s eye she pushed and she shoved until finally, the hell fires cooled and the embers turned to ash around her feet. Slowly she cracked her wet eyes opened, to peer at the moon above her head. She breathed in the night air deeply, letting the refreshing morning mist settle the burn in her throat. Her fears were slowly retracting, releasing their icy grips from her spine. For how long she had her freedoms, she didn’t know. The shackles never hung too far. She had to take the chance to enrich the time she did have.

The final jutsu she had to complete was just the jutsu she needed to bring back a sense of safety. Still wrapped around with her arms, she carefully lifted a finger at a time. Swallowing back the terror of letting go she lifted one arm at a time. First the right and then her left. Shaking, still terrified she was alone, and in a sense naked, without protection, it was a hard battle to lift her arms for herself. In later times she’d have laughed at herself. As of now there was no humor. Anxiety never was a laughing matter. Depression was a blanket of slow death. To have both, well, one could probably picture the darkness that enveloped the very soul of this small kunoichi.

Once free of her arms, she drew the chakra from her center outwards towards the air that encircled her. She guided it and churned it, slowly flipping through a few hand seals to focus it into the shape pictured she had shaped in her mind. She envisioned a circle, no a dome that would enwrap the user and be the protection against other attacks. From a previous encounter, her battle with a particular red headed shinobi, she had found a few holes in her defenses that needed patching. From intense studying, she found that one hole could be filled with a defense jutsu. Most the ones she carried before this adventure were offensive and albeit useless in the particular style she needed for the time. She had learned her lesson though and was now countering. She’d challenge that man again, as soonest she was ready with the right jutsu.

With the dome in mind, she stepped up the game. She churned the air with her chakra. Almost immediately it turned at her call and came flowing through the air like a strong gale force. Her dirty, now faintly rainbow, long hair whipped around like a torn flag. Bits of sticks and dirt shook out of it. She knitted the winds together to spin around and around fervently. First in front of her it formed like a large shield about the size of a hula hoop. And then it grew, expanding slowly. It wrapped around her body until it was almost form fitting, extending only about a foot away from her in all directions. She pushed the dome outward, growing it taller and wider until it stood at a more comfortable distance. Once it settled, she looked over. Her tongue flicked across her lips. Satisfaction begun chasing away those fears and insecurities that consumed her so. She had done it again. The dome stood out from her at a bout a three meter diameter. It was a few feet above her head and the wind held strong, swirling in and out of itself all around her body. She could feel the roaring strength of her chakra from within hold strong in the depths of the breezes that protected her. She knew that it was all she needed and ever wanted in terms of a barrier.

Pleased she stretched her arms and fingers outwards. The jutsu broke easily under her will. Winds dispersed and rolled strongly across the field in all directions. Tall grasses and flowers danced in the winds and leaves and petals that were picked up twirled almost happily. Moonlight shone brightly upon the little kunoichi. It lit her light skin up like a porcelain doll in the dark. Her gold eyes showed almost silver from the star light. She stood. Messy, filthy more like, but tall. She stood tall and proud. And tired.

Another yawn slipped her lips. She held up a hand to catch it. Rubbing a sleepy eye she crossed the field. Scooping up her backpack and blanket that laid upon tree roots, she turned towards home. This was it for now. She had done it. She had mastered the jutsu she had set out here for. And now it was time to train herself to sleep. It would be a long trek, one she hardly remembered but thankfully made safely. The home in the hill wasn’t too hard to spot. Through the one window could be seen the little candle at the base of a tree carved into the walls. It shown bright with its small glow. She smiled at it as she came closer to her small patch of land. It was a bit of peace in her humble little fairy-like home. She crossed the small stone stepping stones, trailing a finger through the bushes of flowers that stood tall on either side waiting for her return. The wooden door creaked on its old rusted hinges as she pulled it open. “Home sweet home.” She hummed.

Tired as ever could be, she dropped her backpack by the door, closed the door and fell into her bed just a few feet away. She was out like a light before she hit the bedding.

-Exit Thread -

WC 1095/4732
Jutsu needed WC: 1000
Balance for this jutsu alone: 95

Total WC Balance: 732/4732 subtracting jutsu wc

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